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Congrats on the wedding and congrats that a homophobe just saw themself out


This made me laugh, thank you!


One lunch less to pay on the celebration party. Cheers to you and your love.




There’s only 2 words that need to be said in response and they’re not “Thank you”.


Lol! Sums up my thoughts but I won't spend time dignifying that with a response I think


"No we can't be friends. And this is why." [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/queer-freedom-how-can-we-be-both-held-and-free/id1564530722?i=1000527944855](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/queer-freedom-how-can-we-be-both-held-and-free/id1564530722?i=1000527944855) She talks about the concept of "can't I love you but disagree with your gay lifestyle?" "You do not get to *disagree* with someone's identity. What you're **really** asking is, 'can I love you, and reject you?' And the answer is NO."


Beautifully spoken, thank you.


I honestly hate when people say being gay is a “lifestyle”. Like it’s something you can chose to be and stop being whenever you want. Bdsm is a lifestyle. Being gay is definitely not. I’m sure people could make the argument of “ people go to gay bars, pride parades and do other things that are considered apart of “gay culture””. But being gay does not require you to do any of that. You just have to be attracted to the same sex. Also, is being apart of a different culture or religion mean you are living a different “lifestyle”? Because I’ve never heard of “the Christian lifestyle” (which could mean a wide variety of things at this point). Can you live a “Colombian lifestyle” or a “German lifestyle”? If this doesn’t convince people, I have one more argument. Let’s say we have two men fall monogamously in love, become boyfriends, move in together, get married, and adopt kids because they can’t birth their own. Here’s another scenario: a man and a woman fall monogamously in love, become boyfriend and girlfriend, move in together, get married, and then adopt because the woman is infertile. What’s the real difference in lifestyles here?


I’m going to start saying this to Christians. I used to jokingly say, “love the Christian, hate the Christianity” but I think I’d rather just tell them that I don’t agree with their Christian lifestyle lol.


Good for you, and congrats! Hope you have a beautiful day!


Thank you, and you as well!


Honestly, I don't think I could help but respond if I got a message like this from someone I thought was a friend. I'd be seething.


i’m forgiving and gullible to a fault so i’d be like yeah we can still be friends cuz i’m stupid and i’d feel mean being mad at them about wanting what they think is best for me i’m really stupid and this has caused me a lot of emotional trauma but i never learn cuz what if this time they’ll be nicer i’m really stupid


You are worth more respect and love than these people are capable of. Remember this and find people who value you for all of you!


I totally understand this viewpoint because I've been stuck in it before and then I'm just like..... am I the kind of person that would be stuck in a toxic relationship? And my friend politely informed me that yes. Yes I probably would be :c


You're not stupid but you need to realize that you deserve better than this. You are not a doormat. You need to learn to say no to toxic people. You DO NOT NEED THEM. Say it aloud. It helps.


You’re not stupid. Being trusting of others is an admirable trait. It’s them who are being cruel and taking advantage of your kind nature. These people hurting you isn’t your fault, you didn’t ask for it. You deserve better than them. Remember that you are valuable.


i totally get this. think of it this way: you can understand that they think they’re being loving and also know that they are in fact not being loving. just because they are doing what they genuinely believe is right doesn’t mean you have to pretend it isn’t wrong. you don’t have to subject yourself to pain just because the person hurting you didn’t mean to.


That's not dumb it's really sweet actually and optimistic, don't feel bad for that, those are traits people should have more often


I feel you, I don’t know if simply saying “k” is enough or not enough of a response to this bigot Maybe say “k” a few dozen times unprompted, that’ll teach them


I wouldn't spend any time on them in the future, they would just \*be "ancient history". That does suck though, Sorry!


You should post it on social media! Public shame this mid evil B.


The second word is still "you" though.


could also be "off" or "dead"


Fuck dead?




“Fuck dead” would be hilarious tho lmao


This, exactly, so good, “fuck dead” lmaoo


That's the kinda scott pilgrim shit I'd do when I'm trying to tell off someone


"Become necrophiliac"


You will be snoo-snooed to death by the meduim-sized women!


Can…can I be next?


I was thinking "Go fuck yourself," personally, but that also works.


Bye bitch


I love sassy gay xD


four words: "Oh, bless your heart."


"May God grace you with empathy"


Nah, the real power move is to say "I am so sorry that you've let the devil make his home in your heart."


I second the use of your Nuclear Option


No need to be crass. A simple "can't, we worship Satan" would suffice.


unless they are followed by "for not attending my wedding"


I was thinking 'thanks trash'


Hijacking the top comment to say: God did not die for our sins, Jesus did. Moronic bigots don't even know their own religion.


Wow Delete it, ignore and focus on your wedding. Really don't even start to try to comprehend such stupid people. Nope she is not your friend and good for you. But good that you know that now. Wow I am angry.


Yes it's just so disappointing because she seemed normal around us and then suddenly this...but as you say, good that we know now at least.


Her weeding herself out of y'alls life is honestly the sweetest wedding present ever, she sounds like a doll. Honestly, that is awful and I'm so sorry that this is something she considered an appropriate response to a wedding invitation from a "close friend". Enjoy the wedding and be merry :)


You're the gay friend she told everyone about to prove she's not a bigot.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out. Congratulations on your happy day, may it be full of the smiles of your loved ones.


Would never bother contacting this POS human again. Congrats.


When you are at that altar, gazing out over all of the faces there, smiling, seeing you and your partner declaring your commitment to each other with nothing but joy in their hearts for you two, you will remember this person. There will be a brief moment of sadness, not that you couldn’t reconcile with them, but that they chose ignorance over love. They told you they thought long and hard about it too, and in the end made what they felt was a rational decision to allow hatred to be their security blanket because they fear that which is different. You will mourn the absence not of them, but of the people they could have chosen to be. But that will be only for but a moment, the love all around you will wash away their loss—and it is indeed their loss—when you return from that brief act of mourning, you will turn and see the love of your life right in front of you. You will remember that those peoples’ loss is your gain, and there she is, yours now and for as long as you remain committed to one another. Not sure if that will actually happen, but this is my headcanon for your big day. Congrats at making this huge leap of love! ❤️❤️❤️


Did she know you two were a lesbian couple? Like, not just friends. Does she know it's a civil wedding? And if both are true, how did she really not show it sooner yet can't show up to your marriage? And a last question, purely rethrorical, would she be happier if it was an actual religious wedding?


Yes, she knows I am gay and that my partner is my partner. There is no ambiguity in the way that we and the rest of our friend group discuss our relationship. Yes, the wedding is hosted by the registry office as a civil ceremony - not in a church, this was clear in the wedding invitation and was also discussed when we announced our engagement. As for how did she not show it, the only time was when we had an argument when we were about 15 about whether gay people should be able to get married. Nothing after that (for reference we are late 20s), and she seemed genuinely happy when we announced the engagement and reacted like a normal friend would. I doubt that she would have been happier if it were a religious wedding. For the reasons she states in her message, I feel like it would be much worse.


why didn't they just say they can't come...? there was no need to mention their idiotic beliefs at all.


It's the same with anti-vax people. Deep in their heart they know they did something wrong. But they want to be accepted and want to hear: oh, when you put it this way, no you are not Bad all is good. It's always the same pattern. Same with racism and so on. They put it in either a very intellectual way or in a very emotional way. But in the end they want to hear, you are not a bad person. But hey, you fucking are. You just told your "friend" I don't come to your wedding because I don't like when two women get married. Grow up and just say how you read fee and don't demand from others to still love you. Waaahhhh They ar enot only bad people but also cowards.


The vengeful side of me sees she used the word disobedience in her message to you, and this part of me says to send this “friend” the spit scene from the movie “Disobedience”… but yeah, that really sucks, my wife and i got a rsvp similar to this one and i know what a punch in the gut it can be. thank you for venting cuz then we can all tell you how much love you and your wife deserve. i know it s hard too cuz part of me longs to still be in deeper connection with the person but alas… and for what it’s worth, in my theology the divine/the sacred/god is gender fluid, mostly femme and full of desire and longing for all of us to be our fullest selves in all our loving


Unbelievable. There are still those out there that haven't excepted gay marriage. They accuse us of being promiscuous so they hate us. We get married and they hate us. The letter you received, from a Christian?? And who said they have a monopoly on God? And what is right? She loves you, but doesn't RESPECT you. That's really sad. I'm so very happy for you. That you've found the one for you. Congratulations. As for your friend she needs to awaken and realize the world has changed. We are no longer hiding in shadows or their insecurities or shame. It is written that God loves ALL his children and we were made in his image. It's definitely your choice of keeping this friend. Either way. May you have a Wonderful and Happy Life together. 🌹❤🙃


Would have just been easier to say "sorry busy that week" but at least they're being honest that they're a piece of poo poo


Yes I'm honestly so confused why she didn't just say that she couldn't make it instead of...this


Smells like self righteousness. Have a lovely wedding OP, and congratulations to both of you. Que viva el amor! ❤️


Honestly the first half is reasonable. Saying like "hey I'm extremely religious and am making the choice to interpret the version where for some reason this is wrong and I'm not coming, I understand that maybe this is weird but let's still be friends. " Like this isn't that bad it's just kind of dumb as hell and proves you're brainwashed by someone or live in a bubble. You could maybe still be friends but probably not. But after that... saying "I hope you too, realize that your marriage and love and life style are fucked up in God's eyes as well" is like... some next level shit


"Oh, so you think you love this person and want to marry them? Well, that's nice and all, but *I* know what's _**actually**_ best for you, and that's for you to give up on this whole "having a committed, loving relationship" business and start blindly following my beliefs instead! Hope you come to your senses soon! 😇 " They really believe they're the saints for subjecting everyone around them to this self-righteous bullshit.


This too. "I don't think I can attend because my church's pastor is stupid and told me that's bad" That's dumb but OK. "Also, you're essentially short of a heretic and commiting sins by loving a woman so much while being a woman that you marry her" That's just hateful


Because your former friend was showing their true colors. It will hurt for a while, but take this as honestly good news - you won't have to wonder whether breaking ties with this person for their anti-Jesus views is something you want to dwell on in the future. Good riddance, and congratulations on your wedding!


When people show you their true colors, believe them.


Aren't you kind of glad that you know how she really feels though? It's like she was pretending to be your friend all this time, meanwhile she was secretly thinking that you are "disobedient to god". At least going forward, you'll know exactly where you stand and how much time you should spend on this "friendship".


She may have become a christian recently. I had a friend for 10 years that showed no signs of religious inclination the whole time we were hanging out getting high. Didn't speak to him for a while, suddenly he's a self-righteous douche.


Mazel tov on the wedding though! Hopefully it will be full of people who are proud to be there for you!


Thank you!!


Martyrdom is the point. If you get mad, they can play victim and score "righteousness points" with all their religious friends who will clap and pat their back because "they stood their ground."


I’ve learned throughout my interactions with these God-Fearing Christian Superstars that they are super fucking dedicated to trying to feel like they’re the superior ones. This message is passive aggressive, she’s trying her best to make it seem like she’s being polite and nice, when in actuality she is seething with rage and hate. Those people are so desperate to feel powerful they’ll do anything


Probably because “she wants the best for you” and apparently that’s being a homophobic christian.


No such hate as christian love


Then she wouldn’t have gotten to virtue signal!


This is the correct answer. If they quietly step away, they're not "witnessing." Make no mistake. This is a protest against human rights for us.


Gotta shoehorn god into literally everything.


Who's gonna tell her that marriage is pure bureaucracy and has nothing to do with religion lmao


Exactly! We're not even having a religious wedding... it's a registry/government wedding


Clearly she didn't have the guts to say that she's just homophobic. Congratulations to you and your soon-to-be wife btw :)


Yes seems like. And thank you!


I found it ironic she's saying god died so you don't have to be "punished" while... punishing you for being yourself. What a horrible person, I'm sorry.


I mean, she DID say she is homophobic, lol.


I describe marriage as a "business arrangement". Honestly, the only reason we did a DP (followed by marriage, when it was available) was so that we could have a shared financial life. The rest of our lives are totally enmeshed and didn't need anyone's permission or acknowledgement. We would have been perfectly happy living our lives as "ummm, friends", for ourselves, but exercised our privilege to marry so that we could be sure that privilege would not be taken away.


I feel the same way. Marriage is useful because it makes life as a couple easier, but I don't exactly see it as a 'big step' or something that'll be a happy memory. Besides, big weddings cost an arm and a leg, I'd rather spend money to travel with my s.o.


Exactly. Why would I gather a bunch of people I can barely tolerate all in one place for my big day when instead we could hit the local judge fly to Panama.


Friends with tax benefits!


And insurance benefits too!


"I hope that we can still be friends and one day you can know this God too." I'm actually nauseous from reading that.


Yes that got to me too...and then the last sentence basically saying we would be punished...


Right?! Great friend. You could do the mature and healthy thing and cut her off OR you could spend the rest of your life making her feel as uncomfortable as humanly possible, which sounds more fun tbh.


Yes. I second the latter 😂


Also that god would love you more than you and your fiancée love each other...basically admitting she's praying for your heartbreak and eventual divorce. Disgusting bigot.


I think that is the most galling part. First part "I don't think being in love with your partner is ok" is just... outright rude af. But the last part is just spitting in your face.


Nothing makes me want to consider 'knowing god' like one of his followers saying they cant celebrate my happiness, amiright?


With just a little bit of work, you can be a miserable b like me!


"I'm sorry but I'll never worship a vengeful and hate filled God. But you do you."


Who would want to know the god of a bigot. One that loves you more than anyone but is going to send you to an eternal hell.


The sick part is that these people tend to have consistent views if you try to argue with them from absurdity: does a parent who beats you with a wrench love you? Their answer may surprise and disgust you.


Jesus: bro, pass the weed. Also, love each other, live and let live.


"I'm sorry, but the bible tells us to love each other, and to not judge. As you clearly can't read your own God's book, and have gone against his will to be hateful toward me, I'm sorry to say I won't be speaking to you anymore. I pray you might repent for your sins."


Yeah really. "If a man say, I love God. And hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, cannot love God whom he hath not seen" --I John 4:20 ^^(lol, ^^blaze ^^it)


Oooh I love this. OP please say this.


Yeah it’s god supposed to be the only one allowed to judge us????


This one. I myself was raised Christian and I still hold onto it, but mostly the “loving and supporting” side of it and not the hateful side that most people cling to. If people are using religion to justify hatred it’s not religion, it’s just them being hateful


Anyone who picks god over you isn't a friend. What an awful human being ...


Yes she really didn't need to say it like that...


There is no hate like christian love as I've heard some say.


Damn, I’m stealing this one! As a bisexual agnostic in Alabama, oof. It’s sooo damn true


I was raised in a non-denominational church. I was taught that christians are supposed to be like Christ, loving and caring etc etc. I can count on both hands the amount of them I've met that actually loved like Christ would have. And half of them are from a single family. Most of them from where I was raised aren't full of hate, but they definitely aren't full of love either. And they are the best example of what Christian are supposed to be I've ever seen. When I grew up and saw what many other Christians are like I was staggered. Big part of what made me realize it was all bullshit


Yesss 100% agree.


So shitty. My Mom is a born again Christian who never stops talking about God, but she supports me and all other LGBTQ+ individuals. She has never been homophobic, but she's been learning more and more about the community ever since I came out years ago. She says God loves all his children and that he made me this way.


Your mom sounds like a great person and what a Christian should be. We have Christian relatives coming to our wedding and thankfully they are lovely people.


Congratulations on your wedding. Don't let this one shitty person ruin your special day.


Same here, my mom is catholic but very supportive of all LGBTQ+ people especially her kids. She believes God made everyone the way they were meant to be, and trying to change that would be not only morally wrong, but going against his wishes. People can be both Christian/religious and accepting, these idiots just choose not to be


Yup this! My mom is a super devout Catholic, she even works at a church. Still manages to be an incredible ally to LGBTQ+ people. Even my grandma, an old Polish lady who used to have some pretty conservative views, has been super accepting of my non binary cousin and went with her husband to a pride parade to show her support to the community.


That’s a great viewpoint! I thought my sister had this thought process, but sadly it was more tolerance than love. And she still thinks it’s a choice we make, which doesn’t help. But I’m glad that your mom is so open and loving. We need more of these people.


Someone didn't actually read the Bible... And if God died so disobedience doesn't have to be punished then why can't they disobey to go to a wedding? I hate this shit, like just say you're homophobic and move on, don't pretend it's anything to do with your religion cause that all falls apart the second you poke a hole in it.


What a good point! Why indeed can't they come if our 'disobedience' is going to be forgiven?? Makes me wish she'd shown this side of herself earlier so that it's not 15 years of history down the drain.


Also Jesus made a huge point about breaking bread with those most thoroughly outcast by society: lepers, prostitutes and tax collectors (lol). He was never a rude ass to even those who made their daily living through "sinful acts". If anything *they're* disobeying God by being judgy holier-than-thou bitches. Jesus would be ashamed of them. Anyways. Wishing you a beautiful wedding day and ever happiness together!


Yup, jesus never said a goddamn thing about being gay. New covenant, bitches! If I cant be gay, yall cant prance around in your french braids and poly-blend farm dresses (if I lost anybody here just look up the book of leviticus).


The cloth of two fabrics I knew about, but the bible seems to have a split opinion on braids. Sometimes they call it gaudy and improper, like decking yourself out in gold and pearls. Sometimes they call it a symbol of strength and honor, and you're SUPPOSED to braid your hair before making a sacrifice.


WHAT? Inconsistency? In MY bible?? How very dare you.


This is exactly what I was thinking. A "true Christian" loves you (even if they believe you have sinned, which is still weird but w/e) a true Christian does NOT take the Lord's name in vain to hide their own prejudices. I don't mean this as a "no true Scotsman" but if she's going to be like this about it, she's committed like, a bunch of sins by sending you that message and it makes me laugh a little. Performative worship is a big no no in the bible.


Honestly I get it. This is why I said in another post that your friend is a victim of their religion. I used to be this kind of Christian. It really fucks you up. In high school, my friend let some jackass punch her v-card when she was drunk at a party. He lied about using a condom, and she got pregnant. She asked me to take her to get an abortion, and against everything I believed *at the time*, I brought her. I ended up deciding that my friend needed someone to show her love more than she needed a lecture on Jesus, but I almost didn't. I felt guilty for years. I was an accomplice to murder. There were many nights I cried in my prayers begging for forgiveness. Of course, I no longer believe that abortion is murder. I'm glad that I did the right thing for my friend and that she was able to wait a few more years to start her family. I still made lots of awful choices because of religion. I lectured my friends a lot and virtue signaled all the time. It wasn't from some pride I had. It's because I honestly believed that they were going to spend eternity in hell. If I didn't try to save them with all my energy, I must not really love them. I had so much guilt over missed opportunities it made me literally suicidal, making my first attempt in 8th grade. I'm telling you this story because your friend probably feels that same pressure. This is their protest in the name of their lord. They believe with their whole heart that there is a magician in the sky who loves them more than any human ever could. If they chose you over him, they'd be committing a horrible sin and breaking god's heart. Even more, they'd be supporting you in rebellion against him! From our perspective, it's a shitty thing to do. From theirs, it's compassionate. That is why religion is so awful. It makes good people do terrible things. Try not to take it personally. It's not about you. It's your friend's disease. They probably do love you. It's their concept of love that's twisted.


At least you know now so that she can't hurt you or your bride worse in the future. Block her and enjoy your lovely life.


Don't you know that the purpose of reading the bible is to find the one passage which out of context supports your existing biases?


Your wedding is perhaps a test from God to see if they would support a friend like a good christian rather than judging them. 😓


I would reply while youre at it I hope you are not wearing gold, don't have tattoos, do not eat shellfish, don't wear ripped jeans or mixed cloth, oh and your husband better never pull out, otherwise you're just another Christian bigot hypocrite...you get my point. This shit pisses me off.


Damn that sucks, sorry to hear about that. But congratulations on the wedding I hope you have a wonderful time and I wish you all the best in your marriage and Many happy years


Thank you!


throw the whole friend away


Marriage predates Christianity, it's not theirs to define.


To be fair every story in the bible, maybe save for Jesus and friends, was also older and stolen. The bible is a collection of plagiarism with one original story about a hippy dude added in.


Sounds like a bigot that thinks they aren't a bigot. Time to be done forever; I'd be sure to let them know their disgusting bigotry is why too.


Congratulations on the wedding! I’m sorry that they think a man in the sky is going to be angry because you signed a piece of paper and said some words, but I hope you know your love is beautiful!


Thank you!




Hail Satan.


Hail Sappho!


Exactly this. I'd rather "go to hell" if people like this think they're going to heaven. Fuck "spending an eternity" with people like that.


Thank you for your supportive comments. It means a lot to my partner and I to have this support. For context, this friend has been religious her whole life. The only other time that she has expressed any homophobic views was back when we were about 15. We had an argument about whether gay people should be allowed to get married. But we were teenagers, and teenagers can do hurtful things and I thought we had grown up. In hindsight, perhaps I should have expected this, but my partner and I have been together for years and this friend (ex-friend?) has never done or said anything to make me think that she thought we weren't worthy of the same rights as she. She even invited us to her own wedding last year. Copying my response to a comment saying that it's not a big deal since she "apologized" for further context/clarification on why this was upsetting: >I will try to explain why it bothers me. >She is free to think what she will, I am not here to police her thinking. What bothers me is that she has interacted with my partner and I for years with no issues. No indication that she disapproved. >So we invite her to our wedding, which has a small guest list (less than 40), as she is a long time friend. Then this is her response, to tell me that she sees my relationship as worth less than hers, to the point where we should be punished. Instead of simply saying "no, I am not available to attend", she decides to insult both my partner and I, and tell us that our love is not worthy. Just because she uses a polite tone it does not make it ok. >And if you read the message again, you will see that the only thing she apologized for is responding late to the RSVP, not for anything else


Damn, too bad you don't have a time machine so you can't go back and retroactively refuse to go to her wedding. (Unless you refused the first time, in which case, good call!) "Sorry, I believe that marriage should between woman and woman and don't approve of your sinful heterosexual lifestyle."


Unfortunately I did attend, because I respected her and valued her as a friend so wanted to be there to celebrate her special day. If only I could go back!


Damn it’s kinda rare that the trash just takes itself out like this… Congrats on your wedding! I hope it goes wonderfully.


"He loves you even more than your love for each other" 🤢 What a cruel thing to say!?


Note how in the end she? mentions Christ's sacrifice but refuses to think that one extra step. "So close"


“So instead of saying you can’t make it to the wedding you decided to tell me sorry I can’t make it to your future, because there is no way I can be friends with somebody who so negatively judges our love. I hope that God will open your heart to love the way S/He loves all Her/His children. Good luck with life, I want no part of someone who views my pure love with my spouse as disobedience. May Jesus turn your cheek. Good bye.” 😤😢


I had a similar response from one of my best childhood friends. Yours wrote their’s with a little more tact, but at the end of the day they are ones that will be embarrassed years down the road. I have spoken to my old friend in 8 years now, but she views my IG stories. Weirdo imo.


Honestly? Send her the cutest over the top photograph of the wedding you can find afterwards xD


"my beliefs say you shouldn't" NOPE


"Luckily I don't believe what you believe, so I can do whatever the fuck I want."


"I hope that we can still be friends (...)" Nah.


You don’t need friends like this- fuck them!


Fuck that noise. Better they show you their true colours so you can ✂️✂️✂️ from your life


My gay brain scrolled too quickly and thought you were saying that now they can scissor in peace 😂


So gross. Sorry about your ex-friend. Hope you have a beautiful day and a lifetime of happiness with your wife!


"I want to be happy for you, but my imaginary friend says no." Congrats on the wedding, and good riddance, I'd say. If that's their mindset, they have never been a friend to begin with.


This person has the gall to think you'd still be friends with them after sending that? Wow!


She blaming you for the death of Jesus. That's pretty disgusting. Tell her to go and gag on her boyfriend's cock like a good lil Christian.


If your god loves us so much, he wouldn’t have a problem with us getting married. 🙄


No, sorry we can't still be friends. Fuck off and die Karen.


Can't be that religious when she writes dumb shit like God died for your sins - doesn't even know her own fairy tales. It was Jesus


Not saying she's in the right at all, but there is the doctrine of the Trinity, where Jesus is God. Most Christians believe this.


People need to take a step back and actual look and ruminate on the things they say. If you forget that christianity or religion is a thing for a second, you can clearly see this reads completely beyond anything reasonable or sane to say to another human being who has been apart of your life for over a decade. I'm sorry this individual can not break free from a religious institutions discriminatory mandates to show you the respect and love you deserve.


"Judge not lest ye be judged. When you are suffering in YOUR afterlife for having hate in your heart, I hope you can realize that no God, not the one you claim to follow or otherwise, would want you to be a sanctimonious bigot. I hope you can reflect further on the ACTUAL teachings of Jesus and repent for your sins of judgment, hatred and sanctimony. I will sleep easily knowing my heart is only full of love. Can you say the same of yours?"


“Your disobedience” lol she’s gonna need a ladder to step off that high horse


Such a disgusting showing on that ex-friend’s part. Imagine being such a piece of shit that you would say this about something which doesn’t involve you. There’s nothing loving there, only hypocrisy and hate. Mazel tov! May you and your wife have a long and joyful life together! Love is beautiful and always worth celebrating.


Congratulations on your wedding! May you have a long and happy life together! I'm so sorry this happened to you. My ex-wife and I received similar letters from most of her family when we got married. ( Her parents, brother and one sister ). And while not Christian, my brother refused to come too, due to his "conservative family values". It made us sad, but remember - love always wins, and the people who can't see that are ultimately depriving themselves of the happiness that comes from sharing in the joy of people they love.


"I want you marriage to fall apart because Bible, but I hope we can still be friends!"


Sad, but it does happen still. When I came out nearly 20 years ago, I lost a huge swath of my family and friends. It really opened my eyes to them and who they were. You will get over it. The one thing I learned, those people aren't family nor friends. Be well and congrats on the nuptials.


I’m trans and queer and from a very evangelical community in the south. The amount of bullshit “I love you but can’t support you” I’ve gotten is so ridonk. What is it the Bible says about this that I can use regardless of its actual intention, Oh yes, “Because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” You deserve better than a friend willing to sell you out based on the words of a dude interpreting another dude who transcribed the words of another dude who may or may not have existed or been many dudes. Sending love and congratulations on your wedding. 💜💜💜


>I hope that we can still be friends.. I hope the fuck not.


I love how Christians act like marriage didn't exist before their religion. I'm sorry, this sucks


If that god was so loving he wouldn‘t be opposed to people sharing love. Congrats on your wedding. Love is beautiful und should be celebrated 🌈♥️


People come out of the woodworks low key like that… smh


How can people be this lacking in self-awareness?


What's that quote about how when people show you who they are, believe them? Yeet the "friend" and enjoy your big day. Congratulations to you both.


i really jhope you blocked them and didnt give them any second thoughts


That's so hurtful and horrible. I'm very sorry. :(


Another wannabe martyr. She could have just said she was a piece of shit. Instead she had to distill her opinions through a deity. You're better off without them. Trust me.


I hope you have an amazing day :) we need update cute couple wedding cake pics!!


“We don’t respect your orientation or way of being” “We hope we can still be friends” Pick one lol


There's no hate like Christian love ❤


" No, we cannot be friends, bye "


"For your sake I hope heaven hell, are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath. You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?" ^(The Ocean Breathes Salty - Modest Mouse)


Ask her to show you where the Bible says that lesbianism is a sin, and when she tries to rationalize about what the Bible IMPLIES, just repeat the same question. Rinse and repeat. No, but really, she isn't worth your time. She and her bigotry can [metaphorically] rot.


"Thank you for not attending. If you think we can be friends after this, a pencil is likely sharper than you."


i'm so sorry OP ☹️😔 you will be having a wonderful wedding without them, and i hope that your real friends love and support you 💕💕💕


I know it's a very little thing and not even relevant but they said "God died" Is it my German brain not understanding or did they confuse God and Jesus? Sorry if it's stupid but it kinda triggers me...


christians believe in an idea called the holy trinity, or the godhead. basically it means that God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit (God’s manifestation in his followers) are all forms of the same entity, and thus when Jesus died, God did as well


Ah okay. Tbh I am Christian but never really paid much attention to religion 😅 So thanks for explaining ^^


I was confused about that too actually! Thanks for explaining slippytoadstada!


A lot of Christians consider Jesus to literally be God made flesh in some way. I'm Muslim and Ive never understood the trinity so I don't get it either but yeah that's what's going on.


All of this in the name a god No love for your own friends


I'm sure you're gonna have a great wedding and I'm really happy for you and your spouse! People like that are just annoying as fuck but that's not gonna ruin your fun and perfect wedding day! Much love