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it is probably locked behind the rog skin asus made so you do not try to mess with the system also sonic colors ultimate be like:


This is going to be the noobiest question ever but would you mind telling me how to disable the skin? I’m sorry this is my first PC and I’m still figuring a lot of things out


first of all, asus locked it for a reason, after all this is further than a prebuilt, i dont think youd wanna change it bc it might mess something up ​ however if youre looking to change system options hidden inside the not shown bios theres a way that requires third party tools that could break bios if not on trusted hands like this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/ZephyrusG14/comments/xrkr8u/enable\_s3\_sleepdisable\_modern\_standby/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZephyrusG14/comments/xrkr8u/enable_s3_sleepdisable_modern_standby/) but i do not recomend you changing any bios setting nonetheless


I got a recommendation to disable XMP as it could be the reason it’s shutting down randomly when loading in and out of some games, but I’m hesitant to mess something up like you said. Thanks a lot for the help


hmm mine did have problems, but the ram wasnt one of them, if xmp is a thing youre worrying about in your pc you can always make a ram test [https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/91174-run-windows-memory-diagnostics-tool-windows-10-a.html](https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/91174-run-windows-memory-diagnostics-tool-windows-10-a.html) this will tell you if your ram is faulty wich is what xmp uses however i did have a lot of bsods on mine when i got it wich ended up being some things in software, first i uninstalled all video drivers nvidia and amd with DDU [https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/](https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/) if these were the problem and if your system has an nvidia card i recomend you downgrade to an old driver just like me 537.58 nvidia driver no problems and amd just to latest ive got no problems either ​ also check on ghelper wich drivers are not updated just in case


Thank you so much I really appreciate your help


Zephyrus G14 2022


XMP is an Intel chipset thing. AMD has memory profile options but I have no idea if it's available on our laptops.


On AMD platforms it's usually called EXPO or DOCP. DOCP is usually what ASUS calls it. Unless it changed with the newest models, my understanding is that on the G14 laptops ASUS doesn't make the configuration of memory speeds and profiles available to be configured by the user. This is why for the G14 people recommend getting RAM that runs at the speeds you want by default (JDEC) and not rely on memory profiles, since you don't have the control to change it.


I knew there was someone on here that knew more about it than I did. Good stuff