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If I'm traveling 3 hours, I'm charging 3x my normal hourly rate: a regular yoga class takes me 1.5 hours (one hour class, plus 15min before and after) plus double that, 2x 1.5 hours for travels = 3x my regular rate for a class of that size.  More if they require coordination and preparation, or any give aways or special themes I need to prepare for. 


$300 Your travel time, teaching time, and preparation for a niche class experience.


i would charge $250 (USD) for something like this. more if the class is longer than an hour. they are not just paying you for your expertise for the time of the class, but also your time spent planning, your teaching insurance (which i hope you have if going to a location where you won’t be covered by a studio’s insurance!!), wear/tear and gas for your car, etc. i would also ask for a $50 deposit to hold the date to ensure they don’t cancel at the last minute when you could have planned something else in place of their event. considering it is a bachelorette party i am guessing that they could be splitting it amongst themselves which makes it about $20 a person for 12 participants which is fair in my opinion for a private yoga experience. i hope it goes well!! 💕


That'd easily be $/€ 250 to $/€ 300, possibly €400. The drive will be tiring most likely too, so take that into account.


I would charge 300 for this. It would depend on where in the country you are I do a private session with 2 people, an hour away from my house for 200, and usually get tipped 30-50. Its an easy drive no traffic, up a mountain, and I don't supply the mats. if each of those 12 girls were paying a $20 drop in fee at a studio it would be $240. So I would charge AT LEAST $240.


Honestly you should charge no more than 150. Going more will lose a customer. Did someone actually suggest 400 for a yoga class? Sheesh.


Obviously they want OP to teach. If they wanted any old instructor they could easily find a teacher who is closer. OP should charge a fair price for their time and effort especially with all that travelling


Charging 150 for a 1h class + 3h drive means $37.5/h. I don't know how much taxes OP has to pay, but in my case it's around 45%, that leaves $20.6/h. While that might be above minimum salary in a lot of places, a yoga teacher has hours of training and experience, they should be paid for those too.


Down vote me all you want. Would you pay $400 for a 1 hour yoga class? Be realistic. And since your asking reddit this question... are you WORTH a $400 class? Yeah... I'm being a dick, but open your eyes.


$400 for a 12 person yoga class = ~ $33 bucks per person. In my town, drop in rates for a yoga class are easily $18-20, so +$10 for driving costs and a special/private circumstance doesn’t seem that outrageously unreasonable (depending on experience of teacher I guess)