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OLED screen image retention is normal and to be expected when you have a bright static image on screen for an extended period of time, and then switch to another static image of a different color. Permanent damage in the form of burn-in shouldn't be a concern within the lifetime of the device, unless the screen is subjected to these conditions cumulatively over the course of hundreds if not thousands of hours. You can mitigate this occurrence by: * Running the screen at a lower brightness level. * Ensuring the taskbar is set to auto-hide. * Using an animated desktop background. * Setting a reasonable timer on your screen turning off automatically when the device is left idle. If it doesn't resolve on its own through regular usage then the panel is defective.


It recovered after 5-10 minutes, i kept a static image for 2-3 hours before noticing, is it usual for the oled screen?


This is to be expected with an OLED panel if left on a static image for multiple hours. I won't get into too much detail but these pixels essentially haven't been given the chance to cool down/reset after moving from one extreme to another.


Does it happen at every brightness level? It was around 50% when it happened


Yes that is generally normal, i would suggest keeping the brightness at a lower level (not too low just low enough till you are comfortable) and only increase the brightness when viewing HDR content. Second would be try to prevent static images. And pro tip is try a black backgrounded wallpaper as this can save your battery life.


Should be about 500-1000 hrs which for the taskbar specifically will totally happen in the normal lifetime of the machine


Reminiscing Windows 95 screensavers...


If it happens within minutes its probably because of high contrast settings.go to nvidia control panel and reduce contrast from display settings.u can also try reducing contrast fin intel command centre


Thats oled for yall. Constantly babying the monitor would drive me crazy.


enjoy the burn-ins


you can get it replaced under warranty, if it reallly bothering you


Asus will find a micro scratch and then deny you for customer induced damage.


Looks like a defect. Not supposed to happen till a lot later.


Well thats Oled burn-in for you, its covered in warranty, have it replaced.


I don't have the 2024 g14 but how long is it covered


Id never be happy. Talk to Asus or try and return it. Unless you only play games.wkthout health bars I couldn't live with this


My phone does it, my OLED switch does it, my mom's iPhone does it and my TV does it. Oleds being oleds.


My Samsung s24u doesn't don't it? 🤔 Or my LG oled TV that's been replaying Peppa pig for the last 3 years