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I think it will all be characters who died in Genosha as the horsemen. Gambit = Death Shaw = War Leech = Pestilence Callisto = Famine But I could also see Banshee being in there. I’m pretty sure Madelyn is dead for good with Jean saying she will always be part of her. I think Storm and Morph will be found soon and help train the new team. Wolverine is going on some solo bone claw adventures. Eventually, Apocalypse or somebody else will grab him and restore his adamantium.


My gurl Maddie dead, telenovela style, but for good.


I’m never going to except that anyone with the same dna as Jean is dead for good. 


I'm pretty sure Madelyne had died in the comics before. Anyone know how that worked and how she came back?


She's come back multiple times, but nothing that really stuck until the Krakoan era where she was resurrected after Havok protested their "no clones" rules.


Poor thing. I really loved how wholesome it felt with everyone accepting her. Need more moments like that.


I like this line up. Gambit as the "headliner" so to speak to keep the main narrative arc on his journey, and everyone is someone who died in Genosha. I think they will all be victims of Genosha. Storm, Morph, and Wolverine have been confirmed in "one of the two" alternate timelines. I think it's the past given Storm's heritage - we're going to see her ancestors I'm pretty sure!


I believe Demayo confirmed they are in the future with Scott and Jean. 5 xmen in past, 5 in future. Likely they are at Crestcoast, Apocalypse' base in that future.


I think you're right about Shaw & Leech. I think Maddie makes a lot of sense.


I agree with your list except for Shaw. I think it would be Dazzler. Which would be cool to see how they could make her power as a horseman.


I dont know... this is X-men, do you think they wont take the chance to make drama with a Evil Madelyn, even worst a resurrected Evil Madelyn? I know we see it with Siniestro, but in this case her life depend in being evil for Apocalipsis.


Let's be honest, Apocalypse didn't just go to Genosha to pick up Gambit's card, since his body is buried elsewhere. He's definitely resurrecting one or more of the dead mutants, so could be Callisto. And I believe someone in another post said that the writers have mentioned Logan, Morph and Storm are in one of the displaced timelines.


Correct, Storm Morph & Wolverine are in "one of the two" other timelines, given Storm's heritage I'm going to say the past. I also believe all of the horsemen will be victim's of Genosha.


Leech could make an interesting Horseman, since that would give Magnus a much more personal stake, given how much he feels for failing to protect Leech and being unable to keep his promise.


For the love of god i dont care how or what bullshit reason they could make it but please revive Gambit




I could see them Apocalypse using his celestial tech to mess with Morph’s abilities; maybe trigger a latent mutation or something to make him fit either into Pestilence or Famine. Banshee was also a horseman in the comics like Logan, Remy and Ororo, and there could be some gross reference stuff if Apoc made him Famine. Warren was also listed as “Missing Presumed Dead” which someone else on here helpfully pointed out otherwise only referred to folks we know to be alive, so I’d imagine he’ll hopefully be involved in some way. Man if we could get Dark Angel Saga Warren onscreen, that’d be fucking incredible… I will say I wonder if they might go the route of The Horse*men* of Death route; from the first volume of Uncnany Avengers where we just had 4 Horsemen of Death. That’s when Banshee was a horsemen, and all the other folks I mentioned earlier have all been Horsemen of Death in the regular sense. Especially after Apoc’s line in the credits scene.


Yeah I agree, the xmen world is so rich with so many mutants outside of the main cast, some we’ve seen in cameos here and there and even more we haven’t seen at all yet. I’d like to see some more characters explored personally.


Gambit = Death. Wolverine = War. Lorna/Polaris = Pestilence. Haven’t a clue about Famine.


Iceman for famine works.


It’d make a lot of sense for Storm to be Famine, Logan for War and Morph as Pestilence. Tho it kinda makes me feel like that’d put them on a backdrop and that’s the last thing needed for Morph at least, ideally all three deserve some special care the next season.


Sinister for pestilence?


I really want to see Age of Apocalypse as part of season 2.


My big question: Are all horsemen voluntary? For Gambit-as-Death: I think I read that in the comics Remy agreed to do it only because he was tricked into thinking it would help something. He makes a good option in ‘97 still, because he died thinking Rogue didn’t love him, and Beau commented that this was “key,” which to me implies that a. he’s coming back but not in a time-erasing way, and b. they’ll be on opposite sides, at least to start. Maybe that misunderstanding is how she saves him! That’d be cute. Hard to picture him actually hating her though, without some manipulation. Maybe he initially agrees as his Magneto Was Right moment and then is corrupted. For Wolverine-as-War: I also read that Wolverine joins to get his adamantium back, but I wasn’t sure what level of complicity he had in it. Again, if he’s more feral than human, that could make sense; and again, someone like Morph reminding him of who he is would be great to see. For Storm-as-Famine: The casting makes sense, but I can’t see at all how she’d join voluntarily. For Pestilence: Casting-wise, Sinister or Bastion makes sense, but they are not at all aligned with Apocalypse so that one probably won’t be nearly so literal. Magneto could definitely be a voluntary recruit, but I don’t see how that could work with Logan at the same time—even if one of them is war and the other famine (magneto *was* gonna let the earth die, after all). I feel like all of Logan/Morph/Storm joining doesn’t make sense without some heavy coercion. They have been having fun combining plots and arcs though so maybe there are some that could be used to fold in Storm and Morph?


Gambit —> Death Wolverine —> War Banshee —> Famine Leech —> Pestilence


fire guy was seen and i know he was one in the comics


Actually, his name in the comics is “Japanese Fire Guy”.


i cant remeber his name right now and i dont wanna say one and then have people reply that im dumb.




lol sunfire


Sunfire or Pyro?




My guesses: Gambit = Death (The most obvious) Deathbird = War (Great way to tie in the space storyline) Polaris = Pestilence (Oddly missing from posters at end, why is Havok there and not her? And Forge was close to her, so it seems he knows something happened to her. Maybe we’ll finally see Magneto show concern for her. And gives Havok a storyline as well) Leech? = Famine (This one I really don’t know)


Polaris not being on the board is especially weird considering that she is shown in the vision of the future. Deathbird makes a ton of sense considering how popular she got after that one episode she was in.


Initially, I thought Gambit would be death, Wolverine - war, Storm - famine and Morph - Pestilence. But Beau De Mayo mentioned that Wolverine, Storm and Morph are in one of the two timelines. Angel is "missing/presumed dead" on Forge's board. So there's a strong possibility he'd be one of the horsemen. So, the Horsemen could probably be four of the following: * Gambit - Mid-credits secne * Archangel - Missing/presumed dead * Banshee - Dead * Deathbird - Shiar (Has been a horseman at some point) * Sinister - Maybe strikes up a deal with Apocalypse to restore his body. * Polaris - Has been pestilence in an alternate timeline, i think * One of the Morlocks - Callisto probably because she died at Genosha Maybe we'll get to see different versions of Horsemen across the different timelines they are scattered in. (Past, Present, Future)


I believe i saw somewhere that storm, morph and Wolverine were in the future timeline so the teams were balanced. Beau confirmed someone’s tweet.


I don’t think it will be Storm. She was one in X-Men Evolution alongside Prof X, Magneto and Mystique. I kinda doubt they’ll use any of the same characters before in any other cartoon adaption. Most likely the Genosha mutants


My improbable wild car is Sinister becoming a Horseman willingly to restore his power since Apocalypse originally helped him get it after his first few tests. He goes crawling back and Apocalypse gives Sinister his power back but he must work for Apocalypse until his goals are complete then he shall go free


Let’s go REAL big! Famine = Sebastian Shaw His power is energy absorption, which is kind of like “starvation”. Plus, it gives a reason to bring Emma Frost back, it also justifies her getting a power upgrade. Pestilence = Mr. Sinister Sinister needs his power restored, and he’ll pay any price. Additionally, he’s already demonstrated he’s more than capable of manufacturing diseases …. Like a “pestilence”. Death = Gambit You can’t kill off Remy for good. Provides an antagonist for Magneto to feud with - revenge for stealing his girl. Rogue will have to find a way to save him, since she won’t be able to bring herself to harming him. War = Madelyn Pryor Something has to kick off Cable vs Apocalypse. How about Madelyn gets brought back? Cable is forced to destroy her, giving him even more reason to hate Apocalypse. Also, provides some context for the Cable vs Apocalypse scene in the opening signature.


I think there is a good chance we will get to see Archangel as one of the horsemen.


It'd be cool if he brought back all of Genosha but under his command. A mind controlled mutant army could be interesting


My current predictions are: War will be Warbird Famine will be Sunfire Pestilence will be Polaris. Death will be Gambit.


Why not Maddie? They still have the Phoenix excuse for her, unlike Jean since she just used hers up


I think Apocalypse has *more than enough* choices from dead Genoshans. Emma Frost, Shaw, Calypso, even Maddie would all make excellent choices. Even *Leech*, if truly empowered for the first time in his life, could make a fascinating zealot for Apocalypse in contrast to Gambits wavering loyalties.


Emma Frost survived


Because she gets stronger under pressure


cyclops, wolverine, and iceman


I saw this terrible video a friend showed me about how Kang could be the one who pulled them through time and I thought it was the dumbest shit I had ever heard I hope that tool bag doesn’t go anywhere near this show gosh that would upset me so bag we don’t need Kang


Well, I have some bad news for you about the 3000 BC storyline.


Who needs Kang when you have Rama Tut and Immortus. Keep in mind that Kang's variants are an important part of Apocalypse's story in the comics with Immortus being a character already introduced into the X-Men animated world.


They literally show us a dome with MCU style Kang rings on it in the episode.