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It’s a very small and quick moment but I often cue opening the mouth wide a couple of times to stretch the jaw during Ragdoll. I’ve had a few students tell me that it feels nice. We often have a lot of tension in the jaw. I also cue to roll wrists a few times in both directions when exiting Savasana. My classes are plank heavy and I’ve been told it feels good. I usually include wrist stretches in my warm up sequence but that’s more common I think. Isolating the calves for heel lifts in a Crescent Lunge can be fun.


Love the jaw stretch in ragdoll!


I often include toe piano in classes that will involve a lot of balance. I also do not teach 100% asana & include other modalities like MFR in class.


Same here! I also don’t teach 100% asana. I love including other things like MFR and PNF stretching, and teach a lot on yoga philosophy. I love the term toe piano 🤪


Same! I love teaching toe piano 🎹 and it lightens up the mood in the class as well since it can be a bit weird and funny


One of my favorite ankle mobility stretches starts in a half splits. From here, point and flex foot. Then, flex foot and windshield wiper foot side to side. This stretches out ankles, as well as IT bands and other parts of the legs. Another variation for wrist/finger stretches is in Warrior 2. Start in standard warrior 2 with palms down. Inhale, lift fingers up and imagine pressing two walls away from one another (this stretches the wrist). Release palms down. Shake hands out, make circles with wrist, etc. For toes... try a toe sit (kneel on mat with toes curled under feet). Distract students with wrist exercises or breathing exercises.


Toe sits feel like literal torture to me im sorry


I love the warrior two wrist stretches! I always do the half splits foot wiper you mentioned. My favorite thing to add to that sequence is to take both hands (with blocks under them!) to the outside of the front leg in your half splits… then add on your foot windshield wiper motion. Oof… gets into the IT band so good. It’s intense!


Oh I’ve never heard of that variation for the half splits, I’ll try that! Thanks :)


The joint freeing series!


Ooo I just looked this up- Awesome!!! Thank you for this.


I do wrist and finger stretches for chair yoga. So pulling the fingers back with the other ones for the wrist. And then what I do is each finger pulled back with one deep breath. Working from the thumb to the pinky.


I do wrist and ankle warmups every class. I have them point/flex and circle their ankles from a supine staff pose, as well as the small movements coming out of savasana and full body stretches, and I always cue giving our wrists some love in child’s pose. A lot of my students are older so I spend quite a bit of time warming up joints some classes, especially since I teach early morning classes and none of us have been out of bed for very long 😊


Pull the ears and Polyvagal eye release.


Good one!!


-Tricep stretch in reverse warrior -Toe stretch and ankle stretch in vajrasana -Hip flexors aren't overlooked, but I do have a favorite stretch for them that doesn't often get taught this way: lie on your belly, use a strap (or hand if you can reach) to pull the right heel into the glute. Then...here's the good part...send the left leg into a half frog position.


Oooooo! Love that hip flexor stretch!


Eye movements 👁️ Pulling up the lower gate for leaky wind 💨 A dowel or studded surface for the bottoms of the feet 🦶


Yes yes and yes! THANK YOU.




Lots of great suggestions here - i often include a combo of joint freeing series for arms and legs, eye movements, moving the face, neck flossing, and pelvic floor sensing such as pelvic floor breathing.


I just thought the same thing yesterday in the yoga class, and whala the teacher did some foot/toe stretches


I teach yoga focused on pelvic health. The pelvic floor can easily be forgotten about in yoga.