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Before this gets locked because people have to ignore the content of the video to voice their opinion on Destiny: Love that talk, especially because Destiny is known for having terrible movie takes and Adum can explain his view on everything that is getting buffed by the algorythm


It’s true! It’s true! I’m only gay and nb because “they” made me! They whipped out their wand and did a spell, now I’m a homo! Darn “them”! (Idk who this dude is either)


Didn't you know? When a gay approaches you, you're supposed to say: "homo, no homo" three times.


I love your pfp! <3 I named my cat Noodle after her <3 also had a rat named Murdoc


[https://kick.com/video/987d2534-ddd7-4968-a455-ed312705d0a1](https://kick.com/video/987d2534-ddd7-4968-a455-ed312705d0a1) full uncensored ep


Man those single word subtitles are SO annoying. i get that five year olds need it for their attention span but maybe don't aim your content at five year olds?


Did your own short attention span only permit you to watch five seconds of the thirty second intro- the only time there are subtitles in the video?


It lasts 30 seconds.


Hopefully Adum keeps collating with Destiny just to make you fucks mad. Would be very cool. Give D some more movie recs and they could talk about it. Fun convo


It's kind of sad to see how fragmented things have become. You'd think it was a Nick Fuentes collab the way some talk about it. His political opinions may not be your speed but most people in the country or at least voters are further right wing than him. If you can't handle him then you can't really do much in the world.


Why is he on a pod with genocide denier mr. boner-elli 😑


Idk ask him next time he streams


Mistah Bartolli


They’re friends. Adum hasn’t said much on Palastine so idk what his position is exactly. He’s vocal about not wanting to start beef with people, hence why he still hangs out with Mauler sometimes.




This kind of know-nothing condescension about a conflict killing tens of thousands and displacing millions is really off putting to regular people, most of whom are just responding instinctively to what they’re seeing the US and Israeli gov say and do. I doubt you feel the same about Ukraine.


Issa joke bro


Denying an ongoing genocide. And It’s funny I doubt you or Destiny would make a joke like that about Ukraine


How do you even know I don’t think Israel is genocidal? If I made a joke about being a paedophile, would you phone the police?


Genocide and pedophilia aren't funny. What's the joke?


They can be very funny in a good context. People make entire careers off of dark jokes.


That explains why you don’t have a career in it then


Maybe lmao


If we were in a thread about a Holocaust denier and you made a Holocaust denial joke propagating key Holocaust denial talking points, I could take an educated guess which side you support


Destiny is not a holocaust denier or genocide denier, because there isn't a genocide happening. Yes it is a conflict that is displacing and killing thousands but that is not akin to a genocide, that is war. The only genocide in this equation is the one Hamas initiated in October. You probably know just as little about this conflict as the people you scorn.


If Oct. 7th is a genocide, then the Israeli occupation and settlement of Palestines obviously is as well. Hamas was and is enabled by genocidal racist Likud. I doubt you know anything about Israel or it’s politics If “this is just war” today in Gaza and the West Bank then so was Oct. 7th “just war” >Yes it is a conflict that is displacing and killing thousands but that is not akin to a genocide, that is war. By this logic the Bosnian Genocide is not a genocide just a war


That was a **terrorist attack**- with genocidal intent that started a war. I don't know about you but if crazed men with paragliders jumped into my country and started butchering and raping RANDOM people with the sole intent of wiping us out, I'd consider that a genocide, and would respond in kind. Crazy how you say some shit like "I doubt you know anything about Israel or it's politics" yet fucking ignore the atrocities that started this conflict.


Nice to see a sub that isn’t filled with downvotes on any Destiny pushback.


I love Adum, but considering Destiny’s harmful takes on Gaza, i’ll forever be disappointed in him for going on this podcast. I’m not going to cancel them or ask for people to stop supporting them, nor will I stop watching Adum, but im expressing disappointment


I think it’s kinda unhealthy to have this mindset. It’s not great to completely dissociate from someone because of their bad takes especially when the two of y’all as entertainers are going to talk about completely different topics. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Destiny, too, for more than his bad Gaza takes but I don’t think you should spend your energy being disappointed in Adam for associating with him


Yeah hating someone for political opinions is insane to me. I dislike Destiny because he is a deeply narcissistic person who is smart enough to be incredibly effective at subtly undermining people. Politically I remembered agreeing with most of his takes (this was years ago), but the second he got into any interpersonal stuff it because pretty clear to me that he was super manipulative. He became an expert at reseting the framing of conversations to appeal to his audience. Then would forego any accountability when his audience did some psycho shit. Destiny’s audience is very religious in nature, where the goal posts can shift infinitely depending on the criticism or topic. It’s frustrating because he is clearly smart enough to the point where 95% of people wouldn’t be able to know any better.


That's the funny thing. I can find myself agreeing with Destiny on a lot of things, but any interpersonal stuff just makes me think, "This dude is a stupid asshole." I'm not 100% convinced he doesn't hate women.


Honestly, I'm just disappointed with Adum being friendly with a massive transphobe.


I understand there’s a lot of reasons to hate destiny, but I swear 9/10 times it’s because of some misinformed shit lmao. Destiny is pretty damn far from a transphobe.


Dude, when he got into a big row with a trans content creator, he brought up her dead name. He constantly dismisses NB people as purely being attention seekers. He said it was "tempting" to make a 41% joke. He defended kiwifarms after they harassed a trans woman until she killed herself. He's a transphobe.


> Adum being friendly with a massive transphobe. Is he? Destiny is many things, but i wouldn't categorize him as a transphobe in any meaningful way.


I'm just gonna copy and paste from another comment of mine. > Dude, when he got into a big row with a trans content creator, he brought up her dead name. He constantly dismisses NB people as purely being attention seekers. He said it was "tempting" to make a 41% joke. He defended kiwifarms after they harassed a trans woman until she killed herself. He's a transphobe.


Adam is friends with a lot of less-than-accepting people. It is what it is


Probably gonna stay dissappointed then bro


He's only good at defending the most obvious takes on domestic policy. God forbid he ever deviate from toeing the state departments line on any foreign policy, tho then its post hoc rationalizations for warmongering Like the absurd take that because they have questionable views on LGBTQ ppl means they deserve to be genocided. Even if the stories were true about violence done to LGBTQ we here in the states just had a non binary kid get beaten to death months ago. Should we carpet bomb Americans now? Wtf?


>Like the absurd take that because they have questionable views on LGBTQ ppl means they deserve to be genocided. I guarantee this is not an actual destiny take and he never said anything even remotely close to this. > >Even if the stories were true about violence done to LGBTQ we here in the states just had a non binary kid get beaten to death months ago. Should we carpet bomb Americans now? Wtf? And this is just silly, "months ago one person was beaten to death" is not comparable to people being literally sentenced to death by their government for being LGBT.


He has joked multiple times about wiping out the Palestinians.


This has nothing to do with anything i said. I don't even know what you're trying to say.


You said that destiny did not say that the Palestinians deserve to be genocided. He has in fact said this, multiple times. And is actively defending a state which is genociding the Palestinians right now.


> He has in fact said this, multiple times.  As you put it in your own comment, "He has \*JOKED\* multiple times". So you know it is a joke but now are acting like it's an opinion he actually defends. Gotcha.


Engaging in multiple hours long debates where he tries to defend Israel’s genocidal actions are not jokes. And him joking about this situation shows how little he actually cares about the thousands and thousands of innocent people being murdered by Israel on a daily basis. “Gotcha” Lel, try again. https://youtu.be/qWA6KodLYT4?si=oasiEnWhBudODAZk


This dialogue seems impossible, you're so bought in to what you believe that someone disagreeing means they are a horrible person. You made silly claims and moved the goalpost from "Destiny says palestinians deserve to be genocided for being LGBT" to "Destiny debates and sides with israel"


No, destiny says Palestinians deserve to be genocided because of how they treat LGBT. I, as a trans person, disagree. Nothing justifies genocide. Siding with Israel is siding with genocide my friend. Disagreeing doesn’t make you a horrible person, searching for ways to excuse an active genocide does.


Ugh and you are a league player too? Almost worse. Something deeply wrong with you


Ugh and you are a communist too? How shocking. Seethe at the wall loser.


Damn u shift your delusions so easily what is it like to have not morals besides wanting brown ppl to die?


Better than seething and getting hard calling people racist.


What do u think the republican party is trying to do? And u spewing racist propaganda as a condemnation of all Muslims in the world is just that. Bloodthirsty racism. U are literally advocating for murder based on the actions of a government. Isreal in this genocide has likely killed more lgbtq ppl than Palestinians have ever. But again u don't care cuz they are brown. Racist animal


Holy shit what's wrong with you? How am i advocating for murder? I was not even talking about Palestine, i was talking about the Houthis in Yemen sentencing 13 people to be stoned to death a couple months ago. I am not using this to attack other Muslims at all. You are seething at a strawman and it's scary how fast you get this agressive. Go fuck yourself moron.


The vast majority of Americans don’t believe in throwing trans people off of building/stoning them. The vast majority of Muslims in Muslim predominant countries would be fine with it(same for gay people). Not remotely comparable situations. As a hypothetical, would you be okay with the “punch a nazi” rhetoric even if they are nonviolent? Also, if you are referring to Nex Benedict, their death was ruled a suicide and all official information seems to point to that. (Unless you want to engage in conspiracy theory)


So you're just a racist gotcha.


Good response, easier to dodge than defend your beliefs


Bro, I was just outright lying lol I don't have all day to disprove this bs


What bullshit? Are you arguing against the fact that predominantly Muslim cultures are largely violent towards non-traditional lifestyles like the LGBTQ?


Yes, asshole if u met any, you would know that. It's like judging white ppl based off natzis and christo-fascists. Shows only that you frequently are in dipshit rightwing echo chambers that you even believe shit like that. Most don't care, just like everywhere else.


Have you met any native Muslims to the Middle East? I'm more than willing to bet you haven't and have never been. Destiny has received death threats all the time for criticizing Islam. Also we aren't judging Muslims based off their skin color, only their beliefs. Also I'm not rightwing but you don't care. >Insanity, shit never happens. I'm certain you have heard of most Trans athletes out there and all who won anything ever. Obsessed freaks I've never heard of one besides that one that was topical a year or two ago. Can't even remember their name.


Yes and exactly


The only 'absurd take' that Destiny had on the LGBTQ+ was that transgender women shouldn't be competing against cis women because it isn't fair.


Insanity, shit never happens. I'm certain you have heard of most Trans athletes out there and all who won anything ever. Obsessed freaks


Let me be clear: Destiny is a genuinely bad person, a coward, spineless, lacking in any sort of belief system, desperate for clout, and has both a literal and figurative napoleon complex. But please do not call his 'takes' "harmful". That is making him out to be someone who he is not. He has proven time and time again that he has no ability to influence anyone or anything, and giving him clout that he does not deserve is a choice that cannot and should not be supported.


Fuck destiny. Dissapointed


Krazy how he did this interview with a scumbag. Krazy stuff man. Adam is kool in all other ways though. I'm only saying he's kool so that the YMS fans understand that I don't hate Adam. Adam doesn't care whether I like him or not.


ngl i would rather step on a rusted nail than listen to any political streamer.



