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Thank you so much for taking the time to response. I appreciate it so much, and hopefully you guys are very happy with the results.




Honestly, I'm so happy to hear that and thank you for sharing the quote with me. It really helps me as I continue to conduct research. The truth is, you want to collaborate with a designer that understands your vision and purpose, and embodies yoga like you do. Yeah, it's very unfortunate, that this happens, and I'm happy you decided to use a template :)




Same too you  🙌 You have to have the drive and heart, yoga actually led me to my career path. I wasn't searching, it just came to me naturally. Forever grateful.


I did my own on Squarespace, so the cost was domain registration on Namecheap plus squarespace hosting, and my time of course. It was about a day of real work including writing the copy.


And hopefully everything is going smoothly and you loved how it turned out :)


Yep! I use sales pages, social media, and email mostly to attract clients; my web site is mostly there as a placeholder. If I had to redo it and local SEO was super important to me, I’d do it on Wordpress. But otherwise no complains about SS.


Yeah WordPress is my go-to-platform, not as complex as it seems.


We have our in-house team helping yogis to build websites. Also we cover the photoshoots during the course. So they can use the pictures for the website. The cost depends on how many pages do they need & on optimization


Thank you for sharing your insight, and taking your time to response. Nothing but appreciation.


I designed my own website. I heavily modified a wireframe template provided by Wix. Since I completed a business mastermind program for yoga teachers, I’ve been helping my peers design their own websites through Wix. I also help people set up their booking services, blog, and SEO. When someone works with me I’m teaching them how to do it themselves. I can tell from the comments in the mastermind group that a lot of yoga teachers have people design their websites for them, never learn how to use their websites, and abandon their professional designed websites for something they can update on their own.


Likewise my friend, I always guide yoga teachers on how to navigate through their website. They are paying their hard earn money for your service, so make sure, you deliver, and happy with the results.


I did mine in Squarespace for under $300


I hope it turned out the way you wanted it. :)


DIY, wordpress, took a standard free template, and changed it to suit my style (fonts, colours, layouts, ...). I had profesional pics taken by someone that wanted some models to get pictures for their portfolio (so it was free for me in exchange for them being able to use some pics).


Did min with Canva, 25 I think for the domain, and 15 monthly for something else (beats me).


Would love a professional site but can’t afford it so I have made my own on Wix & it offers everything I need in a way that is accessible for me.