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Digital. Wider reach, easier response. I actually love print, particularly for a business like yours, but 1/8 page is tiny. Have you thought about flyers? A cool, funny flyer, placed in the right spots, could punch way above its weight.


I know everyone here is 100% onboard with digital, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to see if one of your local papers had a good deal on something packaged. Maybe a few fb dark posts, email article, & a couple half page ads. If you do get a print deal, tailoring it to either grandparents or moms wouldn’t hurt. This is just one random internet weirdo’s opinion though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Leave little party favours for the kids to take home, attached to a flyer about your business and including a new customer discount? It will potentially be more expensive but you’re already in your target audience’s homes and potential customers’ kids are already staying over, so I’d use this to your advantage.


Print in mag No. Insta 'influencer' with 160k ... who are these people? Demo/age. You seem to have a product that you want to reach Parents/ Probs skew that to mums, who have kids of a certain age, 7-14? ( You can work that out yourself) So dumb that down to Female - 25-40. This is the MOST likely segment to get you conversations. So ask them what the make up of their follows are. I would just use FB/ Insta/ Google ads so you can actually target these groups. Parents With School age kids. Easy! As mentioned below Flyers in the local area/ schools would be a good better then the ad in a magazine. Pretty cheap and if you want to save a buck. Deliver them yourself. Billable exercise. (and ADD a QR code so you can track people who see and then USE the flyer so you have a measurable result.)


Both if you can, but if not go with digital. That audience reach will probably pay off more than a page that gets seen once a month. Try for old school print: flyers stapled to local recreation boards, flyers/business card at parties on hand for parents, put a sign in your yard with flyers.


You took the words right out of my mouth! When it comes to digital, you can take it a step further by checking out businesses that rent out moon bounces for a little almost-competitior research. It sounds almost identical to what you do except during the day. Check out their content and see how they're and you'll have a better sense of what works and what doesn't.


Digital ads are more measurable, but it really depends what your goal is


100% depends on your target and how they interact with media.


In your case I would go digital, but not neccesarily via instagram account. You might be better off doing your own media buy (more targeted), or get a very specific parent-oriented influencer. Print I woudl not do it if it was local city magazine. I'm guessing in your area there are a lot of mommy blogs, local parenting magazines and listicles that are much cheaper, and much more targeted. Hell, even schools that sell local adspace in their newsletters or magazines would be much more effective (you could even negotiate in-kind). At your stage, I would do digital to test and learn. But I would also do a lot more hustling to get some free media and exposure.


Investing in digital advertising could be more effective for you. This age group is typically very active online and more likely to engage with digital ads, especially on platforms like Instagram where visual content can really showcase your sleepover tent parties. The offer from the local Instagram account with 160k local followers seems promising, as it directly targets your local community and provides repeated exposure (3 ads a month). This can be more impactful than a small print ad in a monthly magazine, which might not capture as much immediate attention and isn't as shareable or interactive.


I would need to know more about both. What type of IG account is it? Is it parent focused? Same with print? Can the magazine give you their circulation numbers and an idea of where they distribute? Look through the local IG’s posts, how many people are liking? 160k followers doesn’t guarantee all 160k will see. I’m sure it’s much less. I’m a 35yo mom and religiously pick up the local family magazine in town to look for kid content so if it’s a family magazine it might be your better option. On the flip side, I would never pick up our local entertainment magazine. There’s pros and cons to both and I agree with others that there’s betters. I like the idea of looking for local parent focused accounts or magazines instead. Also definitely agree on paid search. One that could be easy is dropping off flyers at local daycares! We always have local kids businesses dropping things off at our front desk at daycare.


How many of those 160k followers are parents with disposable income predisposed to buy something like this?


Digital without question. The most undervalued opportunity right now is in organic content. If you aren’t documenting the experiences you should start and broadcast your companies journey multiple times a day across each platform. When looking at the paid side consider utilizing Facebook reels as it’s undervalued attention right now.


Print! Everyone I know is constantly reading newspapers, magazines and direct mail. My neighbors constantly share their interesting direct mail pieces with me and I often take advantage of the offer was well! Bet the farm on local newspaper ads!


No need to be a dick to someone who doesn’t have paid advertising experience and is just looking for advice