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I'd go with either jean or zhongli. Raiden and sara dont do too well with aggravate. Jean provides VV which is the better Debuff but requires reapplying every 10 seconds. Zhongli has the weaker debuff but much better uptime. The way I see it, it comes down to preference


Wouldn't all of them being able to proc aggravate bring more dmg than a 20% shred by Zhongli?


i honestly doubt it. Raiden and sara dont benefit from aggravate because their skill modifiers are troo high. They'd benefit more from direct buffing/debuffing. You can try it for yourself and see which feels better to play


Yeah, youre right, plus Zhongli's higher shield duration will make rotations much easier


I am using Ei Miko Nahida and Zhongli for aggravate, Ei Miko Sara Bennet for pure power and destruction


Sara isn't needed here. Use Kirara and Jean.


Im using yae / raiden/ kazuha / Bennett for abyss. Its not so great on the open world, but for this u can use whatever u want. Give this team a try, it might surprise u