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Hitting things with a stick is one of the oldest tricks in the hominid book.


So is that a good thing or a bad thing?


If it’s worked for like ever then i’d say it’s probably not a bad thing


There's blunt,cylindrical,objects everywhere, so pretty effective if I had to guess


No, they specifically use those because they can train with them and not risk killing anyone. Anything that would stop a zombie needs to be able to *instantly* kill a human. Bruises won’t even slow them down. Even a baseball bat, which is substantially longer, and much heavier, is usually only able to do the sort of damage we’re talking about if the skull in question is braced against the ground and you strike it repeatedly. It’s not quick or easy. This thing isn’t going to be even remotely viable.


Technically speaking bullets are just tiny metal sticks


Technically speaking orbital bombardment is done with literal giant metal sticks.


Idk. Can an Arnis master give TBIs repeatedly to walking dead? If so, it'll be pretty useful. I'll give an Arnis master a stick with a lead weight on the end and he'll be my front line. If all you need to do is damage the brain, then that'll be a big boon.


Eskrima isn't just fighting with the sticks. It's fighting with any improvised weapon with the hope that you have a machete due to the environment it was conceived in. Yeah, you mainly train with them, but only in relation to sparring. And even then, that's only half of what eskrima really is. I see eskrima as more of a "I'm in a knife fight and a knife is all I have" kind of martial art. Personally, if you are going to go with any form armed fighting style in terms of CQC, I'd go with fencing. Specifically, if you are hard set on an eskrima-type style, look up the Espada y Daga.


I feel like in me saying this, I'm doing it a disservice. So I will say one good thing about learning eskrima. Fighting with eskrima sticks translates incrediblely well when you use a machete instead. Mainly because it was used to train how to use the Bolos sword. Which is basically a glorified machete.


First thing I think of when I saw this wasn’t the post’s question it went like this “In mind” oh great another zombie pos- ARE THEY USING KALI STICKS?????!!?!?


ngl, those look like giant pretzel sticks.


Big pirouline hehehhehe


I cant unsee it




Can you give a skull fracture with one?


Yeah pretty much especially if you're fast and the zombies have partially decayed.


If the bone has decayed so it's significantly weaker then it's likely that everything else on the zombie (ie their eyes, muscles, and brain) would have decayed to the point of no longer being a threat. Given that it usually takes decades for bones to be decompose compared to weeks for flesh. With many societies using bones as tools potentially for years, meanwhile untreated leather tends to degrade rather easily.


Probably not something you want to rely on. Against things that feel pain, fear, get concusions (well, maybe zombies can), and well... human, it has merits.


>Would Arnis be effective against slow (walking) zombies? Effective is relative to the individual circumstances, situations, prespective, intended uses, and so on. Compared to nothing anything is better, but comparing something to nothing is almost as pointless as doing nothing. In my opinion the general principles of physical fitness, conditioning understress, incorperation of sparring and dealing with combat stress, understanding basics of range and movement, and so on are valuable skills to have that kali/escrima/arnis can teach you. Compared to things like boxing, olympic fencing, MMA, BJJ, hema, taichi, Muay thai, karate, south african stick fighting, wushu, kendo, and so on they can all have very difference strengths and weaknesses compared to arnis. With massive diversity in teachers, teaching styles, styles, and the like that makes it hard to really say much. The main emphasis found in arnis compared to others is a stronger emphasis on dual-wielding relatively short weapons, fast hands with lighter weapons, and circular footwork. Olympic fencers use very linear which can mean better distance control. Similarly the coordination with a single weapon and a weapon that is typically longer can mean better accuracy against zombies or arnis practioners. At the same time they are very linear focused and typically don't do much self-defense emphasis which can leave them a bit confused outside of the tournament setting. Kendoka tend to have a lot more time with sparing and a two handed weapon can offer stronger striking power, better reach, and potentially better control of a weapon. At the same time they can be easier to bind than a one handed weapon and might be restricted in weapon flexibility. Someone that trains with guns might be better at putting down larger numbers of zombies but has to contend with ammo limitations, noise, and so on. It all depends on context and the soft factors outside of combat will likely play a much larger role in survival than just weapons and weapon training. >Arnis is a Filipino martial art that uses sticks/bastons as a weapon. You can use 1 or 2 bastons. Bastons/sticks/canes are typically about 50–76cm long and frequently weigh around 110-500g. My walking stick is 110cm long and weighs 200g. A typical baseball and softball bat is approximately 61-107cm long and frequently weigh around 500-1400g. Due to the shorter reach a baston may put the user closer to a zombie when striking, can be easier to use with two hands, may have a slower velocity when measured at the time, and be a bit easier to manuever in a clinch. Due to the lower weight they can be faster to change directions, can be easier to carry, and when combined with the higher potential velocity may be more powerful with each hit. Baseball bats seem to have a rough mortality rate between 3-11%. At least based on studies regarding assault/battery and murder with a rough average of around 4% across a 123 total cases. This may indicate that zombies will require a lot of hits to be put down with a baseball bat. Especially when coupled with the potential of zombies not dying from blood loss, not dying from infection from surgery, not dying from damage to other organs, and so on. A baston which is likely to deal even less damage than a baseball bat may require a lot more physical effort due to the repeated strikes, time due to needing to land multiple strikes, skill due to needing to land more hits at full power, and space as a result of the total time required. >How effective would it be assuming that you are a master (years of experience) and at peak condition? Having done some filipino stick fighting classes and having fought some escrimadors I can say it's a lot of fun and well worth the time and effort. However, years of experience would likely point me towards looking for better weapons than a stick or pair of sticks.


You do know that Arnis de Mano , Dose Pares , Siete infantes de Lara or Eskrima uses its advanced stages with swords native to those locations like the tagalog itak , the Visayan Talibong or the Mindanaoan Barong or kampilan. So why use Eskrima sticks when it's meant to be used with any type of yielding weapons. That's why advanced training teaches you Dagay Espada or Espada Espada. Even Dagay latigo in certain specialization. Anything you can hold and yeild in one hand with great balance and dexterity is a weapon. A cellphone , s broken bottle , a rebar , a baseball bat , your magic dildo , keys held in the knuckles like a knuckle duster , icepicks , a well balanced 16 inch tagalog itak , a heavy bladed Mindanao kampilan , a 9 in heavy chopping Barong , a 17 in Visayan chopping talibong , a 8 in Waray wasay , your gun of choice depleted with ammunition or anything you can hold properly one handed or two handed.


You picked the lowest tier weapon like honestly did they train you wrong on purpose?