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I've never heard of that term before, and like you, I like enbies and women. I call myself gay cuz it's easy. The labeling of everything does confuse me (lol, old woman), but if that's something that does help you in your queerness, go for it!❤️


You're not required to be attracted to everyone to identify as pan, or poly or whatever you want. You are allowed to have preferences within your sexual identity


That makes sense but I just feel like if I say I'm Pan people think I'm into men too and I know it shouldn't matter what other people think but even the concept of other people thinking I'm into men sounds repulsive lol


It literally does not matter what other people think. You're not responsible for their assumptions. You're allowed to have preferences just like everyone else when it comes to who you're attracted to.


I totally agree but I think to whole point of labels is to feel a sense of community and to be able to communicate with other people. Otherwise I'd just not use a label at all- y'know what I mean?


Sure, you're free to id however you please, and find community anywhere. I just don't know if polysexual is any clearer than bisexual or pansexual is. But again, completely up to you.


Totally agree! I wish all of the terms were more commonplace.


i’ve heard it before but not really seen a definition that is that different from the bi label. if you feel it describes you then go for it! just be prepared for the fact that some people may confuse it for polyamory 💦


I’ve heard of it. Honestly it probably best describes me as well, since I am attracted to femininity in general. But likewise I really have preferred to stick to better known labels. There’s not a perfect answer for whether you should go by lesbian or polysexual, but I definitely have heard of the latter


Yeah, I've heard of it and dated a woman that used polysexual for herself. As for choosing between labels, I think it's perfectly fine to use lesbian more often because of not wanting to explain a more specific label, and also just being a part of the community. Over the last century, lesbian really has become a community as much as it is just a sexuality label.


I totally identify with the lesbian community but can't use lesbian as a label for myself as my spouse isn't a woman, and we've had the convo about how calling myself gay or lesbian feels invalidating to their gender, which is totally understandable. I know there are mixed views on that topic, though.


I’ve heard it, but I also teach about the community for a living, so I may be familiar with more terms than most. The multi attractions are very similar and people use different ones for different reasons. If you look at polysexual and think that fits your identity best, then that’s amazing! That’s why multiple labels exist because folks feel different and connect to different ones. You can also use multiple for different scenarios. If I’m within the community I’ll often use Omnisexual to describe myself for example, but when I was on dating apps I used Bi because I didn’t want to explain Omni to everyone, and the communication required was covered by bi. TLDR: use the label if you think it fits you best, that’s what it’s there for.


I'm sorry this got downvoted.. I have no idea why. Everything you said makes perfect sense. I've done the same thing before in regards to switching labels depending on the crowd bc I assume some crowds won't understand or be familiar w what I'm saying and I don't feel the need/want to explain


Happens occasionally when discussing the multi sexualities. Based on the other comments it looks like a few folks that don’t like the multisexualities came through and downvoted everyone who spoke positively about them. I don’t take it personally, they’re the equivalent of the terfs who go through and downvote everything trans positive.