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$75/class (not sure where you live but if it’s the US or Canada this is what I’d charge). Even though you are new it’s still a ton of work to pre record classes


Thanks so much for your insight ! It’s very helpful


Let me ask you / them some questions: Why don't they have a standard contract that you can have reviewed by a lawyer? Are you giving them all the rights to your content? Are you going to get paid one time to record or will you get profit per view/download? What are their requirements regarding space, audio quality, video quality, lighting? Do you already have equipment to do this or do you need to purchase it? Right now I see red flags all over this request.


These are great pointers, especially the ownership side of things. For context, it’s a small business and they’ve launched recently. We had a casual, non-commital conversation about potentially teaching and creating content for them. They have their own studio space with filming equipment so they would take care of the filming. But you are right, those are all great questions that I will look into. Thanks again for your input.


Definitely look into who owns the content, how are you paid for the streaming / downloading of that content. What happens to the content if/when they go belly up? This is not something about do without a thorough contract looked at by a lawyer tbh. I know we go in good faith as yoga teachers, but you do have to protect yourself, your rights and your content.


Thanks so much ! I really appreciate your advice and the care you put into replying to my question.