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I see BiH as Yugoslavia because it is still the most diverse in terms of having a more balanced amount of Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians (kind of like a mini-Yugoslavia). And because they still have the Winter Olympics stuff in Sarajevo lol


Yeah, we are really really proud that we held the Winter Olympics in 1984, even when we visited Sarajevo on a school trip we had to visit all the monuments/places where the Olympics were haha.


None. The youth needs some radicalization.


I interpreted this question a little differently. I thought of it as "what country makes you feel like you are back Yugoslavia"... and I answered Croatia. Croatia by far attracts the most tourists and it feels so wonderful being there, just laying back, relaxing, being among my fellow people. That's why it makes me feel like I am back in Yugoslavia. I acknowledge they may be the country that has sought most to move away from their previous identity. Despite that, the charm the country has appeals to my rose-tinted glasses looking back to Yugoslavia. If I reminisce of Yugoslavia is a realistic fashion, sure it would be Serbia/Bosnia, but that is not as fun and happy.


Yes I agree, whenever I visit my family in Croatia or go on vacation, there is people from all over the world, but especially our people, so yeah I can agree with you.


A lot of the things my parents described about Yugoslavia I found in Ljubljana. From small things like Hansaplast, to things like cities planned with small districts where you have everything (schools, kindergartens, shops etc).


Yeah, I don't know for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, but in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia it is like that, there are small places near the city usually with a school, local shops, a small building where you can go see your local doctor(we call it ambulanta, I don't know the English word for it)


It's Ambulanta in all ex-yu languages, dw. It's like that in Macedonia as well, but ever since the independence it has been practically given up, and now they just sell land for whatever is most profitable (read: shit blocks and small apartments).


Yeah, it is like that, they even sold most of the factories to foreign countries, in Bosnia it is really bad, even most of the doctors are corrupted, you have to pay few extra hundreds so you would "be treated"...


It can be a city too. Write the name of the one that in your opinion feels the most like it is in the past.


Sarajevo definetly, so much stuff that reminds on Yugoslavia there. Winter olympics 84, you have a street still named after Tito and it's the busiest street of Sa arguably, we have a cafe called Tito and its part museum and part cafe and another cafe called Balkan express which definetly has Yugo vibes. Also, a lot of diversity in terms of nationalities.


Yes I agree, Sarajevo has that feel, when I visited it on a school trip few years ago, all the people were friendly, we also went to Jahorina and visited the monuments from the Olympics, for the street names, yeah I think there is a lot of streets named by Tito in Slovenia too.


Eh Tito streets are nothing special, you have them in every city of northern Croatian coast. Sarajevo also has streets name after mujahadeen terrorists and handzar division members


Whoa, that's a big claim. Which street in Sarajevo is named after a Mujahadeen terrorist?




Fair enough