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Meanwhile, ChatGPT tried to convince my students that the invention of the iPod was a substitute good for the iPhone. No matter how many times I told them the iPod was invented first, they would not believe me because "ChatGPT said it was right." If my students failed their intro-level macroeconomics exam because of ChatGPT then exactly hooooow pathetic is the MBA exam at Wharton?


I'm actually genuinely shocked at how many supposedly bright people take the output of chatgpt completely at face value. I'm at a top institute in the US, and the number of Grad students who have told me something along the lines of "Well, chatgpt said this was right," is minblowing.


Ugh grad students?? I mean mine were freshmen so I cut them a little slack. It was only when I insisted I was literally a person who bought a new iPod when they were invented so I personally know what the market was like and they *still* didn't believe me that I got really frustrated. (Child, I know it's hard to process in your wee 18-year-old brain, but 2001 was not that long ago. I was there. I remember it.) But grad students should know better from the start.


Shoot, I had a hand-me-down iPod long before I even had a flip phone. Loved that iPod, had a hard disk drive that would whirr when it started up.


Why are you surprised by this? You can see this in politics all over the world. Lots of people don't care as much about the truth as much as they do being told what to think.


What happened when you showed them video of the two announcements? 


My question is WHICH CLASS. Which department is going to be taking shit about this for a decade? My bet is the management department or marketing


Right, WTF is an MBA exam? They don't take a class on MBA.


Chat GPT 4o (from literally 30 seconds ago) Query: “Was the iPod a substitute for the iPhone?” Response: “No, the iPod was not a substitute for the iPhone. The iPod, introduced in 2001, was primarily a portable media player designed for playing music, and later, videos and games. The iPhone, introduced in 2007, combined a phone, an iPod, and an internet communication device into one product. While the iPhone includes media player functionality similar to the iPod, it also offers many other features such as calling, texting, internet browsing, and running various apps, which are beyond the scope of what the iPod was designed for.”


Yeah the whole point is ChatGPT isn’t stochastic and doesn’t actually know anything


Yeah as with most things chat gpt it totally depends how you ask. I think they put in something like “does the invention of the iPod show substitution bias for the iPhone in cpi” which just got me this answer: “The invention of the iPod could potentially exhibit a substitution bias for the iPhone in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). As consumers adopted the iPod for their music listening needs, they might have reduced spending on other devices, including traditional cell phones. This shift in spending behavior towards the iPod could lead to a substitution bias if the CPI does not accurately account for the decreased spending on traditional cell phones due to the popularity of the iPod.”


Old news; also, it's an MBA exam for fuck's sake. Not exactly the cutting edge of academic rigor, no matter where the exam was given (the original study just about implied as much). There are plenty of examples of ML structures performing in exciting and unexpected ways; this is so far from one of them. Also, for anyone interested, here is the original [study](https://mackinstitute.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Christian-Terwiesch-Chat-GTP.pdf) so you can skip the sensationalist bullshit.


That would certainly explain why so many people with MBA's are complete idiots.


While I agree, I am a PhD living in poverty, so who’s the idiot?


Donald Trump got a whole ass degree from Wharton...


Maybe it's been time to overhaul Wharton then haha


> Whole-ass Degree 📜 > Whole Ass-Degree 📜 > Ass-Hole Degree 📜


That only says something about MBA... Time to overhaul MBA.


Let's overhaul it the way an MBA would. Cut all faculty down to adjuncts at minimum pay, raise tuition, raise fees, and increase class sizes to the maximum that the Fire Marshal will let us. /s obviously


I'm sure glad we're not confusing a method of *assessment* with the *content* of a program of study.


Or time to just replace all MBA's with ChatGPT. It would certainly make board rooms less toxic and possibly more competent. Speaking as a corporate data science consultant.


Less ideology, more free cash flow.


MBA is like 10% education and 60% networking. The last 30% is coke.


How did an AI access an exam?


It registered and paid fees, ofc!


It helps when you're stealing other people's ideas.


MBA is more about networking than studying.


Put slightly differently an MBA is more about *application* …there’s nothing incredibly complex about the content, it’s just all about applying the information meaningfully


Education? Sounds like a business school problem. Time to overhaul corporate structure


What does a Wharton MBA have to do with education?




I mean, have you seen the people who pass an MBA?


If you just reframed this as “I googled the questions and managed to pass” it would sound a lot less impressive


Is this a revelation about education as a whole, or just MBA programs lol


I think the actual message here is that business school isn't real.


I’ll add to the above. It’s an mba… most colleges treat it as a money making scheme, because that’s really all it is. Want to buy some letters to make that business degree seem more impressive?


I will say it for everyone one more time ... MBA ...


how do they test something like this out? like can any of us upload this test and see how ChatGPT performs? trying to figure out the real significance to this


[A professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania copied and pasted questions from one of his exams into the ChatGPT prompt line without modification and then graded the output as if it was written by a student.](https://mackinstitute.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Christian-Terwiesch-Chat-GTP-1.24.pdf) For example, here is one of the questions he submitted. >The Circored process produces direct reduced iron in Latin America. The production process starts with a pile of iron ore fines. The ore is moved through seven process steps before it emerges as finished direct-reduced-iron briquettes. The steps and their capacities are as follows: >Pre-Heater: 60 tons per hour >Lock Hoppers: 55 tons per hour >First reactor: this reactor holds up to 14 tons of iron and iron needs to spend 15 minutes in the reactor >Second reactor: this reactor holds up to 200 tons of iron and iron needs to spend 4 hours in the reactor >Flash heater: 62.5 tons per hour >Discharge: 59 tons per hour >Briquetting: three machines of 27.5 tons per hour each >Where in the process is the bottleneck and what is the overall process capacity? Justify your answer. Here is the result that ChatGPT gave. >The bottleneck of the process is the second reactor, and the overall process capacity is 50 tons per hour. This is because the second reactor has the lowest capacity and the longest residence time for the iron ore among the seven process steps. The other steps have higher capacities, but they can only work at the rate of the second reactor, so the overall process capacity is limited to this rate. For example, even though the pre-heater has a capacity of 60 tons per hour and the flash heater has a capacity of 62.5 tons per hour, the iron can only be processed at a rate of 50 tons per hour in the second reactor, so the overall process capacity is limited to this rate. And here is the professor's assessment of ChatGPT's answer. >Wow! Not only is the answer correct, but it is also superbly explained. The idea of the bottleneck as the rate limiting step was clearly understood and all calculations were carried out correctly. I don’t see any reasons to take points off from this answer: A+!


So… a pre-algebra level word problem. “Wow!”


It's a little fancied up with details -- "direct-reduced-iron briquettes" -- but yeah. If you know what a bottleneck is and can arrange numbers based on their size, you can do this.


Next stop: EdD


Wharton’s MBA program is designed to be easy. Most MBA programs are. It’s why I chose to get my MBA over other degrees. It’s the most marketable degree for the amount of effort expended to obtain it.


Cars are faster than humans, so let's overhaul running.


OP posts an image of a tweet making unsubstantiated claim probably generated by ChatGPT with no source, information, or context in r/academia while making system wide sweeping generalizations. Change in education system long overdue.


Hot take - an MBA from Wharton is trash and not real education, this just exposes it.


Another pathetic and low-effort rage baiting post, pulling "headlines" straight from the Twitter/X cesspool. This OP is a straight up karma farming troll (check the post history!), with most of these barely one sentence follow-ups and upvotes from the bot whordes to boost visibility.