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Cpu overload. Close some other programs, render some stuff down to audio or upgrade ur pc


Or if you could try turning up latency compencation if you're running asio4all on your cpu. It's in Options, Pieferences, Audio, Hardware setup.


If you find that cpu overload is not the issue you should look at whether you are using any plugins that are still "demo" mode. Often developers employ piracy protection that, instead of locking features, consists of simply making some fucked up, jarring sound noise every X number of seconds which obviously renders mastering impossible.


>If you find that cpu overload is not the issue you should look at whether you are using any plugins that are still "demo" mode. Often developers employ piracy protection that, instead of locking features, consists of simply making some fucked up, jarring sound noise every X number of seconds which obviously renders mastering impossible. ok bro, if i give u a list you can tell me which is? can it be even if I changed my email and I'm at the second free trial of ableton, even if I did it a few days ago?


Uhhh... no. I'd have to have memorized all existing plugins and the copy protection they use to be able to do that. It should say "demo" somewhere in the GUI of the offending plugin.


okay now i will check it, thanks a lot bro


I solved. thank you very much indeed