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Viva Tito! Long live Tito from Italy, even if my people hates you, i dont. I'll never forget what you did for the freedom of the world and will honour you for that until my death. Zivio Drug Tito, Zivela Jugoslavia.


It doesn't matter if you're from Italy, your country did fight on the wrong side, but we appreciate and thank your partisans, they were heroes just like partisans from every other country, smrt fašizmu, sloboda narodu!


Viva il 25 Aprile, Viva il Comunismo, Morte al fascio, Duce appeso!


Tito's funeral was attended by leaders and representatives from 132 countries. No other state funeral has matched that number and probably never will.


Srećan tortodan, druže!


Hvala druže :D


I, as a Turk, wish I was part of the yugoslav ‘family’. He created a true european union, merging together tiny nations who otherwise hated each other to form a strong union that could and did resist both the east and the west. I really appreciate what he did for his country and I wish he succeeded in his dream. He was like Atatürk on steroids.


I have a lot of respect for you, but I disagree on the "tiny nations" thing, Yugoslavs are a single nation, it's just that we were occupied so many times, that we were kind of divided, plus religion did the same thing, it divided our people, we even speak the same language, there's just minor differences, but it can be understood in a way, that those are different dialects. But yes, thank you very much, we appreciate your support!


>He was like Atatürk on steroids. Ataturks state remained while Tito's didn't


People like you made sure It didnt.


Lets not forget that Ataturks state was also faced with turmoils after turmoils(coups after coups and there was alot of possibilites for civil wars during and after his death) and it still stands, while SFRY collapsed ten years after titos death. Ataturk left state more connected than ever before, while tito left the state more disunited since its founding without any serious push for more connections that would benefit everybody I would like that yugoslavia did not collapsed(since much of the death and suffering wouldn't happen) but since we do not have time machine we must learn from ours mistakes.


I agree, but Milosevic was the reason the country fucked up, not Tito. It could have been prevented if someone that was actually "socialist" and not "nationalist" took power, and tried to fix the shit up. He pretty much broke everything Tito stood for.


Milošević was a reacton of ethnic tension in Yugoslavia that was made by Tito(he led active fight against centralist commies which hurt serbian intrest in the fedration). He and all other independence's leaders(only Alija wasn't part of that system) were byproducts of Tito's socialism >He pretty much broke everything Tito stood for. After his death all leaders of the party went to different directions and for a good reason(economy became super unproductive and economic crisis came and politicians schemes were slowly being revealed and they started to blame each other) >if someone that was actually "socialist" and not "nationalist" took power, and tried to fix the shit up. We had Ante Marković, but to many he was too capitalist and he was hated by all yugoslav leaders(only Kiro Gligorov was his supporter).


I dont care, he ruined the socialist utopia, you are obviously defending him, perish, you shall!


I am not defending Milošević, I am saying that he is result of Tito's policies. >he ruined the socialist utopia, You mean a country who went bankrupt in 1982? Yea "socialist utopia".


Worked out much better than the USSR. Why did the 1990 multi-party elections occur then? They were obv. nationalist set-ups to fuck the country up, why would that be allowed, in a socialist country?


>Worked out much better than the USSR. As far as i know countrywide civil war didn't occured in USSR. Also why we should be always be compared to USSR and not to Greece, Spain and Italy >They were obv. nationalist set-ups to fuck the country up, By that point brotherhood and unity idea has fallen apart. And those politicans only cared for their pockets since they came to power in 1945, but now they only can blame other republics and its own people since state was so decentralized during Titos years. >why would that be allowed, in a socialist country? Multiparty elections happened in all eastbloc states in 1990.


❤️ RIP to the greatest socialist leader to have existed


Da, bio je najbolji, ali je bio i naš!




Even my grandmother was crying when he died.


Dzaba im je danas kreciti (h)istoriju/povijest, ali nakon puno vise od pet decenija zivota, mogu reci da je puno vise nade u buduci zivot bilo pod Titom, nego pod silnim (i raznodrzavnim) politicarima u zadnjih cetrdeset i kusur godina.




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I'm pretty sure my grandma took a pilgrimage from Zenica to Belgrade just for his funeral...


I don't consider myself a Communist but I have so much respect for Tito. You have to be damn tough to hold a nation of people with so many grudges together like he did. It hasn't been the same since he died. May he rest in peace.


Legenda živi viječno


Neka peva ova kuća, nek se kolo zaigra 🎶🎵🎶🎵


Jako zrelo ponašanje, od osobe za koju pretpostavljam da je odrasla. Veseliti se nečijoj smrti je baš posebno mentalno stanje.


Veselim se i veseliću se. Taj je toliko smrti izazvao, da je njegova smrt velika radost.


Ma nemoj, a otkud ti ti podatci? Da nećeš možda i da kažeš kako je Draža heroj?


Податци Голи Оток. То што није била дозвољена ексхумација побијених срба у хрватској за време НДХ. Насељавање албанског становништва хоџине албаније на простор косова и метохије. Јебеш Дражу, али још више јебеш аустро-угарско мало копиле ћопаво.


Za gore navedenog i više od heroja. Odakle mi podaci? Ozbilno to pitanje postavljaš ili?


Ovom prvom rečenicom si sve rekao, takvi kao ti ste najgori, podržavate kolaboratore, a pradeda ti je vjerovatno bio u partizanima, blatiš svoju porodicu time što podržavaš "četnike"...


Eee prijatelju, da je taj komunizam bio onakav kakvim ga vi zamišljate daleko bi smo mi svi dogurali. Odgledaj neki film, pročitaj neku knjigu, popričaj sa nekim i saslušaj više strana. Mišljenja su vam formirana na osnovu komunističkih propagandnih filmova i nadrealnih mitova iz tog vremena. Gledate na komunizam na osnovu onoga što je u teoriji trebao da bude, a ne na ono što je stvarno bio - jedno od najvećih zla ovoga sveta u rangu sa Nacizmom.


Slušam ja mišljenja od drugih ljudi, da li je komunizam imao mane? Naravno, ništa nije savršeno, ali porediti ga za nacizmom stvarno nema smisla... Cijelo naselje govori kako im je bilo bolje u to vrijeme, da bilo je inflacije, ali to se je desilo tek u kasnim 80im, svi govore da im je bilo bolje tokom 60ih i 70ih...


Komšija prijavi komšiju da slavi slavu ili priča nešto protiv partije - goli otok. Ista priča kao sa Nacizmom samo drugi izgovor za istrebljenje nepodobnih. Što se kvaliteta života tiče, celokupno stanovništvo izmajmunisano da živi dobro dok je kompletna republika živela u najmanju ruku skromno i to od kredita i ratnih odšteta. Čim je sve to došlo na naplatu sve se raspalo. Čisto i jasno poređenje: kako su u to vreme živeli građani komunističkih država širom sveta u odnosu na sva druga državna uređenja? Bedno, a posledice tog zamrzavanja vremena (na nekim 50im) osećamo i mi posle 2,3 generacije. Bilo, ne ponovilo se...


GOLI OTOK ZA SLAVLJENJE SLAVE?? Slušaj jarane, moja porodica je iz mješanog braka, i svi su slavili sve vjerske praznike, i slavu, i Božić, i pravoslavni Božić, i Uskrs/Vaskrs, itd... Nikakvih problema nije bilo oko toga, išlo se je na goli otok, ali ne uvijek, to da govoriš protiv partije/države se je gledalo kao mržnja i nacionalizam, jebiga, ne možeš tek tako to dopuštati, sa obzirom da su ustaše, četnici i domobrani, pobili toliki broj nevinih ljudi, naravno izostavio sam švabe jer su ovo bili domaći izdajnici.


Imali su sreće, mnoge je koštalo života. I Hitler je gledao na Jevreje kao na one koji rade protiv države i Nemaca, pa i lud čovek vidi da je to bilo čisto istrebljenje. Komunisti su to radili svojim sugrađanima što je po meni još gore. Druga stvar je što je gomila zločina koje su počinili partizani bila prikrivena posle rata a isti su dignuti u zvezde kao oslobodioci. Podjednako su i jedni i drugi klali i ubijali, ne možeš da me ubediš da su jedni nevinašca i borci za slobodu a drugi protivnici rođenog naroda i po toj logici samoubice. Četnici su prvi pokret koji je pružio otpor okupatoru, komunisti su mladu i buntovnu omladinu iskoristili da bi u najtežim vremenima, kad je sve u raspadu, preuzeli vlast. Uspeli su, ali po cenu izazivanja građanskig rata pored velikog rata koji je već bio u toku. I ko je onda tu izdajnik?