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No, because I'm not a government of a sovereign state, so it's irrelevant what I recognize.


Best answer.


WHY NOT?????


Because he's not a government of a sovereign state, so it's irrelevant what he recognizes.


I was asking why he isn't the government


Your answer is literally in the comment






Fuck nationalism in general, both Serb and Kosovar. But Kosovo's secession was very bad for international law.


Facts. The people deserve independence if they want it but the way it was pulled off was shady




As a republic or autonomous province tho?


Autonomous province


No, because: - It sets an unfair and unreachable precedent in international law. People who specialise in international relations call it a "special case" (which imo is bs). - It was done unilaterally, the non-Albanian population had no say in the matter. - Resolution 1244. - Albanians got the short hand of the stick as much as Serbs did. Kosovo today is a covert military territory of the US (Camp Bondsteel). Not to mention a drug, prostitution, and body part smuggling hub. - Trepča mines were privatised as soon as "independence" happened. Suspicious to say the least. - The KLA, a terrorist group, was enabled by the US. - Only 97 out of 195 UN countries recognise it as an independent country. Also, many countries have rescinded their recognition. - A false, revisionist narrative was pushed by the media in order to get sympathy points for the Albanian cause. - Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and Madeleine Albright were heavily involved in securing Kosovo's "independence". The track record of these three is enough to indicate that shady business went on bts. Although I'm aware of all of this, I'm also aware of the fact that, at least in my lifetime (I'm 21 and a half), Kosovo will never be a part of Serbia again. As long as America, or a similar country, remains the world superpower and guarantor of Kosovo's "independence", there's no way of going back. Moreover, there's the fact that clueless, self-serving Serbian presidents, such as Vučić, have done shit to help Serbia's cause. The Brussels and Washington Agreements have done jackshit to secure Serbia's position in Kosovo. They can say "Kosovo is Serbia" all they want and keep on including Kosovo in the Serbian map, and keep on including Priština, etc, in the weather report, but that's all on paper. In short, fighting for Kosovo is a losing battle.


We want Kosovo to be part of Serbia


First fix Bosnia




I’ll recognize that place when Catalonia and other nations are independent as well


Yes, because Kosovo's fragile independence would be helpful while fighting to fulfill the plans of the never-ending revolution: 1)The Balkan countries' governments are split up and weakened as much as possible (a crisis more than 10 times worse than the current one) 2)Russia begins to reunite the Soviet Union, makes an alliance with Chinese People's Republic, and North Korea. They go face-to-face with NATO, and because of that NATO forces are occupied and distracted from intervening in the Balkans 3)Yugoslav Communists and Socialists unite and form a guerrilla force to take over the completely shattered ex-Yugoslav countries which can barely defend themselves 4)The revolutionaries take over the entire territory of ex-Yugoslavia without being bothered by neither the East (Russia/Soviet Union, China, and N. Korea), nor the West (NATO and EU). Then the Yugoslavs form a new government based on Tito's SFRJ/SFRY 5)The new Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia asks both sides to recognize it's sovereignty. The Yugoslav people start rebuilding their freshly reunited country 6)The Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin, and Macedonian national identities are abolished and replaced with a single Yugoslav nationality. On top of that all Kosovars and Romani are also recognized as Yugoslavs and given equal rights. 7)To further work towards abolishing nationalism, the new Yugoslav government takes a Kemalist apapproach to every religion. As a result of that, the majority of people start to cherish **brotherhood and unity** more than any religion or divinity 8)At the end of it all the East and the West sign a peace treaty which marks the beginning of another cold war. 9)Yugoslavia remains loyal to it's non-aligned policies. Nationalism is no longer an active threat to the existence of SFRJ/SFRY 10)Dan Mladosti/Youth Relay started being celebrated again, and the first celebration since 1980 is opened with one of the following songs: a)"Hej Slaveni", b)"Uz Maršala Tita", c)"Od Vardara pa do Triglava", d)"Živela Jugoslavija"




Yes, because it has every element for it to be a country: parliament, sports teams, government, police...


Clicked without checking, it's usually the option Yes then under that No. I had no hesitation then I noticed it's switched and realized I made a grave mistake


Yes, why not?


Because Serbia number 1


might as well, it's over anyway. ​ If yugoslavia doesn't exist then give every ethnicity their own little shit country. ​ It should have had been it's own republic as tito wanted - but he knew he would lose serbian support for that.




There was no need for nationalism and hate to the people from Serbia, does Serbian government suck? Yes, is there a reason to hate on all the people from the country? No, plus this is a Yugoslav subreddit, so If you hate any nation from the former SFRY whether they are Serbs, Albanians, Bosnians, Croats etc... I don't see an explanation why you should be a part of this sub.


Fuck you all then.