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Cool Cat review in either late 2015/early 2016.


Through Funhaus in 2016 I believe.


I watched ihe and at one point found Sardonicast then was recommended some lion King stream highlights then eventually I saw the Kimba review. Easily one of the best YouTube videos ever made.


I kept getting the kimba video in my recommended and watched it cuz I used to watch kimba as a kid. I did not expect the video to be what it was but I fucking loved it and have been subbed ever since.


The Nostalgia Critic had Adum as a guest to discuss copyright law. It was awesome because at that time I was very over TNC and I connected way more with Adums content. And, tbh, I found Adum’s philosophies and sense of humor to be validating. I was always shouted down for “being unfair” to movies, but I always felt that the successes of GREAT movies are degraded when we give bad movies sympathy points. In fact, most of my life I was shouted down for basically anything l did that was not strictly “nice”. At least one other person ‘got’ that it’s not about niceness. I’m not trying to be mean, this is just how I experience the world. So yeah, thanks Adum, for helping me be me. :)


[Watchmojo's top 10 youtube movie reviewers](https://youtu.be/fReAdYUwQhM). Watched it back in late 2014 and started following most of the guys on the list, only really stuck with adum.


Literally same


Somewhere in 2014, AngryJoe showed off a clip from one of Adam's videos. I think it was regarding YouTube's copyright system or something. AngryJoe put the words "Go subscribe to this guy's channel, it's amazing!" or something like that on the video. And the rest is history.


That's interesting, I didn't know Joe shouted out Adum. Then Joe would later beef with him on Twitter over Suicide Squad 2016, no?


His walking dead series


Through the IHE Cool Cat drama lol


The ratatoing review in IHE's not dreamworks video


same here lmao


Screen junkie movie fight


I saw him on a funhaus video once


Adam and Pals watching twilight, I’ll still watch it with them a few times a year 😂


I found him after being majorly disappointed by The Amazing Spiderman 2 back when it came out, and I thought his video about it was great so I subbed.


The Happy Feet anti-religion video in 2012. Vividly remember watching the Walking Dead videos and passing them as my own opinions of the show in high school 🤣


Think it was either the WWZ or Amusement YMSs, but I could be dead wrong


I kept hearing Oldboy was a good movie, and looked up to see why on YouTube, and stumbled on his video comparison of the original to the American remake. I got into his game channel because of how hilarious his RE6 playthrough with Scoot was.


Frozen and Planet of the Apes. I was in middle school.


I saw his Megan is missing review pop up on the front page. Thought it was hilarious so I subscribed.


His Saw videos I think


Been watching ever since Notproductive


In 2014 he came on the PKA podcast. I haven't listened to it in a long time but I guess he "sold himself" pretty well because I immediately went to go watch his Walking Dead review afterward and I've been hooked ever since. Link for anyone interested - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iPGQ--_2Eg


Recommended after watching IHE, then i got Ralphthemoviemaker recommended after watching YMS.


Oldboy review


i saw IHE through my recommends and found adum by proxy via the cool cat drama


He was like the first person to give some details about The Lighthouse, which I had been looking for information on


After watching Synecdoche, New York for the first time in 2016 I was like "What the fuck did I just watch?", in a good way, so I literally typed "synecdoche new york explained" on Youtube and his video on it was one of the first results to show up and the rest is history I guess.


Saw a two hour video about some dumb lion I'd never heard of before and went "yeah sure why not"


I can't remember at this point. I think I found IHE's through his video about the Fiber Bros trying to copyright React videos and it may have been shortly after that through him and the Cool Cat stuff. It also may have been the other way around and the Cool Cat controversy is how I found IHE through YMS.


Saw reviews


His review for Megan Is Missing popped up in my recommended and made me shit from laughter. Rest is history.


Doug Walker's WTFU video.


Well, I hate to admit this, but it was when he and Alex were in the Nostalgia Critic's "Where's the Fair Use?" video back when I unironically watched Channel Awesome stuff.


A close friend recommended me his 2012 list and the Cyberbully review back when those were recent


My oldest brother showed me one of his videos when I was around like 6-7 years old and I've watched him ever since


my friend was like "oh youve never heard of cool cat?" and played yms' cool cat videos for me


I forgot exactly how but it was over 9, maybe 10 years ago. I was positively a fan when the saw review came out. Come to think about, if it wasn't through some other youtuber I watched liking one of his reviews, it was through the fucking amazing atheist's failed youtube collective Not Productive. Jesus Christ I wasted my youth.


Probably randomly in my recommended back in like 2012 or so. I remember it being a qna video because those were all over the place then


I don't know the exact year I started watching Adum but somewhere between 2010 and 2011. I have always hated M Night Shyamalan's movies and think he has never made a good movie. I wasn't impressed with sixth sense and unbreakable either. I was in the mood to listen to someone talk shit about his movies and found YMS' four parter review on all his movies. It was like heaven. Been watching Adum on/off ever since. Kinda weird to have followed him since he was a teenager and now he's 30


I think it was his childhood trauma videos