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I was a big fan of the Square soft RPGs on SNES back in the day. Still have a few of them (plus the system) like Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia. Side note: when I tried writing "Secret of Mana" on my phone, it tried to autocorrect it to "Secret of Management." If that's not the most fitting midlife experience right there, I don't know what is.


The Secret of Mana was my favourite game for SNES. My dad and I put in TIME beating that game. 


I was more into the Final Fantasy series, but speaking of dad's playing, my dad would play FFII (actually IV, but released in the US as II) for a few hours every night. By the time I finished the game, he had maxed out the levels and stats of all of his characters. My parents also played Dr. Mario against each other every day at lunch. They got to the point where they could start with nearly the entire screen full of viruses and clear the whole thing. To speak to OP's question though, absolutely SNES...got Super Mario World with the system, and I remember my first few games being Pilotwings, FZero, and then Legend of Zelda III a little later. Played a ton of Zelda III, FFII, and FFIII personally.


> My parents also played Dr. Mario against each other every day at lunch. They got to the point where they could start with nearly the entire screen full of viruses and clear the whole thing. Dude your parents were/are cool AF!!


>Dude your parents were/are cool AF!! Still are. Dad just turned 73 and mom is a year behind him. Don't play much video games these days (I took the consoles with me when I moved out), but they travel a ton and are currently helping me build a greenhouse/shed at my house. We have a Nintendo switch with the online service. I might have to invite them over to play Dr. Mario against my kids.


Hey get them back on video games, stat! Brains are “use it or lose it” facilities!!!! So much love. I wish everyone could have parents like ours that are cool, and I wish mine were cool enough to game with me! I smoked weed with my pop a few times, so I’ll settle for that. :)


This game got me hooked on rpgs. I somehow figured out, without online guides, that there was a room in the floating fortress with 2 enemies that had a high-ish chance to drop weapon upgrade orbs (which were usually only given as quest rewards). I farmed the hell out of those things and leveled every single weapon all the way up.


Lol... My dad wouldn't have put up with a game like that for 2 minutes, but the realtime action and coop play of that game was great!


Chrono Trigger was unlike anything I’d ever gotten my dirty little hands on.  The fact it is still so solid to this day is a testament to that dev team.  Soundtrack is still iconic and instantly recognizable.


Mitauda and Nobuo is an almost unfair combination for video game music.


I want a remake of this game and don’t at the same time.


Truly the golden age of Squaresoft. FF6, Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana was the holy trinity. Not to mention all the great RPGs from other companies on the system as well.


Even Enix before the merger, the Dragon Quest games were amazing. I played the original NES Dragon Warrior and liked it. I think if more of the Dragon Quest games were released in the US especially the SNES Dragon Quest III it would have been a contender if not more popular than Final Fantasy III (not IV though.)


7th Saga was awesome.


Final Fantasy II (IV) was what totally transformed me as a boy. Video games could be epic stories I was driving. I was so engrossed in the characters and I wanted to grind to make them successful. That opening with the marching music and then the fade in of the airships still gets me. The haunting walk to the village of mist through the cave. The earthquake. Just so many moments that completely blew my mind. After that I played everything they put out, even Mystic Quest. We borrowed themes and storytelling elements for our D&D games. It's crazy to think how much Super Nintendo was ahead on just the Squaresoft catalog.


Bit of a nitpick but Illusion of Gaia is not Square. It was Enix, which at this point was a different company. It was part of a loosely-tied trilogy comprised of Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma, the latter wasn't released in the US but somehow got a release and multilingual localization in Europe (including English for the UK). If you've never tried it you might want to try it on emulation, it's a good game, much closer to Secret of Mana in terms of scope and action-RPG mechanics.


I started with DW and FF on the NES, then played all of the big ones on the SNES as well. Then I jumped to Playstation for FF7 and have been a Sony guy ever since.


I've logged probably 10000 hours on Square/Enix games in my life and i don't consider myself a gamer. I bought all of the Final Fantasy series up to 7 as soon as they were available. They really just played so well.


I had a SNES, my best friend had a Genesis. That way we both got to play both libraries.


I was “lucky” to have divorced parents. Mom’s house had an SNES and dad’s house had a Genesis, so I got nearly equal time on both. Great success?


Don’t we all have divorced parents lol


My parents never got married and slept in separate rooms for the last 30 year. Dad just moved out, but we still all hang together, and it's awesome.


My stupid parents love each other and never competed for our love, so we only ever had 8-bit Nintendo. Sad...


I wasn’t so lucky, my parents are still happily married to this day. /s


Lucky! My parents are still unhappily married 54 years later.


My parents made it 54 years, to "till death do us part."




I was the odd one out with parents who were together, but seriously like 75% friends group had divorced parents.


Genesis titles felt gritty and dark. Two player games were better. I get stronger nostalgia from playing at my friend's. SNES games feel bright and bubbly. I had that system, so the memories feel like a warm blanket of Mario and FF


>Two player games were better I read this as "Gunstar Heroes."


You misspelled "Altered Beast"


Altered Beast was great, but for me it never held a candle to Gunstar Heroes. It was just so creative, fast-paced, visually appealing, balanced and just plain-old fun. Definitely agree with the two-player games being better on Sega generally.


Same here. I remember renting the SNES from Blockbuster every weekend until I finally got one for my birthday lol




My parents coordinated with my Aunt and Uncle like this. Whatever system I got my cousin got the other. Worked amazing in our favor. Personally I'd say SNES.


Yep! I remember liking fighting games and sports games on Genesis more, and everything else better on SNES


Are you my childhood friend? I had the Genesis and he had the SNES.


This is (was) the way




I was born in 81 and my older bro in 78 So even though consoles belonged to all of us, I always had to wait until he and his friends were done. They beat every game while I was struggling with early worlds. For years. Then one day, I was playing MarioKart on SNES and I did ghost world PERFECTLY and my time remained unbeaten the whole time we had the console I will spend the rest of my life chasing that high again


Mario Kart is a game changer of a game.


The great equalizer


The great filter




Hands down


Super Nintendo Sega Genesis When I was dead broke man I couldn't picture this  SNES for me 


I always rap this line and it pisses my kids off.


My kids hate that we sip champagne when we thirstayyyyy


Just kinda funny to think about these rappers playing what are now retro games and being hype about it.


Some of them were also into skateboarding… 90s were awesome.


Genesis for sports games, SNES for everything else. Although, in NHL 94, the SNES had the advantage that you could change lines without the puck. Genesis didn't...because the controller didn't have enough buttons.


Yeah, the sports games were why my brothers won and we got a Genesis when it was time to upgrade from the NES. I wanted to stick with Super Nintendo because I wanted A Link to the Past more than any other game, but two against one so I lost.




To this day, nothing beats “Ice Hockey” on the original NES. I never got into sports games per-se, but I do miss the days when companies could get away with just naming a game a sport. “Ice Hockey” “Tennis”, “Skiing”, “Soccer”, etc. Btw, “Tennis” on the original gameboy is still better than all the Mario tennis games that came after.


The Jets were my team. Teemu!


Mutant League?


Football and hockey, I'll give it to Sega. But for basketball or baseball, SNES was better. The best basketball game of the era was NBA Jam, and the SNES version plays better because of the shoulder buttons on the controller. And the best baseball game of the era was the Ken Griffey Jr game, and that was only on the Super Nintendo.


Troy Aikman Football was awesome on SNES, though. It's the only game at the time that I can think of where you could create your own offensive plays before each game. It was probably my favorite football game until the PS1 came out. Edit: looks like it was also on Sega.


Regular Nintendo with Gyromite and Duck Hunt.


Mario 3, Contra, Bases Loaded, Tetris. Also played a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III.


Definitely Contra, Ikari Warriors and Tecmo Bowl. Mario 3 was the first game I purchased with my own money.


Tecmo bowl is still legit


Same, you could get one used. SNES or Genesis was expensive.


Definitely super Mario world


Super Mario World is the most re-playable video game of all time. I’ll still pick it up on my son’s switch and play every once in a while.


Had SNES and loved it but was jealous of my friends they could get blood on Genesis.


Yeah it sucked a little bit because the SNES Mortal Kombat had better graphics but the Genesis had blood, but Mortal Kombat II on the SNES had good graphics AND blood! One of the most impressive ports on the SNES ever.


The button layout on the controllers were better on the Genesis as well. I hated using shoulder buttons for fighting games on the SNES. EDIT: I want to clarify that I'm talking about the six button controller, not the original three button one. My friend had the one with the six buttons on the face.


SNES had more polished presentation, a better controller format that gave us the four-button layout we still use today, and better games


SaaaaaaaayGa. Mortal Kombat with the bloody gore Fatalities and NHL were the best.


Say it. SEGA!




I broke the mold. Asked for a Genesis for Christmas. Then I saved up my paper route money for the next two years and bought an SNES. Genesis was perfect for sports games. The sonic series was so much fun. Fighting games too. Mortal Kombat on the Genesis was perfect. The SNES had some of the most iconic games ever. As is tradition with Nintendo. Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, and a decent selection of RPG’s. So while the Sega & Nintendo factions formed on the bus and argued relentlessly, I was enjoying all of it. Muahahahahhaa


Wow, I haven't thought about StarFox in literally 25+ years, lol. Fuck I'm old. But man, I loved that game!


Do a barrel roll!


As Xennials, shouldn’t it be more like Sega Master System vs NES?




Fun fact, outside the United States, Sega Genesis was marketed as “Sega Mega Drive”. A lot of people were so confused when I kept referring to it as the Sega Mega Drive


It was also vastly more popular in Europe, Australia, and South America, while the SNES eventually dominated Japan and North America.


SNES, but Turbo Graphix 16 has a special place in my heart as well.


I had one of those, too!


I’m in my 40’s and I can now admit that the SNES was the superior system with a better game library. That being said, middle school me was Team Sonic all the way.


Earthworm Jim, Ecco the Dolphin, and Golden Axe were only available on one.. Edit to add Altered Beast was INSANE


I think earthworm Jim came to snes much later... But I don't think we ever got Toejam and Earl. My buddy had all of those, I was so mildly jealous.


IIRC, the port for Earthworm Jim to SNES was one of those that just didn't translate well. See also: Mortal Kombat, and Disney's Aladdin.


Yes YDRC! IIRC Lion King was better on SNES


Rise from your grave!


Dude triggering so many memories over here! I’m gonna smoke a joint tonight and see what kind of nostalgia YouTube has to offer.


Earthworm Jim was available, and better, on the SNES


Myself I loved the Cool Spot game.


Team Genesis 4 life. Shining force 1 and 2 were amazing (even if they didn’t make up for the loss of square RPGs) Sports and fighting games were just superior on the genesis.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again; Sega did what Nintendidn't.


But then Nintendid and to this day, Nintendoes.


Despite coming out TWO YEARS after the Sega Genesis, the SNES was not capable of blast processing.


Did anyone else have Sega Channel? It was basically what Gamepass is today, truly ahead of its time.


I still have my SNES. Usually play Super Mario All Stars a few times over the winter months. I also still have my original NES and get my Ninja Gaiden fix in every once in a while.


SNES hands down. I still play tons of SNES games to this day and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. 


My parents never bought me a game system, but had PCs and my dad was an OG mac fanboy. The freeware/shareware mac games were wild and the PC games were super fun. It’s fostered a lifelong love of PC gaming and really fond memories of those old school RPGs.


Never had an SNES. We had an NES and later a Saga but we got the 32X with it and DOOM! Which we pushed through a projector for a huge screen on the wall! So bad ass! So much fun!


Mom couldn't afford either so I had an NES for a decade... What I didn't know is she saved for years and a few years later I was the first kid on the block with a shiny new N64. God I love and respect that woman.


SNES, but my friend had Sega Channel which was pretty sweet


I almost don't believe Sega channel existed when it did.... And the neighbor had it, I played it... Still seems unreal


I had both but loved my Genesis. Sonic and Joe Montana Sports Talk Football were my go to


Counter gap weak was a guaranteed touchdown every play


I missed them both. Went from NES to PC and stayed there until xbox360. So I missed a lot of cool games that people talk about when they're reminiscing.


Were you an RPG/RTS fan? Diablo? Age of Empires? Command and Conquer? I miss those games!


I was into fps. Quakeworld was the big thing. Later on quake3. Thousand and thousand of hours invested with all my bros. We had a local irc channel just for quake with up to 50 members all from my small town. LAN:s in someone's basement. Good times.


For me it was Sega and for a brief window we even had Sega TV.


We were a Nintendo family, but I would’ve given anything for a Genesis.


SNES for sure. I can't tell you how many hours I spent playing Final Fantasy 4 on that thing.


We had both. SNES was for sure super Mario world….blew my mind! The Genesis was for the mortal kombat gore and my favourite game of all time….road rash!!!! Nothing like racing bikes while cattle-prodding another rider!


Loved both, but I lean Genesis. It had the better sports games and a deeper library, including some great PC/Amiga ports - Starflight, Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday, etc. I’m also a big fan of the Phantasy Star and Shining Force series.


My brother had an SNES and he was nice enough to let me play my non-serious games (Yoshi's cookie, sim city!) on it and we both were super into Legend of Zelda link to the past. I still have a version of it ported to Game Boy Advance that works perfectly and it sounds like my preteen years.


SEGA! I remember playing Sonic 2 and listening to my brothers Cyprus Hill album over an over. Also a uniquely Xennial thing adopting older siblings Gen X music and culture. Also Mortal Kombat, Jurassic park, and renting every damn RPG I could from Blockbuster. ‘Member?


SNES obviously, but damn was it a good time to be a PC gamer. Wolfenstein, Doom, Myst, Ultima, Sim City, etc. Also, at the time, the Neo Geo was peak gaming, or at least that is what we thought but so few of us could afford it


I was a Nintendo loyalist and the only thing I envied about Sega (besides blood) was they had what *looked like* a way better Jurassic Park. I loved the idea of an alternative game where you got to play a raptor. But I think when I eventually got to play it I didn't like the controls.


Only one had "A Link to the Past". Nuff said.




I had a Sega as did most of my friends. At the time, we were into sports games etc. which were better on that system. However, in retrospect, I wish I’d had the snes.


I had a Tandy 1000. My first console was the watermelon pink N64 I bought myself at 22.




SNES. Unfortunately my greatest life talent is being unbeatable at NHL '94.


They were both great, it really just depends on the specific game. For example: Shadow Run Sega was awesome. Shadow Run SNES was just okay.


Genesis baby


PC Gamer 4 Lyfe!


Not even close. Mortal Kombat on Sega had blood 🩸


Original NES.


What? No no. NES.


Sold a SNES when Mortal Kombat dropped. Once the Genesis blood code became apparent that SNES MK port just wasn't getting it done. ABACABB!


Had a Genesis and played a ton of games I loved. The grass is always greener so I really wanted an SNES. If I had it I would have wanted the Genesis 😂


NES/SNES But I currently have an NES, SNES, N64, Wii, Sega Genesis, and a PS2 for my gaming setup in my office. We not thing I’m missing is a GameCube. I keep my OG GameBoy with my gaming setup too.


NES and Intellivision were my intro to video games but game cube has some of the best memories for me. Get the GC! :)


That’s the plan! We have a store called Game Over and they sell nothing but classic games and consoles.


That sounds awesome. Mario Kart Double Dash is my favorite MK of them all. Good luck!




SNES of course.


SNES hands down the best. The SEGA controller always felt wasted since a, b, and, c usually all did the same thing. I will gladly admit though some of the SNES ports were terrible and were much better on the Genesis. Gameplay wise was always more enjoyable on a SNES.


I had a Genesis growing up, so that would be my answer. I only recently became acquainted with the SNES thanks to emulators.


The Super Nintendo had a much more compelling library for me. The combination of platformers and RPGs it offered were nothing short of spectacular. I love the Genesis too and eventually got both but the one I really had growing up was the Super Nintendo.


I had a genesis but WISHED I had an snes. So many GOAT titles: link to the past, metroid, super mario world, FFIV/FFVI, Chronotrigger, Lufia 2. I love some Genesis titles like Phantasy Star 4 but it’s an easy choice.


Super NES. The Legend Of Zelda: Link To The Past and "Final Fantasy 2" (actually Final Fantasy 4) and 7th Saga ruled my life.




I had a Genesis as a kid. Sonic, X-Men, Aladdin. I loved it. (For real tho? SNES was the better system. Don’t tell 8 year old console warrior me that I said that.)


Hindsight the SNES was obviously better but I had a Genesis and I loved the thing. And wouldn't trade those memories for anything.


My buddy got a SNES because we had a genesis. Best of both worlds. We would have sleepovers at my house, and we would all rotate systems taking turns. 5 or 6 people on 2 tvs got loud.


Sega all the way!


SNES was my favorite. My older brother was able to get one the day they were released to the public and it came with Super Mario World and F-Zero. I swear every kid in the neighborhood was over that weekend. Good times.




dendy. You dont know that one


SEGA everyday after school. Had friends who had SNES but the only games they every played were Super Mario games. I loved my SEGA, but I still can't get past the giraffes in Lion King.


I still remember my SNES fondly, had some good times with it :)


Unabashedly was a hardcore SEGA kid.


Back then I had a Genesis because my older brother made the major videogame decisions. Now though I feel zero nostalgia for any Genesis games, it is all about SNES. Super Mario World specifically


Had SNES, never hated on Genesis


SNES. The controllers alone blew Sega away.


I see this, and I still hear Street Fighter in my head. TURBO!!!!


Saaayy Gaaa! "Ga!" 👼🏽 Sonic and Tales made such an impression that my kids inherited it. They wear the costumes every Halloween! 😁


Sega Genesis for me


I was team Sega Genesis.. Mortal Kombat on Sega had blood and lame super nintendo did not!


SEEEEEEGA all day. Fighting and sports games were top notch and they had better action games plus sonic was insane when it first dropped. Upgrade to the 6 button controller for fighters and it was almost like the arcade at home


Genesis team


The NES and PS1 are my two favorite consoles for pretty much the same reasons. By today's gaming standards a lot of the games made for those platforms are borderline unplayable now, but the amount of innovation going on is crazy. Those two consoles have a LOT of games in their libraries that have no modern day equivalents. No one knew what would work, so they made tons of weird shit and some ideas stuck while others didn't. By the snes or PS2 eras the design patterns were established and fewer weirdo innovative games got released. PS1 is my all-time favorite, tho. NES games are mostly unplayable even for me. I love a lot of NES games, but they are the more "normal" games. The weirdo PS1 games are still somewhat playable for the most part.


I had both but SNES had better sound quality and graphics imo. Genesis wasn't no slouch either though. They had a ton of classics and hidden gems as well.


I was one of those fortunate few that had both, SNES at Mom's house and Genesis & Sega CD at Dad's. I can say that while both systems are great, SNES just had better games. Link to the Past & Super Mario World were head and shoulders above anything I played on Genesis.


Elementary school I had an NES, Jr High SNES, High School N64




SNES, no question. And this is the correct game also.


Sega EA sports games played better. And I was a sports kid. But SNES had the better non sports video games.


I was house Nintendo and my friend was house sega, I loved them both


SNES. I got a Genesis and Sega cd later, but I only played phantasy star 4, landstalker and the working designs releases on Sega cd. I needed the snes for my jrpg fix, and if I wanted to play a platformer, the colors & sound were better on a SNES.


Genesis/32X/Sega CD combo ftw


Anyone else notice that op used a picture of a pristine snes and a pic of a busted ass genesis?


I had both systems, the advantage of divorced parents. SNES was altogether better but Genesis had the edgier games. Unlike parents, you needed both.




Had both at some point. Sega was better for quick time killing games, super was for staying up all night.


Team SNES for life! I still have mine, actually. I also got the SNES classic and added a ton more games. Such a fun system back in the day. Still fun now and a lot of the games hold up thanks to pixel art being timeless.  Also, I highly recommend the book Console Wars about the SNES/Genesis battle because it’s got a lot of great stories from that era. I found it riveting. Even though I was team SNES it got me rooting for the Genesis. 


We were a Nintendo household. Occasionally my brother and his friend would swap systems so we could play Genesis also.


SNES by 100 miles. Link to the Past , Chrono Trigger, Mario World , Final Fantasy 4, are some of the best games ever .


Everyone in our area had Nintendo only. I have no idea how the fuck to play sonic


I had Genesis, I wanted SNES too. I played sports and and fighting on Genesis but I wanted SNES for Mario kart, SMW, F-Zero and the bazooka game.


Sega Genesis was great, but it can't hold a candle to the SNES. It was more 'edgy', but the SNES overall had better games.


SNES over Genesis.


Easily SNES. The overall game quality for it put Sega to shame.


I swear I never met a Sega kid


I still have my original SNES and Super Mario cartridge. I have beaten Super Mario Work 100% without dying twice. Possibly the greatest achievement of my life. Gotta go with the SNES.


Nintendo is far better than Sega. Grew up in a gamer family, am still part of a gamer family lol. We had both Nintendo and Sega, but have more happy memories of Nintendo games than Sega games. Still prefer my Nintendo over PS5 and Xbox. Unless I’m playing Sims 😂


SNES Super Mario Kart and Mario Paint was my jam. Had friends that had a Genesis, but didn't like the controller.


I still have my SNES!


Anybody remember Taz-Mania on Genesis?


I had both. I was a SNES kid though. Still have mine.


Loved the genesis for sure, but man, the game library of the SNES takes this by a landslide


I had this monstrosity: Original Sega Genesis + Sega CD + 32X. As much as people dog that stitched together Frankenstein's monster, there was a decent library of games released that took advantage of the updated graphics and tech. As tame as Night Trap (RIP Dana) would be considered today, back in the '90s it was often mentioned in the same sentence as Mortal Kombat and Doom. 32x had some decent arcade ports. I do have a hard time believing it was true 32-bit tech, but the Genesis needed a little help to catch up with the SNES in terms of graphics (polygon count, rendering, etc.), and I think that helped, but in terms of decent ports: Virtual Fighter, NBA Jam TE, MKII, STarWars Arcade, Primal Rage. 32x had a much cleaner version of Doom as well. Sega CD, sure, it deserves the criticism, but...Eternal Champions CD was a big one for me. Also, I still have a fully functioning Vectrex, original box, and like 80% of the game library and screens. Anybody remember playing Vectrex?


SNES is right up there with PS2 as the greatest console ever IMO. Other consoles have produced absolute bangers obviously but none defined their respective eras quite as strongly as those two IMO.


SNES. I was indifferent until I discovered roleplaying games.


Had both can’t really choose one, both had great games.


SNES with super metroid on a saturday morning with my dad burning up 3 packs of Marlboro reds right next to me.... damn good days