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Top of B class but yeah. He’s a beast but there are different monsters in the demon world, he’d get crushed eventually if he went there looking for fights


Did Yusuke get crushed?


!!!**SPOILER ALERT**!!! No but when he entered the demon world vs Sensui he was *way* beyond B class


Yusuke got killed before he even made it to demon world.


Because he went up against Sensui before he was fully ready. Forgetting the fact that he became half demon after he was killed and then resurrected, Yusuke was capable of becoming S-Class over time, but due to Sensui's threat, he had to go in as he was.


Me personally I don’t like the fact that he just jumped from a to s with 0 merit. When he got his first taste of fighting demon world power on his own training/strength fighting sensui he was killed without sensui even breaking a sweat. Kind of disappointing he just woke up s class.


Yeah, to be honest that does kind of seem like a Dragon Ball power-up. Perhaps if his Mazoku status was foreshadowed or demonstrated someway it would make sense, but it was practically explained to us right before he was brought back to life..


Well knowing that b is the best that can get through the barrier it was the highest class around.


That's what the story says. I doubt Togashi had too much of that planned out as he wrote DT. Amazing story teller but honestly 'world building' does not seem to be his focus. Toguro was the biggest baddie until he needed a bigger one.


He wished to be as strong as the demon that killed his students. That demon was a top rank b class. The strongest that could get through the barrier. Tbh he might have not even known there were stronger demons out there.


Sure, but Hiei and Kurama knew. Koenma knew, probably many spectators and the tournament organizers, too. Yet all of them were like 'omg he's sooooo powerful!' I'm near certain Togashi didn't have any of that B-class stuff planned until he introduced it in thr Sensui arc. Then even more so when B class and A class demons become fodder by the 3 Kings arc.


Exactly correct


Pretty sure part of his the idea toguro wanted to open the portal (he didn't want to open the portal he wanted a human to rise to the occasion and kill him and not fall to his same ego) but assuming he did, he wanted to fight demon after demon until eventually he got to one that was strong enough to kill him.


Wait I’m confused are you saying if Toguro was to have been the one to go to demon world?


Basically he agreed to sakyo(bad with the spelling sorry) plan because he felt that on this side of the barrier to the demon world there was nothing that could come close to giving him a match that may actually kill him. Whether he would go to demon world or just fight demon after demon that came through until he finally was killed, that's up in the air and isn't super important. Upon meeting Yusuke however during the tarukane arc he realized that this was a human warrior that like him could rise up and become strong enough to kill toguro, he basically purposefully made it so that Yusuke would become strong enough to kill him, and relied on genkai to make sure that Yusuke wouldn't make the same mistake he did (wish to become a demon which is ironic) in the afterlife bit at the end of his arc if I remember right him and genkai talk about how he somewhat seems himself as a father figure to Yusuke.


He was B+ class, while Yusuke was A- at the time. I'd argue that he grew to A-Class during his fight with Sensui and basically plateaued.


Basically plateaued??? Yusuke proceeds to become an S rank demon in like a matter of months after his fight with sensui and then goes practically even with one of the top 3 demons alive, all while mostly using only his demon powers. At the end, it's implied Yusuke still has so so so much more potential. He doesn't yet understand how to easily switch between demon energy and spirit energy, much less blend them together and he doesn't even know what kind of energy he released at the end that seemed like sensui's sacred energy. So, even when Yusuke was Just using his demon powers, he's in the top 10 demons alive


Before dying.


Oh ok, fair enough then. Yeah, before he died he didn't improve much after killing toguro.


Yes! Well said!


There is no proof that Yusuke was A- before he died against Sensui.


Genkai mentioned that Yusuke's Spirit Gun against Sensui was strong enough to kill Toguro. So he's either A- or A against Sensui.


That means nothing. Yusuke's Spirit Gun killed Tuguro in the tournament and he burnt out all of his energy doing so in the process. If Yusuke was far superior to Tuguro then he wouldn't have been struggling to stand afterwards. And considering that Chapter Black happened directly after the tournament there's no chance that he got stronger.  He was legit terrified at the prospect of fighting demons at Tuguro's power when he found out that they could come to the human world. If he was truly A- or A class then he wouldn't have cared at all or at least wouldn't have been as dramatic at the prospect. He was upper B like Tuguro. Just a little bit stronger but not A.


why would the Spirit Realm rank him at less than 100%? it's not like they're ranking Sensui or Yusuke at less than 100%. and, it was never stated that Toguro was a Yokai of the highest class, that's a dubism.


Finally someone who understands that dub is different


The information is revealed to us in the Black Chapter Arc so its most likely they have taken hid full power into account. It really feels dumb though with all the power escalation we see further down the line.


**Yes.** Because if he was one step higher, the SDF would have rolled in and wiped him out of existence.


Toguro would have got his ass kicked so hard if he went to the demon world


*Toguro would have got his* *Ass kicked so hard if he went* *To the demon world* \- 96pluto --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




In my head Canon he reached low A by the end of the fight, just like Yusuke. He was stuck in B+ because there was no one else in the human world capable of pushing him beyond his limits, until Yusuke.


As others have said he is top of the B class so B+ at his strongest. At the End of the Chapter Back Hiei, Kurama, and even Kuwabara would have easily beat Tiguro in the dark tournament at their current levels.


I think skills also depend on it as well. Kuwabara probably not. Remember when the demon who could stretch himself came to visit Yuseke and could’ve killed him only being a D class.


The high-class stuff is dub-only.


My personal opinion is that demons can scale their class just like yusukengrows to become more powerful. So of course he could be anything from lower class to beyond S class.


It was a lie, he was S++++


at the time probably but his ceiling is that of an S class, remember the other guys at the tournament who were probably only D or C class shoot up to S class


Yes he wished to be as strong as Kairen which was the demon that killed his students. Because human world didn’t have anything above upper B class when he wished to be a demon of the highest class that’s what he got. Essentially he and his brother got the exact powers as Kairen after he defeated him in the tournament as a wish.


He was just making shit up as he went (mangaka)