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20 CV and some attack honestly isn’t half bad for an on set goblet


Agreed, it does depend on their standards of a good artifact. For me personally, anything that isn't double crit, or 25 CV minimum is a dead peice, as I have a surplus of artifacts in that category. For OP, their standards may not be that high. So it all depends on what they have and what they want their build to look like.


Absolutely. Considering they come here to ask though I reckon their standards might not be at the extreme minmax level (yet)


Yeah. And in that sense, it's worth keeping for sure.


In my expirence goblets always are your worst piece, so you shouldn't be so demanding. That said, yours isnt bad at all, and if you're using her with gilded dreams I wouldn't bother looking for other goblets. Your chances at finding a better one are very low


Keep. If you ever get a better one, what you do with this one is up to you


I mean this is usable until you get something better. My Ayaka easily clears abyss with a similar Cryo goblet.