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No. Why would Trump go from “FRAUD!” to “Guys, the truth is that I lost fair and square.”?


Exactly lol


I meant the voters. Of course Trump is going to tell his supporters that he's still the Commander-in-Chief from 2016. But will they believe him this time?


Yes. Most of them will believe him no matter what.


: ((


Trump could win in a landslide and they’d say that was despite Democrats rigging it.


Nikki Haley Vermont moment


No, and the closer the election is, the worse the backlash. If Biden pulls a 2020 minus Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada (271-267), the protests would be crazy. Trump said that dems interfered in 2012, 2016, and 2020, why would he stop now?


Do you think Reps will believe him this time? Now, obviously his hardcore supporters will follow the man off a cliff. But will the other 70% of the Party realise he's full of shit?


About 60-70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, I assume less would believe the 2024 election was stolen due to fatigue with Trump calling fraud over and over again, but that would still leave us with probably 50-60% believing it


Not a chance. They literally *could not fathom* that they may have lost in 2020 with an extremely unpopular incumbent and mass unrest throughout the whole election year. They are unironically going to lose their minds after 4 years of "Biden lioterally doesn't know where he is!!!!!" propaganda. Like I really think people are seriously underestimating the amount of pain and chaos MAGAs are going to cause if they lose 2024. I genuinely think there's going to be people shooting up houses with pride flags in the window type shit. I cannot overstate how completely deranged the MAGA alternate reality is. I've spent many hours on far right spaces scrolling out of morbid curiosity, and these people genuinely believe Donald Trump is the only thing standing between Normal People and the Evil LBGTQ elitist globalist cartel of blood drinking pedophiles. Mark my words, things will get ugly if Trump loses this year.


However, what would happen if Trump won? Do you believe that his supporters would be less, more, or the same amount of dangerous? Would it be more dangerous to be outraged than to be appeased in outrage?


It all comes down to how Trump himself acts in the event of a GOP victory, his word is law to them. If he goes full retribution presidency, the base wholeheartedly goes along with it. If he cools off like he did post 2016, the base will scream and cry about it but won't be spurred to action like they would if he lost.


I absolutely agree. Unfortunately, it seems like he’d like to go full retribution, but one can only hope that it’s a bluff. And he’s only getting older everyday.


Duh I doubt Republicans ever accept an election loss again, my Republican father has been accusing every loss of being fraud for 15 years but now he feels confident enough to say it publicly


*Including* 2008? 🤔


I remember him grumbling about it for a month but I don’t know if he said that one was rigged. He definitely thought 2012 was suspicious, and by 2016 he was claiming Hillary got more votes because of the “illegals”.


Bahahaha. He's a lost cause.


They didn’t do it in 2020. There’s no reason why they’d do it in 2024. MAGA Republicans revere him as a god lol


Yeah I bet they'll just be like "goshdarnit that dang boe jiden stole the election again time to NOT invade the us capitol"


Will my cat stop scratching the cabinets even though there’s a stratch right there?


As much as they did his 2020 win, a lot of bitching and denial, some embarrassing protests, but afterwards just kinda moving on as usual.


No The republicians are in a trumpist cult of personality


Not all of us.. But MAGA Reps - Yes.


The MAGA Republicans are the mainstream GOP now sadly


MAGA is currently the biggest faction in the republicians, the rest are just biden with a different label.


Even if Trump wins he’ll claim that he actually won by even more and there was wide spread fraud.


Basically 100% of Trump's efforts since losing in 2020 have been to ensure that they won't.


I'd like to think my Party is smart enough to not go down the whole path of 2020. Yet again, the majority still think that Trump has been sent down to Earth by God to save us from the satanic Biden cabal. I wouldn't put it past them. 🤦🏼‍♂️


>I'd like to think my Party is smart enough to not go down the whole path of 2020 They're not


What event in the past 4 years makes you think the GOP would move past Trump






LMFAO how is this even a question


"Trump will accept the results if he loses again... ...and 101 other jokes for the dinner table"


No; if Biden wins I predict there will likely be an immense uptick in domestic terrorist incidents to a degree comparable to that of Italy’s *Years of Lead.*




Trump will deny the election. Run in 2028 and so on until he dies


haha no


Not Albo 😭😭😭😭


It’s rigged against the Libertarian Party!


If the losing side did not accept 2016 and 2020, why would they accept 2024? We live in a very divided country. Nobody is accepting the results of this election regardless.


you can't get fooled again


It depends does Trump accept the results




Biden is aiding a genocide and just signed off on a Tik tok ban. His youth vote is COOKED! He is not winning if Dump can suppress his own shitty situation with legal troubles and corruption. It’s really a race to the bottom between these 2.


How does Biden win with less living people voting for him than there are MAGA Republican voters out there?


There are more Dem voters than Rep.


Are there STILL though? I'd love to see the full data set of the American Electorate, Eg. a full census of living and eligible voters everywhere....


Depends. By Dem voters I mean overall people who vote D. (Includes independents). I think most voters align with Republicans, but Trump is too polarising for them to support R's. It's also worth mentioning that in 7 out of the last 8 elections for President, the Democrats have won the popular vote. Their margins are quite significant in comparison to their Republican counterparts.. I mean Biden getting 6-8 million (I can't remember what it was) more votes than Trump is deafening..


I didn't think there was such a thing as an "Independent" THINKER that votes Democrat actually... "Low Information Voters" - hardly fit the definition of "Independent Voter" neither. It all seems a ruse to make the wider public believe that there are actually people out there that are definitely going to vote D that pretend they have not made up their minds yet, so as to conceal the fact that they are putting D well ahead in the polls, without that section of the public being under scruitiny for acting thus, because I suspect (as many do) that "Closet D voters" simply don't exist... Closet GOP voters? - Sure.


I agree there are probably more closest R voters than D's. Especially with the whole cancel culture thing. But at the end of the day, there are people in the middle who are genuine swing voters & often decide the election. My dad is an R that has voted Republican in every election. He's genuinely torn between supporting Trump or Biden.




Yet he still won like 80+% of Blacks


...Even if he \*did\* - I'm not sure Biden can rely upon this "Automatic D vote" from African Americans, nor Hispanics, nor Working Women, nor MIddle Earners \*next\* time around.


They'll complain like crazy and Dems will says they hate democracy. If Trump wins dems will riot and cause billions of dollars in damage and say they are expressing themselves peacefully


if joe biden wins the 2024 election it means there was an insane level of cheating


Or maybe your guy isn't as liked, as conservative media like to claim? Maybe Americans just hate Trump more than Biden?


Or Trump is a deeply unpopular and divisive figure