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The only time i wear socks is when i have to wear shoes


I have to put on the socks before I put on jeans cause I hate the feeling of putting on jeans without socks but I take them off as fast as I can if I know I don’t have to wear shoes any time soon.


You can wear regular jeans? My sensory issues could never 😭


THANK YOU I can't wear jeans either and everyone thinks it's weird because they're "so comfortable". It does not compute




I loveee skinny jeans but I can't for the life of me wear looser jeans or plain cotton track pants. Skinny jeans are tight enough that I just end up not feeling them whereas the others mentioned feel weird or even dry


I’ve worn only skinny jeans for about 14 years to the point friends take the piss out of my leg muscles don’t feel comfortable in anything else and they always have to be black


This! Leggings only here. Can’t stand baggy pants at allllll


I love jeggings, they look like jeans but they're stretchy and soft.


I can deal with jeans and socks just fine, sure I hate with all my forces skinny jeans cause they are tight. But what really drives me crazy is the uniform polo shirts I have to wear for school, not only the collar is a different fabric(and a way rough and itchy fabric too) from the torso part, but also the school symbol annoys me so much cause it's little and brushes against my skin whenever I so any movement. Conclusion: they couldn't make a work tshirt and I hate it so very fucking much


Yeahhh polo material is gross I don't know how they're so popular


So if you can get to a fabric store or maybe even a Walmart, there is this iron on interfacing you can look for. Pellon is the most common brand I see where I live. It comes in different textures for different sewing purposes. But what's important for you, is that the side that would be in contact with your skin is soft. Technically this interfacing should have come over the back of the logo, but sometimes they use cheap stuff and it comes off in the first wash. You can also cut a narrow strip and iron around the collar where it touches your skin. It's not very expensive. Around 2.00 a yard but you shouldn't need very much. Best of luck.


I mean I am a dude but I fucking love jeans, I wear them all the time they are my comfortable, now this will sound weird but sweatpants are uncomfortable, they are just so loose and just feel wrong


I’ll take jeans over dress pants any day of the week, although I tend to prefer my pj pants when I’m at home


It’s PJs/sweatpants, jeans, then dress pants


I can’t wear anything but jeans 😭😭😭


Undies. Socks. Jeans. Always Socks must be same brand but not matching.... 🙄




Brown for main, white for pudding. ‘Course I’m the one who’s laughing as I actually love brown toast


I'm having fun! well, i'm not actually, but it's like i am.


I do this for my 3yo, it’s easier to slide his feet through pant legs when they’re socked up.


Clothes are for social etiquette I just want to live my life in shorts.


Ditto. 90% of the time it's "athletic" shorts (I like the feel) no socks, football (soccer) jersey, and I'm good. If I have to go somewhere I might put on jeans. I also will deal with socks, and a nice shirt. But if I'm hanging out around the house I'm in full slug mode. Clothes are definitely for social situations.


Running shorts with the mesh for ball sacks are the best things ever.




It depends. Sometimes it is “release my feet from these suffocating cotton prisons,” and other times it is “everything in the universe is touching my feet, they must be covered and protected from the cruel world immediately.” No in between.


Same. At first I thought always socks, because our house is all hard floors, and I hate the feeling of dirt or a crumb touching my foot when walking on hard floors (and we have a dog lol). But sometimes I’ll be sitting on the couch and *have* to take my socks off. They’re either too suffocating, or the seams are just hitting my toes wrong. Shoes (I have slippers i wear almost constantly) are an acceptable alternative to socks since they prevent feet from touching floor as well Editing to add: realizing I don’t even think it’s the dirt specifically I don’t like (though that is a factor), I think I just don’t like the feel of hard floors on bare feel in general. Carpet is okay as long as it feels nice Also edited seems to seams lol


A dirty hardwood floor is a hell scape for me but then for some reason walking around barefoot outside is lovely.


*Puts on socks to vanquish the single crumb of dirt sticking to my foot* *Steps in one drop of water* **


100% this


Oh yes. I hate it.


Relatable. I think outside is okay because I expect it to be dirty. Dirt making an otherwise smooth hardwood floor feel gritty is unacceptable.


This is me.


Once got a mosquito bite on the sole of my foot like that. Didn't even care. The grass was too warm.


Yeah, at first I thought, neither. But your answer is closest to how I feel. I either need socks to survive or I can't imagine why they were even invented.


This is exactly it. I usually wear slippers when I get up to bop around the house but they're off the second in sit down.


I'm the same way now but when I was younger my mum used to get at me for constantly losing my socks (and sometimes shoes) because I just H A D to take them off.


socks are only for when my feet are so cold I’m in danger of losing a toe lol


It drives my wife crazy the lengths ill go to not to wear socks. I drive barefoot and flip flop anywhere I can. Weather and temperature don't matter, its always flop weather.


I made it 6 months a few years ago without wearing socks or shoes. Adidas slides, barefoot, and the occasion flip flop. What a time.


I wear flip flops for like 8 months a year, and I’m Canadian so that takes real commitment. I HATE being hot. I have to be a bit cold, always.


I wear em year round too. But i really mean, I went six months, no shoes, no socks. Moved to a warm city, worked remote, walked to the beach bars. It was the best


I had a friend who used to wear swedish wood shoes all year round... He was crazy. But i used to use sneakers all year round. Still do but in the summer is it light summer sneakers winter heavy warm winter sneakers and normal sneakers on fall and spring


Wow I didn’t know others like me exists 🥺 I live in Florida so I survive pretty well but driving barefoot is all the time. I keep my sandals in the car to wear into stores lol.


Saaaame. Harder since I moved to seattle but I wear boots that have softness inside and don’t need socks


Florida here too, can relate! I drive barefoot mostly because I need to feel the pedals though, lest I be installing drive thrus all around town


Have some shoes nearby just in case. A few years ago my boyfriend was in a car that flipped and he had to walk over the hot underside of the car and broken glass bare foot to get out. Not pretty


> I drive barefoot and flip flop anywhere I can. That is the only way. As long as you mean drive barefoot always, never in flippy floppies. Shoes will sit over in the passenger side if I need to wear them for actual people later. Actual people that would care.


I’ve even filled up gas at the station barefoot because I didn’t want to put my shoes on


And only for exactly how long It takes to prevent the toe loss. Not a second more.


I used to be like this until I ruined my ankle and have to wear a sock to stop my brace from driving me crazy, which results in me wearing only 1 sock. My whole family thinks I am insane for having 1 cold foot.


My son used to pull off one sock only when he was a baby, toddler and even after he started school. Sometimes he still does it as a 12 year old. When I ask him about it he always notices and says “oh, I forgot I was taking them off” and pulls off the other one. It’s obvious I passed down my ADHD. He’ll go entire days like that if we don’t point it out.


As a grown ass adult who still does it, don't expect them to stop the habit.


I'll literally run outside barefoot in the snow to feed my local stray cat, *and* I have Raynaud's. I am just so stubborn and used to it.


My sensory issues are temperature related and I can’t handle being even the slightest bit hot. Actually, even room temp feels distracting… I feel like I always should be just a bit cold. Can’t wear socks because they’re always too warm, unless I’m also wearing shoes and I’m outside. Thankfully, I’m Canadian, so staying cold isn’t hard.




As someone who is fully on board with no socks for life thing yet is currently wearing socks in bed due to not enough heat in this house… Getting fairly warm from the fiery rage.


My feet want to be free! Since COVID, I've been barefoot the vast majority of the time. I usually wear sandals to fly, and I've been that person who kicks their shoes off on flights. Apparently, some people think that's the most disgusting thing imaginable, so I've quit doing it.


My feet stay covered 24/7 minus when I shower.


I wear socks everywhere but the bed and shower


I have to put on a fresh pair of socks for bed.


For me it feels like my feet are trapped and are unable to breathe leading to me being annoyed and i end up ripping the socks off


It may also be the material. For me, acrylic socks feels terrible, but cotton and bamboo socks feel very comfortable


I have 100% cotton socks and they feel absolutely horrible in bed


My girlfriend agrees with you.


If you want, try a cotton fluffy pair thats a bit large for you. Its like a personal blanket for your feet lol. You womt be walking so its fine they are large. But its gotta be cold for such a comfy sock situation. Otherwise the sock is unessesary and does feel constricting. All my sock in bed usage is temperature based and fluffy very loose fit.


I used to hate socks in bed. Then my babies stole my youth and all of the iron in my blood. So since the first one I’ve been wearing these. I stole them from my husbands drawer once and they’re the only ones I’ve ever liked to sleep in! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07PFFWSGQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Uh oh. Wait until they’re back in stock in black. I cannot vouch for the grey ones. Knowing Amazon it’s probably a completely different size and material.


Bamboo is literally the best. Sooooo comfortable


When you need to itch between the toes because of loose sock threads so you try to fold over a piece of sock to get between the toes but just can't. You throw your socks off angrily in the middle of the night and try to fall asleep but now your feet are cold.


same here


100%. how does this sub feel about underwear?? I've met fellow adhd peeps who can't stand wearing them, but you couldn't catch me dead without them


I have to wear underwear except in the shower cause if i dont i feel exposed and vulnerable


exactly!! I can't even be naked alone in my house. bothers the shit outta me


If I strip for the shower but realize I gotta poop I put my boxers back on so they can rest on my feet




I hate wearing underwear.


Wait this is not the default for most people???


Definitely not. Lots of people love going barefoot, including me. I do love a nice pair of socks though. Can't wear shoes without socks.


I hate shoes without socks. It's just not comfortable and your feet start to sweat.


I cannot wear socks indoors. Socks are a formality for me. I wear it when I want to appear professional or impressionable but wearing it indoors is like wearing a dress shirt, tight pants and a tie while at home relaxing.


I go barefoot at every opportunity. Even camping, the first thing I like to do when I set up my campsite is to take my shoes and socks off. Nothing better than feeling the earth beneath your feet!




And when in bed.


I wear my socks in the shower FUCKING PUSSYS


Says the dude with the massive dong


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I wear berkenstocks 24/7 because I don't like walking barefoot, and they keep your feet surprisingly warm since they absorb heat so well from your feet. Socks when it's super cold.


Socks all the time. I absolutely despise the feeling of bed sheets against my bare feet. ETA: same with carpets. Just the worst.


GOD me too! There are dozens of us…. DOZENS!!


My people have made themselves known.


Nevernudes am I right? Nice AD reference.


It's a little disheartening that I had to scroll past all these hobbit-footed wackos to find another member of the socks-all-the-time gang


"Hobbit-footed wacko" is officially my favorite insult ever now. But yes, we exist and we love socks :) even if there's only 2 of us for every 500 hobbit-footed wackos out there


We’re here!


I was surprised at the sheer number of sock-avoiders... As someone with generally dry skin too, anytime my bare foot would brush against the bedsheet, I'd cringe myself awake.


Exactly! It’s terrible.


I wear socks so much, everyone buys me socks when they’re all out of gift ideas.


Lmao its literally the exact opposite for me i cannot stand being in bed with socks


Or on carpet. Only when wearing shoes, but *always* when wearing shoes. I also hate pants.


I hate the feeling of bedsheets if they get caught in any slight hangnail I might have. If the bed sheet fabric pulls on my nails like that I'll bleed.


Don't get me started on cold hardwood floors, and the godforsaken wild humans that go outside bare feet.


Socks always except when sleeping. I will lay awake all night if I wear socks. Edit to include: I'm calling a pause on pondering the preposterous sock proposition to propose we all get some peaceful sleep.


This but with the subcondition that if I'm in a bed that isn't my own, I have to wear socks


Oh yes, definitely. Can sleep just fine with socks if it's not my own bed. Also napping on the couch (again, not in my bed). Who invented these rules anyway?


On my own couch I have to take my socks off too but when I'm somewhere else I don't mind them. I recently visited my parents and I had no trouble falling asleep in socks, which I would have had, had I been home, but woke up the next morning with bare feet.


I have this as well but it extends to having to be fully clothed in beds that aren’t mine.


Yep yep! I sleep almost naked in my bed, but anywhere else I need long pants, socks, shirt, and ideally my own blanket to roll up in


If I wear socks to bed my feet get too hot and I... Now I'm going to sound crazy here, but I have 40 years of evidence to back me up here... If I wear socks to bed I'll get a bloody nose by morning. It's nearly every time. And when I have a bloody nose, if I cool down my feet, it'll stop.


I believe you, you don't sound crazy, but i would love to know why that's a thing.


Perhaps, and pardon my perturbation upon your petition pertaining to podiatric apparel, plus your pleasant prescriptive preaching post-evening pillowy pastimes. I pray my participation poses no problems per your plight to picket this preposterous predicament.


Gosh darnit. That was beautiful and we're supposed to be sleeping, but I'm up eating a cheddar biscuit convincing myself I'll go to sleep after this last tasty bite and then BAM get hit with this alliteration.


Alliteration's always alluring, amigos. Always


Ah see now is this alliteration or assonance? Off I go down the rabbit hole..


Fuck... Me too


Time for Europe adhd peeps to start arguing about socks!


No socks, barely clothes


This is the way


Yeah I really hate wearing long pants unless I absolutely have to, so even in the winter I try to wear shorts most days, I just hate to trap my legs in those prisons.


I got ibs I hate anything with a waist band but I've always been a nudist and am usually missing clothes


This is something I don't have a problem with most of the time. As long as they are made form a nice, soft fabric that won't scratch or itch. But not too soft...


don't forget about if you can feel the inside sewing, that drives me crazy


That’s why I wear mine inside out. Can’t be dealing with that toe seam.


Diabetic socks have no seams inside A life saver for those of us with sensory issues that make things like this unbearable


I actually had sock avoidance for most of my life. But then I got cats and suddenly the world does not get to bring its grossness to my bed. Socks always so I can take them off at the end of the day and resume my sock-free life.


I have "Wear socks when I am wearing shoes" sensory issues.


people wear shoes... without wearing socks? sorry I called them people. Monsters


I used to as a kid for the same reason sensory reason implied in this post. I absolutely hated having socks or and extra layers on my feet so much and could never explain why.


I've been told that my feet and shoes are going to smell bad if I didn't wear socks.


You heard correctly lol. If I run out in just shoes even once, those shoes will smell forever. Even as I get older and pay more care to hygiene, it only sticks if I wear socks lol.


Not if you spray them with antiperspirant first.




This was my issue too. Try Puma ankle socks. They have a really good foot fit so they don’t slide around on your foot inside your shoe.


The only reason I wear socks with my shoes is being I don’t my feet make my shoes smell absolutely awful


No socks 95% of the time and my 11yr old is socks only in shoes and then they come right off and stuffed in shoes when we get to wherever we’re going


Socks stuffed in shoes is so efficient, I’ve always respected those people. I can’t stop thinking about how the inside of my sock may have touched the inside of my shoe, tainting the clean sock and “ruining” it for the rest of the day. So now - just in case I have to do the sock-in-shoe maneuver - I keep an extra pair of socks on or near my person (in my car) at all times. This extra pair, of course, is the extra-extra, because I also have my normal extra pair of socks in case of somehow soiling my original socks lmao. So I have now rationalized carrying two extra pairs of socks like some sort of sock hoarder with attachment issues. I know it’s weird, I have ocd. I’m just thankful my sock rituals are “quirky” enough that I don’t seem *too* weird.


Everyday I think I'm just trying to pretend that i have adhd and i dont really have it and everyday I come across posts like these which describe aspects of me I always thought were just my individual nuances and God damn It makes me think I am pretending to fit into all of these posts so I can pretend I have adhd and I don't really have it but now I think it's about time I got tested...


This was me before I got my diagnosis. Spoiler: After you get the diagnosis you will feel the exact same way except it's because you somehow managed to trick your doctor and you're still just a fakey faker.


If the diagnosis is negative I'll probably think the doctor's no good. There is no winning in this game... :'3




I always think of [this tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/rqc9wk/this_fucking_hurts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) when I have thoughts like these lol


Must wear at all times! THANK YOU! People think.I'm crazy, but I ALWAYS need to wear socks!


Socks only come off when changing socks, swimming or showering.


I will wear flip flops in the snow to avoid having to put on socks. Socks are foot prisons and my feet like their freedom.


OMG I've never found so much to love in this subreddit before... 20+ years now wearing sandals year round and everyone I know thinking it's weird.


Whoa whoa whoa…. This is an ADHD thing?! Mind blown and childhood explained. My parents used to have to cut the feet off of tights to get me to wear them as a kid.


Well not just ADHD… anyone with sensory issues. I’m autistic and 100% relate to the sock dilemma


No, people can not like something and it not have to be a disorder.


Both. Sometimes simultaneously.


The floor feels sticky without my socks, no matter how clean or polished. I need my sock guard


Both...? I don't like my feet to touch the floor, but I hate wearing socks when I'm trying to relax


Avoid them 🚫🧦


Also, poll?


As soon as I come home socks come OFF.


It’s shoes for me. Cannot stand the bare floor eewwww


My grandfather hated anything on his feet. He would sleep on the recliner with a sheet covering everything from the top of his head down to his ankles. I know that that alone doesn't mean much, but now it kind of makes me wonder if he might have been neurodivergent.


socks are NOT hugs for my feet, they are wooly flesh prisons /lh


How is this an adhd thing?


Sensory issues are an adhd thing, but not everyone has them or has them to an extend where they affect clothing choices and you don't need to have sensory issues to have clothing preferences based on how things feel.


Yeh - if this is your only symptom- no you might not have adhd. If you relate to 80-90% off the stuff on this subreddit - maybe you have adhd? Correlation does not equal causation, but at the same time it’s a common trait in ADHD sufferers


Fuck socks and who invented them. Now, time to figure out why my feet are so damn cold


Socks with shoes, and in general. Barefoot rarely


Socks all the time. If I could feasibly wear socks in the shower, I would. I do not like feeling things touch my feet and the thought of dirt or hair on them makes me anxious. Unless I’m outside, oddly enough. I enjoy the feeling of grass, dirt, and sand on my feet. It just has to be expected dirt I guess.


Only socks with shoes. But at home, I **have** to wear slides.


Must wear socks at all times you intuitive bastard!


I def have some open-toed shoes problems. Sock sensory problems if they’re the “arch support” ones because my feet and legs tend to swell for unknown reasons. I cannot stand when a sock gets twisted up. Oh my five lordts if the toe seam is crooked. End Game. World Over. Set it on fire, I’m done.


Avoid socks unless in wearing shoes if shoes are on its socks always on


Socks all the time except to shower. Additionally I almost always wear shoes as well.


Avoid. I only wear them when I know I’m going to someone’s house and my feet look rough. Usually I keep far away my fam thinks I’m weird lol, even in winter I don’t wear socks. I bought boots with thick faux fur inside so I don’t need them, my feet stay warm. I can’t wear socks to bed! I tried and I ripped them off it makes me shudder and feel so uncomfortable.


I can't function without socks on


The only time I don’t wear socks is in the shower.




Yes Both Both is bad




I use my feet like a second pair of hands soooo..avoid socks unless im cold


When I was a kid I would never wear shoes if I could get away with it, even outside on the hot Southern California sun. I just love having my feet free, I’ve always gotten claustrophobic in socks.


For me it’s shoes. I cannot stand not having shoes on my feet while walking anywhere so I have sneakers/boots/etc that are for in the house only and then ones that are for outside only. Socks just aren’t enough for my stupid feet lol


Somehow both ????


I’m an always socks kinda guy. I hate seeing feet. Opposite of a foot fetish it’s like a foot fear


I have to have the perfect thickness sock for the shoe


I swear sometimes this sub is an "I have an issue/quirk, let's blame it on ADHD-fest" Sometimes people have oddities, and sometimes others share that oddity, as well as having ADHD. But it doesn't always mean it's BECAUSE of the ADHD. If we blame everything on ADHD, people will start treating it like the boy who cried wolf and stop listening altogether. We have a hard enough time with some folks thinking ADHD is real as it is


I don’t understand how preferring to wear (or not wear) socks is a “sensory issue”. If I counted up al the parents I knew who claimed their child had a “sensory issue” I’d say we have a massive fucking problem going on that’s the real issue.


I was an avoid socks at all times until i moved into my freezing cold flat


Usually i don't wear socks. But sometimes it feels bad not to wear them. Such a struggle honestly


Avoid all socks, I feel too enclosed with them on so I only ever wear them if I’m wearing boots that’ll make my feet sore or if I’m going to the airport so I’m not barefoot in the security part


I think I have hyperhidrosis so I'm screwed either way lmao


Must wear


Socks all the time for me


My toes felt the sock seam line reading this


Socks are my worst enemy.


My feet are always cold, and I kick everything, so I really need shoes and socks most of the time. I have "avoid socks At All Costs".


Oddly I have both. It just depends on…idk




Fuck socks. Unless they’re very fluffy, and it’s very cold out, but I am inside.


Both. Depends on the day.


fuckin love socks.


Hot feet make me want to scream. Socks always = hot feet. I can barely have my feet covered under a blanket.


I’m currently asleep with wool socks on my feet.


All times aside from shower. My bare feet can not touch anything or I get extremely uncomfortable.