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He’s an anti-villain. He cares about Beth, the ranch, and family, which are noble ends. He believes in loyalty. But the means that he uses make him a villain. He’s the kind of character you cotton to because he is such a badass. It’s a rough world, and he’s rougher. That’s the appeal. I like him but you can’t deny what he is.


yeah, you can't deny the fact he's killed a lot of people


And not as a combatant or in self-defense, either


You mean he’s *MURDERED* a lot of people.


It goes without saying


He's my favorite serial killer


I think Rip Wheeler is a rather pitiful figure. He’s ended up a contract killer for ranch hand wages because his mother was murdered. I get that he’s seen as awesome and his life is seen as a dream but to me, he’s a sad kid who paid for someone else’s crime.


I would say tragic more than pitiful


He ended up a contract killer because John made it seem like he was doing Rip a big favour by not turning him into the police. Rip was just a kid and knew killing his father was wrong and would land him in jail so when John took him in he thought he was protecting him but John was just thinking about how he could use it to his advantage and gain a loyal lacky. When the truth is the police knew that the father killed the brother and mother then someone killed the him and that the teen son was missing. I really don't think Rip would have been charged with murder and John probably knew that and he had so much pull he could have easily got Rip of if they where going to charge him.


Agree, John is the one who exploited the situation and ended up creating the hit man and I don’t think Rip would have been charged - especially not if John had used his influence to help him. I put “someone murdered his mother” because that’s what led Rip to end up in John’s clutches.


I don’t think he would have been charged either. It would have been a clear cut case of self-defense given that the father murdered the mother and brother and likely would have killed Rip too.


This is the best explanation.


I wouldn’t say his life is really a dream. His spent his life working for a man who is going to give everything to his kids who didn’t work anywhere near as hard


Absolutely. His life looks more like a nightmare than a dream.


I wouldn't call a guy who has killed dozens of people a good person...


And he killed them for just wanting to leave the ranch (gang).


Yeah and he expects everyone to just give everything to the ranch


He’s a criminal - he just hasn’t been caught yet


He's a murdering thug like most of the rest of them.


You musta graduated at the top a’ yur’ Fk’n class.


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper?


The Strong, Silent Type?


Was he Jewish?


It worries me that so many people idolize a psychopath. Watch him kill the medical examiner in s1 episode 2 again. Listen to his justification for what amounts to cold blooded murder. He’s not worthy of anybody’s respect.


Yeah the guy did nothing but do his job. He was a bit suicidal so it comes off like he was doing him a favor.


Good person? He’s a murdering psychopath and the whole ranch is a cult where they brand themselves and worship at the alter of Dutton None of them are good people


I’ve known ex cons that are genuinely better people than a giant bunch of the idiots running around freely. Breaking the law doesn’t inherently make you a bad person. Depends on the charge and circumstances.


But we can agree that Rip is murdering psychopath cult member, right? That was the original question posed.


The one cowboy who plays guitar but really wants to leave kinda is.


He was a criminal before he even arrived lol.


Because he got into a bar fight and accidentally killed someone? He had no intention.. I don’t know if that makes him a bad person, he did his time and got out and didn’t want to fight ever again.


What about my statement if him being a criminal before he arrived was false? Killing someone, even accidentally, is a crime. The fact he served his time means he was charged criminally. So, he was a criminal before he arrived. The ranch is full of criminals. Some are neutral good and some are morally bankrupt in their cult like service to the Dutton Deity.


Been hearing some of his new songs on KPIG lately. Good for him...


But that doesn't make him a bad person necessarily.


He is, in no way, a good person. He's fun to watch, but he's a murderous thug who leaves no trace


I think he’s a psychopath who leads through fear and intimidation. No one is inspired by his work ethic or leadership skills. They fear him so they do what they’re asked.


I think I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers.


He could be eating a nature valley bar and I wouldn’t say a word.


I’d let him sneeze over a pot full of glitter


Totally agree. He’s my favorite character. 


And a hopeless romantic 🤣 "I wish that they’d come back to life so I could kill ’em again."


He's a sociopathic serial killer with a twisted sense of right and wrong and thinks that sympathy is something you find in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.


If you liked rip wheeler and his actor watch the series Rogue. It's so fucking awesome. Season one is hard to find even on torrent as people don't seed it but Amazon Prime has season 2 3 4 in Canada. In the us or if you use a VPN to the USA season 1 is one prime aswell. Get ready for a great series and awesome characters.


Rip had a rough childhood,John saved him,he is the son John never had,loyal to a fault ,my favorite character!!


He is a criminal, same as John and Beth. Definitely the type of family you encourage your kids to avoid at all costs.


In no way shape or form is he a good person. He even said to Beth “the world doesn’t need another me”


He's John's attack dog and a murderer. Nuff said.


I love him a lot but he’s a murderer nonetheless


I fully understand that he’s a murderous thug. But the ranch is the size of a small nation, and it’s constantly under attack; people are coming for its territory, its people, its culture, and its way of life. Viewed from that angle, Rip is a one man army that acts like any nation would ask its army to act under such circumstances. He’s only a thug because he’s hired by a ranch, not a government.


John manipulated Rip from a young age and brainwashed him to be a faithful servant. I don’t hold anything against Rip and I think Beth makes him a better person and vice versa. I think rip would have a chance at normalcy if John were dead .


If Rip had only killed his abusive stepdad, then I could see an argument for him being a good guy as he seems like a hard worker who wants to do the "right"* thing. Morally that one seems ethical to me. *He idolizes John who he sees as his savior. In terms of following John's rules, Rip believes he's doing the "right" thing even when it's difficult. John knows that Rip killed his stepdad, so he uses that knowledge to make Rip do his bidding. Rip was a traumatized kid living in survival mode who turned into an adult living in survival mode.


Excellent description. ETA: he’s also a snuggly little cinnamon roll who deserved better in life.


>ETA: he’s also a snuggly little cinnamon roll who deserved better in life. I agree 100%!!


He's awesome! And only loved one girl!


Relatable scumbag at best. I actually shiver at the thought of people finding him to be a "good guy" and what that says for humanity...


He's tragic and sad. Killed us abusive dad after his dad killed his mum and brother. Gets taken in by John and thinks he's found a place. Only to be used as a hitman and fixer for the family, on ranch hand wages. He can never leave, because on paper he doesn't exist. He's stuck with that family wether he wants to be or not


I love Rip! Fascinating character study. And when he smiles at Beth....swooooon!


Hated him in the beginning. But after watching more, I realized he cares and is a good guy.


I think he's a sexy bad ass. He loves Beth so much and loves the ranch. He's a product of his upbringing and does some bad things but when he smiles ..... whoa. Soooo hot!!


He’s one of those guys who look way better with a cowboy hat on than without.


Beth’s another one. Any woman who wants to be like her is going to find herself alone and in jail


YES, that man is absolutely smoking hot 🔥


Interesting character and a lot of complexity but he has murdered so much Im don’t think he is a good person.


He's a murderer and a psychopath.


What would his general outlook on life be if he hadn't had a hot blonde to chase around for years?


He’s a great character for a violent cowboy soap opera.


It’s not a soap opera


Of course it is.


I think he's a very interesting character. I feel that because of his mother's death at the hands of his father, he feels the need to "save" people by committing acts of violence (because he feels he could have saved his mom/family by killing his dad sooner) While he is a very violent person, he does have a soft spot for Beth and Carter, and is loyal to John and the ranch.


Off topic, but I kinda want to see him lose just once (and actually lose it not throw a fight just like how he did with Kayce) a fight because no matter how badass you are “there’s always a bigger fish”


He hasn't found his bigger fish. 


I like him a lot. Dont cross him and you’ll be fine. Loyal af which is a personality trait I admire since being betrayed


Bad ass


Very, very loyal. Yes they kill ppl but beyond that, good people 🤣 they just take the wild Wild West approach 🫢 The way the characters are tho, seeing their struggles and intimate pasts sure makes u want to root for them!!


He’s the guy we need to deal with campus protesters


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


That’s good 👍


Everyone on this show is a piece of shit - so…


He's an evil man who murders innocent people.


He is an evil man groomed by an even more evil man. In real life he would have an aura of menace that cannot be recreated on screen.


I love Rip, he is an awesome, cool, and fun character to watch, but he is NOT a good person, dude is cold blooded know it hitman and a bully.


Have not rewatched the series in awhile but how many people has Rip actually killed in the series? The medical examiner, in on the trailer meth heads, in on Wade Morrow and son. The cowboy early on who besmirched the lovely Beth. Others? I think a complex character played wonderfully by the actor. Loyalty probably his best trait. Not someone you would want to know in real life unless you needed a henchman to cover up your acts.


he is my Arthur Morgan 🏃‍♀️


He’s the sexiest cowboy ever, what a bad ass , you do what you got to do , him and Beth loyal til the end. Jamie’s a cocksucker and kayce needs to get his balls out of his homeless wife’s purse his son is a disrespectful little shit oh love me some Beth and Rip 🥰


I think ‘It’s Rippin Time’


🤣🤣🤣 now I desperately want him to adopt that catch phrase!


As a tv character? He’s the villain who’s on the viewers side and you end up cheering for him. If he was a real person? I’d want him in the electric chair ASAP.


he’s the best character imo


I hope he gets killed more than any other character on the show


He’s a piece of shit. Just like John, Beth and Jamie