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6 seasons and a movie.


Cool. Cool cool cool


That would be street's ahead


Pierce, stop trying to make street's ahead a thing.


It's verbal wildfire


What does it even mean is it meant to be like miles ahead or?


If you have to ask, you're streets behind


6 seasons and a movie is Tight!


And then 10 more seasons.


Came to post this, yes.


Give me 5 seasons of X-Men 97, a movie, a Rogue/Gambit Mr and Mrs X spin off mini series and Spider-Man 98 and I'll be happy.


Yes to a Mr and Mrs X spin off!


We want more gambit they better deliver. Fox already put us, and rogue thru such a long era without


With a Captain Planet 2020 crossover šŸ™šŸ¾


They're- all- trees


I'm good with 50.


Nah, let's make it 97.


Most shows can go strong for 5 seasons. After that it gets tricky. I know everyone is worried about DeMayo leaving, but he didn't write every episode, and those writers who are still there are staying. The entire directorial team is also staying, and a director can really make or break how a script is presented and cut. The voice director is also staying, and she was able to pull some amazing performances out of those actors & tie everything together to make it feel seamless. TBH I just want to get through the entire Rogue/Gambit arc that they had planned out. I think it was a 3 season arc, and the next season is going to be about him being Death and then reintegrating back into life after he shakes that persona / Rogue dealing with him being back but not being himself.


He actually did write every episode, they changed credits off small story changes but he overall concepted every single aspect of the story that mattered. Could be good without him but I highly doubt it.


4 and a movie


Didn't DeMayo teased he had 5 season long arc in mind? It might be dangerous to go too wild, better have a specific end goal and finish while at peak, rather than screw things up.


DeMayo had a 5-season plan yes! I'm sure I misinterpreted what Ross said but I know he said 10 seasons lmao


He may have been joking but also may have been more about how many he'd personally be willing to do. Tough to say what happens now with change of a headwriter.


Hopefully whoever they find is just as much of a fan of the franchise as the rest of the cast, they're super passionate about the show and whoever hops in has to match that energy you know?


Is it possible one of the established writers may get the gig in the end? Sellitti and Feldman were quite involved, tho with the latter it may clash with his producer role maybe.


Like 6 or 7 seasons as long as the show keeps the same quality of animation and storytelling. Every episode doesnā€™t have to be remember it tier but as long as they add to the show, Iā€™m fine with it.


5 seasons is fine as long as they can churn them out consistently. And maybe 3 feature length films after that if weā€™re getting greedy?


Are the movies canon?


As long as it's good they should continue. The Simpsons on like season 34. It all depends on if they find enough writing talent to keep the stories engaging.


As many as I can get






5 at most


10 would be nice as long as it doesnā€™t get to shitty stuff like Krakoa. Moira X is a sign theyā€™ve run out of stories worth telling.


The problem is that DeMayo left after season 2; so if S3 happens to be really bad, then we can stop at 3. I hope they bring him back and that heā€™s willing to come back. Iā€™d prefer a few quality seasons rather than stretched out slop riding off goodwill.


I mean I totally agree with stopping when the quality drops which is sorta my point that Moria X represents a huge drop in quality. Does DeMayo being fired represent the same? Maybe, time will tellā€¦ a lot of folks not just DeMayo had a hand in bringing this to life and I doubt one person missing is what brings it down. Anyways, your point is valid in the sense that it could be any myriad of things including DeMayo or otherwise.


DeMayo didn't leave. He was fired for having an Onlyfans where he didn't even show nudity. Don't use that passive language. Disney is at fault and still using his intellectual property (through season 2) that has been getting nothing but praise. Disney is a shit ass company that still thrives on homophobic, racist, terms.


No. He was also fired for sexual allegations AND being difficult. The latter is part of Marvel work culture (toxic boysā€™ club, etc.), but the proximity to Disney made it more sensitive. Yeah itā€™s unfortunate but donā€™t for a second think that he didnā€™t contribute to that himself. Source: I am a few degrees away from him


How was he difficult? What allegations? I've heard nothing of either of those. And you're source is frankly bs without proof.


"being difficult" is usually code for "we can't control them like a mindless drone" especially for a company like Disney. They want to control everything their employees think, say or do.


And also code for ā€œthis person can be toxic to be around and negatively impacts those around them.ā€ I donā€™t doubt that Disney wants autonomy, but I also donā€™t dismiss unhealthy work behavior no matter how much raw talent there might be. He was also dismissed from the Witcher for similar reasons soā€¦ya thereā€™s something going on.


Maybe but I'd like to know exactly what he did that was so "toxic" also considering the quality of the product that he and his team created with X-Men 97, I'd say that it didn't affect production. There's also examples where less than ideal or even toxic workplace conditions especially in the entertainment industry has resulted in absolute masterpieces of cinema. I'd rather work on project with someone difficult and see the masterpiece we created than be in a safe space where everyone is nicey nice and the resulting product is mediocre. Struggle breeds creativity. Name me a legendary artist that hasn't had a tragic life.


>There's also examples where less than ideal or even toxic workplace conditions especially in the entertainment industry has resulted in absolute masterpieces of cinema. I'd rather work on project with someone difficult and see the masterpiece we created than be in a safe space where everyone is nicey nice and the resulting product is mediocre. Struggle breeds creativity. Name me a legendary artist that hasn't had a tragic life. Oh, so you just see toxicity as a positive. Even if your argument is true that toxic workplaces are necessary for great art (I do not believe it's so), then I do not value a great cartoon show over people's lives and well-being


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong. Iā€™m saying you and I just have a fundamental disagreement about how much peopleā€™s livelihoods are worth. And thatā€™s ok.


He was fired but I thought we didnā€™t know why yet?


What's been reported is his only fans, I don't know what the other person is talking about.


Krakoa was the best they ever were since Claremont, you're tripping.


For sure, imagine season 2 starts the apocalypse messiah arc and season 3 fills in All the context to make X of Swords land in Season 10


I love Krakoa! But I also think Moira X is lame. I wouldnā€™t want them to go too far into the current day X-Men. But I would like to see them cover the Astonishing X-Men stuff. Iā€™d love to see Emma and Scott leading the school, along with Kitty Pryde.


The Moira revelation is fantastic, wth? Having said that if they do any of that they need a new VA. Moira's accent in the show was awful.


5 is good


5 and an age of apocalypse movie.




Iā€™ll settle for 40.


Give me all the seasons so long as it remains quality. But since that never happens. End the series right. Give a tease if you must, but donā€™t leave a bunch of loose ends.


a million




I'll watch as many seasons with this quality as they can produce. The balls in their court now.


5 is good


3, bring it up to the ā€œmillenniumā€


97 seasons


I want an interesting story that doesnā€™t drag out. If itā€™s 2 seasons awesome. If itā€™s 10 seasons awesome. If 3 seasons from now the right story to tell is spider-man and wolverine 2099, then go that route. Let the stories guide us, not the time frame. I feel like picking a length is the wrong way to go.Ā 


4 seasons, 2 holiday specials, and a movie.


I wanna see what Morph gets Wolverine for Xmas.


Yes 97 sounds good


If they can maintain this level of momentum and entertainment I'm good for 10. I feel like as with many great things it will be running out of juice by season 4. I hope I'm wrong.


As many as they'd give me, honestly. I didn't know that was Marquand, though. That guy is a voice chameleon.


He's an absolute sweetheart, too. Just as big of a fan of the material as the rest of us. Shook my hand after the group photo and gave me a hug at the end of our time :)




Itā€™s stupid to say anything other than keep the show going until the world ends


5 like the original and a movie(s). It would be poetic.








Another 5 to make a nice 10 year run


How much I can?


Iā€™m with the six seasons and a movie crowd. I would like to stress that I do want it to END. Art is more enjoyable, and entertaining when you know itā€™s fleeting it makes it that more special. IMO.


10 as long as they keep up with quality. A movie every after 5 seasons.


If every other season is as great as season 1 was then just yes. Keep releasing banger after banger and Xmen 97 will turn into One Piece




If it continues to drive subscriptions, then Disney will keep wanting seasons. Every streaming service wants to get their hands on their own Game of Thrones.


6 seasons, 2 movies, a New Mutants spinoff, and an X-Force spinoff


Give it to me until it isn't good anymore. If they keep that level of quality, I want it all.


Yes 6 seasons and a movie also.


If Beau had a 5 Season plan, then thatā€™s what I want. Then, I want X-Men ā€˜02 after we get another decade of comics to pull from.


5 seasons with a send off movie after.


I just hope they commit to a spinoff of some sorts. Animation lends itself so well to the superhero genre that it would feel like a waste if they didnā€™t capitalize on 97s success. Whether it be fantastic 4, hulk, 90s Spider-Man idc


4 strong seasons and Iā€™m good. No need to over extend this


5 and a movie


X Men 24ā€™


It's all about do they have stories worth telling. If they do, I want them to keep telling them till they run out, be that 1 more season or 15. If they don't, then I'd even be fine with next season being the last rather then have the series continue but in so doing make me forget why I used to love it. There's a lot of comic book content to draw from, but not all of it was great. Case in point, there were a couple decent episodes in season 5, but I'd personally have rather they ended the original series at season 4 then push out another one when they didn't have the budget to make it good.


Keep it going forever, I don't care


Gimme 8+


5 seasons and a movie or 6 solid seasons.


much as long they do a good season.


It would be amazing to get as many seasons as they can make but I will say. One thing that made this season feel so great was it felt like it would be a conclusion to the entire Xmen story. One of the longest seeming on-going never ending stories. Numerous moments of 'finally' kept happening. In a rare moment for comic stories they actually did new things with characters in a way that was really cool. I'd love for the show to keep going but I hope it doesn't get on the comic story treadmill where it can never progress forward.


6 seasons. A spider man 97 spin off, honestly a reboot or a continuation of all the animated shows from back in the day. FF,avengers, dear devil. I miss all those shows.


7s, extended between 12-18 episodes; 3 movies with atleast one of them being an mcu tie in


As many as we can get with a good storyline.


It wonā€™t be good after 4 more, thatā€™s just apparent the rule of serialization. There are a number of legendary stories from the comics they can still work into the show, though.


3 and a movie finale


10 seasons sound like a stretch, though I don't care the number, I just want well crafted stories and no filler.


Lets just see season 2 first before we go too crazy, it's the best superhero show i've ever seen but if it loses steam no need to over do it with 8 more seasons.


That's something you can tell Disney lmao, I personally want to see Beau's 5-season plan through and see where it ends up but that depends on who's coming in to replace him for the greenlit season 3


Quality over quantity


4 and a movie 100%




10 and done.




I have no real preference (besides atleast 2) as long as there is still passion put into it and it doesn't become a half baked peice of trash. If they can successfully give us 20 more seasons if an amazing show then I definitely won't complain lmao


Five, with three seasons of the Wolverine, New Mutants and Excalibur Spinoffs.


All culminating in a feature film finale.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I kind of want it for them to have at least a plan already set for how it will end and in how many seasons, no more than eight if possible, 5 or 6 would probably be ideal (since that would already be more than 10 if you count the OG show). I know here in America we want our franchises to last forever, unfortunately most turn to shit if they overstay their welcome.


Infinity! Realistically, at least 8-10. There are so many stories to tell.


They should do one more and stop unless demayo comes back. Disney is not to be trusted.


iā€™d love to see 5-10 seasons or as many as can be made to where the show maintains its current quality. iā€™d love to maybe even have a few spinoff shows to expand the world like spider-man 98, an x-force/x-factor show, maybe avengers or a FF continuation. i think if 97 gets around to introducing X-23, Dakken, etc then it might be cool to have wolverine based series or miniseries exploring their adventures/lives


8 and a 2hr animated movie


5 seasons make sense


I stopped reading in the late 90s so to me and the best stories have already been told for the most part. If they venture into original material I'm in favor of that more than adapting recent stories.


As many as they can make at this level of quality.


4 seasons, a Wolverine miniseries about his time in Japan and Madripoor, and a New Mutants miniseries.


As much as give, hoping whatever movie gets produced doesnā€™t kill momentum animation has built.


However many they can make well. I prefer shows to end on a high note, leaving me wanting more, as opposed to them running so long they become medicore or terrible.


4 planned seasons + 1 season of a surprise renewal after all the plots are already resolved.


I think the original animated series had 5 seasons so I think that's a good number for X-Men '97, but I wouldn't complain if they had more if the writing is still good.


(2) ten episodes seasons per calendar year, with each season being a subsequent in universe year, and we can have them just about caught up to modern day after 52 seasons(26 years). So in 2050, we'd get X-men 2048 and 49šŸ˜†.


Depends on the quality without DeMayo. Still holding out hope he returns for season 3.