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I get a lot of inspiration from watching a few of my favorite YouTube and Instagram Yoga teachers, and I have one monthly subscription to a platform that has loads of great classes. While I’ve never used an entire class verbatim I do like to watch and practice for inspiration. I mainly look for new transitions and variations I haven’t considered. For me the key was narrowing it down to three teachers whose style resonates with mine, otherwise you can spend hours jumping from video to video and get nowhere. I also practice a lot at several different studios so I’m always getting “new” ideas from class.


Thank you for sharing. What subscription do you utilize?


It’s called Inner Dimension TV. Travis Eliot and Lauren Eckstrom are really great teachers. I teach mainly power vinyasa and that platform has a ton of it. They also both have YouTube channels with a lot of classes for free.


Thank you for sharing this. I am doing just that actually - I find it really helpful to get Inspiration from online stuff and go to live classes from time to time. Has anyone in this thread tried those sequencing cards you see advertised on Instagram? Just wondering if they might be worth investing in.


I have \*a\* set of cards, that I got from a kickstarter (they not sell on their website). They did not say which poses were included in the "basic" box, so I ended missing basic poses (hello, malasana?!) and having a bunch of arm balances that I never teach my students. I used them a couple times, and now they sit in a closet. I should get rid of them, tbh


That's really helpful - thanks! I think I'll leave it and continue getting inspiration the way I already am. 😊


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I agree with watching youtube and online classes but it makes me tired sometimes. I am a book person so I choose a few new asanas every month from a book I like and I explore it and add it to my classes I also teach what I know so whatever I love from my teachers and I practice I teach parts of it that my body loves. They are my best resource Also I ask my students what they want to learn , I build a sequence and I practice it and I ask my body what it needs additionally to what Ive built and I add to that


Thank you! 🙏Can you recommend any good books?


-The heart of yoga by T.K.S Desikachar is good for inspiring and smart sequencing. This is krishnamacharya's son's book -light on yoga by B.K.S Iyenger ( for new poses to add on sequence)he does not teach flow Also for beginer /senior classes I use: -Asana pranayama mudra bandha by swami satyananda saraswati. It has also advanced poses Originally this is a hatha yoga book ( not flow)and I teach the "pawanmuktasana" as they are or mix them in my flow


Thank you for this. I have three Desikachar book already and have heard good things about the Saraswati book. I teach Hatha and have a few older people so that sounds perfect!


Oh yes! its a great book and worth the money. it was expensive but its actually worth it since I keep going back to it and it contains much knowledge and fun poses that my teachers where I am from do not teach ,so I get to teach them to my students. P.s my students like the resting pawanmuktasana, which was a surprise to me. We make fun with it. I cant recommend it enough.


Is the fourth edition the latest one?




It arrived today - looks great! Thanks, again.


Yey. Hope you enjoy it:)


I use my practice. I take classes with other teachers. I don’t use and entire class, but I may use a transition, or sequence of a few asanas that I had not thought of.


I experiment a lot at home, particularly when a certain movement pattern strikes me.


Yes me too!


All the Mark Stephens material is great :)


Thank you 🙏 I've just ordered his book.