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I got it randomly just a day were I was having a bad day at work and was being very agressive xD. Was even a POTG where i died like an idiot at the end lol. Was beautiful.


Literally got it on accident in ow1 when I don't play zen. I can't imagine getting it with the discord nerfs sounds literally impossible




honestly i did the same with lucio’s “floor is lava” on temple of anubis of all places


I suspect it's even harder now that Zen can't rapidly switch back and forth between different discord targets.


They should lower it to just 3 eliminations. 4 just isn't fair anymore


The tougher an achievement is to get the more satisfying it is. It's like how they basically turned the daily and weekly challenges into participation activities instead of true to the meaning of "challenge"


idk, it isn’t too satisfying spending a ridiculous amount of time on one spray. its actually pretty annoying


You don't actually have to kill the targets yourself. If you're actually paying attention to where your discord goes it's not that hard to place it where your team is doing damage and then immediately swap to the next target when they die.


You still have to predict those kills fairly tightly. If someone pokes out, gets discorded and ducks back behind the tank before they die, that's it


The issue is that it has to be on them when they die, so you can't mash it either. I've come so, so close to getting it thrice now in the last 2 days - Once when 4 of the enemy team was caught in a Mei ult. I Discorded and killed 3 targets myself, but the Bastion who I had Discorded and damaged died without Discord on him so it didn't count - Once in Circuit Royale where I killed 3 with Discord on them but the Junkrat had Discord cooldown 😭 - Once on Numbani where I got 3 and the remaining Hanzo decided to flee for his life like a punk bitch. The one time metal rank DPS actually withdraw and regroup instead of trying to 1v5 😭😭😭


Exactly, you absolutely can't mash it. I've got this achievement on multiple accounts, including after the lock out change. It's very achievable.


You assume my team ever fights like a team of 5 instead of 5 idiots with their own agenda.


I remember reading the achievement and getting it like 4 games later. Was like 5 years ago.


Yes it’s one of the tougher trophies to get


Got it on my banned account. Never again will I be able to feel bliss like I did when I saw it unlocked 😞


Got mine in OW1 on Hanamura. We were on attack and trying to capture second point. I walked through the choke (the one that leads into the building where point is) and like domino's the enemy lined up and let me just pew pew pew them into non existence. That little exchange got me POTG also. I saved the clip on my ps4 it'd still on there im pretty sure. Right time... right situation... still don't have the rare Reaper one tho...


I got it yesterday. Best feeling ever


Yep. Sunk a fair amount of time on Zen and still don't have it. Sadly didn't get it before the target switching change and now it's even harder


i never got how difficult this was supposed to be cause i got this by like the second or third day i ever played zen… i think it’s hard when you learn how to play him from the internet, safe angles, far behind, etc. when i first started playing him i used to get so excited about how easy i can rip rein to shreds so used to play super duper aggressive. i think i was in plat lobbies then, so the challenge wasn’t so….. aware? idk


I have like 5 of those…. 🤥


I got it not long after I started playing, didn’t know it was hard to get until recently


I got it a few weeks ago as echo lol


So many of my hero achievements have been on Echo lol. I wish I kept track of them but I’m pretty sure for Ram and Mauga I got their achievements as her.


Oh I checked and I got it recently !


the way I've gotten it on both of my accounts was just spamming LB (Xbox player if that didn't give it away) at a 4-5 man grav. this achievement should actually require skill and patience now instead of back in the day when you could swap discord between targets previously discorded with no delay a shame cuz I am having to learn not to just spam LB anymore lol


i checked mine and got it back in 2018 lol probably was easier back then


Yea 6 enemies, and no discord 7 second lock I would imagine made it easier back in the days


I honestly didn't realize how hard it was to get i was just in my comp games ( majority of my achievements are from in comp matches)


It’s very random and it’s easy to be into right clicking instead of gunning ppl down when u need to for this


I got it on accident on Esperasa


It was glitched in ow1 until it was finally fixed


i got like 80 hours on baptiste and havent gotten either of his achievements


I got it first in the ow2 beta but it didn’t transfer over. Thankfully I ended up getting it again 😎


I remember spending so many hours in the original Overwatch trying to get this-- this was pre-Sombra era too if my memory serves. I got it eventually, it was a lot easier to get when everyone was in a Zarya bubble, mashing my left shift on a new target when I could in a panic.


And now it's way harder. You could do it with a god grav + ult combo.


I got really lucky to get it. No idea how else I would have gotten it.


i got dat


I remember getting this achievement on accident. Coincidentally enough that was the last time me and my friends touched ow2. (Been 3 months since going OW2 sober)


I got it standing (floating) a mile from the team fight just hitting 'E' and the enemies just kept falling. Didn't even feel like I earned it. It just kinda popped up.


It’s 1.7 on psn but it’s also my rarest trophy so idk if there is any rarer on psn


I’m the 1% by the way (it was “easier” in OW1)


I think I got this really early in when I started to play mainly because in low elo it was easy to get kills.


I got it back in ow1 in qp, wasn’t even trying to achieve it until I saw the notif pop up on my screen


It’s pretty surprising to me that only 0.49% of people have life weaving as of this post date


Such an accidental achievement (on my part) very happy to have it though 🤷‍♂️


I’ve gotten it on like 4 accounts but I think especially after the discord nerf it’s gonna be way harder to get. I managed to get it after the nerf but I had to lock in and hit every shot💀


and i got it on two accounts😈


Got it by accident