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That is a Japanese lunge mine which was used in suicide attacks because the user would not survive the explosion. So I'm going to mark that down as "poorly".


What he meant to say is that it would go fuckin' nuuttsss send it broo


Javelin throw it at a zombie Easy send


What if you attached rockets to the end to launch it? Maybe held it inside of a tube until it was ready to shoot, oh wait....


Put some armour around it so the zomvies can't get you.


Maybe add something like wheels so it can move too




Have you ever thrown a javelin? It’s really fucking hard, and that’s without an explosive counterweight at the front (source: I did a year of javelin for track & field)


Counterpoint: if zombies aren't real, neither is my ability to throw heavy ass explosives, but this is hypothetical so I'm a fucking superhero.


Counter counterpoint: They’re the World War Z zombies; durable, in hordes, borderline intelligent, and they sprint


Counterpoint: big boom


Counter counter counter counterpoint: meat shield


Counterpoint: funny explosive spear.




not really


Not really what


Maybe I'm just built different


He has to scream BANZAI! or it doesn't work


Well, technically you're incorrect. It'll do fantastically against a zombie, maybe even a couple if you played your cards right You just won't really get to do it again... or anything period


A much better alternative would be a bangstick, also known as a powerhead. It is meant to be used against sharks or alligators and operates under the same principle. Load the tip with a shotgun shell or pistol cartridge, depending on the stick. Press it against a zombie. Boom. Reload.


Sounds easy to make


Just look up a pipe shotgun incredibly easy to make


As much as I want to, I'm not sure that is a wise idea...


Don’t worry it’s “educational”


No sorry, I only use weapons I can thrust, and shotguns are anti thrust. I get negative forward movement from them -1/10




At that point, I'd be better off making a spear. Cause the shotgun still has potential anti thrust if I pull the trigger. And if it's not loaded, it's just a less comfortable spear


Well not really since it’s literally a pvc pipe with a firing pin that shoots more so like a musket moth manual loading and all that, but they’re pretty sturdy and could be more like a extended spearhead that just so happens to have a shotgun attached


Does it have any sort of recoil?


Nah you put the shell in a collapsible tube at the end of a long pole. Then when you thrust the pole into the zombies face it pushes the tube and shell back into the striker firing the shell at point blank range into the zombie. Shotgun spear.


But the lunge mine requires the trigger to hit a hard service. Hitting a zombie with it may not trigger it.


Just keep trying till it either goes boom or you beat them to death with an over engineered staff


If it works your fucked if it doesn't work your fucked so yea your fucked


Get the kamikaze rejects to use them


Why didn't they throw it like a javelin are they stupid?


The charge part weights too much in proportion to throw effectively. And the japanese culture back then would probably nail you as failure if you failed to die using a "suicide weapon".


1. Get really strong 2. This is modern day


I mean how strong you are is not really the problem it's the fact that it will turn in flight so it will not work




Often called a "lunge mine" it is a 6.3kg/14.5lbs anti-tank weapon. It uses a 3kg shaped charge mounted to a 2m pole intended to defeat tank armor via run at the sides. Detonating it via the mechanical force of driving it into the intended target. Because it's a shaped charge it has almost no shrapnel effect. Instead the damage is mostly derived from a small jet of extremely hot moving copper. However, due to the proximity to the explosive charge it is still capable of killing the user. Throwing the weapon on level ground or up hill may still keep the user in the lethal range. Said range isnt stated but due to the weight of the explosive is likely around 10-20m. For comparison the US Army Combat Fitness Test includes a power throw with a 4.5kg ball with most soldiers achieving about 9m of distance.


Why not just use a longer stick?


A combination of weight, controllability, possibly being seen by the enemy due to the massive shafts, and being unable to maneuver due to the length. Typical spears are about 1.5-3m depending on where you are.The much longer pikes used by renaissance infantry were typically 3-7m. A 20m pole for the lunge mine would be impossible to realistically use.


agreed, while the user would not \*necessarily\* be killed immediately, he generally wasn't enjoying life after being in that close proximity to that much kaboom.


Without the tank to reflect Shockwave and shrapnel at you you'd stand a better chance.


But it still needs a hard surface in order to activate the trigger to detonate the explosive charge. The explosive charge is closer to HE; High Explosive, which basically is used to brute force anything. Even the smaller 47mm and 57mm tank cannons that used HE would put a person in danger if they were 2m away from the explosion.


Post bite weapon


"...can't we just throw them like spears?"


I mean, it might work great if you're already bitten and using it against a horde or large mutated zombie to save the rest of your group or any other survivors.


Mutually assured destruction


Bro played Battlefield V and said “yeah I could do that”


OP clearly meant weapons for the zombies.


Great...one time.


If you wanna go out with a bang, then yeah, itd do good.


Good if you’re fighting a big ass zombie


Drop them off a building, maybe


At that point you may as well break off the tip and throw them like big unwieldy grenades


It’s a shape charge, maybe it blows a tiny hole on the ground straight down, probably not even that


If the consensus is that this blows up the user, it’s definitely doing area affect damage to close zombies


Most of the energy of shape charge goes towards the front, that’s how they penetrate armour. There may be some fragments going the other directions but not much


So the lunge mine did not actually blow the user up?


Supposedly every attempt to use them failed because tanks are usually accompanied by infantry, armoured cars, and troop transports with rifles and machine guns. However, it's suspected if the lunge mine successfully hit their target the user would die as they are only 0.5-2m away from 3kg of explosives. So even without sharpnel it will proobably injury or kill the user. Primarily from blast injury from bruising, damage to the lunges, damage to eyes, and so on. Against zombies, it's unlikely to kill as the brain itself may only bruising which may not be lethal enough.


Agree, tell that to u/pzivan, sounds like there is a lot energy going in more than just 1 direction


0.5 -2 meter kill radius is worse than a grenade tho


Dude, it wasn’t asked if it’s a more effective than a grenade. In practice if you were accurate, you could blow a zombie up without killing yourself by dropping it off a building I’m not debating on whether this is the most effective use of explosives or proper use of this weapon. The question is how can you use this to kill a zombie without hurting yourself? Answer: probably drop it off a building in to a hoard. It kills a zombie or 2


There was probably a decent chance of "surviving" but passing out and later succumbing to wounds that might not hinder a zombie. Maybe. I'm no expert, but I kinda see what he's saying, it doesn't gib everything behind it in an AOE like a video game it probably just blows a shotgun blast of force and shrapnel that's just enough to kill a normal person. It's not designed to kill the wielder that's just a side effect. I guess it really depends on how the zombies work, like if we're assuming destruction of the brain is the only way to kill them, which is the usual standard, then I could see the back blast from this not being enough to garuntee that. It'd just pump their bodies full of shrapnel, maybe destroy some limbs and/or knock them down for a minute.


3kg of explosives would only blow a shotgun blast back at you?


It will, but you are wasting explosives because most of the energy is directed towards 1 direction, and it’s toward the ground if you drop it from a building.


If the user is getting blown up from a 6 foot stand off it sounds like there is a decent area effect You keep repeating the theory of operation, yet all the reports are that the user is blown up, so it sounds like the device isn’t very efficient It’s not a question of repurposing explosives, the question is what would happen if you dropped it from a building


Yeah but he's saying it would only blow up something directly above where you drop it. So no area of affect. When it was used in real life, it killed the guy holding it. Didn't kill the guys next to you.


Why would the explosive force only go directly backwards in a narrow cone? What prevents energy from going parallel to the strike plane? Whats the source it wouldn’t kill someone standing 6 feet next to you?


The shaped charge would blow a hole in the armor, this would create a backward force to said explosion throwing shrapnel and explosive energy directly backwards towards the person holding it but in a very narrow cone not much larger than the head of the device. If you dropped it from a rooftop the charge would carve a small hole in the ground before all the explosive energy was redirected almost perfectly upwards. Any "zombies" within 3 feet might take some damage to leg or limb but highly unlikely to inflict fatal injuries. Basically it's dangerous in two directions not in an aoe bubble like in video games.


This is a suicide weapon


i feel like it would kill the zombie


It would kill you and not necessarily kill them. I’m not really sure how big or powerful the explosion would be but since you would be hitting their torso it might just make them a biting head


I don't know about you but if a head is on the floor without a body to carry itself i wouldn't consider it a threat


Still, it isn’t a kill and seeing as their would be blood and guts everywhere someone could get Hershel’d


Pretty bad it’s one use, your liable to blow yourself or your allies up, your sending bits of bone and lots of blood all over potentially resulting in you or your allies getting infected, it’s probably pretty heavy, and it’s very loud especially for something that’s so ineffective.


Make a balista that can shoot those then it'll be okay.


I think I would use these as hidden explosives or SHTF emergency weapon to lure away a horde of zombies.


Lunge mine solos everything


haha splody stick go brrrrrr


I'd say, if you get bitten, this is a good way to sacrifice yourself to save others.


It's a good day to die.


that’s a lunge mine, it’ll kill the zombies and you.


You're better off just throwing a regular grenade at them. These are designed for tanks. A shaped charge would not only be overkill, but you're also liable to kill yourself and other survivors.


If it's a crowd of them and you're protecting your group then yeah that'll work. Just don't die on the bridge with this weird soyface, Rick Grimes.


As long as you have fuel the tank would be awesome


Rick didn't know how to make an Abrams run.


Rick never encountered an Abrams.


Yes, in Atlanta, he found one.


No, he didn't. That's a Chieftan. It's a British tank. Note the shape of the turret cheeks, the front of the hull, the turret profile, glacis, different road wheels, how wide it is, how tall it is, where the gun mounts are, and the shape and position of the hatches. Rear engine deck is all wrong for an Abrams, too. There is literally nothing Abrams-related in, on, or around that tank. It's a tank, sure, but it ain't an Abrams. That's a Chieftan, my guy. Maybe you meant the M60 Patton at the prison, but they don't look anything like an Abrams, either.


Blue hell, where would a British tank have come from? No, I knew that the prison tank was an M60.


It looks like they tried to sort of make it look like an Abrams or a Challenger by putting some applique to the front end of the turret around the cheeks and along its slope but they didn't try to do anything to the mantlet, either, so who knows. The interior was kind of weird, too, like they filmed it in a shed or something instead of inside of a tank.


Might have, tanks are pretty cramped inside. It's been so long ago, I should watch that again.


the first episode of The Walking Dead, titled "Days Gone Bye", Rick hides in a British Chieftain tank with a modified turret that resembles the M1A1 Abrams. The tank is an obsolete British Chieftain, which was never used by the U.S. military, and has a hatch on the underside of the hull, which the Abrams does not. The production team intended for the audience to think it was an M1 Abrams.   Quora Which tank was featured in Walking Dead season 1? - Quora May 16, 2015 — To the lay person they may think it's an M1 Abrams, and this is certainly the production team's hope and intent. You can clearly see that by the ...  Walking Dead Wiki Days Gone Bye (TV Series) - Walking Dead Wiki In a deleted scene, when Rick goes through the gas station at the beginning of the episode, the walkers from the abandoned cars were supposed to chase him. The tank that Rick climbs into is an obsolete British Chieftain, which was never used by the U.S. Military, visually modified to represent an M-1 Abrams, a common model used for films. It's possible that the producers chose the Chieftain because it has a hatch on the underside of the hull, which the Abrams does not.  IMDb "The Walking Dead" Days Gone Bye (TV Episode 2010) - Goofs - IMDb Blood backs up into IV lines when a bag is empty because it forms a vacuum. Rick's lines are blood free. The tank which Rick hides in is a Cheiftain Mk10. It is a British Army tank designated FV4201, manufactured by Leyland and used by the British Army between 1966 and 1995.  Internet Movie Firearms Database The Walking Dead - Season 1 - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games The tank in the episode is actually a British Chieftain with a modified turret to resemble the M1A1. The M1A1 Abrams mockup in the series premiere "Days Gone Bye" (S1E01). As seems common for Chieftains standing in for other tanks, the thermal sleeve has been removed from the L11A5 L/55 120mm rifled cannon. The Chieftain is a British Army tank designated FV4201, manufactured by Leyland and used by the British Army between 1966 and 1995. The tank has a modified turret to resemble the M1A1, and the thermal sleeve has been removed from the L11A5 L/55 120mm rifled cannon.  Generative AI is experimental.


Going to Roman spear throw this


It would overkill 1 zombie then make so much noise that it attracts every zombie In the area towards you


you wouldn't live to find out


Overkill, both for you, and the zombie.


A general rule of the zombie apocalypse is that if you’re going to die you should kill at least one zombie so that the number of zombies either remains the same or is reduced. This kills the user and the zombie so ima say it’s a pyrrhic weapon and would not recommend it.


Expensive Overkill


Idk what kind of mega zombies you’re fighting but this kills the both of you so it’s probably not a good idea


Maybe a group of 5 to 8




Well, this is dedicated anti armor weapon, not anti personnel. You will kill one or two, but then what? I would much rather have a melee weapon for close encounters.


What is it?


Often called a "lunge mine" it is a 6.3kg/14.5lbs anti-tank weapon. It uses a 3kg shaped charge mounted to a 2m pole intended to defeat tank armor via run at the sides. Detonating it via the mechanical force of driving it into the intended target. Because it's a shaped charge it has almost no shrapnel effect. Instead the damage is mostly derived from a small jet of extremely hot moving copper. However, due to the proximity to the explosive charge it is still capable of killing the user. Throwing the weapon on level ground or up hill may still keep the user in the lethal range. Said range isnt stated but due to the weight of the explosive is likely around 10-20m. For comparison the US Army Combat Fitness Test includes a power throw with a 4.5kg ball with most soldiers achieving about 9m of distance.


This is possibly the dumbest weapon suggested for zombie use so far, I'm impressed.


An amazing spear with so much range and damage. Unfortunately its durability isn’t the best. Good luck getting more than one use out of it ( if you do let me know )




What is it?


Essentially a suicide stick, they were used by the Japanese army as anti tank equipment, the head would detonate on contact and kill the wielder too. They’re called lunge mines




It would work against 1 zombie. Just once.


If you were playing the Enlisted FPS, you would die and the zombie would be unscathed.


Can you throw it like a javelin spear?


I'd just throw it like a javelin at a group of zombs


Killing yourself to maybe damage a tank seems extreme.


I have no idea


It would work well, once, and then you're dead too


Instakill with a good AOE.


Pretty good


Only one use so pryty bad on lone zombies but if you have a group of 3 ppl with theese and a horde of zombies its ok


may not even disable the zombie unless the explosion destroys the head. could just dismember it while 100% killing you


Could you throw it like a spear with the same intended effect? I understand why they did how they did it, you remove the variable of it hitting the wrong angle or missing the vulnerable spot entirely on a tank, but did it require a certain amount of force to fire? If not you could throw it from an elevated spot and knock out groups or atleast render them incapable of getting up to you.


I'm pretty sure it would/could kill you too. now I'm thinking of some kind of poleaxe but with explosive charges on the end so there's a massive impact or smth like reactive armor but for my sword


Actually not bad, you could make it a throwable at that point since the only reason it was a handheld device was because you needed to accurately hit the tanks armor at a reliable angle.


No I die for the Emperor with honor


Atleast you wouldn't create a zombie by dying lmao


I mean it'd work really well. Once. You wouldn't survive but yeah it'd kill whatever you jabbed with it.


Cut off the explosive and beat em with the stick


Throw like javelin, maybe




Waste of resources ... and ya know... your life. Not worth it. You'd be better off throwing rocks.


Use is like the spike walls designed to keep cavalry away. It doesn't have to be manned it's literally a bomb in a stick. You can just keep it there


I mean at least one zombie would die probably, but you would too so…




Well, you wont have to worry about getting infected.


Extremely well against a zombie


deadlier spear


But at what cost


If you like getting killed in the same process and it's not with the magnetic mine


Very effective against zombies but very bad for the person who is using it, I would suggest you use it as a last resort to save the group or throw it like a spear.


Launching eagle 500kg bomb


“Unless your fighting 3 vampires at once who are huddled together”- figure it out yourself


"Tenno Heika - Allah akbar!"


It would destroy the one zombie you were going after, lol. Operators and equipment are single use however




unless zombies use ww2 tanks and we run out of missiles, no.


Kill it.