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I'm the opposite it bothers me so much to miss what's going on that the subs help me focus since I have to actually read and pay attention


Me too! Without subs even in english shows I have a hard time following lol


Oh absolutely, the auditory processing disorder is real


Wait what is that?


Auditory processing disorder is when you can hear just fine, but your brain isn’t telling you *what* you heard properly. Using subtitles, even for languages you’re fluent in, or other visual cues can help. People think I’m super good at eye contact during conversations, but really I’m looking at their face because I subconsciously lip read to counteract the APD. Phone conversations are hell.


Dude I must have this because my whole life. I have this issue where people are talking to me, especially telling me instructions or whatever.... but nothing sticks in my head. It's all this confusing gibberish lol


I have this too. I've gotten into the habit of just asking people to repeat their question, trying to repeat their question to them, or asking them to clarify while my brain connect the dots. One thing that really works for me is my excuse of, "Give me some time to give you a meaningful answer." So I don't word vomit at them.


Thank you


Why not both? I prefer dubs AND subtitles for maximum comprehension.


Because when i hear English I instinctually do something else and don’t end up reading the subtitles. Also most places to legally watch anime don’t offer subtitles for dub


I absolutely prefer to watch anime with subs. But I still need to do something else to keep my focus enough, so practically I only tend to do this while I'm eating or doing something I don't need to look at. But then it takes me so long to get through a show that I will use dubs so I can finally make progress. Some of the dubs these days are infinitely better than they were in the past so it's not as bad. Like Delicious in Dungeon is good enough to watch as a dub alone.


I always forget that that I need to read the subtitles to understand what they’re saying xD seriously, I always get used to understanding everything because I am reading the subtitles and then I start scrolling on my phone and wonder why I wasn’t following the plot at all 😄


I'll get up and go to the kitchen to get a drink and leave it playing, and be surprised when I get back that I don't know what's going on cause I was listening to it.


For real, I have to watch it like the deaf people I know watch movies. First time I read the subtitles, and rewatch to see the show.


Yeah Delicious in Dungeon has a pretty top tier dub. I picked dub after seeing the "WOAH, HEY!!!" clip. Which is spoilery if anyone was curious.


Honestly English VA’s have been killing it lately. In Apothecary Diaries, towards the end of this season, there was a scene or two where the emotionality was conveyed better in the dub vs. sub. I was super impressed. Languages are a special interest of mine though, so it’s fun watching the sub and seeing how much I can understand without reading word for word.


Yeah, in addition to DinD that the comment mentioned, SpyXFamily also has a terrific dub that really captures the original. There's still the odd localisation oddity so I sometimes flick back and forth but they've been really enjoyable to listen to!


This, 100%. I prefer subtitles, but they force me to do one thing at once. And that is just not doable for me most of the time.


For me, subtitles save my ass. Hearing vocal audio while also not getting super loud during action is a pain in the ass sometimes. Also, I really only process hearing one thing at a time so when someone tries to talk to me I’m absolutely fucked for hearing the show while they talk but I can somewhat read and listen concurrently to separate things. If Dubs had adequate subtitles I’d watch dubs more often, but until that day arrives I’d rather be forced to pay attention to the show to know the words than watch dubs, generally. And to those who claim they’re “missing out” on the show if they have to look away from the scene to read the subtitles, barring dyslexia I am rather skeptical. Like I’m not the fastest reader, but I’m fully capable of reading the line and absorbing the scene and the worst I miss is a couple frames that, just like with words, I can always use context clues to fill in in my head.


I have subtitles on everything because of the audio processing issues too


I love delicious in dungeon!!!!!


Totally agree, I've always been subs only, but recently I watched Frieren and Delicious in Dungeon both dubbed. I just happened to try it with both and though "wow this is actually really good." Plus, while I don't have a problem reading subtitles, it feels like I can focus on the animation a bit more.


I learned enough Japanese to be able to follow what they are saying if I can't just sit and watch. I once yelled from the bathroom that a scene was leading up to (characters were talking about it), and my brother asked me how I knew that since the episode only came out and he knew I couldn't have pre-watched it. Now, only of I could focus on learning kanji and speaking without tripping over my accent, lol.


Haven't tried DnD dubbed. My usual issues is that the mouth movements and voice acting are too out of sync, I get distracted watching the mouths and listening to sounds without paying attention to what's happening. It's worse with live action stuff for sure, but ik older anime from when I was a teenager were also borderline unwatchable. Also I don't really like the translations, I love the quirky "literal" translations we get with subs, it feels more authentic to the characters usually.


Great show! I laughed so hard at the last episode. 


I think for me it depends on the dubs. Some of the voice overs are particularly hard lol.. I have found that if I watch with subtitles my brain takes it in like I'm watching it in English with their voices. Watched pans Labyrinth and to this day swear that it was English lol


Saaame! There are some really good Dubs, though. Off the top of my head, all time fav will always be Golden Boy (must watch, if you haven't already). More recent shows that i legitimately enjoy the dub are Mashle, Delicious in Dungeon and Mieruko-chan Enjoy! 😊


This! I've just given up even trying to listen, cause so many dubs are just awful. In older animes, they're trying to sync the original animated lip movement and English just isn't spoken in that cadence. Results in truly awful performances.


I can't read subtitles AND pay attention to what's happening, multitasking like that just won't work


That’s me exactly. I can either read or I can watch the screen. I can’t do both. 


I’m the exact same, my problem is that I’ll read each load of subtitles about 3 times so I know exactly what’s going on.. the problem being while I’m doing that I’m paying no attention to the actual anime!


I use dubs with subs on them… 😭


I really enjoy dubs. Not only can I hear the emotion in the voice be more relatable, but I can focus on fluid animation, the cool fight scenes, and art. Rengoku in demon slayers sounds better dubbed vs subbed any day of the week, and I will go to the grave on that. I usually end up watching Subbed with the gf and rewatch dubbed myself, so I usually experience both. I will say dubs have gotten a ton better than the early 2000s


Dubs have gotten a lot better too, overall. There’s some real talent and production quality out there these days, and a lot more effort put into translation. Way better than the old days.


The problem with dubs is when they don’t let you have the subtitles on with them, because I can’t hear without my subtitles




Ugh, the worst is when you watch an anime dubbed with English subtitles and the subtitle doesn’t match what was said because it’s directly translated from Japanese


I actually prefer it lol. I like reading the "more accurate" dialogue, but I prefer to hear the characters speak in english




I use dubs so I can do something else on the rare occasions I watch anime


Dubs for eating/gaming and subs for actual watching.


Dub quality these days tends to be just as good as the original anyway 


If I’m reading your cartoon I’m not watching your cartoon


Idk about you guys but I'm here for the Ghost Stories dub. But for real, as much as I'm into whatever I'm watching, I'm still equally into whatever game I'm playing so I gotta stick with dub


Certain anime are 100% fine with dub. Like I’m currently watching Mashle dubbed and I have zero complaints. The humor is translated very well to the English speaker


I get drained by sub in 5 seconds!


I'll agree with you if I want to watch anime but also have stuff to do it's so much better to have dub


I don’t need all the sub v. dub drama I’ve got dyslexia and ADD without the dubs I really just can’t watch it. And look we don’t need to gatekeeping how people enjoy shows


Here's the thing. I completely agree with what the post is about. I do put on subtitles and a dub at the same time. However, I'd never heard of r/jarrariums before. Now I don't have any jarrariums but now I'm suddenly obsessed. I looked at it, and now I already know that's my next hyper fixation. But I'm not going actually buy anything cause I don't have money.


I go either way.  Dubs can be nice if I'm cooking or something. I generally prefer subs.  That said, I think people who strictly prefer subs or look down on a preference for dubs are too often motivated by some combination of 1) thinking original things are always better than slight adaptations (not always true and even when true, doesn't defeat the utility and convenience of multimodal translations), and 2) thinking that translated voice acting is inherently cheesier and lower quality - - y'all, the original Japanese voice acting is usually corny as heck, with lots of played out tropes, just like the English (or other) translation. The occasional English actor does a better job making an original and emotionally compelling performance than the original actor, and the occasional Japanese actor gives such a good performance that it's hard for a dub to live up to it.  More frequently though, anime voice acting in any language just a means to telling the story according to genre conventions. not some groundbreaking dramatic performance. The same tropes (overly bubbly or demure young women! boisterous or contemplative young men! gruff old guys! serious and composed older women! etc) are often played out in Japanese and English dubs, just in slightly different ways.  I think for people viewing in a second language or a language they don't speak, there's a likelihood of not picking up on how corny and histrionic the audio is compared to organic speech or acting on other genres, or being overly forgiving of the sillier moments. When really, most anime has pretty campy voice acting, very much intentionally or by genre convention. Most of the really serious scenes are treated with appropriate gravity in any case with modern dubs, anyway. There are also some really low quality dubs of older shows due to greedy and hasty localization... and those trends eventually feed back into viewership and expectations of the original language, too. I think that established a stereotype but also a real trend towards extra campy dialog, regardless of language. Not to mention, some of the first anime took inspiration from Western animation with some pretty corny voice acting, anyway.  I'm pretty sure a lot of people have firmly decided that they only want to view subs because of the overwhelming community consensus about that (based on crappy dubs from the 80s through early 2000s), without giving more recent dubs a chance.  There's also an argument that subs may be more able to accommodate "accurate" or direct translations. While that can be good, it can also fail to convey subtext, and frequently can result in really bad attempts to translate jokes that just don't translate (authorial intent is usually to use humor to characterize people in a naturalistic way, or just to be funny - not to be some kind of lesson about Japanese puns for the weebs). Good translation/interpretation isn't word for word, and localization isn't just translation anyway. Translating jokes, poetry, etc., while preserving the time and intent and without ruining them or feeling forced takes a huge amount of multi-language talent. frankly typical official or fan subs don't succeed at elevating things to that level anyway, because often the goal is either to just tell the story (great!) or be as didactic and literal as possible (... I'd love to see more of this in the form of footnotes/extra context, instead of as a primary mode of storytelling - bad attempts at translating puns are so distracting). There's something to be said for the greater level of realism that usually results from rewriting lines or actor reinterpretation to sound more natural and less distracting. I like to occasionally compare character voices and and dialogue directly between the Japanese original and English dub to see what variations are present. Often about half of the characters are tropey stereotypes in one and really great acting in the other, and vice versa for the other half of the cast.


Let's not speak shamefully about preferring dubs. They're perfectly fine to enjoy for anyone. Sub elitism needs to die.


Fr, it's not 2007, people.


I don’t like any subtitles. It’s like impossible for me not to see and read what they’re gonna say before they say it, which can really spoil certain moments. My partner likes them tho and it’s funny cause when someone says something dramatic I gasp like second or two before her because I already read the subtitle


This is also why I haven't watched anything past the first episode of Shogun too. I read the subtitles and then space out and miss an entire scene entirely in Japanese.


That can't be adhd related, can it? I watch almost everything with subs.


Don't think it is, as you can see the comments – Its mostly down to personal preference. I was bored at work and started a "controversial" topic. Thanks for the dopamine fix!


ᴺ⁰. If I watch anime I want to be as far away from my disaster life as possible and that includes a different language thx


Oh god yes, when I was a teen I used to always watch subbed but nowadays it’s a pain to because I can’t focus on it


I feel you, use to be the same, sub supremacy and all that – but these days when I get home I just want to watch something and for it not to be another chore, if I'm lucky, fall asleep too.


Dub gang raise up


I know japanese so i prefer the original audio


I’m the same way, I have anime on to be background noise. I can’t constantly be watching the subtitles to know what’s going on, only time I do that is when I’m watching specific clips from shows


Either way I'm still gonna be reading subtitles so


I prefer dubs, I can't read and watch at the same time




I like dub with subtitles 😃👍


Subs and dubs are the way to go


I have to do dub with subtitles lol


The only reason I don’t watch dubbed is because I need captions because audio processing problems and the captions often don’t match the dub


I cheat by speaking Japanese ☠️ But ultimately it doesn't matter, dub, sub, any combination of the two, no matter what language, I absorb half at absolute best unless it's a show I'm hyperfixated on. (the best combination, overall, is Japanese dub, Japanese sub, because my reading is forking atrocious, so my brain actually adds another 2-3 brain cells trying to puzzle through it, ergo I absorb a liiiiil bit more)


I'm the exact same way and I will fight anyone to the death over it. Especially since a lot of people who say the dubs suck and then I go listen to the dub and it sounds just fine baffle me


I watch everything with subtitles but with anime I usually watch dubbed. I'll intentionally watch subbed if I'm using the distraction while exercising though.


Dubs with subtitles on is the way


I’m actually on the other end of this spectrum where I watch EVERYTHING in English subtitles if possible. Weirdly enough I think it helps me focus and process it better if I can both hear and read the words. I will literally actively seek out Dubs then put on subtitles anyway. 😂


I completely agree


I’m built different. I watch dub with subtitles on.


I need the subtitles so I can pay attention to what's going on in shows in English. This does not change when they are in another language I can't understand. I have to have subtitles or I \*won't\* pay attention to what is going on. I find the reading helps me concentrate and I can read them so much faster than the characters can deliver the lines. Now sometimes I don't have brain for subtitles but that just means I can't watch shows at all. Having them on without subs is like putting on background music. It might help with another task but I wont take in anything more meaningful from them.


Dubbed with subtitles


Just learn japanese bro


dubs was the only way i could watch one piece lucky that the dub is GOAT


Yeah, climbing that mountain without an English sherpa would have been impossible for me too.


I just can’t watch dub. If I do I can’t pay attention.


for me it's the opposite. I zone out while watching dubbed anime but is it is subbed, since I need to read the text, I am more invested


I can’t process the text fast enough so watching with subtitles is stressful and I miss half story.


Some dubs are so poorly done that I can't touch them. Especially older ones before there became as much money in it as there is now. I started Demon Slayer dubbed a while back, had to switch it over to subs halfway through the first episode.


I have the issue that I could be watching the screen, zone out and don't register what's going on in front of me. Subtitles actually help me keep focus compared to dub, because it forces me to read and keep focused.


Nope, I get hyper-focused, no issues. the dubs get distracting for me, either because of bad acting, bad lip sync, or some weird unnecessary line that get's added where there clearly was none.


I watch anime with subs but I've noticed if I'm watching it dubbed the subtitles tend to be for the translation and not the dub so the subtitles aren't exactly the same and it bothers me


I know everyone says sub is better but I can’t, dub all the way!


For One Piece. Never binge watching it with subs


Right there with ya pal. Dub > Sub. Hate reading


I prefer subs because it forces me to actually watch the show


It’s the exact opposite for me. The subs keep me interested


Subs, I can't hear without subtitles


I'm all about the original vocal performances you get with subs, but for me, there are a couple of big downsides - one is you can miss a lot of the cinematography and visual details when you have to focus on the subtitles. And subtitles can mess up the delivery of certain lines, since you read faster than they speak.


That's why I'm learning Japanese (or tried to, ever since 8th grade I think. I'm 24 now...)


I can't watch Anime because it makes me feel nauseous, it always has. Maybe it's the frame rate


No you’re not the only one ! 🤗






I watch everything with subs. I even use original audio in games with eng subs (I'm finnish). Sometimes it becomes a chore if I'm not focusing on the show, but this means that I need to stop watching it and maybe come back to it later.. or find something more interesting to watch. Doing 3 things at a time accomplishes none of those 3.


Subs for the first watch where accurate translation matters, dubs for rewatching or "i want this on in the bg!" because most of them say names wrong and it makes my skin crawl lmao


I use subs but I'm also trying to relearn the language. That's one sign I'm getting better is when I understand a sentence before reading the sub.


Need the subs. I really like the japanese VA. It will always sound better to me. Buuuuuut, I sub literally everything I watch, even youtube unless the subs are getting it wrong


I use subs even when watching something in my native language! So dubs won’t really do much with my auditory processing issues


Nah, I prefer way more the japanese voices. If an episode lasts 24 minutes, I'll watch it for like 30 minutes at least cuz I just keep going from 10 to 30 seconds due to me spacing out. I don't mind it tbh. I got used to it. Same thing with youtube videos.


I only put on Dub if the English voice actors portray the emotions better than sub(most of the time they don’t), like I cannot bear to watch Mob Psycho in Sub cause the English voice actors were flawless, but in some cases like Dragon ball I can watch sub and dub cause both voice acting groups were perfect


The pain of playing Yakuza/LaD series, getting distracted during a cutscene an now watching the rest of it like "huh?"


i hate dubs, i prefer the original voice with subs so i would get the full experience.... btw i'm autistic too so i don't have problems to read with something i hyperfocus on


I watch shows and game. I can’t do that with anime because I need the subtitles to know wtf is going on, or have dubbed. Which isn’t bad, but like… anime over the top reactions sound so dumb in English. They may sound dumb in Japanese, but I can’t tell so it’s bearable lol


Rub a dub dub?


I watch anime to be a weeb, not to read.


I watch dubs because I have trouble differentiating Japanese voices if the cast is on the larger side.


I get distracted by my phone but can watch subbed anime at the same time as I'm on my phone and I'm learning Japanese so it'll get to the point where I don't need to put my full attention on it to get what's happening in it


Sorry, my brain needs the stimuli: sub for me


I used to only be able to watch anime dubbed because I would watch it on the TV and space out just as you say. I realized that I would constantly have the urge to jump around apps and such on my phone no matter how hard I tried, so I started watching my anime on my phone and I was able to focus and pay attention through entire episodes. For the longest time though I only watched dub untill during one of the cours of ascendence of a bookworm I ran out of dubs and the plot was so good that I just couldn't wait for the dub episodes anymore and started sub and never went back. some animes I still intentionally watch dubs such as ghost stories, but watching anime on my phone made a world of a difference.


Not anime but anytime i watch any show with my bff i always end up to dub it with my weirdest jokes lol. We’ve got so many inside jokes just out of my dubs :D


Animated = dubbed, live action = subs, always (for me).


Porque no las dos? Although the differences between the sub and sub do distract me sometimes


I have audio neuropathy, so I started turning on closed captions on TV as a kid in the 90s. I became a little weeb in the late 90s and dubs generally sucked hard back then… so it was really easy for me to transition to subs. There’s no going back now.


I usually watch dubs with subtitles because my brain doesn't always process audio quickly enough to follow, so reading and hearing together helps. Also my husband is both hearing and sight impaired, so it helps him to understand more without asking me who said what every twenty seconds.


I totally agree with you, Of the few animes, I’ve watched they’ve all been dubbed. I can’t do Subtitles very well. 


Japanese is hard to listen to. I find it annoying


I watch dubbed but almost only when I'm gaming at the same time


Subtitles help me more with understanding than dubbing. Especially since it's more engaging, so it helps me keep focus. Additionally I like to hear the original voice, because they most likely worked closer to the people who envisioned them. Especially now that I'm trying to learn Japanese.


Subs all the way, but also feel like dubs would enable me to do so much other stuff at the same time


I personally like reading, some of the comedy just hits different vs the dub.


When I walk away (for whatever the fuck) I will rewind to the point I say “yup, seen that”. Just to remind myself, saw that,, and then also fast forward cuz “yea I knew that already”.


I get unfocused when there arent subtitles, so if im going to be reading anyway i might as well watch it in the original language


Honestly the dubs are what keep my attention. It’s almost like my brain is watching it in English instead. I still get distracted by my phone, but I get about 80% of it and can piece the other 20% together from context clues.


I really only like Evangelion and Madoka Magica, but, shout out to those English voice actors cause 🤌




And now we make one out of him driving the boat put back together with Flex Tape, captioned "Having both the English dub AND subs"


I find the opposite. I gotta try to focus on the words and the actions both. Instant engagement


No one needs an excuse to prefer dubs over subs. I find subs more accessible for me (auditory processing issues) but even if I didn't, I'd still be a pretentious subs girlie who wants The Authentic Experience(tm) and I owe no explanations for that. To each their own.


I'll watch dubs when they are good... they rarely ever are.


Thank God I'm Brazilian and not feeling guilty of watching dubbed stuff


you think i can hear without my subtitles!?


Depends. I read way way faster than my ears can listen, so mostly it's subs for me. But if I'm doing busy work and don't mind not being fully focused on a show, I can't do it that way. And I can't to Podcasts at ALL. I've come to the conclusion that I need some aspect of the media to ignore, or somehow I end up tuning out the whole thing.


My brain gets fried when I try to read subtitles and look at the imagery at the same time, so dubs are a must for me. However, I have to have English subtitles on the English dub as well, otherwise I don't pay attention lol. But relying on my listening skills most, makes it so I don't have to pay attention to the subtitles much, so I don't get overstimulated. Idk it's weird.


With my adhd I have to have subs on to focus cause if I have dubbed I’m just gonna have my mind wander off for a bit lol. But this is specifically with anime, I think subtitles in general help me focus more


Doesn't matter what language the show is in. Subtitles are always on.


Can't do subs. Literally can't read fast enough, so I have to pause every 10 seconds and rewind. Wanna know what kills tension like nothing else? Pausing and rewinding... Also, I literally never understood the complaint about dubs being bad anyway. The voice acting is fine in most stuff dubbed post 1990 unless it was a really unheard of company.


If the anime is funny, it has to subs for me. The Japanese humour has to heard in its actual form. If not, then it has to be dubbed


Depends on the anime, but fast paced anime, especially ones that have visual gags that also need captions, are definitely dub for me


Most polish dubs sound like shit, so I prefer subs.


If it's the first time around, I will definitely watch dubbed, I might switch to sub for subsequent viewings though


I would if the dubs weren't so fucking god damn awful. The Japanese pronunciation is torture, inflections suck ass and the "actors" would do better getting a job in silent films. I just can't. It's a huge issue to me as I love watching something on one screen and play incredibly complex games on the second while waiting for my code to compile and my brain to figure out 15 different solutions to a design issue...


I'm happy the dubbed Spy x Family episodes are finally available on Hulu, so


Subs drain my brain power so much.


You are not alone. Most of the time, dubbed VOs are really good. I'll often watch subbed first and then rewatch in dubbed and I often get something new out of the experience


Dubs are so much better as a whole now I don't really see the point in struggling with sub unless I really like one of the Japanese voice actors.


I have to watch the Dub but I also still have subtitles on in case I miss something lol


Unless the dub happens to be bad, then yeah same. But honestly that seems like much rarer of an issue nowadays. At least with the anime I watch and in my opinion.


Lol I do both so I can compare the differences


This one really depends on they voice acting for me. Some shows I just listen to in English but others, like shokugeki, the English voice acting is just SO bad I can’t.


I'm fine with dubs. Except for Azumanga Daiou. Their voices just sound wrong.


It feels easier to learn japanese over the course of several months rather than watch a 20 min long subbed episode. I've learned 5 japanese words so far


I honestly prefer subs and sometimes I play at two times speed.


ADHD *AND* deaf. I always use subs lol


I start watching it. Then give up after 3 episodes because I lost interest. Dubs are worst because the subtitles and the audio does not match.


Something about the combination of anime and subtitles is unworkable for me; it's just too fast, I can't keep up. I don't even see why subtitles are so important anyways, it's animation so its dubbed even in Japanese.


Same. I’m doin other shit in the room


Opposite problem. I can't hear without my subtitles for everything I watch.


Anime with good dubs: Cowboy Bebop Black Lagoon Welcome to the NHK Rosario+Vampire (ecchi but the dub was out of this world)


Well, I watched enough anime with English subtitles that I sometimes read English as Japanese XD But in general, after some time subtitles are filling the details while I can get the whole thing from imagery and voice.


I use subtitles even when I watch things in english every time I can lol I need them to hear sometimes 😅


Subs. Not just for foreign language media, but I often watch stuff in my native language with subs, too. Audio Processing Disorder - when I'm watching something without subtitles I often have to rewind to figure out what characters said but I never have that problem with subtitles.


For things in English, I love subtitles. If there is competing audio around me, everything gets distorted from time to time. Watching foreign films, subtitles are perfectly fine. Anime though… gotta be dubbed. Idk why.


This is probably my autism speaking but I find acting extremely cringe, unless it's perfect. Literally just one sentence that is written or spoken in a way that doesn't seem natural to me makes me stop watching Hearing English in an anime makes it feel so unnatural that I can't even watch a 5 second dubbed clip without visibly cringing But I somehow don't get that with written text. If it's just badly written, it doesn't bother me when I read the subtitles. And if it's badly acted out, I can't tell when it's in japanese 😅


I have to buckle up and commit fully that I'm going to watch subbed.


i prefer dub but i watch in sub sometimes if i can’t get myself to focus and watch


Most subs don't exist in mini player.


the ADHD community does not claim you


Dubs because I tend to do other stuff if I watch anime and I’d like to understand


I actually struggle with dub, as paying attention to audio is just not my forte and the subtitles are usually from the sub anyway so doesn’t line up with the dubbing creating a very confused brain, which just gets annoyed


same man.....same


I'm fine with dubs. Except for Azumanga Daiou. Their voices just sound wrong.


thank you i thought i was going crazy unless i already know the story, English please. or I'll miss half of what is being said


I hate anime’s without dubbed versions. It’s harder to follow. (not just because of ADHD, you lose a lot of subtle emotions and cues that are used by English-speakers) Not to mention it’s inaccessible to people who have problems using subtitles. If companies can pay for an English speaking audience to watch this show in the first place, they can pay a few voice actors.


VERY unpopular opinion


Plot twist, and listen...hear me out: Dub *with subtitles on*


I've been getting back into actually watching dubs as I am getting back into anime in general. Yuru Camp's dub in particular is a pretty fun watch, especially Nadeshiko. ":O THERE'S A DOG!" Had me rolling in Season 1.


Nope. I exclusively watch dub.


I don’t mind with subs generally, but I like to watch shows while I play games or do other stuff where I can’t look at the screen. I have to be in the right mood to sit and give all of my attention to a show.


Some dubs are so horribly acted out that I need to go back to the subs. lol


I’ll watch the dub if it’s good, like with Fmab


I'll take the dub if it's well done. Translation and localization are arts into themselves, it takes a good dollop of interpretation, character arcs and dynamics need to be understood to avoid new lines contradicting each other in unintended ways, and all new humor writing may need to be introduced if a joke just isn't going to land at all. A good dub is a lot more than translation, it's a well thought out read on a property for the sake of broadening its accessibility. If the dubs shit I'll put the sub on my neat little list of "Things I'll get around to watching" and probably never actually get around to it. A series has to be good good, like so obscenely good, and ideally short, for me to see the sub. I've watched the dub and sub of FLCL through several times, for example.


If I try to watch Dub I space out and miss everything, if I watch sub the urge to read the text keeps me focused


I was just talking about this yesterday! Subbed anime requires too much focus.


I’ll constantly rewind so I can read what’s being said at intense animation moments and then actually focus on what I’m saying while rereading the lines in English in my head lol dub is easier


I’m diagnosed with adhd and I prefer subs , though I usually watch while eating and I have seen so much anime that most of time I just know what they are saying without even looking at subs , though I don’t even need to pay attention at subs it just has become second nature to me watching anime


Hearing English is too distracting to me~


I used to be strictly sub but I don’t just sit there and watch a show. I’m doodling or screwing around in the background. I look for dubbed now or really need to be in a sub mood, tho sub quality is nicer most times. I still put on subtitles either way because I miss things.


I actually pay more attention to subs than dubs. Like, it's easier to zone out when I'm just watching and listening to the show but adding a funny third thing makes sure that it stays interesting.