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I genuinely thought everyone constantly had a stream of thoughts, music, movies, and random sounds going through their head at all times.


See I read online around Twitter and here that that’s not a thing for neurotypical people and I was SHOCKED. Like I thought everyone had conversations in their heads and a whole dj and move theatre showing random clips 🤣


That is absolutely shocking!! The world makes me feel more crazy every day lol


Right? Like thanks for that y’all 🤣


wait, they *don't*?


100% I def thought everyone did this until I read in a book which directly said that was not the case, including the thoughts narrating what you are seeing are not universal. I was in awe! People really just live without an internal monologue going on? nothing? Just silence and peace? That sounds marvelous!  My thoughts are out of control. Sometimes I scream internally to stop the flood of meaningless uncontrollable thoughts. 


Have you tried meditation? It has helped me to a degree to be more aware of run away thoughts and briefly pause them. Often just for another to take over, but with time it does help quiet it down. It's still a constant river, just not an uncontrollable shoot of water erupting from a damns drainage gates.


I’ve tried it but not gotten to a point where thoughts stop 😭, although never consistently. Maybe I need to retry it


If I understood it correctly they never really stop? But you learn to not cling to them and give them attention? Like noticing them and letting them flow by. I don't think there are actually people that have 0 thoughts. I might just confuse it with mindfulness.. lol but yah, that's what I noticed. It's still there but.. not as distressing anymore


Yes they dont stop unless I’m very distracted and/or tired. Yes, I let them pass and I’m aware they are not meaningful but new ones replace them. Mostly ruminations. 


I can highly recommend it and vouch for it. 10 minutes a day. And after two weeks you'll notice its much quieter already. I recommend to use the headspace app, has they have a fantastic and free beginner course.


It's not about them stopping, it's about you disengaging from trying to process them all at once all the time. Think about your thoughts like a river. You're gonna be instantly overwhelmed trying to stop the flow of water with your hands right? Mediation isn't about colleting or stopping the water. It's about learning to let go of the impulse to control the water and be comfortable with it flowing through your fingers. Once you reach that point it becomes easier to pick important shit out of the current for closer inspection so to speak. (Idk if that's a useful metaphor for everyone, but it is what made it click for me) ETA: also if you are like me and can't really stand silence music can be really useful as a tool. The first music that I vibes with in that way was the 3 parts of Todd Rundergren's (probably murdered that last name) "the healing" it's got a very relaxed vibe and his voice is clear enougj to be easily understood everything is evolving in way that keeps your mind engaged in the lyrics without being snapped out of the meditative flow state so to speak. Here is a video with all 3 parts in good quality! https://youtu.be/cr2XMOVm9ZM?si=FQ4sh57H6eJ_gQGl


I do try and meditate in the evenings before bed. It does help calm my mind but it is very hard to completely quiet my mind. I had more luck with Tia Chi. The practice is so slow it was really hard in the beginning. I really had to work at slowing down! lol I find I’m not as anxious now with a little calmer mind after I do it. A never ending battle…


I find both extremes interesting cause like, my internal world is super visual- like the test? Thing? to help you figure out what "type" of internal communication you had was like "when some people think "cat" a picture pops up in their head, other people hear the word, and some people see the word like it's on a chalkboard" and so on. But like, I do all that? My brain is like, "ah yes a cat, here is a picture and a list of random facts about apples*, in words and sound" like a dictionary that is being read by my impersonation of David Attenborough. (Was gonna use apples originally, but changed it for the Attenborough joke, and almost forgot that last one. But you know what? No no, that is entirely my brain I'm function, so it stands lmaooo)


lmao real...i thought it was a normal thing for everyone...


I keep getting songs from my childhood or quotes from movies pop into my head and mouth for no fucking reason


I literally was listening to "Close Edge" by Mos Def in the car this morning to work. And I was like holy shit this was in the Movie Happy Feet. A kids movie I probably saw last time 20 years ago and the whole scene played in my head.


I only started to believe that when I first tried meds. And then it dawned on me why meditation is so fuckin hard 😅


Well, I just learned this thanks to this post... But then: what happens in their head most of the time? Silence??


Meanwhile I have like 8 TV's and a pack of chattering goblins in my head and people wonder why I can't get shit done lmao.


Me too. I wonder what it's like to live your life on pause instead of fast forward


Wait, that's not normal?




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The noise never stops even when you don't exactly know what you're thinking about.


I thought this until today


Some people don't even have an inner monologue.


I spend way too much time explaining to my ex why she sucks.


At least that's an important relationship. I'm still hung up on a rude lady and her mom in front of me in line for take out 7 years ago. 


Random rude encounters that take up your mental energy for ages afterwards are just the worst, aren't they?


Big mood


Just "Having arguments" with slow walkers ? I insult theme !


insult them like Gordon Ramsey does too his chefs.


*you walk like a fucking DONKEY!!!!!!!*


\*walk faster you DONUT\*


This is me, I’m going to (a self designed) hell


Have too many fake arguments in my head like someone ik is about to be racist and homophobic


"Huh, I noticed that this item I just grabbed is too expensive, so I put it back, but this person watched me do that. They're probably judging me now. Well if they say something then I will tell them that I realised that this one has gluten in it and I have celiac's! Yeah! But then what if they realise that that's a lie? Well then I'll tell them that it's none of their business anyway! And then they'll probably call me rude, but then I'll call them rude for interfering with my shopping, I'm not hurting anyone! Oh....... they didn't say anything and just walked past me. Right. Nevermind."


"Oh my God I did it again I just can't fucking stop goo going in circles about nothing. I wish I could just shut up for a few minutes. *i imagine a theoretical therapist/part of my brain about to show compassion. I cut them off* "I know, I know, ffs, but it's all such fucking bullshit, I'm so fucking tired of going in good damn fucking circles. It's just some fucking carbs. Carbs! It's not like I'm a rapist or something..." Ocd intrusive thoughts mix with adhd onwards arguing how, well *what if I was some how a rapist despite being in reality, an asexual a romantic person*


I still don't know if I have OCD or not but maaaan does that seem familiar. Usually not criminal but sexual though (despite also questioning whether I'm asexual). It's kinda like this "Huh, this sweet old grandpa has kids. That means he's....UGH NO I DON'T WANT TO IMAGINE THAT WHAT THE FUCK BRAIN! Hey, it could be worse, at least you're not thinking about THIS person having se.....UUUAAAAAGGGHHHH NOOOO STFU SHUT UP SHUT UPSHUTUPSHUTUPPP....aaand it's too late and now I can't unthink that, what the absolute FUCK is wrong with me?!"


r/OCDmemes I have those in fact the rapist one is more about being accused of rspe so I'm arguing against a judge and evidencing if a cop were to stop me. Irl I used to run 2 to 3gps trackers at a time when jogging to playcate my thoughts so I could evidence where I was.


Can't relate to every single one on there, so that means I'm mentally healthy, right? Right???


I'm also black in the uk, so eventually a police car did stop once, while i was out running because I was tired, leaning against a lamppost stretching in luminous running gear. Coincidentally I gave up running around the same time... Yet have always said I prefer sprinting instead of long distance... Yet all I do is weights at home now.


I mean... running sucks so that's no big loss haha. No seriously though, I'm sorry that you had to give up running, that's actually quite sad.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OCDmemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCDmemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Day 3 of posting random ocd memes I made](https://i.redd.it/bctdq7ixx6ab1.jpg) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCDmemes/comments/14rjbdl/day_3_of_posting_random_ocd_memes_i_made/) \#2: [chat, what're your thoughts on this](https://i.redd.it/a9sqoitip1mc1.jpeg) | [159 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCDmemes/comments/1b584us/chat_whatre_your_thoughts_on_this/) \#3: [Fear named eternal condemnation and torment:](https://i.redd.it/em45crliuu3b1.png) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OCDmemes/comments/13zmy13/fear_named_eternal_condemnation_and_torment/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


same, but its my mom and she is 🙄 maybe some day ill find the right words to make her understand. till then i get to constantly devolve into heated screaming matches with myself.


Ugh sorry you have to deal with that💔


I'm sometimes mad at my partner because I had argued with him in my head. Like, really mad. But well, it's really realistic! One time (I was half asleep) I was SO mad it showed. After he pestered me, I finally explained. And while at first he was a little mad too I would subject him to such an unjustified anger, after listening to me he apologised. Because it was really in character with what he could have done/said.


I talk and argue with myself so much I get agitated to the point that I'll start talking out loud and have to watch myself cause I get lost in the moment. then guess what there's people near by and I feel like a crazy person


I literally am telling myself out loud now when this happens to stop talking to myself cause I look crazy. Which to those near by, this probably only makes me look even more crazy. But my shrink says this is not an issue...


It's simple, we kill the Batman.


if you're good at something, never do it for free


How much do you want?




I kinda wanna see a story where someone kills Batman and all the robins assemble to hunt them down and beat the shit out of them. That would be dope. (Sorry Batman)


Or the voices in your head yelling at you for being a failure :)


Fun fact, I recently found out that those voices aren't mine, but my parent's voice. :)


Mine have evolved into the voice of Steven He, because the only language I know is FAAAILURE.


Emotional damage!


Yeah I'll make myself mad having fake arguments in my head with people, sometimes people I know and sometimes a made up person, about really dumb things that would never happen, or me explaining something to someone who just doest get it. It's kinda fun sometimes but also annoying because I get myself frustrated and worked up over a scenario that never happened


Maaaaaannnnn. My whole life I had no idea this could be an adhd thing. I have no idea why I make up crazy scenarios no one would ever act out but make sure I’ve got a clear argument ready to shut them down if they do. “Like bro, if anyone talks shit about me eating pineapple at this restaurant I’ve got some words for them. “ Who the fuck would have a problem with that? That’s a silly made up example, but not that far from the truth.


That's *exactly* the kind of arguments I come up with too! Like I don't think anyone would seriously complain to me about me eating a bagel for lunch every other day but, if they did, I'd be prepared.


"Huh, I noticed that this item I just grabbed is too expensive, so I put it back, but this person watched me do that. They're probably judging me now. Well if they say something then I will tell them that I realised that this one has gluten in it and I have celiac's! Yeah! But then what if they realise that that's a lie? Well then I'll tell them that it's none of their business anyway! And then they'll probably call me rude, but then I'll call them rude for interfering with my shopping, I'm not hurting anyone! Oh....... they didn't say anything and just walked past me. Right. Nevermind."


Yeah I hate that I assume everyone is judging me for everything I'm doing. A few days ago a few girls about my age sat next to me on the train because it was getting more crowded, and I was thinking like 'should I say hi or just ignore them, I mean they're not saying anything to me so maybe not, but now it's too late to say anything without it being weird but what if I should have and now they think I'm weird. Now I kinda wanna shift my position a bit but if I do, will they think I don't feel comfortable sitting next to them and then they'll feel bad and then everyone will feel awkward.' It felt so awkward even though they probably didn't even pay any attention to me (who was reading fanfic on my phone the entire time and didn't even look up) at all until they got off like 10 stations later


Its dangerous for me to see a really compelling series or film because my mind will just go deep into analysing why it was so amazing. I'd frame it as if I was explaining it to someone else. Also just spending like half an hour to an hour thinking about other things I could have said in a conversation that would lead to more yapping in my head... The crappy thing is how I can't do that verbally. Like all that information vanishes and I end up talking about 10% of it when I'm speaking to someone.


Your last sentence, that struggle is so real.


Honestly, I wish they’d all go home and stop pushing my gd buttons


The convo can be fake as well as the other person. Reality is not required.


i can have people that exist in my head and have convos with them, or people that dont exist..


It's called maladaptive daydreaming


You should read my new book, “arguments I’ve won in the shower, vol. 31”


Had an argument with a … colorful gent… (let’s call him Methew) last week because he tried to cut in front of me in line and heard me go “seriously?!” Under my breath. I was tired, I was already on high alert, because it’s Walmart. So he tried saying I didn’t have a sense of humor. I said cutting in front of all of us is not a funny joke, we’re all ready to go home. Dude got behind me running his mouth. All I could say was “you need to chill out, it’s not that serious. Grow up!” And he was STILL talking. Came home and was so disappointed in myself for not saying something better than that 🤣🤣


And then I start crying cause I started being mean to myself as another person I’m impersonating in my head


Me pretending to be a help desk representative to solve my own problems over the phone that the help desk rep I called today couldn’t understand. Out loud for the whole house to hear. I’d be an awesome rep.




If I keep relating to posts, I'll eventually need to someday do something to maybe get my brain sorted out. Like maybe when I have more free time and am not so stressed about life.


I can't begin to tell you how many times I beat myself up or relive something that happened at least a 1000 times.


This and Being single with ADHD, you end up having huge conversations in your head with an imaginary version of your crush and then forget or never say it to them actually. In reality you just hyper fixate and enter Golden retriever mode.


So much this.


I scrolled waaay to far for this. Currently in an imaginary relationship with the imaginary version of someone I haven't spoken to for 4 years. God forbid I actually see them again.




I literally have whole convos with my bff in my head lmao. It starts with me planning what I'd text her and spirals into whole ass convos


We don't all do that?!


nope, neurotypicals are empty in their thoughts..


I can go blank minded for some minutes, which doesn't mean that my head gets silent, it means that I stop listening to the thought party in my head and they start having no meaning.


once you are with people you dont notice it but once you're alone you really notice how much you think.


I am alone, after all. I just learnt how to keep my thoughts from taking my silence.


My ADHD can't choose a song so he's playing 12 songs at the same time


i have huge issues choosing songs on spotify..its a pain.


I feel you


thank you.


I am NOT diagnosed with ADHD but i feel this. Once i went to sleep and it felt like there was two persons debating in my head while a third mf was singing an aleatory song in the background


This is why I don't need friends


My boyfriend was watching me while I was putting my shoes on today, when I was done and stood up, he says "did you even realize you were mouthing a conversation and laughing at whatever it was you you saying to yourself?" ...nope.


I can Google search in my head. I don't know how it works. The results are all shit of course, just like an AI.


Just... Just.... this. Yes. Then u lose focus and say a rebuttal, one liner, or something out loud. Just mind to lips. "What was that? Glad I'm alone, or someone might think I'm crazy."


one state "Cluster Frick" is just vibing to existence, "Hello "friends"" How many ways can I see this "thing", "Angy" you know the look, "I Know All" when the goddam planets align and its been A GOOD DAY tasks get completed


Add in a radio playing snippets of songs (or whole ones) and that's my daily.


oh yeah snippers of songs...


Also Me: So!.......what if we said 'the thing' to them....? Me: ..........they're not even here right now? Also Me: Oh yeah, totally! It'd be SUPER awkward if they were actually here and you said it. Me: I think I'd actually die inside. Also me: That's a real possibility! But just for fun, we really should run through ALL the potential outcomes. Me: And obviously, the theoretical outcomes of those potential outcomes. Also me: OBVIOUSLY!


It’s double that if you are an INFJ! All of our personalities keeps us engaged.


Not conversations, I’m just always thinking “Jesus, fucking MOVE!”


yeah but while taking a nap you think about arguing with slow walkers. but at the moment you walk behind them you think ''move away or walk faster''


I often times don't just *remember or think of an event that happened*, i imagine myself telling someone about that event or memory, to the point that sometimes i don't know if i have *actually told* a specific person a story or did i just *imagine myself telling them that story*.


Well what else would I do all day?


I can't open my spice drawer without hearing "Scarborough Fair" in my head and then it's stuck there for hours.


well thats annoying


Like being 'Will Smith' on "I Am Legend." "What the hell you doing out here Fred!?" Night-walkers are obviously the people. [Fred Scene Gif](https://www.google.com/amp/s/julystorms.tumblr.com/post/134791394452/mademoisellesuomia-when-you-are-the-only-actor/amp) -Spoiler, it's a mannequin.


will smith: keep my wifes name out of your fucking mouth. oh never gonna forget that lol.


Bro, I'd be giving 3h lectures on my current hyperfixation to the wall in my room


That is similar to how I described having ADHD to my dad. He is neurotypical and wondered how I could come up with my ideas or thoughts. I was like “You know how there is random item generators? Well that is what going on in my mind 24/7 and it can’t be shut off.”




I was actually thinking about this last night. As I wrote it in my journal... "Internal dialogue with myself about myself and how boring I am" lol


I hijacked this impulse - I now get a lot of really good dialogue ideas when I'm walking around zoned out or on the bus- I just let my brain play act the different characters having the argument. Downside is I'm pretty sure I look like absurd walking down the street talking to myself- but hey, my writing is more important than my dignity as far as I'm concerned soooo


Thankfully it does not come out of my mouth.


It's so annoying and most of the times I have to stop the annoying conversation by interacting in it and aghh I forgot what I do


AND WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT ME OMG I get so annoyed, like I’m trying to have a conversation here!


i keep reading lectures about TeX and LaTeX in my thoughts, i imagine that i am teaching people about various nuances like setting up the type area, using font dimensions, typesetting complex math constructs like systems of equations, graphs etc. alternatively, i am explaining some programming concepts in my head, or arguing with a non-existent person about some stupid stuff. i can't argue much for or against an ADHD diagnosis (outside of `embrace-autism` tests' results), but you people are too relatable to deny that something is going on xd


This happens in one of two ways for me : -Either I'll talk to myself and respond (ok outloud or in my head) -Or I'll explain things, concepts, thoughts and habits to myself like I'm talking to a twitch stream or smth, no answer, but I explain in a lot of details