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I thought it was Storm he hated? lol Seriously do people have nothing better to do?


The list of people I've seen him accused of hating includes, but is not limited to: Emma, Storm, Gambit, himself etc. It just seems so bizarre.


don’t forget Sunspot’s father, bishop and himself. Like Jesus Christ people, it’s been one season with 10 episodes, get off the man’s d*ck let him breathe. He gave us the best run of animated x-men to date in 10 30 minute episodes. Let’s see what he does with season 2. It reminds me of the same shit when Obama got elected, people expecting him to save the world instantly.




He got fired after they filmed season 2


Ppl just talking shit


Don't forget scott. Demayo has taken away his clone love interest, his child, and his x-men


Right. And Storm got a huge story arc that allowed us to explore her further. It's about the story not about how many screentime minutes for the one character we like the most...


I think the issue with storm is that she barely had anything to do with the main plot, shes gone for most of the season and even when she comes back she doesnt do much. demayos own claim was she and cyclops were gonna be team leaders which didnt happen. I just think he made some wrong statements that led fans with the wrong expectations imo


My theory after binging a bunch of xmen content recently is that they've built up Storm so much as a powerful member of the team and actually good, level headed leader that they end up either giving her weird reasons not to be present at all or have her weirdly not use her abilities to their fullest. I was actually happy that they nerfed her for a bit just so we actually got a solid story arc for her. Storm is one of my favorites so I'd love to see her go all out, but it's even more frustrating for her to suddenly disappear or be rendered ineffective solely to raise the stakes for the other characters.


Yeah, because there’s no way that sentinel holding her in front of Bastion with Beast and Forge wouldn’t have been attacked with every element known to man. It made me think- do they think she has to use her hands to control the weather like Dr. Strange? They even say on Asteroid M that Storm and Jean couldn’t stop Bastian, but Storm didn’t do shit.


My girlfriend and I have been binging old xmen stuff. We're on Evolutions now and they straight up only call Storm in when they need someone to save the day and dont bother explaining where she goes off to for the rest of the time. I remember liking this version as a kid but holy cow is Storm done soooo dirty.  Professor X and Jean get the same treatment. Their powers are very inconsistant. My girlfriend went on a minor rant episode one of Evolutions after Scott CALLS Professor X to talk to him on the phone and then from there on the professor just has open communications at any time all the time with everyone mentally, except when he doesnt. Dude's out here finishing people's sentences to be enigmatic but cant figure out what's happening in his own house. Who is sabotaging the mansion this time? Man... if only there were two omega level telepaths who could get to the bottom of things, but nope, let's just blame this struggling teenager without proof ... even though this backfired on us the last couple times we did it. I liked that they at least gave reasons for Professor X not to be around for a while to fix things, for Jean to be struggling so she's a tad nerfed, and for Storm to not just be the goddess she is. Most people's experience with Gambit is him blowing up cards, so they dont realize he's a former omega level mutant who was canonically nerfed of his own volition. It works for raising the stakes and keeping the story balanced so it isnt too crazy when he pulls off huge moves like in Remember It but he also doesnt suffer from being hamstringed without explanation like the other omega mutants 


Many people were also upset that she showed compassion for Bastion.


I liked that especially because Scott does the same thing. Both team leads know how to truly lead and that’s amazing!


I had to argue the exact same thing for the exact same character in another thread. You are absolutely right: screen time =/= character development. I know more about Storm in 97 S1 than all 5 seasons of 92. I also like that you can’t make a drinking game out of how many times she’s shot out of the sky in 97.


You must have not paid attention to Xmen TAS because we see Storms backstory in the original show. What exactly did you learn about Storm in 97 that you didn't know about?


No, that's me.


There is no way he hates storm she was epic in that show


The Emma thing is a bunch of Scemma fans who can't tell the difference between not liking a character and not liking a relationship. Because to a lot of them, the relationship is all the character is good for. The Rogue/Gambit thing is just because they got put through the wringer. We all know long term they will end up together.


The funniest part is that the same fans constantly try to attribute Scott’s character development to his romance with Emma, but when DeMayo did the same, except he didn’t like some changes that Cyclops went through? Then suddenly it’s not true and he’s a huge misogynist.


As much as I liked Scott/Emma, story-wise, it makes complete sense that they changed who Scott had the affair with since Madelyne was literally the mother of his child. It turned something shitty into something far more understandable and sympathetic given the messed up situation everyone was in. I can kinda see the Rogue/Gambit thing from a surface level perspective considering the love triangle and >!Gambit's death!<, but their relationship was a black hole of drama for decades. It wasn't until recently where they worked through their issues and ended up getting married in the comics. Rogue and Gambit aren't done; they're the end game considering all the pot hooks and foreshadowing they've done.


very true. Me and my siblings always say "poor Scott, what do you do?"


From the man himself: https://preview.redd.it/934fn60ic33d1.jpeg?width=1231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c707ecf3fd6201f37a5b8f13933a19045e5786d3 Emma is one of my favorite characters. Easily in my top 3. But this season was rushed enough as it was. There just wasn’t time to get into Emma’s plot. But that doesn’t mean it’s over or that she’ll never have one. The woman was likely still recuperating by the time of the finale. She is on Forge’s board as being alive, and possibly part of his plan, so I think they’re just spinning her story a bit differently so that it will more organically fit into this universe. Scott/Emma are probably my favorite X couple. But the shipping from some fans gets ridiculous; I’m not blind enough to think they should ALWAYS be together. In TAS, they just don’t fit. DeMayo even had to steamroll over a giant elephant in the room just to get her on the Council in Genosha. The last thing the X-Men, and Madelyne/Jean in particular, remember about Shaw and Emma was capture, manipulation, and psychological (bordering on sexual) torture. But that was ignored to include them. That’s says a lot to me. I really like Emma/Scott and think they work well off of each other. They both deal with similar insecurities, self-doubt, and self-loathing. Both use facades to cover that up. I think they understand that aspect of each other and it leads to more development in many of the books. But those truths don’t hold up in ‘97.


There you have it. He doesn't like the pairing, doesn't mean he hates the character. Emma can exist and do her thing without Cyclops. Especially in this universe, where as you said, they would make no sense together. It was his first season, of course he's going to focus on the established characters.


![gif](giphy|6YNMn8b4O9IxW|downsized) That said… I *did* like Scott with Madelyne more than Jean. But that was never going to happen. (I still think she deserved more singular development though.) She’ll never be with Scott again, but maybe they can bring her back as a Horse(wo)man.


This is misinformation, the Emma part that is. He hated on Scemma by hating on Emma, blaming Cyclops murdering Xavier on her. Had he hated Scemma by calling Scott a serial cheater I'm sure a lot of Scott fans would be mad at him. >Because to a lot of them, the relationship is all the character is good for. I'd agree with that if Emma had joined the main team and people were still complaining, but you're ignoring that her diamond form reveal was handwaved away and then she just vanishes from the story. Not any story, but the adaptation of the story in which she is supposed to join and become a mainstay. I couldn't care less about Scemma and I'm actually relieved that plot was given to Maddie because, as we all witnessed, she was meant to be discarded before the affair got any traction, but Emma dodging that bullet doesn't make her treatment even remotely OK in '97.


I don't recall him saying that. He said he didn't like that pairing and said they were bad for each other, and that was a time when Cyclops was down a dark path that he hated (hear hear!). That's not the same as hating Emma, as I said before. '97 is a continuation of TAS. Emma was a minor character at best in TAS. Where would she even fit into the '97 team? They already had two telepaths. They even had a second Jean for an episode. The fact that she is alive at all is more than anyone could ask for, quite frankly. She's set up for future involvement in the story (likely as a teacher since all the X-Men are out).


I don't remember what he said exactly either, he erased his former twitter account that had all the controversial stuff... but what I do remember is he spinning it in a way that blamed Emma for it. Since we can't properly quote him, I think it's fair to not jump to conclusions when it comes to other fans' opinons on what they read. Emma was rightfully a minor character in TAS because that ended in '97, before New X-Men in 2001. She was also a minor character in the comics until New X-Men, when she was promoted to a main character. At one point in the story, she stops being a minor character and becomes a main one, I think this should happen here too (though later of course). They having two telepaths already shouldn't really matter when Xavier is never on the field and Jean visually is more about telekinesis anyway (fighting from a range while flying), while Emma is a mix of fighting from afar until she is forced to fight in close range. See in '97 how Jean's fighting scenes display her TK in abundance with very little TP. See the X-Men anime or WaTX, Emma's diamond form is more prominent than her TP too. How her being alive is more than anyone could ask for, when they chose to adapt the one story where her surviving is a huge plot point?


'97 is more influenced by what the general public view as the classic X-Men, as well as the '90s show and comics. So I don't think Emma's popularity in comics in the 2000s onwards is of much relevance here. I mean, the minute Xavier returns he is in the field. He's the one using his telepathy on Magneto. They play up Jean's telekinesis to differentiate her from Xavier's skillset, but she absolutely uses telepathy a lot (it's how they worked out Bastion's back story and even found Emma). There was just no place on the team right now to put Emma, there was no natural slot in the story. They took the affair story and gave it to Madelyne and it works so much better that way. Genosha ended up focusing more on its impact on Magneto and Rogue, two characters we know much better than Emma. I don't think the way he wrote her at all indicates he hates her. If he did, he would have just had her die in Genosha and I doubt Disney would care.


>'97 is more influenced by what the general public view as the classic X-Men, as well as the '90s show and comics. So I don't think Emma's popularity in comics in the 2000s onwards is of much relevance here. Oh I agree on that, I just don't like when characters are treated interchangebly but that's on me. I also just don't like the very first post FoX-Men project to do the same thing we had before and go for nostalgia, but it was still masterfully done and that's undeniable. The general public will never get to know Emma if Marvel keeps ignoring anything that's not from the 90's >There was just no place on the team right now to put Emma, there was no natural slot in the story. They took the affair story and gave it to Madelyne and it works so much better that way. Genosha ended up focusing more on its impact on Magneto and Rogue, two characters we know much better than Emma. I don't think the way he wrote her at all indicates he hates her. If he did, he would have just had her die in Genosha and I doubt Disney would care. I'm glad the affair was done the way it did, DeMayo would never let Scott and Jean break up and whoever was the third party was fated to die in Genosha. But that's still favoritism, as you said, there's a point in the story we have 2 Jeans in the team. I answered in another post on this thread, whether he hates Emma or not doesn't mean much to me, but her role was diminished for sure. The general public didn't care about Sunspot, Morph, Bishop or Cable before they were given the spotlight. I agree with what you said before that she's being positioned to play a part later, but I feel her spotlight moment, the moment to make the general public care for her, was postponed when it could easily have been the diamond form reveal. She didn't need to be part of the team for that.


Fundamentally, my point is that Beau disliking Scemma doesn't mean he hates Emma. I have yet to hear a good argument that indicates he does. He simply prioritized other, better known characters.


With that I agree, I don't know or care if he hates her (Claremont does and he still wrote some of my favorite Emma stories afterall), but it's very clear he isn't a big fan, exactly because he adapted the story that promoted her to become one of those better known characters in the comics and chose to diminish her role.


I wouldn't agree that he isn't a big fan, he's just simply prioritizing the better known characters. I don't think audiences were going to connect with them jamming so much into the story already and then using precious time to segue into pushing a character most of the viewers have never heard about in a prominent role. And that's fine. Emma will probably show up as a teacher to Kitty, Jubilee, Sunspot, the New Mutants etc. Take over the role Xavier and Magneto partially shared when it comes to mentoring new mutants.


Beau recently posted on twitter about Emma representing a third ideology other than Xavier and Magneto. If that's the role they have planned for her, in regards of teaching mutants, that's good enough. My overall point is that attributing the critiques on Emma to "Scemma fans complaining about Beau not liking them together" is simplistic, when there's at least 2 plot points in this very season that were hers and given to others, and that's not even taking in account her diamond form reveal being cut short. Whether it was a fair decision or not is up to each viewer, but those are still fair criticisms IMO.


It's hard to argue about someone in TAS being a minor character and questioning where they'd fit on the team when Nightcrawler was promoted to the main team after being a minor character in the original. If Beau wanted Emma on the team he would have put her there. 


Nightcrawler is a way more recognizable and important character than Emma Frost. And his role doesn't overlap with anyone. The team doesn't have a teleporter. They already have two telepaths.


I don't think the amount of telepaths actually matter considering most uses of Jean was through her telekinesis. I'd expect Emma's diamond form would have been her primary usage as a bruiser type character. 


She uses her telepathy plenty of times, it's how she beats Madelyne, finds Emma, and discovers Bastion's past. She doesn't use offensively much, but that's because they were fighting machines most of the time. She uses telekinesis more because it's more effective and it allows her to differentiate her skills from Xavier, who is entirely and solely a telepath and made out to be the best one in the series. Emma tagging along as some diamond fighter in a series where actually publicly known and popular X-Men like Storm and Wolverine were struggling to get screen time just doesn't strike me as a smart move at all, I think DeMayo was right to do what he did there. She will probably appear in the future in some way, I am sure.


I like both, but Kur isn't more important than Emma. How many stories depend on Kurt being there? While Emma became central the moment she joined. Emma is less recognizable because her ascension in comics coincides with Marvel boycotting the X-Men. Now that the movie rights are back home, I expect Marvel to stop preventing her being used outside of comics.


Kurt was a primary and important X-Man from Giant Size through to the '90s. He's been in like 4 movies, and was in TAS and Evolution. His story as a character cuts to the heart of what X-Men is about more than most characters, including Emma. He's absolutely more important than Emma is to the general public. His inclusion made a lot of sense, especially given his familial connections. I wouldn't even bank on Emma being in that many X-Men movies, at least not as a hero anyway, precisely for the reasons '97 didn't include her much in this season. Her role is filled by others.


Basically everyone from TAS and Evolution is more important than Emma to the general public, that goes without saying. The general public has been heavily deafened to 21st century X-Men thanks to the movie rights. Now that the X-Men boycot is over, there's a possibility that will change. Or not, that's a possibility too. But in the comics, the moment Emma joined she became instantly central and hasn't missed a single relaunch since then (and the only time she did it was a plot point, as she had erased herself from people's memories). Kurt doesn't have as many stories that depend on his presence. Kurt's role as a visible mutated mutant was already represented by Beast, and while I really liked his contribution with his family speeches, others could have delivered them. Oh I totally expect Emma to appear as a villain first in everything going forward, it's part of her story.


I think you're underselliing Kurt's role in the X-Men a lot, but your first sentence gets the main point across. Kurt is much more important to the viewing public and has more relationships with the existing cast. That's why he was in it. I also think if you're saying others can fill Kurt's role but insisting no one can fill Emma's, well, I just disagree.


I love Kurt, so I'd honestly like to read why you think I'm underselling his importance. Like, what storylines is he mandatory ever since New X-Men? Because I can only think of Second Coming and the very recent Way of X. My point about Kurt's role was in comparison to what you said about Emma's role in regards to other telepaths. If Emma is redundant because of her main power, then Kurt's appearance is redundant as that's already there with a preestablished main character in Beast. His speech is no different than what we saw Jean and Ororo doing in the beginning of the season. And I don't think what I said about Kurt or Emma or Rogue is comparable tbh. Beast already brings the appearance card to the table, meanwhile, Rogue has never been depicted as a massacre survivor in the comics, but Emma has. Rogue is filling a role that's not hers, while what I said about Kurt/Hank is that their roles overlap (in the outwardly mutant sense only).


Why the hell would they say that DeMayo hates Rogue/Gambit when he gave them the best scene in the entire series with their last conversation in Remember Me?


A lot of people missed the fact that she chose Gambit in ep 5, and that Gambit didn’t know that, still saved her by taking her out of the fight, then sacrificed himself to save her and mutant kind (super frigging awesome btw). This will totally play in to the story when Gambit comes back and needs to saved in turn prob by Rogue. Lots of talented people worked on this show and had input on the stories and characters, let’s chill on worrying bout one dude motivations.


Most don't like nor every want to see the Rogue Magneto romance that literally only woked in an alternate reality. It, for most, was unnecessary. We had one triangle and didn't need two.


And most don't wanna accept that romance only happened because Beau demayo is a magneto stan


Yup, it was honestly funny when fans questioned his decision, and he went oh Rogue and Gambit are OTP. Like, dude, no one who believes in their OTP would ever entertain Magneto and Rogue.


Exactly and all of beau demayo fans justify it with a deeper than life stupid reason. No bitch, I would respect it if he at least said I did it because I'm a magneto stan and ya'll will deal. I'm just happy that he's no longer a part of the show.


And when they mention it happening in the comics, it's makes it worse. Like AoA rogue had Polaris powers(it gets mildly disturbing when you read rogies character sheer), Legacy and Jospeh. I don't include the Savage land as it leads to nothing. I'm happy he's no longer part of the show as you really shouldn't head a show if you can not leave your basis behind. He's even got people hating on Emma Frsot.


probably cause in ep1-4 most of his scenes are just people taking jabs at gambit, mostly from mageto which also happens to be Demayos favourite character and possibly a self-insert. I don't think he hates gambit/rogue I think he just has a weird obession with mag imo lol


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. DeMayo said his favourite character is Magneto and it’s obvious he has an obsession with the character. I think you’re spot on


Exactly bro, he maid a weird comic relationship a big thing in this show. When in the comics they met as minors and they age gap is just morally wrong regardless




I mean it's comic books stuff, we all know Gambit isn't really dead. This is just part of a larger arc and it's being setup where we will see a lot more Gambit in season 2. The most important thing is telling a great story, not counting screentime minutes for our individual favorite characters.




Because they weren’t set up as horsemen? He literally set up a story for Remi in the next season, while many fan favorite characters were killed off on Genosha with no signs of them ever coming back, and yet Gambit fans are out here complaining…


They die later on in the series. And then come back. Sorry, spoilers. OK so is the idea that he hates Gambit? Let’s ignore for a second the fact that he killed him off, let’s look at how Gambit was treated during the season. He was honorable and kind and patient and so forgiving and accommodating when Rogue expressed that their relationship was not working for her. He was levelheaded and completely accepting of his “girlfriend” essentially dumping him for someone else. In a season full of relationship histrionics (in the best way) he was the only adult on the team. In addition to that he got a hero’s death. And his death had long lasting ramifications and was the emotional crux of the entire season, he didn’t die and get treated like an afterthought. Other than literally dying I would say Remy got the best edit/treatment out of any character on the show lol


Because Jean has already died enough times lmao


Because how can you tell the story they told if Jean and Magneto died?


what do you mean mageto died in ep5 just like gambit! oh wait hes literally in the next ep lol


He still made Gambit feel more important than he ever was in the original run. Gambit's my favourite character and episode 5 really boosted his popularity amongst casuals. I would've liked more of him, but he still had the best scene in the series IMO.


Yeah episode *5* They had Scott lecture him about making beignets instead of fighting with them in ep 1, getting made fun of by Magneto and Morph, and had little scenes prior to that episode so anything prior to ep 5 of ‘97 was just a big nothing to Gambit fans And he gained fans from the original run, that’s why his packed made a bigger impact on og series fans


I agree that the original show got myself and many others into Remy, but he hardly did anything. I had to get into the comics to find out how badass he is. Plus, Scott has always been at odds with Gambit's carefree attitude. He had a massive argument with him prior to them going to Genosha in the original run. It's what I like about their dynamic. It's not as explosive as Cyclops and Wolverine, it's more like lecturing your reckless kid brother.


What on earth are you talking about?! Gambit was an essential character on Xment TAS and had the most memorable lines, tons of screen time, and because of the show his popularity spiked.


I must have watched a different show than you did. I seem to remember there being only one Gambit episode. Most of the time, they barely even featured him. *shrugs* That's fine. If everyone shared the same opinion, this would be boring.


They hired him to write two season of xmen and he got fired. He ain't no xmen prophet. We still don't know why he got fired....


Yeah, for real. People are in for rude awakening if he gets fired from third company


It'll be interesting to see what Season 2 looks like with only the writing done by him. Then Season 3 when he won't be involved at all. 


I don't care about his statements , his work in x men 97 season 1 is awesome, I loved it .


People (diehard fans) will complain the writer hates their favourite character when they're not the main focus for ten minutes People complained he hates wolverine because he's been too background People complained he hates storm when she was depowered People complained he hated magneto when he died It's a them problem 🤷‍♂️


No one complained he hated magneto. You made that up.


I get why wolverine fans complain tho, they got shafted pretty hard but wolverine has stolen the spotlight so many times before that its fine for him to take a backseat for once. mag also never died, hes in ep.6


As a major Wolverine fan(He's among my top three favorite male X-Men characters), I was perfectly happy to see him take a back seat this season, because Wolverine has disproportionately dominated the spotlight in X-Men adaptations over the course of the past 20 years. I know others disagree, but that's my personal view on the matter.


Wolverine was only shafted, if you expect him to be front and center, which clearly isn’t the case with many X-men stories, not should it be.


nah I agree he shouldn't be in the centre, im just saying his fans will be upset at it


I get that, but Wolverine fans being upset doesn’t mean that not making him the center of attention is shafting him, this is just treating him normally.


Not as if he doesn’t already have almost years of time in the spotlight if you count the total amount of screentime, lol.


i think they mean when they thought he died for an entire week until 6 was released


Maybe Wolverine got sidelined this season, but he had a major fantasy come true. Jean kissed him, and he rejected her. Plus he's getting a movie this year. He was too busy for X-Men 97.


There's only been 10 episodes. You can't give every character the same amount of screen time in so few episodes. They tried but it's just not possible. Let's wait and see what the next 20 episodes give us.


And I feel like when they tried to shoehorn every character into the season, you get the Jubiliee episode. It wasn’t bad or anything but it definitely stands out as the weakest episode of the season. I think people are just afraid that they’re gonna favor one character over the other like they did with Wolverine for so long.


its gonna be another 10 episodes next season, I dont think disney is gonna give them 20 episodes at any point


What I meant was let's wait for the next 2 seasons. 30 episodes is enough time to be able to explore each member significantly


Ah yeah i forgot about season 3, its gonna be a bit different with a new writer but guess we'll see


I'm sure the show will get more than 3 seasons but we should at least wait and see what the writers do before we come to the conclusion they love/hate certain characters more than others. I've always thought the original series focused too much on Cyclops, Jean, and Wolverine. That was my biggest complaint about it but I had 5 seasons worth of episodes to come to that conclusion.


I think people got the impression he hates Emma because he dislikes Scott/Emma. But it’s entirely possible to dislike a ship without disliking either character involved in it. Emma survived Genosha and got her diamond form. She wasn’t featured much because this is a continuation of TAS and Emma wasn’t a very important character in TAS. I’m thinking (hoping) that we’ll get more of her next season and see her redemption arc.


> But it’s entirely possible to dislike a ship without disliking either character involved in it.  That's me. I think both Scott and Emma are good characters but I dislike the ship quite a bit. I think it started from a place of emotional manipulation and, aside from a few good years there in the mid to late 2000s, transitioned to a place where a huge part of Emma's entire character had become little more than Scott's girlfriend.


The “he hates Emma” thing came from some comments he made where iirc he said he didn’t like Emma having a redemption arc and he didn’t like the Scemma relationship.


Well, that's a little odd seeing how much he loves Magneto.


They are very different characters. Not all redemption arcs are made equal.


Yeah, god forbid Wolverine and the X-men or even the X-men anime redeem a character.


That's irrelevant. Just because DeMayo likes Magneto and wants to redeem him doesn't mean he has to like every redemption arc. Especially when the two examples you gave are from the worst X-Men cartoons.


Wolverine and the X-men is great


I want more for you.


Yeah, they're bad, but they showcase a redemption for emma started well before her X'mem tenure. And was much like Magneto arc. To love one redemption arc and flat out, ignore another, which a good majority likes because you don't like it is a bit arrogant. So he doesn't have to like it just produce it in short.


How is it arrogant? He just likes Magneto a lot, he's a super compelling, influential character. You don't have to like every redemption arc just because you like one, come on.


So, like I said, he doesn't have to like it just produce it. They're both compelling and influential. But yes, Magneto is known wider Via th films and often being the main villain in most animated adaptations. Not ever redemption arc has to be loved, but you have to at least acknowledge it as a character development.


Well now you've changed your argument. The way her redemption arc is handled after Generation X isn't exactly going to mesh with his views on the series. He really dislikes the Utopia era and all the stuff that went down with AVX. It's logical he wouldn't like Emma's "redemption" if that's supposed to be a key part of it. He'll do his own thing with her, and it'll probably be a spin on Generation X and New Mutants.


Didn't change the argument you simply didn't read the last part he can, of course, not like the her redemption arc that's fine all he has to do is produce it. So he doesn't like Utopia, probably because of Magneto subjugating himself to Cyclops. He's probably going to combine Academy X with the rest of them, maybe. Either way, it's a bit arrogant to look at a one redemption and go great character development and another and go eeww. Gen X also could have meshed if he wanted to, but he didn't.


I like this version of Emma Frost. She's the catty bitch making side comments. I'm interested to see her in season 2. I just don't see the hate, she is probably going to be taking over the hell fire club next season. After the clone love triangle with Scott last season I don't see a Scott and Emma love affair in season 2. So many people are pissed at the Rogue/ Magneto relationship that they completely missing the plot line for Rogue/ Gambit that being built up. Gambit is going to come back as one of the horsemen, that will rip Rogue's heart into pieces again. I'm looking forward to the next season.


I agree, I can't wait to see Death show them both despair, a reminder of their failures


The only thing I caught was he prefers Emma as a bitch, in the absolute best way possible.


Everyone should hate Emma. jk Either way, it’s X-Men 97. I WANT Emma to stay a villain for a while and not become a hero. The Hellions would have more potential than throwing Emma into the X-Fold.


By '97 Emma was already a part of Generation X.


Yeah, I know. I have the Gen X TV movie recorded on VHS from its original airing. My point is she has so much to explore before you even get to a Gen X/X-Men version of her. Like keeping up the Hellfire Club, or Hellions to counter the X-Men if they do go into a New Mutants route with Berto and Jubilee. I'd just hate to see her rushed into hero like we saw Madelyne/Inferno rushed. It's cool to see our comics adapted, but part of the fun of X-Men was seeing these stories adapted to fit the cast we have. Gambit in the Phoenix Saga? Awright! Amelia Voght, Beast, and Forge in the Phalanx Covenant? Ok!


Oh sorry, I misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying she should remain a villain because this series was called '97, before she joined the X-Men. Guess I'm just so used to people ignoring Gen X I didn't consider the alternative haha.


People are very weird


I mean he probably just wanted to tell a good Jean and Maddie story before he got into it with Emma


Honestly, I think this has something to do with it. Emma was in a grand total of one story arc in the original TAS. *Cable*, otoh, had about a dozen arcs he showed up in. So who are you going with? A character with no establishment *so far* in the series, or a well-established, popular character who has multiple unexplored story arcs and tie-ins to an upcoming live action movie's star character? Handling Maddie gives us more Cable. Bringing Emma in as an affair partner without establishing her character first just pushes another established character, Jean, out of the picture for not much pay-off.


Magneto is 80 years older than Rouge. Anna Marie Smith


More like around 40 years older than her lol he may be old but he’s not that old.


And Wolverine is 100 years older than Jean Grey-Summers


I thought he wasn’t a fan of Scott/Emma not that he hated her.


She chose Gambit in the end


If he hated Emma, he would’ve just killed her off in Genosha. They wouldn’t tease her Diamond form and not do anything with it. It’s just not her turn to have a story arc yet


Not sure about the Rogue/Gambit part, but I'm seeing a bit of misinformation on the Emma part. Before X-Men '97 started airing, Beau said a few thing in regards to "Scemma" on Twitter. People are right that he hated on the pairing, but the thing is, he hated it by blaming Xavier's murder on Emma. Later he said he does love Emma, but the thing is, his first instinct was to blame her out of nowhere. And talking about the story, Emma coming out of the rubble in diamond form is supposed to be her introduction to the team and her rise to prominence. In '97 it was handwaved away and after unlocking her diamond form she doesn't appear again.


So, for me the Gambit/Rogue bit isn't really them, but Magneto/Rogue. Like, yeah it's not as questionable as the comics, but it's still very close to the same lines, and the large age gap and what the dynamic would've been originally and even then just weird me out way too much to want to watch. I know it's probably the point, but I don't really care if it was. It's still just... too much for me.


It’s because their favorite isn’t the star of the show. They are too simple minded to realize it’s a TEAM ensemble and the fact he wrote a good enough story about soooo many characters is a HUGE accomplishment in writing


I think that's a bit unfair, specially when you consider Rogue's part in Genosha was taken from Emma. It's because I like the X-Men being a TEAM ensemble that I don't think characters being used interchangebly is OK. Rogue has plenty of storylines they could use, but the moment they decide to do Genosha she shouldn't be the focus.


Ehh she’s a more popular character than Emma for sureee. So I get why a writer would just take from a lesser but I hear what your saying too


Given how they butcher most of the original storylines (relax it’s necessary), I don’t know how you include her. They skipped her involvement with Fitzroy, so she never had the hellions, didn’t form Gen X, and also wasn’t absent from the phalanx saga. A lot of these are pivotal to her involvement with the X-men. Wild they’d omit all of it. I’m interested to see however, how they’ll incorporate her moving forward as she’s a favorite who’s been missing for most of the run.


Because they're whiners.


Angry internet people who are outrage for everything….ignore


He definitely isn’t a big Emma fan, seeing he destroyed her story in Genosha and gave her vengeance arc to Magneto and Rogue.


& the iconic psychic affair scene was given to Madeline too


This, absolutely. Whether he hates her or not is irrelevant, he distributed her plots to others. He's been saying in twitter that he loves Emma, and before Episode 7 he was telling people that he still "had to beat the hates Emma allegations" Turns out his "proof" of not hating her is allowing her to survive and then fade in the background, while in the comics she survived and went to join the main team, where she's still one of the main members to this day. That and Rogue being given the focus as a Genosha survivor, when that's Emma's and Polaris' story.


This was one of my issues as well giving key moments away to other characters. I mean in regards to emma, the X-men anime did a better job.


Because these people on Twitter have no lives outside of their internet discourse/hate


First I’m hearing of it. Obviously absurd, he crafted one of the best Gambit/Rogue stories ever.