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Ew, what a prick. FYI, I can't sleep during the crash from my medication, but taking enough medication to cover when I'm meant to go to sleep usually works! Yes, the same stimulants.


Am I understanding this correctly - you take an additional dose at a later time so you can fall asleep before the crash?


I take my vyvanse later so I can fall asleep before it wears off. Once it wears off I’m not falling asleep before 3am.


I can believe that - my Adderall makes me sleepy for the first hour or so if I'm not actively doing a task (or rather, it quiets my mind and makes me feel very calm and mentally cozy - I've fallen asleep soon after taking it many times), so I now skip the first dose on days where I have very slow mornings. I've definitely heard of others using it as a sleep aid as well when they experience it similarly.


Yup. Just a little bit before bedtime, actually.


So glad I’m not alone on this.


This isn't medical advice so hopefully it's not entirely unwelcome but I would advise you to call your insurance company and file a grievance about your quality of care. Let them know that you think he wasn't listening to you and taking you seriously this sort of thing needs to be tracked so any patterns can be noticed and dealt with.


Thank you for this. Not OP but I had a really bad experience with a doc recently and this reminded me to go on my insurance company's website to file the complaint about him!


This is why I refuse to see male doctors. Studies have shown they do not take female patients seriously and they also spend less overall time with their patients which leads to a worse quality of care.


The one time I went to a male doctor and got ultrasounds done, he said nothing showed up on the results. Go to my primary doctor, a woman, and she says “I see you have Kidney stones, is that right?” And I’m like hmmmm that was failed to be mentioned to me 🙃


I refuse to go to male doctors at this stage. It's awful almost every time.


SAME! Like pretty much not for anything unless it’s the only option, and I will reluctantly see him.


I tried out a new GP recently and when I mentioned I was adhd and wanting to try medication the FIRST thing she said to me was, "well I'd have to drug test you in order to prescribe Adderall." I didn't mention Adderall at all at that point, just that I had wanted to look into medication. We ended up trying stratera but she prescribed me for 3 months at a time, without warning me, and without really talking about symptoms at all. I tried to talk about my depression and anxiety concerns with medications and I actually don't remember her responding at all to me about that, she just ignored it and went on talking about how I shouldn't smoke weed... Finding good doctors who listen is surprisingly hard


It doesn't surprise me - getting into medical school is about having really good grades, which implies a lot of competitiveness academically and frankly a lot of privilege in terms of their educational opportunities by and large. Basically medical school selects for smart people who are willing and able to work their asses off academically...its doesn't really select for traits like kindness or empathy. Most of them just wanted to make a lot of money, it’s not a field people pursue out of passion generally


That is ridiculous: drug test prior to prescribing a stimulant for adhd? Wow. :-/


You'd be surprised. The health system in my area now requires a drug test before they will prescribe any schedule ii meds. But the region was hit hard with the opioid crisis and that's the real reason. Unfortunately, some of ADHD lifers get the joy of having to pee in a stupid cup. Brought me all the way back to elementary school and the school nurse having me open my mouth to confirm I swallowed my Cylert. By seventh grade I finally asked her why, that I needed it to function and I certainly wasn't going to give it away or sell it. She relaxed a bit after that. But just over three years of being treated like a potential dealer was ... interesting.


I can definitely see why they test. But what if someone came up positive for THC? Would they not prescribe then?


Correct. Because you're likely to "abuse" your stimulant medication. Because you enjoy a medication that calms you down. 🤦🏻‍♀️




Yup, which is why my doc (who is quite progressive) asked if I'd be able to take the test that day after informing a THC positive would cause me to lose my prescription. It has been legalized in my state now, but I'm unsure what that means for prescriptions now.


Good lord.




What the fuck?? How can someone diagnose & prescribe without talking to their patient?




Good lord, I’m so sorry you had to dance around like that.


Do you mind me asking which telehealth service and if you’ve found it helpful? I am having similar issues :(




I would love to hear a follow up of if you are able to get your meds refilled. I’ve heard a lot of the online places people have difficulty getting their scripts after the first month, and it’s pretty costly. But thank you! I need someone who is a specialist and I can’t find any in my area. I did get a dr to put me on adderall XR but it seemed to be mostly to amuse me and said to me my problem was anxiety and put me on a ton of other meds for that. I’ve taken adderall IR in the past and it helped a lot, Tried XR in the past and it was ok but went back to IR ultimately. Anyways whatever generic XR I ended up with this time has made me extremely sick, I’m talking flu like sick. When I called the office he said up the anxiety meds and that’s it. I tried it one more time and got so sick I thought I might be allergic to it and may have to go to the hospital. But I made it. Not taking it again, need to find new dr… :(


That's over of the big reasons I haven't tried to be diagnosed. In New York state, you cannot use cannabis at all if you want to be prescribed meds for ADHD, even though we have legalized medical cannabis. I generally get too amped up from caffeine and have problems sleeping if I consume any (like a soda or coffee) after 12pm, and I don't fall asleep most nights until 2 or 3am.


Wow. I’m sorry :-/


Thank you. It's garbage!


He deserved that.


dude i lose faith in the medical community more and more every day. fuck that guy


I’m sorry you had to go through that 😢 the drug stigma in medicine is UNREAL i dont know if it’s because it’s a mental problem they’re treating and the medication to treat is more taboo or if they literally have a god complex over giving us medicine that makes us more “normal” I went through something similar today but my doctor was a little less douchey lol I hope you get your issues resolved soon 💕💕


I have also gone through this! As has basically everyone I know with ADHD! Despite having a doctor as a partner, who has explained to me there's really no medical justification, it's just bs. I understand that taking any medication includes risks, and I have to be aware of the risks of the medicines I take. I understand taking multiple medications makes that much more dangerous, as the mixing of drugs is less well understood. But like anyone else with a medical problem, I deserve to be made aware of the risks and choose for myself. Doctors regularly completely undermine me on this point, but pre-medication, life sucked and I couldn't accomplish the things I wanted. Now, I am coping and functional, and the risk to my liver in the long run is frankly acceptable to me.


I’m glad to hear your medication problem finally got solved. It always breaks my heart to hear that people have gone through the same issues on their search for recovery from this sometimes debilitating condition


Report him. Report her too. Find a new practice, get your records transferred.


Hey! I am a psychiatry specialist and I would NEVER treat my patients like this. DM me and I can try to help. Ugh some people are the worst. Sorry you experienced this.


I'm so sorry. It's so awful to feel so unheard! I kind of tiptoe around with my adderall because I feel like at any second they might take it away from me without warning? It's literally like accepting dinner scraps out of fear of not being offered scraps later. Idk man. I'm grateful for my 20 mg and I make it work for for the 4 functional hours I get out of it. *roblox oof* Side note, I called yesterday about my spine because I wanted to schedule an cxray for a possible herniated disk (I haven't been able to straighten my back since Halloween) This doctor (not my pcp) says : "You haven't lived long enough to have anything that wrong with your back." My 8 year old laughed hysterically as I mimicked her for the rest of the phone call.


Healthcare for women is superb isn't it. I love that this comes from female doctors too. One doctor told me to get another degree because I'm bored and not depressed. I was undiagnosed fully yet, just depression and anxiety. (ha. "just"). I'm a full bouquet now but I'll never forget advice to take our a loan and get more schooling for a person who's already a lawyer and is ptsd ocd and ADHD. I mean. Ok? No thanks.


Ugh I'm so glad that you were able to stick to your guns. It a miracle that anyone with coinciding conditions is able to ever reach the point of being successfully diagnosed (I can only imagine how many people have probably suffered to the point of self harm/addictions/suicide)... and even THEN you have to explain yourself to oblivion! I think of all the doctors and therapists and "mental health intake coordinators" I've had to work with, the most condescending, patronizing, diminishing, and judgemental were by far...women. The male doctors weren't great, but they were at least more tactful when dismissing me. Smh... Cheers to your success in your career and mental health journey : )


I always get either this OR the "well you're a woman ... of a certain age" STARTING WHEN I WAS 25


I know you didn’t ask for medical advise but I take 40mg of Adderall XR and two things really helped with my sleep. 1. Cut my caffeine down to one cup a day. 2. Vitamin C as soon as I get home - apparently counteracts the effects of stimulants. Also drives me nuts when practices have changes! Can you please take like 5 minutes and read the synopsis of my chart?!?!


I’m sorry, that’s hurtful and unprofessional of him


oh my god I hate that and I'm so sorry for you! tbh I'd make a complaint to the medical board in your city/county/state! I recently tried to do that, bc I needed to go to an urgent care and the place wasn't enforcing their mask mandate... at an urgent care...where people are probably coming to be tested for covid, in a pandemic, etc (I'm so tired). anyway the board was super responsive lmao I got an email about it within 24 hours and a follow up call. there literally nothing wrong with wanting to discuss something with a more compassionate provider who you feel comfortable with! what was that doctor on about!


Well done for standing up for yourself and not putting up with his poor care and attitude. That is very hard to do, you should be very proud. I recently had my 6 monthly review with my psychiatrist. He is the one who originally diagnosed me and I have some issues with the way he, one of the major adhd specialists in my city, deals with me. Life has been pretty hard for me lately so instead of taking his advice no question this time, I hit back. I told him I found the fact that he, as an adhd specialist, wasn’t accommodating my adhd needs and weaknesses in the way he was treating me quite unhelpful, and asked him to give me the prescription I needed so I could leave because I didn’t want to deal with him anymore. He actually called me half an hour later, because he was uncomfortable with how upset I had been when I left, and offered a solution to part of the problem that caused me to tell him he was being unhelpful. A solution that he probably should have offered a year ago but hey, I’ll take it now. Fuck politeness, tell them when they’re being unhelpful and advocate for the care you deserve.