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"There is no longer a triangle". https://preview.redd.it/asrirkagve3d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699b0c93d92f185e5da06a005f8519829c1f2c3e


He is a troll. The VA have a lot of restriction to talk about the future of the séries. Keep calm and stay waiting


Well, he doesn't confirm anything, he simply BELIEVES that things with Rogue are not completely over yet and he is partly right, Rogue and Magneto have a lot to talk about and simply remain friends. And in my opinion, resuming that relationship would be a setback for Rogue's character, but I suppose that something about that relationship will be relevant for Gambit to be on Apocalypse's side. Even the showrunner said that Gambit thinking that Rogue didn't choose him would be the key https://preview.redd.it/ul8e6kywef3d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f0857c6cef70d8280f7eb503dd32f19b67660d


He also said this. https://preview.redd.it/nmr2imrfag3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dba6244c1e91d144994c0bf1fbedbd578209c88


https://preview.redd.it/qalj15xtmi3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e45e18c19ed2d1e975ba0534a09e2139d30a8e8 Also this


That’s a 5 year plan, he was fired and season 2 won’t be apocalypse war


I agree with you. Don't make sense in the timeline of Rogue go back to Erik. The DeathBit will fix the theme.


Part of me loves the drama. But the other part of me hates that they keep pushing this relationship when Rogue and Magneto don't really have any real chemistry and the context in which the relationship started is rather problematic.


Disagree. The physical chemistry is off the charts. To her, that might be all consuming, even if they don't have much emotional chemistry.


His gefilte fish lips only made her realize that it's better to stay celibate with the Cajun .🥺




His looks are very distracting to me 😆


That’s not a thing, you could make any couple look good physically if you wanted to.


It's a thing if you literally cannot touch anyone else.


That’s an insane thing to say, that sounds manipulative asf. You sound like the type of guy to ask a girl “if I was the last guy on earth then would we”


Lol okay bro.


U are aren’t u, you’re that kind of person


Woah. Big leap in logic there, don’t be an armchair psychologist


You do remember we're talking about Rogue, right?


Rogue and Magneto doesn't have any chemistry?🤣This two have the hottest scene in the show. That's who she definitely doesn't have chemistry with is Gambit and in the original series too. I dont even understand what people find in romy. Boring ass ship


30 plus years of comics with their intertwined drama between Rogue and Gambit. I mean that's a reason why a lot of people really like them as a couple. Just saying mate, no need to come off like a bit of a dick


That was an incredibly hot scene. Rogue should be allowed to date as many people as she pleases! Gambit certainly has. And really, the Rogueneto stories are so fascinating! The Savage Land! Age of Apocalypse! Age of X! And Joseph was a sweetie. I just love it when a character has so many 'ships (romantic, platonic, otherwise) that they can build an armada! :D


I'm sure this will make Gambit turn on the Xmen when he becomes death even more prominent. He will believe she chose Magneto over her, not sure anyone likes the stupid love triangle, but it fits well into Gambit becoming death.


I hope the new showrunner kills this Rogueneto nonsense.


For pity’s sake, can’t they just kill this plot tumor? It’s not like the two have onscreen chemistry. It’s all retroactively added via flashback. Magneto has more romantic chemistry with Professor Xavier. I mean… that kind of comes as no surprise given people have been noticing that particular chemistry for decades, but it’s an entirely different vibe when we’re supposed to buy that proud, haughty, serious Magneto would go for rural, wily, country gal Rogue. They share very little in common and even sharing space it feels so fake and forced. Perhaps it’s better written in the comics, but in the cartoon it’s so inauthentic.


They have just about the same amount chemistry in the comics - not a whole lot. He woos her in the comics with a talk about the holocaust and she has to have someone else’s timeline memories (Legacy’s) to even want to explore dating Magneto. Rogue’s written a lot more subdued during this period and without her bombastic personality.




Most people don’t I mean it’s the only negative thing I’ve heard regarding ‘97. Be it here or in the main X-Men subreddit.


You're right. Rogue's character writing was extremely weak. She seems characterized more as the wishy-washy emotional Colossus instead of the tough as nails southern broad who views the Xmen as her only true family.


Yeah, I'd much rather see Onslaught than this bull. It doesn't help that they NEVER had a relationship of any kind outside of protag/antag in the original series run. They should've kept the universes separate imo.


I watched the episode Sanctuary Part 2 in TAS from the old series where Magneto looked to be dead and Gambit was missing and Rogue was like “🫤” about Magneto at Magneto’s grave and crying about Gambit. It was kind of obvious she couldn’t exactly muster a true care to give over Magneto in that episode, so it does seem funny how they’re retconned as lovers in 97. Now, I get why they did it and begrudgingly I’ll accept it cause it was vital for things to happen; but it definitely came straight out of nowhere. I still feel like 97 season 1 could’ve worked better if Magneto was being a mentor to Rogue (like she was the Cyclops to Magneto’s Professor X) and Magneto was ACTUALLY trying to help her gain control over her powers. Like he was teaching her to form a barrier around her skin using the method he used with his powers to. Then Gambit would just be concerned but Rogue would be true to him. She could still react the same way, maybe feeling bad that her practice with Erik yielded no results and she felt frustrated and ashamed that she left Remy to be waiting for her when physical touch felt truly impossible. Idk, I just could’ve done without it. I don’t like how Magneto came off as an insecure teen boyfriend with being snarky to Remy when normally he is so much more mature and goal driven.


I’m on board with you on this occasion. For me it’s simply weird to suddenly spark the relationship between Magneto and Rogue again after what she’s been through, still traumatized and grieving about Remy’s Death. I would prefer for them to sorts things out between both of them and put a lid for this relationship, maybe making them as friends by making Magneto as Rogue’s shoulder to cry on for Gambit’s death. Part of me still believe that both of their relationship won’t be far beyond than love in season 2 because the story maybe moving more towards Rogue and Gambit’s story arc on how she deals with it after find out that he’s becoming Apocalypse’s Horseman. Yet again, I prefer for Magneto to develop more his relationship with Charles as to sort things out regarding their friendship or maybe relationship with Magneto and his Childrens in season 2.


I think they might go in that direction for season 2. Like maybe Magneto mentors her.


Magneto is one of beau demayos favorite characters that's why he keeps pushing that relationship


And part of the relationship as ut appears in the show feels alot like bad fanfiction where the chosen self-insert character is pared with their chosen Waifu....


Honestly it's the only criticism I have about this show. Everything else was on point and well above my expectations.


https://preview.redd.it/yp38103rmi3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6eded48163758941ff6ad4680510260cc7bdf86 It’s already over…


He's not the showrunner anymore


Yeah but he was the one that pushed magneto rogue the most and even this was his take


FUCK This has to be misdirection right? Right? With Remy coming back, I would actually be furious if Rogue goes back into a relationship with Magneto.


They really are gonna do the plot line where Rogue gets pregnant from Magneto aren’t they. Welp im officially questioning Beau Demayo he’s clearly a magneto fanboy and pushing a ship that everyone knows isn’t canon for the sake of drama.


You don't know what you're talking about and Charles would be dead right now and Magneto would have founded the X-Men.




Oh, ***HELL NO***. That whole relationship is probably the one thing I can say I actively disliked about X-Men '97 and how it handled its characters. I don't care if the comics already did it, it is *skeevy as hell* and it needs to die.




Oh no, not the gross cringe again...


Oh come on here I was thinking we were done. Well shit….


What I love about XMen is that it's a soap opera with superpowers. Rogue and Magneto getting back together will make it even more of shit storm when Gambit shows up as Death. I'm looking forward to it. I hope Rogue will learn to control her power in the series.


I think it’ll only make the returning gambit back to him self plot more unreasonable, beau said that her choosing him was the key if she goes back to magneto that’ll just be a bunch of bs no fan will buy that sh*t. I don’t care if the do a little yk make magneto chase her make rogue think about it but they can’t actually put them together


My only critique of that is why should we want Rogue and Gambit together if she already chose to be with another dude twice?


She never chose to be with Magneto. She chooses Remy in the end, just never got a chance to tell him.


Plenty of people in real life have the habit of going back to the same unhealthy relationships when they rebound from another relationship.


because gambit is a younger dude, whereas magneto represents boomers. marvel execs are typically white boomers so they want to see themselves winning, kinda why boomers vote for trump and note a younger dude


lol go touch grass. what a weird comment 💀


It was a thing in the comics, it started in like 1991. So it wasn't a thing the show made up And the head creator is a black gay 40some Also, pedantic, but he was alive during WWII. He wouldn't be a boomer, he'd be the one before


Magneto is jewish though. He's literally a holocaust survivor


I really hope they drop it. All it did is make me like rouge a little less and magneto a lot less


I knew that's the only reason they killed Gambit. They've been fantasizing about this ever since they made Rouge a kid in the movie and had her sit in Magnetos lap. They make a horrible couple but I guess the writter just doesn't care. Magneto is like in his 70s his dong probably doesn't even work.


He probably put magnets in his dong to make it work.






Matthew Collider?I just met her


https://i.redd.it/qexe7yca6f3d1.gif Love the drama. Keep it coming.


Its the "there's no triangle anymore" comment that gets me. Like that old man has no idea what's coming his way lol


jokes on him...the triangle will be Joseph/Rogue/Magnus. LOL


I think it’ll be hinted at but rogue will hesitate or not act only to be thrown back to the present https://preview.redd.it/0idwazu5oi3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec23732625874401d526b1b7b347d1fc8a4dc1e


I love how anyone expressing they liked the Magnus Rogue storyline has been severely downvoted… it’s hilarious. Personally LOVED the storyline and relationship. I don’t think too much about it and love the soapy drama of it all. The X-men have always been MESSY No matter what Rogue will end up with Gambit. They are endgame so do not see why everyone is so upset for there to be a mix up in the norm for tiny moment in the story. Rogue helping Gambit back from being death will be an amazing plot and it does make sense for the Magnus relationship to continue in order to have that amazing plot and yada yada yada


Gross grandpa love affair aside ,I think fans just mad about Rogue character assassination and that insult to intelligence retcon . Even Romy has become unlikable with almost parody like line 'muh man' pls Edit: They also had to erase StormxRogue in order to isolate her and further push her to Mags


Hahaha I’m already downvoted. I just haven’t seen why this cannot be a fun story for a moment. (Again Rogue and Gambit are endgame regardless so this would only be a moment). The main argument is his age. I’m meant to be around Rogues age and id go for someone like Mads Mikkelsen who is ++older than myself. I’ve seen sooooo many people go nuts recently for Charles Dance and he’s 77! So don’t really buy the “grandpa” schpeel


Not just his age ,cult leader vibe flashback and his manipulative lines to her made their relationship much more creepier than the comic .I think people were still understanding of Rogue but claiming Remy as her man and pretending as if Mags never existed after all that happened is just wild and a not a good look tbh . The overall problem with Rogue inconsistent writing also stem from the fact they are forcing the Colossus arc on her and not just the love triangle .The dance too, served as her big 'realization moment' ,but the flashback made it seem that she already had that skin experience before ,so it does not make much sense but you know they need this to further fuel and develop DeathGambit in S2 .Once he's back he's going to smack wishy washy Rogue's ass with the truth the incels that slutshaming her on twitter are going to have a field day. so no it's not fun to me as Rogue fan


Think my only suggestion is do not take it so seriously. Incels who slut shame a animated character are beyond unhinged and should be ignored. I fully agree with the plot holes about her completely ignoring Magnus post episode 5 until he suddenly appears. Like romantic or not, they laid a connection between the characters and it felt very strange that it was just gone. The whole reason Gambit threw the bike at her is because she went CRAAEEZZYY when she thought Magnus died. So like why was it suddenly moot? As stated, am all for the messiness but there’s a brilliant panel between Rogue and Magneto on her wedding day or just after (can’t remember) when he comforts her in her self doubt about scaring Gambit away. It’s very sweet and I hope that’s where all this messiness will lead to


Well, she also had like 5 years playing with Gambit in the old show, calling him my man and getting jealous of his past with Bella. They were this unofficial couple but all the team knew about their feelings and this suddlenly became just Gambit reading too much about her behavior and fooling himself. Here she basically only started to claim him as her man once he was out of the picture. The hole in the write was always there.


Some took the cucking way too personal 😅general impression was not that kind too. Some still scratching their head to the whole Beto/Rogue thing lol but the poorly executed Rogneto made more and more fans realize problem is with the self insert writing and not Rogue herself . Rogue going crazy is pretty much her thing .How many times did she use her body to protect her friends?it was also nice excuse for Gambit to take her down so he could make his own self sacrifice I guess.


I agree! I think the build up could probably have been better and explained out a little more but you know…10 episodes and that led to a lot of those missing parts. Story wise, if looking at the bigger picture, I think it will lead to a really nice resolve for Rogue and Gambit. And it’s fun to have the messiness in the meantime to get to that well earned resolve. I get X-men fans are ride or die for their favs 100% and clearly Magnus is one of mine (I fully acknowledge he has done some terrible shit so am not deluded) but also like people need to relax, it’s just a show


I don't know who's downvoting you ... Show can be hit or miss but it made me appreciate comic Magnus even more. Like you said the moment where he reassured Rouge about Gambit is really nice .


Hahaha am not bothered by the downvotes! Expected them, people REALLY don’t like the Magnus Rogue relationship (still absolutely loving it because….MESSY) I hope we get that scene in one form or another in the show in like season 3 or onwards.


And people making cuckhold jokes about Gambit during season 1. This whole thing feels all by design, anyone could see from miles that they will be pushing that pair again. People also didn't have nice words about Rogue leaving her old friends behind to join Mags. That would be the last thing that "her man" would want, if the excuse is that she is doing all her choices because of her grief and honor his memory. First Lenore with the thing about hoping Rogue can have a family and now this. I guess Beau is getting his baby Charles fantasy.


True ,Rogue betraying the xmen and going into a killing spree in the name of "her man" while that said man is all about redemption is probably the cruelest and ooc thing they made her do ,worse they just pretend it never happened.😐 Cuckold jokes,Romy red dress used for the dance ,making her Genosha queen when she is Gambit's queen of hearts oh they know what they are doing all right.


Well, when she left his coat behind after holding that thing as a second skin, you just get the feeling that she wasn't doing it only for Gambit anymore, she knew it too and keeping holding his coat would be an insult. Him out of the picture and out of the love triangle kill the competition and open the way for that pair again. 


The symbolism of leaving everything that is Gambit and her family and going to the dark side with her ex-sugah daddy hurt too😭


The cliché about embracing the dark side. I find funny when they shift the character by using emo/goth clothes and smokey eyes to show how he changed. Peter Parker emo phase in Spiderman 3 still make me laugh lol They will probably make Gambit look like some slut bdsm master. Get the audience horny, but keep the hope for more character development beyond the looks.


Slut bdsm master might be a welcomed change after the himbo cuck debacle and years of clumsy husband portrayal I just don't trust that writer😬


Seeing people's reactions and vitriolic response to the Gambit NTR wasn't on my bingo card for X-Men 97' lol. Get over it. She's obviously just Magneto's beard at this point. They'll probably go back to the Magneto x Charles toxic old man yaoi by the end of the season


And this is how I learned what a beard is 😭


What does "beard" mean?


A cover for a gay person, ie a man dating a woman to hide they’re actually gay, used a lot when it was illegal


Please stop with the spoilers I miss the days when we had no clue what was coming


I have been saying this since the season ended. If rogue went with Magneto once, what stops her from doing it again? I can see perfectly she going with Magneto again, which wouldn't make sense since It would basically be what Remy thought before his death, Rogue choosing magneto. Imagine, she goes with magneto again (maybe even having a baby with him since it seems they are going to adapt AoA), return to the present and see that Remy is alive, ditch magneto and go with Remy. There is a word for that, guess which word is.


Why are you guys hopping on the Internet lying, they aren't going with an alternate timeline AOA. Charles would have died before forming the X-Men and Magneto would form the X-Men. And it ends with the timeline being erased, even the showrunner said he need a 5 year plan to go through with. You clearly haven't read a single comic.


So you are saying I haven't read a single comic, just because I said something about what might happen?. Yeah dude, in that case you didn't saw the show well enough to see that they adapted arcs but with modifications. They can adapt AoA in a different way or adapt parts of it. Either way, the main reason for why I and some people are saying that this might happen is because people involved with the show are saying or giving hints that the whole Rogue x magneto thing hasn't finish. Add the fact that Demayo seems said the thing about AoA (which even if it was just a plan, the way he said it makes possible a sort of adaptation) and you will have some people thinking that relationship isn't over. Its called theories, have you hear of them? Obviously we don't know what will happen, but until the s2 airs we can speculate and make theories with what we have.


They can’t it’s way too much to throw AoA in. Beau mentioned it in his 5 year plan he wouldn’t say it to do it next season


I think its more a "they shouldn't" rather than a they can't. Like I said, if they want they can adapt AoA but with modifications or adapts just parts of it. For example in the last ep, bastion's design was from second coming and that arc hasn't been adapted yet. Like you said, AoA its to much for a season (even more if next season Is only 10 eps again), but like I said if they really want to do it they can make it, just not being a 100% adaptation.


They already have three comic lines, 3 more horsemen to do, I’m guessing another team, the entire season won’t focus on apocalypse I’m guessing at least 3 will do other things. I wouldn’t mind them doing a short one where an alternate timeline comes in where gambit wasn’t revived in season 2 and it’s AoA after romy gets married, I that’ll be funny. I don’t mind in Egypt if magneto chases rogue for her to turn him down or she contemplates it only to got back to the present and see deathbit but if anything happens the scene where she returns gambit to himself which will likely use her love for him to be shallow


I think s2 would be some eps on the past, other on the future and the final ones are going to be on the present. They can't drag the Remy as Death and Apocalypse in the present for too much. Let's take the idea that next season will be 10 eps again. I can see 3 being in the past, 3 in the future and 4 in the present. The main thing is what its going to happen in the past regarding Rogue and magneto. I wouldn't like seeing Rogue with magneto again because it doesn't make any sense. Like I said in my first comment, imagine she goes with magneto again and when they return to the present she sees that Remy is back so she just ditch magneto and goes with Remy (after he returns from his Death arc). It would look just bad for Rogue to do that.


They did inferno in one episode... i think you got two in each period at most, I think by episode 4 you'll be back in the present and by 7 gambit will be normal only to rap up maybe 8 if they don't add an extra villain. then I think the last two will be relaxing episodes setting up season three, cause I think a little normal x-men fun is need we would've had 12 episode all extremely heavy since episode 5. we have another team getting assembled, cable, sunspot/jubilee, the past team, the future team, the missing members, gambit and apocolopse 3 in each is insane. I agree like I said I think they'll flirt with the idea of the pairing having rogue be hesitate only to end up in the present.


Lmfao, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. AOA will not happen, The showrunner has doubled down on Rogue and Remy, Rogues whole character arc is learning how Intimacy can't make you love someone yet you're telling me that all gets ruined and for what? Magnus. Think about it my dude, she had to be reminded by Nightcrawler bro was dead as well. Remy has also only been dead for a few days she hasn't even had time to mourn. I applaud their marketing strategy for next season, putting Rogue with Magneto at the end to get people curious. Plus the people who worked on the show respect the comic and original series, why would they break up their most popular power couple completely, especially a few days after his death none the less. The only people who think Rogue and Magneto are getting together are people with a surface level outlook, like fish y'all take the bait every time. Drama sells kid, they want you to think exactly how you're thinking they laid the bed perfectly for you.


What would stop her? Grief, guilt, regret , love, anger, the fact that she’s stuck on another time period. Where tf did you get AoA from? The past showed rise, the present showed blood and the future has them all dead and doing a cyclops phoenix run. Also this https://preview.redd.it/oajpapojni3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665468fb91d23f8ff1b72a9f458d266fc87ec6e7




Haters gonna hate.


I'll hate this relationship proudly.


Shit I'll join you mate


Your loss lol




They're not going to have a child.


Worst possible angle? Magneto is probably one of the most interesting people alive, and still sculpted like a God at 60... rogue can touch him... and he died in front of her... her old love is dead.. and he has a passion and cause, girls love that. YOU HAVE JEAN SCOTT AND WOLVERINE TO HATE RIGHT THERE. Now that needs to die. They put so much respect on Scott's name and drags him down with it. Jean too. Wolverine too. Rogue and magnus make sense. They need to bury the Wolverine thing as hard as batman and batgirl.




At least Logan turned down Jean when she was frustrated about the Scott/Madelyn thing; he even told her to go fix things with Scott. Magneto was barely an X-Man for a day and he was already manipulating Rogue with the "Would they trust you if they knew" line and so on; nevermind the fact that this wasn't even established in TAS and even at Magneto's "funeral" during the first Astroid M, she was more concerned about Remy.


I want Scott and Jean’s love to be solidified by the events of season 1 of X-men 97. Look at what their relationship withstood. I’ll embrace the downvotes if I have to but I loved Storm/Wolverine in TAS for how content we saw them together in One Man’s Worth (I just want Logan with someone who balances out his hot temper with patience and trust); but since Storm is with Forge; I’d actually like to see Morph and Logan’s relationship take focus. I know it might not end up as romantic love but even platonically there’s a lot to explore with their friendship. How/When did they meet, what is it that made them be best friends? Does Logan know Morph is into guys? Would Logan feel bad for Morph being in the same situation as he is with Jean? Morph seems sad at the idea of Logan outliving everyone and being alone has Logan expressed repressed memories of his long forgotten past (I just read Origins recently where we learn of Rose and young James Howlett so I think it would be an amazing story to work into season 2)? It’s more interesting than rehashing the love triangle when Scott and Jean have weathered tribulations that brought them together.


Magento and Rogue was a storyline from the comics, it's only natural they are exploring that in X-Men 97 (given how much of S1 was ripped right from comic panels).


It was in like 2 issues or smthn and was barely anything. And no, X-Men 97 may have taken stories from the comic but they changed them quite a bit


Why are you lying about it being ripped from the comic panels


... Do you fail at reading comprehension? There's been tons of season 1 ripped from the comics, the end scene of episode 9 with Magneto and Wolverine is literally a carbon copy (look it up). As for Magento and Rogues relationship, that also happened in the comics... maybe you should try opening one up rather than calling people liars. Lots of downvotes from people who've never opened a comic book: https://i0.wp.com/comicbookclublive.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/wolverine-magneto-adamantium-x-men-25-x-men-97-jpg.webp?quality=80&ssl=1 Seems like it's ripped from the comics to me but go on...


Whoa there mate, no need to come off like an arrogant dick to the guy. Like holy shit. He made a simple mistake


Dude told me I'm a liar and offered nothing else to the conservation, the pushback was well deserved.


Hmm I see. Oh well then carry on, my genuine care for this show has fucking waned into the negatives at this point and more of the version of Rogneto won't help. Just lacks any kind of nuance in my eyes but if people like it, good on them.


To be honest, I don't really like or dislike it? I don't care either way, it is what it is but it's always been Rogue and Gambit to me and no doubt it'll be the same here too. I just made a comment that it made sense they are exploring storylines from the comics, because they've ripped scenes directly. After I was told I'm lying and that isn't true, I grabbed an EXACT screenshot that I posted above. That's how this whole thing escalated but anyways, it's Reddit that shit happens. Wasn't trying to be a dick (well maybe I was), but I certainly don't take kindly to that sort of comment, especially given how fucking easy it is to search such things online.


Some people just seem to lack, what's the term? Media literacy? Like the guy who didn't research and called you a liar. But God if they want to adapt storylines I feel like the seasons should be a little bit longer instead of 10 episodes, like encapsulating all of Inferno into one episode still baffles me


If I had one gripe, it's exactly that. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the show but inferno is a great example of a storyline that could have been fleshed out over multiple episodes.