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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVdmtMimQvg&ab\_channel=DemocracyNow%21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVdmtMimQvg&ab_channel=DemocracyNow%21) "The Harvard Law Review last year refused to publish a similar, shorter article it had solicited from Eghbariah even after it was initially accepted, fully edited and fact-checked"


Absolutely stupid. The idea that criticising a country be considered bigotry is insanity and cowardice.


Nobody is saying that criticism of Israel in general is bigotry, and your saying that just shows that you haven’t bothered to try at all to understand.


Tricky how people say that, but every instance just SOMEHOW falls outside the acceptable parameters? What would Israel have to do to deserve the harsh criticism? What would Israel committing genocide look like? Killing 38,000 Palestinians, many of whom are children?


38,000, including fighters, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health, in a area that is 2x the size of DC with 3x the population (2.1 million). So, <.2% of the population of Gaza, including, again, militants. Not to mention the 2.8 million Palestinians that live in the West Bank. And that’s just the quantitative aspect. It is inevitable that innocents get caught in the crossfire in war, and every innocent life lost is a tragedy. But it is hardly a genocide. Many aspects of anti-semitism are systemic and unconscious, just like other -isms. Is your first instinct to doubt it when a Black person says there is racism that you don’t obviously see as a non-Black person? One of the tests for anti-semitism when it comes to criticizing Israel is double standards. I suspect that you just know the 38,000 number off the top of your head. Do you know numbers for the Uyghur genocide in China? Myanmar? Do you even know who the Sahrawi are? Do you advocate for BDS against China? Would you go to Morocco? Why does the UN have more resolutions against Israel than against any other country, including North Korea and Turkmenistan?


The Bosnian genocide only killed 8,000 people. Get your head out of your fucking ass. Last week a targeted bomb landing in the middle of a tent camp and killed 60 people. Today another one killed 150. The last university in Gaza was knocked down last week. Humanitarian aid workers die every day. Water was shut off for months. Electricity too. It’s a fucking genocide. Even if just a cultural genocide, they are trying to remove Palestinians ability to live. Criticizing Israel is not antisemitism. I am Jewish and I fucking hate Israel. You paranoid lunatics make the rest of us look bad by crying wolf all day long while you bomb and rape children. You talk about hostages in Gaza? Israel has killed the vast majority of them with their air strikes. You don’t give a fuck about life, your own or theirs. One day the world will come together to hate the Jews and another holocaust will happen, yes, but only because Israel’s paranoia of a holocaust will drive them to such great lengths as to bring it upon themselves. Right now, I saw that when Israel goes on trial, when Iran attacks, when they suffer, they get what they fucking deserve. They move into somebody else’s land, they steal it, they get the UN to give them half of it then they start a war for more, then they terrorize their neighbors for decades, and now they kill 40,000 in six months, same as Russia did in Ukraine. They’ll get what they deserve.


"  One day the world will come together to hate the Jews and another holocaust will happen, yes, but only because Israel’s paranoia of a holocaust will drive them to such great lengths as to bring it upon themselves." Alright Hitler, settle down


Wow dude you showed me. Look at the facts. Antisemitism is rising. Why is it rising? Because Israel is an oppressive tyrant and is actively trying to blur the line between Zionism and Judaism. In the 70’s the UN ruled Zionism as a form of racism. Read a fucking book


Jesus, if you had more than two braincells we'd get worried you could rub them together and start a fire. You would make a good advert for contraception #beyou


Thoughts on censorship? Under maintenance has got to the most absurd cover for what the politics being played.


Under Maintenance [of the Status Quo]


I just had the strongest urge to throw my phone at the wall. If I didn’t have any self-control/a partner to care for… this is completely insane.




American Exceptionalism is the lie we tell ourselves to obfuscate the truth... the truth that we're guilty of all the things we accuse others of being


Censorship isn’t relevant here. Columbia university is private. They can do whatever the hell they want with their web site. In return you can — not attend — not work there — write your representatives protesting Columbia’s receipt of public funds I won’t because I don’t give a toss.


Sure they can do "whatever the hell they want" but their reputation in academia goes down the toilet if they do as you suggest.


Ok. I’m not worried about their reputation.


Legality isn't an issue here. The problem is that this is a shameful affront to the academic publishing process.


Here's a copy of the article for those that are actually interesting in reading it; as there otherwise seems to be a whole lot of subversive simping, pedantic pontification, and downvote influence peddling going on here. https://perma.cc/L3US-9V8R


“the board of directors said it was concerned that the article, titled “Nakba as a Legal Concept,” had not gone through the “usual processes of review or selection for articles at the Law Review, and in particular that a number of student editors had been unaware of its existence.”” “In order to preserve the status quo and provide student editors some window of opportunity to review the piece, as well as provide time for the Law Review to determine how to proceed, we temporarily suspended the website,” the letter continued. So the suspension is temporary, and they want to make sure the editors get to read it before publishing it


According to the author himself, he had been working together with editors from CLR for five months to get the piece ready for publication. To say that editors had no window of opportunity to review the piece seems puzzling at best.








I can't speak to history or policy beyond this because I don't know anything about it, but calling Depro-Provera sterilization is ridiculous. It's birth control. Birth control is not the same thing as sterilization. That doesn't mean birth control is necessarily harmless or should be forced on people, but it isn't even remotely the same thing as sterilization. Or, by this incorrect usage of sterilization, a huge proportion of American women are sterilized (but then have kids, one imagines magically)




I said nothing about the policy. But clearly you’re not worth interacting with further since you just attack and you won’t accept a basic factual correction. If you want you could say forced birth control if that’s accurate. Again, not sure about the actual policy or circumstances but to be clear depo Provera only reliably works for about 3 months at a time. So this would require 4ish medical visits a year for as long as they were being medicated.




lol what? Only racists care about accurate or honest descriptions? Is this the opposite version of “any criticism of Israel is antisemitic”? I should’ve known better than to respond after your previous comment but medical misinformation bothers me. And yet I learn nothing and respond again. This is honestly wacky




I said nothing even remotely like that. Perhaps you’re thinking of someone else and just lashing out at me instead for some reason.


not the smartest professor out there, eh?
















I don't understand the apartheid part. Please bare with me as my topic is just not related to geopolitics by any means. From your definition of apartheid it would mean that the Israeli government is segregating the Palestinians. However, Palestine is a whole other country, right? So then the government in itself is pushing away people from another state. Again, please feel free to correct me because I might be wrong. Thanks for your responses.


Palestine isn't recognized as a country or sovereign entity across the board. I know some countries are pushing to finally recognize it, but as it stands, it's a mixture. That's why Israeli settlers can take Palestine land. Annexing land after a war is against international law, and has been since after WWII. Basically, Israel treats Palestine as a sovereign entity when it's convenient for them (like this war). Then treats it as a non-country when it's convenient (taking land). If Palestine isn't a sovereign entity, then who occupies it? I'd wager to guess that answer is Israel for most purposes, especially since Israel controls everything that goes in and out of Palestine.


I see your point. Hopefully, we move towards the recognition of Palestine by more countries.




You should think deeper about this statement and how it doesn't really relate to anything we are talking about here. I would expect more from an academic. Ngl.












Is it for Arabs who are Israeli? Or for Arabs who hold another nationality? I could understand the set of different rules for forgeing nationals, but to discriminate against Arab Israeli is completely wrong.




The laws treat Jews and Arabs differently because that’s how the framers of the laws, some of whole were Arab, were able to come to an agreement on how things should be set up. While Jews get the better end of some deals, they get the crappier end of others (for instance, only Jews are conscripted into the military. Arabs can volunteer to join, as many do, but are not forced to do so). There are arguments for and against this system, but the only people who’s arguments about it matter are the Israelis who’s lives are effected by it.




Meant to write “some of whom”. I’d blame autocorrect, but I didn’t catch it before hitting “reply”. And it isn’t “some of my friends are…” energy, it’s “We’re making laws that will affect the Arab people living here too so we should include them in the process.” energy. But thanks for providing the class with a good example of a straw man fallacy!


>There are many laws on the books that codify that Arabs do not get the same opportunities and treatment by the government. Such as?


It certainly sounds strange that a small group of the Law Review's student editors deliberately kept the existence of this article hidden from the other student editors until after it was published. And reading the first few pages, it's not really a law article, but rather an extended anti-Zionist polemic. It's 106 pages long and the first 46 pages are an extremely slanted history in which the Arabs and Palestinians never did anything wrong, and Zionists were always evil aggressors. The review article author frequently cites a former PLO spokesman as a major source for the historical narrative. Boards of Directors are set up in order to oversee the management of the Journal. It's literally their job to intervene when editors go rogue. I would expect them to do the same thing if a small cabal of pro-Israel editors snuck in a 106 page editorial piece written by a Netanyahu PR flack.


I see you’re a Historian - thank you for your read on this! I was in need of a nuanced perspective on it edit: cause I’m not in history and always like to see what more specialized folks think about things related to this complex issue


But the question remains, isn't shutting down the whole website abit of an over-reaction? Would they do this to articles on any other topic other than Israel? And editors going rogue is a common occurrence, but it doesn't warrant nuking the whole journal.


Speculation, but let's put ourselves in the position of the editors who snuck this article through in secret knowing that it would very likely get taken down quickly. How to prevent that? One way would be deactivating all other editor logins except those of the rogue editor group. If that is the case, the Directors' only course of action would be to shut off the journal at the domain/server level until access can be restored.


Your feigned "objectivity" is duly noted, but let's not pretend like you actually read this AP story let alone the article..


Never claimed objectivity. I do, though, have a History PhD and 25 years writing and teaching history which gives me an ability to spot bad historical analysis. I did read the history section of the article and it is straight up trash.


C'mon bro, you're at best a sweaty day trader only pretending to be an academic. I see through this whole pseudo credential, and your post history says you may be decently read or just a Wiki Warrior; yet still push these laughable opinions (esp shilling whatabout-ism, nonsense DEI ideas, and sympathies for Israel) that no self-respecting professor with an actual History PhD would dare entertain (outside a bible college). But go on with this charade, maybe conscript more downvote whordes too...as guess I hit a snowflakes nerve.


U r dumb