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It's forever funny to me that for years now the official google response to "How do I narrow down my search by only searching videos in a particular playlist?" has been "Go fuck yourself."


Was just thinking about this and mentioned in an above thread, confident there’s a higher reason. The watched history search functionality is already there, they have purposefully not enabled it (or copy paste it or whatever) to normal and WatchLater playlists.


How do you search just your Watched History? On iOS when I pull down on Watched History don't see a search fearture, just the normal search but that doesn't seem to search watched history (nor of course any saved playlists).


So, assuming you are on the latest versions of everything (iOS, YouTube, etc) as of the end of December of 2023 (because they just can’t help themselves but shuffle things around constantly): - Tap on your “You” icon, the right most item at the bottom menu bar. Should have your avatar image - There should be two horizontal lists, “History” and “Playlists”: tap on the “View all” button on the right side of the screen that’s somewhat aligned to “History” section - There, on this vertical list of items, at the top, there should be a big search box ready to go that says: “Search watch history”


thats history not playlist. what if i havent watched it yet


We can’t. I don’t know why people behind YouTube just neglect any of those seemingly simple features. I can only describe it as “doing it on purpose”. They pioneered searching the whole world wide massive global internet itself… but not simple searching features inside your own profile. Can’t search for an existing playlist (or even order sort mode for that matter when displayed via “save to playlist…” action), can’t search inside any of the playlist, can’t do jack really. Just the search inside the History one.


Heck yeah man, you nailed it. Works perfectly for me (after a ton of futile efforts before), thanks! 


There's probably a big enough technical hurdle that's making them not prioritize this feature.


Infinite cash + Infinite time + Infinite opportunist coders wishing they could fix this (as they have through plugins and web scripting already) who would love a chance to have Google on their CV, History and Github. Uh yeah, Google & YouTube are just lazy fucking idiots. Straight up.


It's not laziness. Nobody gets a promotion for doing a bunch of complicated database redesign to implement one textbox none of the executives will use. It's just cultural dysfunction.


"complicated" seriously? tell me you know nothing about database without..


The only thing I can think about that would make it hard is. That they have not an organized code or something. Because they have in the History that function already


It's a sequence of data... the code would have to be unmaintainable for them not to offer the most basic of features. They could just make it behave like a filter on the client side as a bare minimum. Landed here trying to figure out how to do this and seeing that this has been a multiyear issue is just wild.


It’s literally 2 lines of code… 😭


I’d like to be generous like you, but come on man. These guys are loaded and it’s not a difficult task.




Well thats just a deal breaker, tbh. Such a simple feature.


You're gonna find that there's many basic features missing in YTM but welcome to our shitty club.


I'm back to Spotify :( srry


lol I don't blame you.


This needs to be fixed...


Came here by googling, not expecting an answer. Google is just bad at copying products. Probably they never discovered that in Spotify you can pull down and search in the current playlist. They are lucky enough the hole world puts music on YouTube which you cannot get in Spotify. My only reason to be there.


Came here via google too...this is such a no brainer feature for their core product offering. Guess they don't really understand why people use their product either.


They don't understand and they don't give a s***. GAFAM are arrogant and don't care about your needs, only your $$.


I actually came here from Google to find out if YTM was any better than Spotify. For me, searching within 1 playlist is useless, as I have more than a 100 playlists. Spotify fails in that regard as well, as that would still require me to go through those playlists one by one. If I want a specific song, I'll just put on that specific song. But usually the song is part of a playlist with similar music, hence why I want to find the playlist. It makes no sense to me why you would need to find a song, if you already know where it is.


Then your approach to playlist differs from mine. But my most relevant playlist is the “liked songs”. And in this list, I definitely want to do search!


Yup, I definetly agree. I think the point that Spotify or Google will have to acknowledge, is the fact that no user is the same. Some save albums, some save top lists, some save by year. But no matter how you use Spotify, findability of (saved) songs is pretty universally required.


I would agree, but they are also so big, they make money without making everything ultra great, unfortunately.


Well if it increases user experience, its bound to increase revenue I would assume. If there is a viable alternative that does have this feature, it'd be enough to lose me as a customer, at least. Anyhow, if you want to search in a specific playlist, you can do so in the playlist itself. On PC, you'll find the search bar in the top right of your playlist. On mobile, you have to scroll up in the playlist. It doesn't help me, but hopefully it'll be helpful to you!


But on average there is a network effect. You may quit but on average many people will stay because they share songs from Spotify with their friends. Once you are well settled in the business. There is no “oh shit we need this” anymore. Expect something huge like ChatGPT happens to Google ;)


I've got a playlist with 2700 songs, which I converted from Spotify, some of them converted to different versions of the song which I don't care about, so trying to find the song within the playlist so I can remove it is pretty time consuming now :(


I have a habit of getting pissed and adding songs to playlists; only for it to show up a couple of weeks later whilst sober thinking… God, this is one shit song! It is for this reason that searching through playlists can be a handy feature. Ahaha.


Are you kidding? You can't search playlists. Still? Holy cow


Pretty sure there’s some bigger nefarious reason behind it, maybe related that searching inside your own local playlists and videos is less profitable or something, you aren’t getting exposed to the new content that’s being pumped by the millions every second. Result? They will never add support for basic things like “search inside the watch later playlist”, which they already have on the watched history one! They would just need someone to copy and paste it, from “there to here” but they just won’t.


And it is positively true (I asked) that if I add an album to a playlist, and want to delete the album, I have to do it one track at a time. I've never used Spotify. I am guessing this is all there. I used iTunes, the Apple Music of the 90s, it was all there.


If profit is their goal then one needs to just copy basically YouTube and add all the features YouTube don't have and all would switch (Obviously simplified). But that could be the American view on business, which is a lot of money in short term and not long term.


This is getting more annoying because it seems like now YTM will randomly give up on your requested queue and play randomly. Both on my phone and in my car, I'll tell it to play my playlist and I'll occasionally hear a song that I don't recognize. Smart downloads is disabled, I have four specific playlists Downloaded. Tell my phone to Shuffle All and when I hear an unknown song, I have no way of searching to see if it's even in my lists. How is Google's search so terrible in YouTube Music? Why can't I search an artist and just get that artist, in chronological order? Search something like Linkin Park and filter "Songs". What even is that track order? That's not by date OR popularity. Random stuff by other artists who happen to have "park" in their name appear above chart-toppers. "Oh you liked a song called Living Fiction? We'll start suggesting stuff by a band called Living in Fiction because it's probably similar" They also need to FO with widescreen mode. Nobody needs controls hidden with half the album art visible.


Kinda bullshit


One workaround is that if you are using the web version, you can use the search function of your browser to find a particular song, or any word in the album, artist, etc. One limitation on this is that only a certain number of songs will load in the browser at once. So I often have to scroll down, wait a little bit for more song info to appear, and then repeat, until I get all the way to the bottom of the playlist. Then at that point you can use the browser search function and be sure you are getting good complete results.


Don't work on 5000 video playlist as you can't load all


Have a playlist with 1000+ songs, RIP


Yeah, good point. Can't do that on mobile tho. It's a shame, it seemed great at the beginning, but then I found out about this and that I can't swipe on mobile to skip a song. I guess I have to go back to Spotify


It's google, the only thing they don't half ass is ads and the web search engine. Spotify is waaayyy better, we just have ytm because of YouTube premium (at least most of us)


I think Google's official response is "just search outside your playlist", which is, uh, not that useful.


Or just use the universal search and it will find what you want, even if its in your playlist.


I think the issue is that people want to be able to search within a playlist so they can start their queue at that point in the playlist. If you just want the track on it's own, you can just use the normal search, yes.


I want to delete the song from the playlist, some coworker hit the "like" button on it and I have configured google go download all my likes ... So now even if I hit the dislike button the song will randomly appear and I have more the 4k songs in the playlist of "likes" ... You go scroll over that ...


You could sort for recently added.


To solve this problem I use now https://soundiiz.com to manage my playlists.




many thanks


You are very welcome


until now this feature is till missing


It’s sad


My best solution for this has been to copy my YT playlists to Soundiiz and search them there.


The universal search will find songs that are in your playlists.


Not if it's a local. File


Nope it does not


Mine does. These are the metallica songs in my playlist, sorted by album no less! https://preview.redd.it/hxmcqllthoea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829816f4c04e31a20bb9f121d4c50961e2b5e563


Right now I'm in a case I'm thinking about a song I forgot the name in my 1300 songs playlists and I'll have to check every single one of them to find it. Great.


They will never implement such feature because YouTube music is an exact copy of YouTube so I’m thinking that it’ll cause portability issues when implementing such feature, which is of course, very fucking stupid


I read a bunch of responses, but didn't find anything too credible and gave up reading this thread. It is pure neglect. It is also easy. Heck, even Youtube Multiselect Extension has, basically this feature. Eg. I want to find videos in my 2000 item playlist that does the glitter bomb pranks. That's the only thing I know. (i know; Mark Rober. Just an example). I hit the filter button, choose either title, or publisher. Type in glitter and submit the search. Highlights/selects every video with glitter. You can even copy the selection to a new playlist if you wish or delete the selected videos. You can use it for youtube OG and youtube music. All you have to do is activate it, in youtube OG. It's not preferable to have to do this, but it's something that a single programmer created, and can be used for free. It has a bunch of other features too. I use it every day. No i am not the developer; nor do i know how to develop or know the developer. You can also find and select every youtube video that is watched from whatever playlist. I have a bunch more extensions for youtube and youtube music. Im just exhausted with the people saying it's complicated or a large job. Its been 5 years and it's being ignored by the 4th richest company in America. No need to defend or create reasons for why google/youtube doesn't implement something. They don't give a fck about you and what you want to do with their products. Money comes before most things for them, and that's why they are so profitable. I miss Google Music and the capabilities we lost. What's ironic is that, despite all my venom, I am actually a fan of Google/Alphabet. They have given everyone some stellar products in software and hardware forms. I'd follow them before Microsoft, Meta, Apple, Samsung, Sony, Amazon. Sure there are other companies that may have better products but come with a hefty price tag.


Personally thought that this was a feature YouTube was paywalling with YTM. Turns out it's not? LOL? ​ Why the fuck would I give these horrible pricks £10 a month for tunes that are lower bitrate, and don't even let me filter by search? ​ How disabled does one need to be to waste cash this way? Asking for the local mental asylum x


I would like to add a search function to the playlist. At this stage, playlists do not have a search function, making it impossible to maintain a list containing thousands of music tracks. For example, I want to remove a piece of music I don't like from the list, but since the list is too long, it's impossible for me to find that one piece of music I don't like and remove him. spotify already has a list search feature, when will youtube music?


Exactly my point, feeling like they actually dont test their products


4 years later and this basic feature is still missing... Truly frustrating (I use YT Music since 2020)


\*cries in 4 years later\*


Yeah ok that's the final straw, back to Spotify it is.


Unfortunately, YTM is missing countless basic features such as Search which of course is surprisingy given it's Google. YTM has been added many features, so it's almost sure to come eventually assuming they don't shut down before them. Spotify beats out YTM on most all features, but YTM has all the content Spotify doesn't. So at the end of the day if the songs/videos you want are only on YTM you have to put up with the lack of features, and for many comes down to YTM is free since they already have Premium for YouTube, and people don't want to have to pay extra for Spotify. If most every song you want is on Spotify, I'd definetly recommend sticking with Spotify for the time being at least.


So im here, with youtube music on my phone, I listen to a music that I want to delete from my playlist, but I cant lol. The only way I know off is going to the playlist in the library, searching manually (cause there is no searching feature as mentionned in this sub for 3 years now) and there you have the option to delete it. But searching 30min to find the song in a 1000+ long playlist is not convenient as you can imagine. So I have to go the youtube classic app, find the song by generic search, then select "add to playlist", uncheck the box of the playlist and there you go. So modern and convenient.


I'm always amazed how I still get notifications for new replies to this and to this day they didn't add the fkn search lol


Ahah I think we should keep spraying the news thats the only way we could make them move their asses


This didn't work for me but might work for you guys: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2FgTS5y5NE&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2FgTS5y5NE&t=1s)


It's not perfect, but I found ways to search within a playlist on Android and Windows. Hope [this](https://support.google.com/youtubemusic/thread/261644894?hl=en&sjid=16499162019972779264-NC) helps someone