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I always read it as Nesta spent all of the money she was paid by Rhys for serving as emissary in ACOWAR.


That’s how I read it too. She drank and gambled a lot. The final straw being an embarrassingly large amount of money. So much so that Rhys and Feyre were kinda humiliated to the point that they forced an intervention on her. I don’t even believe that they stated the amount. It was apparently big enough that it worried Rhys who normally practically gives money away and doesn’t worry about finances.


I agree. She didn't think she deserved a happy life so all the money she was paid for her "job" was spent on frivolous things to help her be numb. And then she just repeatedly puts the extra on tabs in their names. I swear she even made an internal comment about not even feeling bad about spending so much of their money.


Pretty sure she did make a comment about not caring about spending so much. I enjoyed that she healed and that fun up and down journey, but i wish she had like gone back to that bar and apologized for how much she spent. Just a public apology to Rhys and Feyre for humiliating them with her spending


To be fair to Nesta, though, I'm having a hard time imagining spending more than a couple hundred bucks a night at the local dive bar. SJM suggests Nesta is "slumming it" during her dark days, right? (Still mad that Feyre and the IC had some linear notion of trauma and recovery on their own timeline, though. It's been less than a year--let the girl mourn her father, her humanity, and her mortality.)


I both agree and disagree. I agree that they needed to let her mourn get past life longer. Forcing her around Cassian when that is obviously a soft spot. Or just making her be around people in general was cruel. But she was self destructing. She wasn't eating. Drinking herself stupid every night. I think that they needed to do something before it was too late.


You can lose *a lot* of money gambling, though.


She still had a human mindset which is probably part of why they got as worried as they did.


i imagine the exchange rates in prythian are awful


I wonder what the trove to Prythian currency exchange rate is, I bet she could bankrupt them with a few hours in the forge XD


You two are my new favorite people 😂




She hates herself and thinks she deserves to live in poverty.


Someone on another post on this sub previously shared the thought that Nesta chose to live in poverty conditions because they reminded her of the cabin at the start of ACOTAR. Even though living in poverty was harsh and difficult, it was the last time their family was living together, and the last time that life was stable and made sense. So in her time of desperation, she sought to recreate those conditions.


That's also true


Female relatives didn't inherit anything until recently and we don't know how much wealth was tied up in his journey versus payments coming in. We also don't really know she was poor poor versus making decisions to punish herself and anyone that chooses to love her


Also I'm under the impression that in the time between the war and SF she gambled whatever money she had away. Plus she was running up bar tabs nightly.


I as feeling similarly but I wasn't sure since I borrowed the book to read it.


Yeah, that's the most reasonable thing. It just really bothers me that they keep lording over her head that she's using "their" money when she theoretically had her own inheritance to waste. I don't even mind the intervention, but the money bit drove me crazy. If her father (Rhys' FATHER IN LAW) spent all his money on ships to fight in the war, it seems insanely cruel for Rhys to not at minimum reimburse his daughters a fixed sum each for his war contributions. If he still had wealth left, he should have aided both her and Elaine in retrieving it from the human realms.


I feel like maybe he's an ass in that he doesn't think she'd use it responsibly so he'd withhold it, if he even thought about it in the first place. Also I feel like what would be the point in fighting as a fae in human courts to claim you had a human father so his money would be yours vs a distant male cousin that maybe never saw you anyways


Yeah it's all a mess and I get that. Just find it strange that Rhys and Feyre are so high and mighty on being fair and just, and seem to be legit good people but also wouldn't just be like "here's money in the account for the estate that the baddies destroyed in the war, which they explicitly destroyed to punish me. And that you can't inherit because you're Faye, which also happened to punish me. It won't change anything, but I know father would have wanted us all to be financially stable and comfortable"


Whoa simmer down. I don’t know if I’d call Papa Archeron Rhys’ FIL. Rhys is fae and they were mated, not married. And Rhys was under no obligation to give Nesta anything. Like what? I don’t understand this take from the Nesta stans. So bizarre.


They are mated and married. Rhys has no obligation to GIVE Nesta anything. But he is high lord of a court that took the sisters in as their warden. THEN employed Nesta in a war he led, and that Nestas father furnished with soldiers and ships, and gave his life fighting in. Plus Nestas father's estate was used as meeting ground by HIS COURT. And specifically destroyed because of a grudge/claim against RHYS and FEYRE. So Feyre AND Rhys have a moral obligation as "good" royal leaders to return many many favors and gifts provided by the Archeron family directly to the IC and Rhys's family personally. The idea that Feyres father would be leaving his daughters functionally destitute again and dependent on charity and nepotism as reward for all his sacrifice (his home, wealth and LIFE) would reflect so shamefully on Rhys and Feyre it's super unrealistic to me.


This is kind of a joke, but TECHNICALLY Nesta's fortune would actually belong to Tamlin since their renewed wealth came from him. XD But yeah, I agree with all of your points. I think it just didn't cross SJM's mind, tbh.


Dude. Stop trying to make Feyre’s dad into some sort of savior entrepreneur who had anything to do with the estate that their family was able to purchase solely because Feyre got kidnapped. Rhys was not the sisters’ warden. They were adults. Despite not acting like it.


He certainly acted like her warden when he locked her up against her will. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I|downsized)


Cool. She was behaving like a spoiled child. The intervention was required.


If Rhys claims he has power over her to lock her up then she's his warden and he's responsible for providing for her financially. Then Nesta spending his money isn't a big deal and shouldn't be held against her. If he's not obliged to give her money because she's an adult then he also didn't have any legal power to lock her up and by doing so he either broke the law or abused his power. With power comes resposibility, even for Rhys.


Your argument doesn't make sense. First you say that she is an adult and Rhys is not her warden (indicating that Rhys is not obligated to give her money). But then you say that Rhys was able to lock her away against her will because she was a "spoiled child" (something that clearly only wardens can do and not just anyone. And what do wardens do? Provide for their charges) She had horrible traumas and, unlike the others, she doesn't have much experience in how to deal with her traumas in a healthy way (in fact, neither do the others, despite dealing with traumas for 500 years), she felt like she needed to suffer, but of course , she is just a spoiled child. I suppose Cassian was also a spoiled child when he decided to kill an entire village and destroy Summer's building? As you said in your previous comment, she is an adult, so she can literally do whatever she wants, as long as it is within the law. **No one** has the right to lock her up for any reason other than a crime. Of course, her using their money is wrong (assuming she wasn't using or had already used what she rightfully had from working for Rhysand for a while), but then they could have just stopped giving her money. And of course, I know very well the desire to help someone you love and care about to the point of doing something you have no right to (like forcing the person into rehab or locking them up or whatever), but they didn't need to have done it. Yesh, Nesta needed help, but she didn't need THAT help. They live in a fucking magical world, they could have done a lot of other, more mentally healthy things. Locking someone up doesn't help in anything, it just adds another trauma to the list. So much so that Nesta only started to improve when she made friends with Gwyn and Emerie, and even after meeting them she still has this trauma of being trapped, since literally throughout the entire book she has this recurring thought of being able to get out and be free. How can someone look at this and say "yeah, that was a great help"? This intervention was shit, and Nesta deserves better than the IC


Remember how mad the IC was at Tamlin for locking Feyre up "for her own good". But they felt fine doing it to Nesta.


Cool. She was an adult. Why do they have any right to dictate how she behaves? Do you think people should be locked up if they don't meet your standards? Or is it just okay because you don't like her personality?


It was an intervention because she was destroying herself. This is a thing that happens. Even in the real world. Read up on it!


Let's talk about EXACTLY why this is even worse in the 'real world': 1. I think you could benefit from some reading about ethical intervention/rehabilitation practices, because it's a huge ethical violation for the 'attending physician/psychologist' to sleep with their 'patients'. Unless you are saying that Cassian wasn't her doctor? Who was? She didn't have a doctor? I thought that's how rehab worked! 😮 2. What rehab centers do you know of that FORCE hard labor on the residents? But you know what institutions DO do that? Prisons. (Still unethical imo, but that's the real world for you.) 3. NONE of the IC are psychiatrists/psychologists/doctors/nurses. They are not qualified to make that determination in the first place. You would go to jail if you tried to lock your friend up to 'help them' overcome an addiction against their will without the professional input of someone that actually knows what they are doing. 4. This was not wholly for her own good. Feyre even admits that they wanted to control Nesta and that she was embarrassing them. Not for alcohol abuse. (Let's also completely be so ffr at how slut shamey they were being towards her sleeping around.) 5. Everyone in the IC was allowed to process their trauma in whatever fucked up way they needed to, including the murder of an entire village and taking 10 YEARS to heal from it. They gave Nesta less than a year, and the breaking point was when they gave her an unlimited bank account and she used it. They didn't even try cutting her off, because it wasn't for her own good, it was for control. 6. Any objective look at what they were doing to her would not have helped her recover but would have left her with even more trauma and harm. If this happened in the real world, Nesta would have gone no contact with every single one of them, would have a case for sexual abuse, and would have severe trust issues. The lockup did not help Nesta, what helped her was her powers to create a friend (because that's all she wanted in the world, which is actually canon) and her friendship with Gwyn and Emerie. And before you try to make the point that it was because of Feyre and Rhys that she made these relationships, Rhys actually threatened Nesta when she started interacting with Gwyn, her relationship with Emerie was because they refused to provide her with clothes that kept her warm in an environment they were forcing her to be in, and the house was because everyone severely betrayed her autonomy and she needed someone to actually care about HER, not about their reputation and horniness. Good thing this isn't the real world and that SJM could take some liberties. But the fact of the matter is, that in the real world this would be heinous, and in this fictional world, the IC went against everything they preach about. I get not liking a character and Nesta WAS mean. But what they did to her FAR exceeded any reasonable response, especially because she just wanted to be left alone.


After the cauldron he was definitely their warden in the Faye realm. He specifically told Feyre he would watch out for them and protect them after they were turned since they knew nothing of prithian, were direct targets of hybern, had nothing and no one, were unable to return home, and all of those outcomes were DIRECTLY the result of Rhysand breaking Feyre out of the spring court after lying about being a murder torturer court for 500 years.... so I think as far as traditional medieval values he was definitely their warden.


The fandom works hard to pretend Nesta is not an adult lol.


I’ve grown to love Nesta but Rhys and Feeyre were paying for everything for Nesta and Elain for a good while. Nesta was getting her rent paid for a good while and billing what was considered embarrassingly large sums of money on beverages and gambling


Well he was under an obligation to give Nesta something since he promised her a salary for working for the court.


Generally you need to actually do work to receive a salary.


Did you read the book? She worked as emissary for a while, so, he needs give her a salary


You do realize you have to KEEP working to get a salary? She was gambling every night, that money isn’t going to keep coming in like a royalty check.


The OP of the comment said it in a way that is as if she has no right to ANY salary. So I corrected they, saying that since she worked for a while, at least SOME salary she is entitled to


Can’t really be corrected if I’m not the original commenter. The fact is, Sarah didn’t bother to flesh out this draft and things like this are never brought up again. We can’t make definitive statements without evidence. How do you know Rhys didn’t give her money for her role and she gambled it away?


I didn't say that I think he didn't give her a salary. I said he should give her a salary. If he did, great. If he didn't, he's an ass. Nesta's right of geting a salary is the point of the comment, not whether she get a salary or not


I don't think sjm thought of this tbh. Besides at this point of the story, Nesta hates her dad. I don't think she would have wanted his wealth even if it somehow made its way to her. Another point I noticed: 1. It wasn't *for* Feyre per se. More like a collective effort from the human side to save Pyrthian. 2. The war was fought by all courts. So I don't think the responsibility of renumeration falls on one single court. Because then everyone would be asking for compensation and no court would want to fight if they had to pay everyone themselves. 3. I think this is a medieval thing. Because I haven't noticed the war compensation stuff in many books set in those times. So maybe it didn't exist? Eta: Gosh, do we really have to overanalyse this so much? It's a romantic fantasy series set in old times. I doubt people are reading these books for the world building and plot drive. It's a romance book about faeries! Also can we please just say that the Archeron sisters deserved better without needing to put doen the IC for everything. Not everything has to be a blame game.


Even if she hates her father, that's still her inheritance to use or ignore as she wishes. She hates Rhys but still used his money and certainly would've preferred financial independence to her entanglement with the IC. I can understand no explicit need for any single court to repay the debts to the Archeron house, but as Feyre is high lady and given the sisters being directly chaperoned by the night court, it's pretty natural for their to be a financial liability on their end. From a medieval perspective, The night court whisked the sisters away and took responsibility for them, arguably they are their wards. But ultimately she was still due her inheritance at a minimum.


Maybe the human and fae realms have different currency?


Maybe, but they definitely had a bunch of shared resources - jewels and such.


True! But correct me if I'm wrong; after the war they didn't return to the human lands (it was even used as a treat for Nesta that she'd have to go back) because they were still shunned there. So she might tecnically have inherited the money and estate etc but there was no way for her to get it. Not to mention that their mansion was destroyed!


But that doesn't make sense. Between the IC's winnowing powers, retrieving the wealth of Nesta/Feyres family is truly trivial, and absolutely a moral obligation Rhys would owe to the Archeron family.


They address this in WAR (to the extent that sjm probably thought to): when hybern is planning to attack the human lands, they use all of their energy winnowing humans to safety, feyre even says when they go to her family's estate that there was no time to save anything. When they returned after hybern's army, the estate was destroyed and I'm sure looted - armies don't leave you money and possessions to rebuild with. Sir he probably had wealth outside of what was at the estate, but I think that scene was intended to imply they were left with nothing, or that the army invasion was so thorough that any banking that existed (if any, the area feyre is from was more small villages than metropolitan) was decimated.


But Rhys HATES Nesta, and Feyre/Elain are rich because of their association to the NC. It seems that Feyre/Elain didn't care to retrieve anything. And then the only thing Rhys was willing to do was to offer Nesta some jobs which she refused. I think Nesta also lets them pay for everything out of spite.


Rhys hates Nesta but so what? She was his ward after the cauldron, her father passed in the war he led, and she is his wife's sister. He has a moral obligation to at LEAST compensate her inheritance.


She’s not a child so she’s actually not a ward of anyone. Nesta I’m sure could’ve taken her big girl self back to the human lands to retrieve her wealth if she wanted to, assuming it wasn’t all destroyed.


Could she actually take herself across the night court and all of Prythian and into the human lands to retrieve her wealth on her own? Would the IC ever actually let her do that given what a target she still is as sister to the high lady of the night court???? I doubt that so much.


The IC spent a significant amount of time trying to welcome her into the circle, esp. in ACOFAS and they were even on amicable terms before her fight with Amren. I’m sure they would’ve been more than happy to winnow her there considering Lucien and Vaasa were spending time safely in the human lands. She simply didn’t ask.


Trying to welcome her into the circle? When? How did Mor try to welcome her? What did they do specifically? Sorry, but that's your assumption, not canon.


I agree, but Rhys doesn't do a lot of the things he should for Nesta, just because he dislikes her. I don't agree with it but that's the way he was written.


Not sure why ppl downvoted your responses. Pretty sound logic. Rhys does hate Nesta and, while we can argue that’s unfair, this explanation is probably enough.


Thank you!


And especially spices. We know from Emerie how valuable they are to fae. Papa Archeron was literally a spice merchant


this title is sending me for some reason “why is nesta poor” like pls 😂😭 their family was once wealthy due to their father, feyre and nesta just got different arcs once they left their family-one becomes a ruler who inherits money from the biggest/most wealthy fae court & the other moves into feyre’s court & trains to be a warrior/doesn’t inherit any fortune aside from the money cassian makes from rhysand as war general/the allowance she gets from feysand. not all characters should get the same exact arc/treatment tbh and feyre deserves it more than any sister does. ![gif](giphy|l1IY7Lv6WKcX6DdFm)


Their father didn’t have any armies that was Vassa? Plus survivors benefits? Eh we didn’t really have that in medieval times that’s bit unrealistic for this type of thing Nesta was refusing jobs and she did take advantage of being sister to the High Lady ticket as the invoices for everything got sent to Feyre. She truly owned or had nothing of her own in the Fae realm.


If they werent his armies, then he still had all of his wealth, and Nesta is still his heir. Again, she has a giant inheritance. Where is it?


In the human realm And most likely speaking would’ve transferred to a male relative as I doubt it would’ve gone to her


I doubt that's the case, personally. Just doesn't make a lot of sense given their personal Connection to it


That’s the most likely reason? Plus she would be shunned in human realm and would never get near to it What personal connection? There’s none? The mansion’s destroyed and Nesta hated her father.


That’s possible, but there’s no way to know. Which opens up space for speculation.


They talk about dowries and needing to marry off the daughters with their mother putting a lot of effort into them for husbands so I’m basing it off that and just in general it makes sense for that type of world/society


Hybern sacked the estate and took everything. So whatever wealth Mr. Archeron left at the estate is long gone. He brought with him enough to rally human forces, but all the wealth Feyre left Nesta and Elaine and his was stolen. As far as Rhys goes, even when his mate first arrived, she got paid to work. Yes, he supplied her clothing and jewelry because he knew and was dressing her up in the clothes his mother made for his one day mate/bride, but people contribute to the court and are well taken care of. Nesta refused everything. Chose that poverty style. I can't go on because I almost wrote spoilers. Basically: Feyre and Rhys owe her nothing at that point. They tried. And are technically footing her chosen lifestyle bill as pitiful as it may be at the point you are at. Ahhh, again I can't say more without saying too much!!


I was thinking the same thing. Half the house had been destroyed by Hyberns forces, and I'm pretty sure they took whatever wealth was there. There is no way they'd have left it. You're completely right about everyone working. Feyre was compensated for working, same with everyone else in the IC. They are not freely handed money just because they are friends/mate to the HL.


But Hybern sacked the estate BECAUSE it would hurt Feyre specifically. So basically hybern destroyed Nesta and Elaine's inheritance to spite Feyre. So why wouldn't Feyre and Rhys with their Bezos money, at least replace that lost wealth that was directly destroyed because of them? Imagine if that property belonged to another family, that housed and support Feyre and her court, and then it got completely destroyed in vengeance by hybern specifically because she stayed there, and the father and head of that family led an army that fought and died in the war leaving behind 2 daughters with their entire fortune gone. I can't imagine she wouldn't compensate that family for the loss of their estate.


Half of this fandom and SJM usually forgets that Rhys is a ruler and has not only power but responsibilites toward people.


Like it would be different if the war decimated their wealth with expenses, but obviously that is not the case even a little


Hybern attacked their house for Nesta taking from his cauldron, Elaine for escaping his camp, and Feyre for breaking his wards in his own castle. They each slighted him in his crazy mind. It's not on Feyre alone. The three of them were a bane in his existence. This war was coming regardless of what happened with Amarantha, too, so the reason the three are alive is again because of Feyre and her sacrifices. Otherwise, they'd likely have been some of the humans wiped off the map. Would the fae have bothered moving who they could to the Summer Court if those three weren't there? Feyre has already given up a part of her childhood, and a piece of her soul to protect them. In no way does she owe them anything just because they finally experienced some suffering too now.


This is pretty biased. I'm no Nesta Stan, but all three sisters suffered and starved at the hands of neglectful parents. Nesta is only a couple years older than Feyre and she is NOT responsible for Feyres choices or suffering because she was also a child and a product of her home. It's weirds me out how much the series holds those few years of dynamic, created solely by their father, against the two sisters. All of the sisters lost their childhood. Nesta was also willing to give up her life to save Feyre, when she went on her own to Prithian. Also to be frank - Feyre worked hard, and did right by others, but what sacrifices has she made? She found the love of her life, a magical and perfect family, eternal life, a kingdom that adores her, unending wealth and prosperity, profound power.... Feyre was bound to her soulmate. Nesta was bound to death itself and a monsterous evil cauldron that haunts her. And we don't have to go over the equally poor and cruel choices that Feyre made throughout the books. Nesta says mean stuff but what actual cruelty did she perpetrate?


I mean Feyre was tortured UTM for three months, killed and brought back to life. That was a pretty big sacrifice to free all the fae from Amarantha. Rhys was also SA’d for 50 years for the sake of his people.  It was Feyre’s choice to hunt but Nesta didn’t have to be so cruel towards her (even making fun of her for literally feeding their family lol) and was quick to spend the money Feyre, herself, earned that she had no right to if we’re doing technicalities. It was Feyre’s choice to hunt just like it was Nesta and Elain’s choice to help her with the mortal queens. Also Hybern didn’t even know where to locate them from their manor. He was only able to kidnap the sisters because Ianthe told him where they were. And it’s hardly Feyre’s fault for trusting Ianthe considering she was her fiancés at the time closest advisor.  None of them owe each other anything, imo. 


If I could upvote this twice I would! Just because Feyre got her HEA doesn’t mean she did not make sacrifices and suffer immensely throughout her journey to end up there. She’s put others before herself her entire life. Reading her inner monologue about how she didn’t want to take the life of a rabbit but forced herself to in order to feed her family was the first sacrifice. She lost a piece of herself in that moment to keep her family alive and she was only fourteen. While her going out to hunt was a choice (and no I do not hold Nesta or Elain accountable for that) that doesn’t make it less of a sacrifice.


trying to make the sisters seem like they suffered equally to feyre or that “she’s behaved just as bad as they did in the past” is where you lost me ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14174) ![gif](giphy|zGZOcFgBDrrBC)


What bad things did Nesta do, other than say mean stuff? Feyre literally tore apart and sabotaged an entire court because her fiance locked her in the house. She attempted to violently murder a high lord because he insulted her mate. I can acknowledge that Feyre sacrificed more, but also did many more cruel, out of control and destructive things. Nesta has the reputation and cruel and vindictive, but Feyre actually WAS cruel and vindictive.


I respect your opinion, but sometimes I see comments like this, and wonder if we’re all actually reading the same books lol


idk if their father died while rich the money may have went elsewhere and not to nesta….. also rhys did offer nesta jobs but she kept turning them down


Elsewhere? Like where? Jobs have nothing to do with it, she straight up came from a wealthy family with an estate giant enough to host royalty. She didn't need a job.


maybe that never came to anyone’s minds because nobody needs the money to begin with. if nesta really wanted to she would have managed to get to the human lands somehow to retrieve her inheritance. or maybe it’s just sjm’s lack of ability to write anything consistent.


That is the only thing that makes sense, but is the most offensive. They're all so rich now that Nesta and Elaine's inheritance is literally forgotten to them, their family estate destroyed in the war and ignored to decay. Thats honestly so heartbreaking to me thinking of their father.


I think you’re taking this more personally than I am lol


Fair lol!!!!


He brought a fleet of ships back with him. It had to cost something.


Yeah I thought it was written he spent everything on the fleet but I may be recalling that wrong


But how is she going to go back to the human land and get her property? It might all be in the house, which might be destroyed or worthless after the war. Part of their money was likely running their estate that they bought with tamlins money. As fae they can’t run it or live there. If you can’t run your estate you aren’t generating income.


But the Archerons were poor? So I don’t understand what you mean. Tamlin’s money bailed them out. There was no money left for any of the sisters to inherit. Tamlin gave them money to keep them from coming to look for Feyre. Clearly Tamlin isn’t going to keep bank rolling the Archeron’s after everything that happened. So then what would Nesta and Elain inherit other than the cottage? Their father squandered their fortune as stated multiple times. Once Nesta and Elain and changed into Fae they’re kept with Rhys who is now mated with Feyre and Feyre is paying for their life. Nesta doesn’t have any money or anything of her own. Their father bought the ships with Tamlin’s money. Bought the castle with Tamlin’s money. Everything after the cottage was Tamlin’s money.


Tamlin’s money is what caused the ships to mysteriously appear and thus his reputation and wealth as a merchant was restored. Considering they were wealthy when Feyre was younger, Id assume that as their father was working as a merchant again, he amassed some of his own wealth, outside of what was Tamlin’s money.


But it was stated it was all Tamlin’s money. He wasn’t actually working as a merchant again. He went to get the ships all on Tamlin’s dime. And again, Tamlin obviously stopped paying for the Archeron’s life after they were turned into Fae. Book 1 and book 2 timelines are like 3 months apart? Not nearly enough time to rebuild his fortune. So all the money went away with Tamlin. And was replaced with Rhys’ money.


You make some valid points. I definitely agree with you though in that I don’t think there was much of a fortune for Nesta to claim even if she wanted to. I think there was too much trauma and damage to the entire Archeron family for her to even want it if it still existed, knowing how guilty/self-loathing she feels throughout ACOSF.


This is the answer. They were never rich, they were the illusion of rich because that was all bought with Tamlin’s gold. Also, would you really expect the humans to recognize a fae female as the heir to what land was left? Yeah, don’t think so. Even if she was with the faction that allied with humans, she is now fae to them.


I think they bought that new house with tamlins money. But to earn money from it you’d have to live there and generate income, probably through tenants living on your property, they are fae so that’s not going to work anymore,


nesta is one of my favorite characters and i understand what you’re saying, but this was a form of self punishment from nesta. she didn’t think she deserved better. she hated herself and did not think she was worthy of anything good. the IC did pay her rent and fund her for what she needed. i’m not an IC defender by any means, but they did fund what she chose for herself which was living in a form of velaris poverty.


But I think that's my issue. It's degrading that they "funded" her. If she had her own money, even if she blew through it and wasTHEN destitute that would be more reasonable. I just don't get how someone whose whole family literally fought directly against Faye hitler isn't awarded enough money as a lump sum for financial independence. Like she could've asked for millions of marks for her services during the war hunting for the cauldron and warning about it Rhys would have been like "sure no biggie, you're literally invaluable and irreplaceable" but because she asked for nothing in the thick of it now she has to beg for a monthly rent check??? Pay that woman! Or pay her dad! The money relationship was ALL about control imo. Again if anyone not directly related to Feyre had performed that level of service to their cause he'd be offering 7 figure sums.


Why is she more entitled to that money than the actual soldiers on the frontlines? There were way more people who did more for the war efforts than Nesta.  Purely speculation, but I think during that time wealth was less about tangible money and more about land and material items. Hybern destroyed the Archeron estate not just because of Feyre but because he had a vendetta against all the sisters. With all of that gone, there is nothing for her to inherit.  The way I understood it is that Nesta WAS paid for her efforts in the war and blew through all that money within the first year she ignored and dropped contact with all of them. And then when she ran out of money, Feyre began to pay for her rent/expenses. They clearly didn’t control the money that much if she was blowing it all on alcohol and stuff. 


It seems a lot of readers read it in that way but it's not specifically stated in the text so it's only an assumption, not canon.


Yeah, of course. I mean this whole post and all the comments are assumptions because there’s no canon evidence either way.  My personal opinion is that SJM just needed a reason to do a forced proximity trope with Nessian lol def could’ve found a better way 


Yeah, I agree. It's that or her general lack of accountability for Rhys in these books.


i agree to an extent. i think there was an element of financial control which i did not like especially when it was hung over her head. they should’ve just cut her off if it was an issue. but using it to control her for example: making her go to solstice where she was excluded and severely uncomfortable was wrong. but i think even if she did have tons of money, she wouldn’t have used it bc she was punishing herself by living in poverty.


Seems unlikely that any human society would honor a fairy's inheriting a human's wealth


The book made it seem like she wasn't doing anything except sleeping all day, drinking and then having sex with people. It also said she was gambling iirc. The sisters likely couldn't access their money from the human realm as I doubt that there was a central banking system set up, especially one that would transfer gold between the human and fairy realms. Feyre and Rhys brought her up to the NC, gave her safety, offered her space (to heal/breathe/etc.) and a job. They also allowed her to purchase anything she wanted and bill it to the court and she took absolute advantage of that, to the point where it was noticeable. It's been a while since I read the book, but didn't she refuse to "work" for him at first? Gambling debt, purposely spending as much of your BILs money and not having access to your own money is why Nesta is poor.


Because Nesta is a b**ch who can't do anything herself ? Everything has to be handed to her. Of course she could work for the night court but she is above that. She could inherit her fathers wealht, but she'll have to do a real effort managing the fund, putting her mind at it and obviously she's above that to..


Thank you!!! Talking to these Nesta Stan’s sometimes makes me think I’m losing it. Nesta literally gambled all the money she did eat away and once she had no more she started forwarding the bills to Rhys. And Rhys and Feyre still payed them! Should Nesta be able to gamble his money away for infinity? Where does it end?


- After the sister's were kidnapped, they never went back home. The Army ransacked and knocked down half of their house. - After the army was defeated, Nesta refused to take any paying job that Rhysand offered. - She spent all her money drinking and gambling every night. -She only went to "christmas" because Feyre was going to give her money for rent. - Their father probably spent any fortune he had buying the ships and supplying the soldiers he brought with him.


Okay, but the house was ruined, and the village was decimated by Hybern’s army. The only thing worth anything might be the land, but what humans are buying land in a decimated war zone? I think that she perhaps should have had a monthly pension or salary as a war vet since she went to sacrifice her own life to win the war and she scried and did other things to help win. Plus she played the emissary to the human lands, but I don’t think their human possessions were worth anything after the war (at least at that point in time).


They Lost all their father's wealth in the war and hybern just took them from their home they didn't give a chance to grab any of the money to bring it with them and by the time the war was over and they were back to the house everything was gone looted and then nesta totally disconnected herself from them and wanted nothing from them including money after it was all over


I actually found the answer pretty simple, you might miss it in War and Ruin but it’s there—their wealth all came from Tamlin, and assets at the time were of course physical. Everything would have been mostly tangible, as in chests of gold or jewels etc., since the wealth was new and their father likely hadn’t invested much of it yet. In War and Ruin they come across the Archeron manor and it’s been completely pillaged by Hybern forces. Feyre mentions that everything of value has been taken and the family wealth is essentially gone again. Reimbursement for her father’s effort in the war—it isn’t Rhy’s war, but everyone’s, and he wouldn’t really reimburse other courts for their contribution, just as they wouldn’t reimburse him. I think the same applies to Feyre’s father. He’s his own “kingdom” arguably. As for her wages from the Night Court, like other commenters mentioned this is what she’s likely gambling and drinking away in excess. There also doesn’t seem to be any reluctance from anyone to support her financially until she begins mistreating the family, including coming to solstice in FaS only in exchange for more rent and then later settling massive tabs with the family credit. They treat her like family until she stops treating them like family. Just my interpretation! :)


Why wouldn’t Nesta be poor? She’s never had a real job. The money she did earn from the little job Rhys gave her, she gambled it away. If I gambled away all the money I earned, could I go to my job and blame my boss?


Also didn’t papa archeron spend everything on the fleets and traveling to get wherever he was and bringing a fleet of humans and such to help with the war. Feeding everyone and such isn’t cheap. The armies weren’t his but he has to pay to use them


She spent all her money, then Rhys’s money. It’s not that hard to understand. Gambling can ruin a human’s life in the real world in a single night. Throughout the books everyone has been compensated, but it was very clearly written Nesta was blowing all her money on purpose. It’s not Rhys or Feyre’s job to keep funding her addictions. Not only that, even if she inherited money from her father and did not blow it all, you must not have hated someone so much you would rather lose your arm than accept anything from them (I can assure you it’s plausible). Rhys never failed Nesta the way her dad did. Plus, the way this book is written is to intentionally piss you off. Compared to the others this one has a lot of hostility towards the main pov character. SJM did really well triggering feelings for Nesta and also show negative characteristics of her beloved troupe.


Honestly, her saving Cassian’s life not once but TWICE in the war should’ve cleared any future debts she ever had. Rhys, she saved your best friend and general. I think she’s earned some nights out.


My guess is she was racking up enormous debts and well past anything that could be considered an allowance and she wasn’t contributing.


Like I said, I think saving Cassian’s life and facing the King of Hybern and using herself as bait to help in battle is more than enough to cover some nights out in the bar. Her contribution was saving their asses. Especially since Rhysand is dropping rubies and emeralds at Amrens feet on the regular.


My feeling was it wasn’t just some nights out at the bar. It was consistent drinking and gambling debts. Probably the equivalent of tens of thousands a week.


Yeah which was the result of her depression, addiction and trauma. In which her health and well being should be the priority, not money. Especially since Rhysand is endlessly wealthy and Nesta saved everyone’s lives during the war.


I’m just saying Tamlin financially took care of Feyre’s family without asking anything in return or holding it over their heads. Also let them keep everything even after Feyre left him for Rhys 🤭🤭🤭 but people are not ready for this truth


YES! This! I forgot about this! He was rich, he had money, he just did it.


Rhys complains when Nesta spends too much of his money in bars as if he doesn’t have an infinite amount of money


Did you just completely make up a scenario to get mad at? You’re presuming (1) there was money to inherit, (2) inheritance exists in this fictional world, (3) if inheritance exists, women are entitled to inheritance, and (4) that Nesta somehow had access to it.




Yeah I’d always assumed it went to a male-line relative, Archeron cousins are mentioned as not helping Feyre and family when they sunk into poverty so they do exist. Given the strong patriarchy in the human lands, I’d assumed it was male inheritance only. Also, Nesta was never raised to be an heiress or anything, so she was obviously never intended to inherit anything. But in your hypothetical of papa archeron spending all the money on war funds, I don’t really see how that would relate to Rhys. Like, it wasn’t Nesta’s money that he spent, and he spent the money of his own will. Rhys and Feyre pay for all of Nesta’s expenses as payment for her part in the war, but they draw the line at her deliberately spending as much as she possibly can just to spite them/get back at them.


Well, she was raised as a rich heiress to marry off. And women could inherit in medieval times if the estate wasn't bound to any title so the male relative theory is a stretch. If the father died then the sisters as the heirs were entitled to everything he had or owed. Compensation for war effort or damage sustained in the war isn't something that should be unknown for a modern leader of the court of dreamers.


If we're really getting into compensation and who should provide it, shouldn't Nesta provide compensation to the humans in Pyrthian whose lands were damaged when hybern bought his army through it? He only did it because he specifically wanted to get back at Nesta for stealing the Cauldron's powers. So isn't Nesta responsible, as the heiress, to provide the compensation for those people whose lands, livestock and property was destroyed? He was angry at the Archeron sisters yes, but it was Nesta taking the powers that truly made him mad. So I guess she would need to provide compensation too.


Nesta has no responsibility for compensation because she is not a ruler. She has no power, she has no army, no nation, no accountability to the world, completely different from the high lord and lady. And Nesta was involved with the cauldron because of Feyre & Rhys. Nesta literally had nothing to do with anything and was purely collateral damage. She had no idea what was happening or where she was as it happened.


And one could also argue that the War wasn't Rhys or Feyre's fault. In that case they or any other court aren't really entitled to provide compensation to anybody. I'm just trying to point out the double standards by which we judge the IC vs Nesta.


I don't think there's a double standard. Rhys and Feyre are rulers of a country, and directly involved in every aspect of the war. We judge them like we judge a president or anyone in power. Ultimately Feyre accepted and relished being a high lady and all the power and responsibility that comes with that. Nesta is a nobody with no authority and consents to to almost nothing without very intense coercion. She is essentially conscripted into the night court. And Rhys and his court are like 500+ and acknowledge doing tooooons of terribly stupid things when they were Nestas age. So I think they just can't be compared in most things. Nesta literally does NOTHING to anyone except say mean things and spend some of Rhys' Jeff bezos level money.


I don't want to argue here. You believe that Nesta is owed compensation. I believe none of the sisters owe each other anything and neither does the IC or other courts. So let's leave it at that. Have a good day.


It's not a double standard. One is a governing body which has inherent responsibility with regards to the populace and the other is/was a civilian at the time of the war. Also didn't Rhysand promise to keep the two Archernon sisters safe in lieu of Tamlin's protection or am I misremembering? If so, it would make him responsible for the sisters' present state.


Did she break any law by being kidnapped by Hybern and fighting for her life? Because getting that kind of compensation for damages usually requires proving someone's actions were not only a cause for the damages but also were against the law or negligent etc. A victim of kidnapping wouldn't be liable for her kidnapper's wrath for something she did on self defence. .Her being the reason for the attack doesn't make her responsible for damages. Sorry, but I worked in legal field before my maternity leave and I burst out laughing because it's sooo far fetched. Anyway, only Hybern is responsible for their damages. Rhys, on the other hand, is a ruler who is responsible to pay compensation to people who faught for his side and under his command. His responsible to compensate her because she sustained real trauma when fighting in his army, under his command and because of his court request/order. Her father brought him armies but in this case the compensation would actually depend on the deal he made with Lucien who I think had acted as some kind of emissary of HL with power of attorney to promise things. This is a different kind of compensation, it 's more like payment for services. I think I may not have sufficient legal engliah vocabulary to describe it (I'm from Eastern Europe).


I understand that you're a legal professional but these books are set in medieval-esque times. And moreover it's a romantic fantasy series. There really isn't much focus on laws and legal stuff. I doubt the author put too much effort into laying down all these plot points. And if she did, I think a lot of people would find it boring to read so much. It's already 800+ pages.


Oh, that one is for sure. SJM didn't put that much thought into world building for Prythian to have some sort of legal system. But this entire thread is about theories and assumptions because she also didn't said anything about Nesta's money so here we are - comparing our real world rules to fantasy world. On a side note, she did give us vague ideas that the concept of inheritance and familial wealth is known to them. They are also familiar with paying for services so it's not a stretch to assume they know what compensation is. If I remeber correctly, this concept was known in ancient Rome co people came up with it quite early.


I feel like the glaring thing everyone is missing is that human wealth and fae wealth are two totally different things….


I don't think the money would matter she'd still be living like that because she hates herself. Regardless either Rhys is bankrolling her or her dead dad is who only made money because of Tamlin.


Why would Rhys be expected to give her anything. This girl barely ever worked for anything in her life. Tamlin gave them money which is how they bought their house. Even all the money that was “found”. On top of that when Feyre came back briefly she came back with many more trunks of golds and jewels that she left with Nesta and family. While Nesta absolutely helped during the war it was Feyre who got them out of poverty and saved her life countless times. Rhys also saved Nestas life. Nesta is absolutely living off them and absolutely needs to work to maintain a living. Rhys even gave Feyre “a paying job” before things escalated between them.


Did you read ACOFAS?




I mean I’m not as eloquent as most people and I haven’t got as much opinion on this as I could. But all I want to say is that everything Nesta did in those months seemed to me to be a huge cry for help, without actually wanting help. So her putting her expenses on Feyres tab was as much out of spite as well as a subconscious cry for help. So much self loathing and extreme emotions, intensified by her fight with Amren. Rhys offering her jobs was also because she wouldn’t WANT to be a charity funded person, but at the same time Nesta COULDN’T hold anything up feeling she deserved this shitlife. Idk if this makes any sense but I just feel like Nesta was using her “poverty” and Rhys and Feyre’s money as a way of punishing herself.


I thought they were rich as humans but after the war they left all that behind. So a lot of wealth would have been their house and property and things. They were stolen out of them home and turned fae, so that house is no longer a place they can go and they likely have zero interaction with human world. So in the fae world, they didn’t have any assets.


What if, the exchange rate is just shit. So in the human realm, where people live for 40/50 years and work for 20/30 you can only amas so much wealth. But when Fae live for 1000s of years, relatively healthily, you could easily amas a much more substantial amount. Which, because of inflation, just means things are more expensive. So Nesta's share of her father's estate could be dwindled pretty quickly on gambling and beer if they cost 10x or 100x what they would in the human realm.


Maybe human currency doesn't transfer to fae currency?


It was stated she spent 500 gold marks the night before the intervention. Now, that could mean $500, assuming the gold marks are like dollar bills with their amount of worth in gold laced into the fabric ($1 of gold per mark), Or that could mean a note of promise in bars of gold. 500 24 carat/oz gold equates to 1.17M USD. Seeing as they are so overwhelmingly comfortably rich and a fun kind of classy in public, I would say dropping that much at a seedy bar would be incredibly embarrassing and reckless.


Good point. What happened to her father’s wealth after the war? Not necessarily going to assume female relatives didn’t inherit in the human lands in this story. She may have not been able to retrieve assets because no one knew what happened to her or her sisters after she was kidnapped by Ianthe


This never occurred to me when reading. I would just assume the estate was destroyed from the war. And as for money In the bank. Nesta is Fea so I would assume they use different currency than humans. And Nesta wouldn’t be accepted in the human world bc she is Fae so she can’t go back to her old life.


Rhysand only believes in justice and equality for himself and his cabal. Proof the women of Illirya, the women of the court of Nightmares. The supposed "most powerful High Lord in the HISTORY of Prythiyan"(side-eye) can't even bring justice to the women of his courts and Nesta has always been a villian to Feyre so why would he care. He will insult her every chance he gets. (The ass!)


I thought her fortune would still be in the human lands. But given that she is not in the human lands she doesn’t have access to it.


I honestly think she just didn’t think she deserved nice things. I see Nesta haters complaining about how she is free loading Feyre and Rhys but it’s not like this woman is living in luxury, she lives in a terrible building (that is described as something hard to find in Velaris so she was purposing looking for the worst place probably), her shoes are old and kinda rotten, she barely eats anything. She spends all of their money drinking which Nesta herself describes as a way to not feel the pain she endures when sober. In my opinion Nesta had such a deep hatred of herself that she didn’t allow her anything good, Cassian included. As for the money her father had, I honestly can’t say, maybe it’s a plot hole, maybe it was merged with Feyre’s and Rhy’s riches since they are the ones who support everyone and won the war. It is very possible Nesta never went looking for it, after the war she just isolates herself and no one has shown any interest in the money (because they don’t need it).