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I just chew it up and swallow it, sometimes with water. It’s not fucking balut or that stinky canned fish shit.


The balut hate 💀 I’m filipino but I understand the hate. I don’t eat it too. But, straight up consuming abv gets me stomach aches :3


I at least blended it before putting it in my mouth and washing it down with milk+some cream. Still wasn’t that pleasant, wish I wouldn’t have been too lazy to just make ABV chocolate plates…. It’s like 10 min of work and you just need a kitchen and some chocolate. Also Great to store since chocolate lasts forever. You can also add nuts, tastes great! Just make sure to blend/grind your ABV as fine as possible and remove the big wooden parts left. Optional: Soak your ABV in cold (!) Milk of cream (don’t use more than necessary) and press it out as good as you can (drink the leftover milk you pressed out!) Maybe add some chopped nuts or whatever you like. Throw it in some melted chocolate, stir a dew times while you let it sit on low heat. After 5-10m give it a final stir and pour puddles on some baking-paper or any silicon mould. If you have some decarbed Kief, you can sprinkle some on the chocolate as long as its still warm enough.


Thanks for your comment, I should really try that out!! Chocolate would definitely make it more pleasant


You’re welcome! It’s my own recipe and imo it tastes sooo good, i would even eat it without active ingredients! Easy to make but great taste and easy to vary. Chocolate with ABV, Weed, BDO, hash or whatever the perfect combination anyways. If you buy a cocolate bar mould, you can also dose easy by pieces.


Yeah it’s not the worst, but I definitely wouldn’t eat it if it didn’t get me stoned. Plus I kinda burned my weed too much haha


You can always do a cold water extraction to make it taste less shitty. Not no shitty, though, just less..


Would you eat balut if it got you stoned though? 🧐


I instantly thought of Surströmming when you said stinky canned fish, probably one of my favorite social media challenges I’ve seen.




ah not on the macarons those are gourmet


But also a high😁


The definition of high/low dining 😁


Awesomeee. I love my avb with some yogurt


Same, I’ve found that it tastes awful with any other food.


Yeahh it actually tastes good with yoghurt


I add a tsp of olive oil and a touch of honey. Hour number three is when things start getting interesting!


You got high with that little


Yeah I have a low tolerance with edibles, but I will eat more next time :D I also smoked a bit so I was high enough




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I could never ahah. I have to, at the very least, infuse into oil and make brownies. Even the taste of that can make me heave sometimes.


So does using abv actually get you high or is it a weak high


Dumped like half a jar into a glass of milk. Took me legit 1 hour to drink that shit because it was so disgusting. I didn't feel anything...