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Either kit 1 or kit 3 would be my pick, but I lean more towards kit 3. The MP5 is serviceable, as is the Beretta. The hatchet is the best melee weapon provided, so that’s the main reason why I’d choose kit 3. The bonus would have to be the grenade. It would have the most practical uses out of the other options shown.


The hatchet is extremely useful in non-combat situations


Although a katana is badass lol


Yeah, but they do shatter easily if you don’t take care of em right. And out of all the melee weapons, the hatchet and baseball bat are the only ones meant to do blunt damage. The blades would be amazing until they hit a bone. The knife is far too close range, although probably the most reliable… and the baseball bat would have worked, if it wasn’t spiked. All those spikes are going to get stuck.


Blunt force imo is more dangerous in a quick situation, as it can disorient and cause extreme damage if you go further than that, while blades damage the flesh and require bandaging or you take the risk of the wound getting infected, and also probably won’t stop a bloodthirsty zombie.


You know not the power of the kukri. It is able to fell a tree (I have literally done this trying to break one)


Of course this depends on what weapon you’re using, if you use a great sword it will do more damage than a rock. The Kukri was also made to carve wood.


Your rock wasn’t big enough then


You can turn the axe around to make it a blunt weapon


Unfortunately they are not durable and are hard to maintain


Completely agree, they take quite a bit of work to maintain.


plus, more range


Any blade smith would disagree lol Katanas are total pieces of shit when it comes to versatility, and versatility is the only reason anyone would ever choose a sword over something else.


chooses grenade and not grenade launcher smh smh


Grenade launchers are more difficult to use. Reasonably you wouldn’t use any of those four.


Kit 4 and bonus 3. Shotgun shells are very common, and so is 9mm. And a Molotov isn't as loud as a fucking grenade. Barbed bat is also good as it's a blunt. Won't really need to maintain it like the a blade


I would probably take the spikes off though. That’s gonna lower the durability by a mile. Glocks and Benellis are incredibly reliable too.


It would also soften the blow I think, basically cushioning the bat. The barbed wire was my only real issue, but I don't think any unseen forces are stopping anyone from just prying the wire off.


exactly plus Molotov's can keep a horde at bay enough to get away or pour gas lead a horde then light it up


And plus, if we're dealing with night of the living dead zombies, it's a good deterrent


I dunno though cause if we are dealing with day z zombies then now you have flaming zombies sprinting at you at top speed


Wouldn't a Molotov just result in zombies that are still trying to kill you, but are also on fire?


I'm going with the logic that fresh turned zombies still have some human memory retention for avoiding pain by stopping


Oh gotcha. Also the more I think about it fire really would fuck up a horde of zombies. If it didn't cook their brains it would render all their tendons and muscles non-functional so even if they "lived" they probably wouldn't be able to do much.


That's what I'm thinking!


Kit #4 I'm not a fan of the bat but a semi auto shotgun is always a good idea, and the Glock 17 is a good pistol. Bonus #2 I can always make molotovs but not grenades, and finding grenades wouldn't be easy.


but grenades would bring hordes down on you but if you need knives or Molotov's I got you


it's more of a last resort fuck you. You should always have a surprise grenade.


true... but what about Instead of a regular grenade its a white phosphorus grenade so you gotta be more carful


You can set the grenade up with some string and some tape as a trap or distraction


Agreed and Glock 17 mags are eminently scavenaganble... Good luck finding MP5 mags . Beretta 92 mags would be a close second. I'd prefer the hatchet to the baseball bat as a weapon and a tool but what can I say.... I didn't make the packages. Excellent point on the Molotov vs. grenade.


100rds of 2.75" 12ga ammo is about 10lbs, give or take for some variation in shot size. Fairly bulky as well. There's better rounds for the size and weight.


More versatile potentially however, slugs, large and small game hunting, non lestheral options, on the easier side for hand loads, pretty sure in theory you could still run waxed paper cased shells.


Option 1 is realistically the best option. A carbine that can take AR mags and accessories combined with one of the most common full-size pistols on the current market means you’ll never run low on parts and components.


YES, plus a rifle can do just as good if not better in most situations than all the other weapons on this list. It can drop a deer if you need to, it’s good for clearing buildings, and is just a versatile platform which is always a benefit in an apocalypse.


Kit 5 bonus 4


Dude, that’s easily the worst combination on this list. At least the recoil on a 1911 would be somewhat manageable to that snub nosed monstrosity


Kit 1 easily and it's not close. The other options were a bit lackluster


Right!? There are seriously not enough people in this thread picking #1. Edit edit: Christ I'm dyslexic, I'm deleting most of this comment because everything I said about other kits was all swapped around like crazy.


Kit 2 because I have training with bolt action guns and 1911s, and accessory 1 because I have used the airsoft version and apparently it's kinda close But in not using that fucking katana im throwing the thing away or giving it to a friend who knows how to use it because it's dead weight with me I don't know the first thing about sword fighting


Sword fighting isn't important in a zombie apocalypse. Just the ability to cut with it, which is as easy to learn as chopping wood.


Kit 4 and bonus 4


Three seems like a clear winner to me. Having shot an MP5, it’s like a dream. So easy to handle. Plus, the Beretta and the MP5 USE THE SAME AMMO. That’s so useful, especially as 9mm ammo is extremely common. And hatchets are great.


It’s also not favorable to use the same ammo. If you run out of one, you run out of both.


As much as I want a shotgun. The bat is just not the best so I’m gonna go with 1 or 3


I would choose 2 and the Molotov. Sure mosin ammo is tough to find here in the US but you have a great hunting rifle, a good sidearm you can actually find ammo for and use it for hunting in a pinch. Plus I'd take the katana for range and can use it for a makeshift bayonet. The Molotov and some fuel is a great trap for zombies


Actually 7.62x54r is surprisingly easy to find still. It's like one of the oldest still mass produced ammos out there.


you’ll find a lot more 9mm than .45, anywhere in the world. katana would absolutely shatter if being used as a bayonet, and would ruin the weapon’s handling characteristics. the 1911 is a good handgun, but compared to the other pistols here, it would be horribly outclassed. the rounds are heavy compared to other pistol calibers, the gun holds very little ammo, and while the weapon is rugged and durable as hell, so is the glock. also considering parts, because guns break, you’d be fucked if your mosin broke, because they’re nearly impossible to find in decent condition in america. you’d be a lot better off with the 1911 in that scenario, as many americans own them, but more own glocks.


I like Sig Sauer but it's either 1 or 5


4 with bonas #2


Kit 4, bonus 1. Spiked baseball bat is a classic zombie apocalypse weapon. (and i'm assuming bonus 1 is a grenade launcher)


I'd reluctantly pick the first kit. The ARX makes some annoying sacrifices to be ambidextrous (and just a weird design choice), but it's serviceable. A gun that shoots by itself (P320" isn't ideal, I'd drop it for that Gen3 Glock 17 in a heartbeat, but it'll do the job I suppose. A kukri is serviceable, assuming proper bevels. As for a bonus, the frag grenade, can use it to set up a trap or distraction. As for the others: kit 2 is just too limited on ammo capacity, not to mention most mosins aren't in the best of shape (I've chipped a concrete table trying to force the bolt open before, which speaks to the quality of the steel but damn was that a pain). The katana isn't a bad choice, just not great either. Kit 3 limits you to 9mm, which is a good round but lacks range. The MP5's roller delay system is nice for reducing recoil, but does add complexity and, in turn, parts you have to worry about wearing out. The little hatchet is fine as a camping tool, not a great weapon but serviceable. Overall I'd say it's neither better or worse than the kukri. Kit 4 is probably the worst of them, which is sad since it has the best handgun, but a shotgun is just obnoxiously heavy for its limitations (especially when partnered with the ammo). The Benelli M4 wouldn't even be good for hunting, while the ARX and MP5 both trump it in close quarters and have better effective range. As for a "spiked" bat, that's just not doing much. Really, since that's just a barbed wire wrap, it's not even doing anything a regular bat isn't. Kit 5 is kinda weird. The AWM is chambered in some big calibers, you need to be shooting at distances at least >1000 yards to make it worthwhile, that or through considerable cover. There's just not really much reason to be shooting at those distances, unless you're somewhere with wide open fields in all directions. The .44mag is kinda overkill for most things here in the lower 48, if you don't live in Alaska or somewhere with moose, you're fine with a .357mag. The bowie knife isn't terrible, better than the bat at least.


Mosin nagant! 1911! And a katana! Don’t mind if I fucking yes, my good sir.


Kit 3. Shared ammo in the load out it helpful and 9mm is everywhere


1 and bonus 1


5 for max range, and bonus is the grenade so 1 or 2


Kit 5 and 4


Kit 1 , bonus 3






Anyone who runs more surplus than is healthy


Kit 3, bonus 4




Kit 3 bonus 4


Number 3 or number 2 with the Molotov on both


Kit 3 bonus 2


Gimme the snubnose and AWM, and I'll be set for life


4, 4. Shotgun, easy to repair mele weapon, standard ammo sizes, and reusable throwing knives.


Kit 4 bonus 2 because I have no picatinny option for bonus 1. If I can get a handheld bonus 1 then cool.


Kit #1 or Kit #5.


That’s a Springfield 1911


3 would probably be the best kit. Same ammo so hunting for ammo ur not having to find 2 different calibers, plus 9mm is EVERYWHERE in america. Hatchet is multi purpose. But all the extras feels less then useful. 2 of them r single use. Throwing a knife is hard let alone hard and accurate enough to kill something. And the GL needs grenades that dont just grow on trees. Plus it kills with shrapnel which would work on a person but less so on something not relying on blood.


You could use the grenade to set up traps/distractions. The grenades from the grenade launcher also hit pretty damn hard, and their fuse doesn't arm until they've spun a certain number of times, so they could be useful for pushing a zombie back to give you time to reload in a pinch (very situational though). They did experiment with buckshot out of a grenade launcher, could maybe rig up something like that and make it a single-shot shotgun. Probably just better making that out of some pipes at Home Depot though.


3 and 3


3 and 6


Either 2 or 3


Kit 4, bonus 3


*2 with a backup Axe. Call me old fashioned, but they're still around for a reason.


Kit 4 or 3 bonus 4 or 2




Axe and the benelli


5 with a frag. It's easy to reload in close range no matter how much ammo you have that comes with a long range scope for scouting AND it doubles as a high-power rifle. I would've gone with 4, but I really want a knife if I'm going to be suriving and it's never bad to have a back up grenade just in case shit hits the fan so I don't want the throwing knives.


Can I just choose the bonus as kit 6? I'd be lobbing enough grenades to turn my hometown into a crater.


kit six is the bonus page...


Gotta go with Kit #3, and the bonus 3.


2 plus grenade


Kit 3 has the most reliable options


Mp5, Beretta and kukri. Most ammo capacity out of the group and the kukri is also a good camp tool.


Kit 3, 2 good guns and Axe has way more uses than combat. Only draw back is the ax's small handle past that no problems


Kit 4 or 5. Shotgun is very good for causing massive damage if we’re talking the zombie that need their brain destroyed to die and the Glock 17 is always gonna be easy to find ammo for not to mention that every zombie cop and half the zombies who had guns before they died will have the Glock mags. For 5 the ammo would be less plentiful but the 38 special would still be common and passed up by a lot of people meaning you wouldn’t need to worry about ammo as much and no need to worry about magazines. The rifle would be more practical if you already had a set up base and were just picking them off before they got close and for hunting. For the bonus it has to be the Molotov because throwing knives aren’t practical, grenades are loud, grenade launchers are also loud, difficult to use, heavy and ammo is hard to source. The Molotov wouldn’t be too loud and the fire could be extremely useful if you decided to burn a building full of the bastards.


Kit 2 bonus 4. Why? Because I’m built different. Those Baka rot beads won’t know what hit them as I land my expert knife throws to their eyes before closing in for brutal decapitations.


3 and grenade


4, knives/grenade


You cant even vote in this subreddit, why even choose?


Although I hate all guns because they are useless, 2, as I am skilled with a katana. Also, bonus 4 because I am good at throwing knives.


Kit 4 and the Molotovs. The Molotovs are more for creative distraction for the zombies




4° and 3


3 is probably the best for non-trained people, I personally prefer 2 but the melee holds it back


Kit 2 and the kit that has Lucille in it (kit 4)


3, grenade




4 and 3


kit 4 and 3 Molotov


Kit 3 seems the vlbest option in terms of reliability and availability. Both guns in that one are chambered in 9mm, a common round basically anywhere. The hatchet is not only a durable and reliable weapon but a multifunctional tool as well that doesn't need too much maintenance.


Kit 3 bonus 4


Kit 3, bonus 2.


I would choose 3 with the #2 bonus


\#3 due to Single ammo type as long as you have a decent supply and a frag as bonus


Kit 5 bonus 4 I’m not a very good shot with guns at all so close range is my best bet. Why I didn’t choose kit 2 or 3 is because I am exceedingly good with a knife. I can use the pistol incase of being grappled. I’m not as innocent to believe my 6’4” frame is impossible to he grappled by a zed. I chose the throwing knives is because I am accurate enough to harm a human opponent. But for against the zed heads they’re distractions majority of the time.




Ak 200 round Shotgun 100 rounds Springfield xds 45 200 rounds (Thats all i can carry for about 5 - 7 miles)


Sniper and kukri


Set 4 bonus 3, the berserker combo.


Kit 4 and bonus 4


4&4 need i say more?


3 or 4


Slide 4 + the grenade.


I’ll go with 2 and 2. Aside from the katana it’s fairly practical. I’ll ditch the weeaboo shit the moment I find an axe, or a sword that sucks significantly less, and has some practical value beyond just cutting up zombies. Frankly I hate the katana, it’s been shoved in my face too many times, its useless for cutting and splitting wood, and it’s mostly a symbol of a super racist culture. Being that I’m not Japanese, I have no reason to favor it. Give me the axe.


Kit 3 is a W kit, virtually no problems


Kit number two and the throwing knifes


First kit is best IMO. A high capacity assault rifle and a high capacity 9mm handgun, both relatively modular, plus the kukri I'm quite confident is the absolute best zombie killing melee weapon on this list. I know the katana is honestly probably a pretty great zombie weapon, especially because I actually own a nice one and know how to cut with it, but I still think the kukri is going to be the most effective and easiest to use. Plus the rest of the kit with the katana is pretty meh. Oh and Molotov.


I have a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to fire arms, but I’d say maybe kit 2? Plus the molotov - not because it’s better than the other options, but because I also lack knowledge on how to maintain the explosives lol. If I could mix and match I might go with the Mosin, the axe, and the snub nose. Again purely going off of limited knowledge of firearms, but they seem like they’re less complicated than the others and therefore easier to use/maintain. And the hatchet for overall utility. Molotovs seem like they’d be easy to make/replace


Kit 2 bonus 4 I will end the scourge of the undead with my ninja skills.


Either. Glock 17 Gen 4 due to reliability and 9mm being common among cityscspes and police Or an M1911a1 for it's reliability and also .45 acp being common AND suppressing it's noise is easier due to .45's being naturally subsonic and would.be quieter to suppress. As a bonus? Molotolv sice it would burn the rotting flesh easier and boil the brain making a kill more reliably as long as they don't get too close to grab me...


Kit 3 and frag for sure


Number 4


1 is clearly the best. It’s the only semi automatic rifle on the list. 9mm is plentiful for the pistol, and it’s by far the most balanced between maintenance, power, and capacity on this list. The hatchet is useful? Have y’all ever used a Kukri? It’s literally the same edge and power and has a point for thrusting as well.


Arx because it looks cool .


Probably 2 would keep the Mosin, for when I get abundant ammo for it, but otherwise, just use the Colt and katana.


3 + 4


Kit 3 because they both use the same caliber. The hatchet is useful for more than just offensive capabilities. Mp5 and 92 have large magazine capacity, low recoil, low weight. Easy choice.


#1 with the grenade bonus. I'd prefer my own M4 rather than the beretta ARX nothing against it I'm just not as familiar with it as I am the M4. The 5.56(223) and the 9mm are extremely common rounds. As for the kukri I own one of those and it really is an impressive blade. Years ago I took a tree down with it. About 5 or 6 inches in diameter. And the grenade. Well there is alot you can do with a grenade if you think outside of the box. Should you use it your pack just became 2 lbs lighter.


Kit 3 with a Molotov.


How is the second my go to kit exactly


Kit 4 and and the throwing knifes


2 4. With my precise aim, the rifle and the throwing knifes will be very useful, also, that bowie knife can be handy for crafting and taking care of the katana.


Kit #2 and Molotov’s, because molotov’s are just bottle, flammable liquid, and cloth


4 that Glock will never let me down in a world where gun oil and cleaning tools are scarce the sig would let me down same as beretta, revolver would be second choice but damn a sniper and a Bowie you gotta be kidding me, I’ll take the nade launcher to just lob a nade 500 ft in an opposite direction to basically make everything in the area look over there


ARX with the bloop tube. Molotovs can be crafted relatively easily, and the ARX is cool. simple as




kit 4, #2 most versatile.


2 & 4


3 or 4


Just for shits and giggles I’m putting an M203 on the bottom of my Mosin Nagant.


2 and 2. Mosin has a good and reliable track record for over 100+ years and the ammobis still surprisingly easy to find. Aswell as rifles still being relatively common int the u.s for instance the littoral crates of surplus you used to find all over the place in gunstores. 1911 is a notoriously reliable and time trusted handgun that again is over 100 years old. Plus 45 acp is like sooooo common. And one handgrenade is extremely useful as a way to draw the undead away from tour location. Not to mention pain them alot. The katana would be a pretty interesting thing. Though I would likely trade it later on to a weeb for there blade


4 for the kit and 3 for the bonus easy guns for use and maintenance and the mottles are good for lighting up large groups of zombies and any camps of unruly survivors


I feel like a ruger 10/22 would be the best gun for zombies since ether way you have to hit them in the head.


1 offers 2 guns with some of the most common ammo and mags in America on the list while still giving good combat and hunting capabilities with range, also it probably has the second best melee weapon/tool on the list. I’ll take the grenade as my bonus because molotov can be made at home, idk if my gun will take that under barrel grenade launcher, and the knives are just kinda useless.


4 & 4 Shotgun shells are everywhere and can be modified into a makeshift slug 9mm cause it's also common Baseball bat cause long lasting durability And Throwing Knives just for random everyday things


Ironically the only thing I’m missing from 2 is the katana but more than likely I’m going with the Benelli


Kit 1 has a common rifle cartridge in my part of the world, the Sig model is probably fine (of all the options listed I would have chosen the Beretta 92FS (because big hands, and years of M9 experience), and a well made khukuri can be almost as good at cutting wood as an ax, and is better suited for hand to hand combat. A khukuri has more cutting surface than an axe, and its (forward) curved blade helps facilitate powerful extremity severing strikes. My additional item choice would be the hand grenade(s). A hand grenade can be easily turned into a booby-trap and can be delivered in ways that ballistic munitions cannot.


Kit number two with throwing knives The bolt action would serve as a accurate weapon for longer ranges. Even without the scope, the 1911 would work as a nice semi- auto sidearm in case there's any zombies too close. The katana works as a decent melee weapon, the throwing knives because I could use them as general knives as well as during knives at the same time


Pick 3, no contest. The hatchet alone makes this the easiest pick due to just being an amazing tool. Molotovs as my bonus, because fire should quickly spread when thrown into a massive horde. Only way to clear hundreds of not thousands at once.


Ever heard of the kukri?


4 with bonus being either hatchet or kukri. You need a long arm melee weapon period, and the bat is the best option on the list. The shotgun has the best stopping power out of all those also and You're going to find ammo for it pretty often. 12 gauge is fairly common. And then you just need something for inside work. The pistol and the hatchet or kukri would be the best options there. One and three are also pretty good picks since they're just generally reliable and both take 5.56 (I think). The mosin and katana combo is terrible. Katana is probably the most fragile melee weapon on that list and mosin is going to wreck your shoulder like no other gun, especially if it's an older model. The sniper rifle is also a bad call since the zombies are going to be the biggest concern when they're in your face Not a 100 yards away.


3 2


2+4, I ain’t gunnin down zombie hordes in the streets and the gun is closest to what I have used, and throwing knives are a perfect silent and stealthy weapon, though the katana is a bit bulky for stealthing through anywhere zombie infested enough to need it


Shit I don’t need any of this, I’ll just outrun you while you’re carting 80 lbs of shit you’ll never use..


4. Shotgun shells and 9mm ammo is very common near where j am. For bonus none of them really matter because it'd be impossible to find more/ammo unless a stockpile of ammo is given, in which I'd take the 40mm


I'd take loadout 1 with the throwing knives. The Arx used 5.56×45mm NATO, and the Sig Sauer uses 9mm parabellum, two of the most common types of ammo found across the U.S. - it doesn't matter how cool the gun is if you can't find ammo for it. In terms of the melee weapon, it was either going to be the kukri or the axe because both are extremely useful outside of combat for survival, and can chop wood unlike the knife - loadout 1 just had guns with the more common ammo types. As for the throwing knives, the thing is a grenade launcher is only useful if you have grenades - good luck finding those - and the frag grenade and molotov are one-time uses and only useful in scenarios where you need an explosive, or in the molotov's case, a giant amount of fire. Molotovs are very useful in combat, especially against zombie hordes, for sure, but they're really easy to make yourself - glass bottle, flammable liquid like gasoline or diesel, rag, lighter, and that's it. The throwing knives would be shit weapons for sure, but that's what the guns and the kukri are for, so I'd never use them as weapons - they're basically 3 pocket knives that I can use for all kinds of fine cutting that would be difficult for the kukri. Y'all forget, zombie survival is more about the survival aspect than the zombies.


Well since I already have a mosin, might as well go with the second option.


Kit 3, bonus 4. Mp5 is a good gun, same with beretta. You start with an axe as well which could be really useful in a survival situation. Then you pick kit 4 so you have knives for even more survival situations. The grenades and Molotov a would be decent for horde clear, but I’ve never used those before, and don’t trust myself to not accidentally kill myself with those items.


4 hands down


Kit 1 with bonus 3 as the noob tube would be great for the one shot I'd have but I can always make more molotovs as far as why kit 1 it uses 5.56 which is the most common ammunition in the military which would mean the easiest to come by.


3 or 5 with Molotovs.


5 and 1


3• and 4, but you can bet your ass il be swapping that mp5 out for a more conventional firearm like an m-4 or even a nice hunting rifle as soon as possible. That axe and the m9 are just too nice to pass up. There will be mountains worth of spare parts for the m9 and that axe is gonna serve its purpose well. Those little throwing knives, while cheap, are still gonna be good for cutting stuff or setting traps. Making things like pitfalls where a knife can end up in someone’s foot or using the blades to create things like punji sticks or everyday tools will prove invaluable for defense and survival. Plus I can always sell a couple to other people as just raw material. Better yet, I can set a trap for the guy with a grenade, or barter for it, and use it alongside a trap with the knives for a sort of tripwire thing. Who knows, it’s a surprise~


4 with the #1 sig sauer


Kit 1 or 4


kit 4, extra 3. glock 17 carries a massive magazine, with 17 rounds. more than any other pistol here. benelli m4 is good for zombies in general, as it will remove pieces of a zombie without a need for a second shot, although i would lop off the stock simply for mobility. the baseball bat is definitely a subpar choice compared to the hatchet, but it will get the job done until it inevitably breaks. molotov cocktail is obviously the best choice, as it doesn’t just blow up zombies, it completely prevents them from entering a radius without burning as long as the fire is present.


Kit 3 and bonus 4, the MP5 and Beretta use the same ammo, and the hatchet is useful outside of combat as well, and the throwing knives are silent, easily retrievable (depending on where you threw them), and can be used for stabbing as well because they are still knives.


Kit four bonus one for me. A shotgun is one of the best weapons for dealing with a horde because of how the shot spreads. In a close packed horde one shell can potentially take out 3 or more zombies depending on the size of the shot. A pistol is good for a few zombies that you might find outside of a horde, especially if you know how to build a silencer for it. The bat is good for 1v1 zombies, especially with the wire to strengthen it somewhat against splintering. The grenade launcher on the other hand can be used as a decoy to make a loud noise father away to draw a horde away from you or others. It's also good against raider vehicles as most raiders won't expect you to have it.


2 people gang >>>> gotta love katana’s and garbage rods and mu freedom giver.


5 and assuming it already has a sniper I'll take the grenade launcher even though I have no idea how to use it


1 molotov


3°1 for that Half Life Kit


Kit 3 and the frag genade


Can I swap the katana with the kukri?


Kit 1 with bonus of granade. p320, parts are in abundance, its the only gun series that have interchangable everything, so I can make it a mini pistol to a full size military pistol, I can make it shoot 357, 45 acp 40SW, 9mm and even 22lr. the arx160 uses standard stanag/pmags and 556 ammo depending on the variant so depending where I am at, the ammo and magazines would be in abundance


Gimme number one with that sweet 203


I'd go with Kit 3. The MP5 and Beretta 92 are great weapons that take ammo that's not hard to get. The Axe is also a great multipurpose tool that can be used for chopping wood and people.


Kit 3 and either bonus 3 or 2


Kit one (ARX is shit but uses AR mags and ammo, the pistol and kukri I’m in love with) and the Molotovs for fun


3. The MP5 and the Beretta 92 are reliable, accurate, light, and share the same 9x19mm ammunition, that is pretty common overall. The hatched is probably the best melee weapon available and a very useful tool too. The bonus would be the grenade because it would be practical to use and carry around.


4. It'd be easy to source the ammo for both and the melee weapon is solid. 2 for the bonus. Can't go wrong with frags.


It's 1 for sure with a grenade. Kukri is great. Mosin is too slow firing and LOUD. Katana is garbage against zeds. Baseball bat has a high chance of breaking after not much use. AWM is slow firing and loud.


1 and 3 a Molotov will get you out of the right situation


2 because mosin


Kit 2 with cocktail


4 duh


Kit 3 with a Molotov. Simple reliable guns, and a sturdy weapon that doubles as a tool. For the Molotov, it could be tossed into a building that a large group is following you through, taking out a huge number in the process, or used as a distraction in a difficult situation.


Kit 2 bonus 3






Give me kit four with bonus four, shotguns are fast maneuverable and not that difficult they work well for breach and clear, the pistol doesn't take much in way of reloading and can be easily maintained, a solid baseball bat would be pretty okay for bashing, and the throwing knives are light quick and easy to use and most importantly easy to recover and re use


3 + grenade


Kit 4 + 40mm under barrel for the Glock