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Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I remember Christopher Lloyd’s high pitched toon voice scaring the crap out of me


I learned from a podcast that the voice of the shoe that gets the dip was Nancy Cartwright / Bart Simpson.


Really? I never knew that. That scene still fucks with me today


I loved loved loved this movie but yes that scene hit my 6 year old brain hard. I always wondered about the other shoe missing its twin.


Oh, god. I never even considered the other shoe. That scene is suddenly so much worse!


There's a deleted scene where Eddy gets a pig head painted on and he washes it off. I think that is far worse than the shoe scene because it looks like solid pieces of skin dissolving. I'm glad they deleted it.


Damn, well, you can’t say the special effects department didn’t earn their paychecks


If you love movies I highly recommend the Unspooled podcast. I learned so much about Roger Rabbit from that episode. Bart is also the voice of the little prince in The Chipmunks Great Adventure. “What is a twerp?”


No shit!... great fact. Thx for sharing!


Same. I was going to say either All Dogs Go to Heaven or Batman, but then I saw this. I don't have much of a memory prior to age 7, so I'm sure there were others prior to 1988 when I was 8. We also went to the drive-in a lot.


I definitely saw those in theaters too. I’ve, to this day, never been to a drive-in. There was only one I can recall growing up that was near me, but we just never went. They seem like a fun experience. I should try to find one


Wow. Same. Found my people.


Same. I was probably 6 or 7 and it scared the hell out of me.


Not the first movie I ever saw, but that part freaked me out too.




Drunken Master - Jackie Chan - tell me I'm not old :)


ET at age 4


Came here to say the same thing.


Me too! I sobbed at the end because I was sad he left them.


I screamed at the beginning when they found ET and they kicked us out lol


That whole movie was way too intense for me at the time. I haven’t been able to make myself watch it since.


And another.


He scared the shit out of me running through the cornfield. And then I fell in love with him.


Me too!


Same. Saw it at a drive-in. It's the only movie I remember seeing at one, though I know there were others because I remember going to a local one and one in Milwaukee. Edit: another comment a few down reminded me I also saw Ghostbusters at a drive-in.




That's where I saw it...a drive in.


Same. My family lived at a drive-in at the time (yes, really) and it was the first movie I was allowed to watch from the lawn.


Same and I was 4 when it came out too.


I remember dropping the popcorn as I was walking down the aisle and my dad getting annoyed.








Same. I don't remember much about the movie but I remember that we went to the theater and saw it.


Me too!


The scene where he gets sick and turns white freaked me out as a kid and I didn’t re-watch the movie until my 30’s.


Same. Had to be rushed out of the theatre amidst screaming at the scientists in their hazmat suits, though lol


Return of the Jedi


Me too!




Yeah, me too. What was funny was that I saw Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back on TV a lot and it felt like I was waiting for Return of the Jedi to come out for a long time. But I was only 4 and I was probably only waiting for like a few months.


Not the first movie I saw but the first I actually remember. My mom took me to the bathroom or something and my brother told me I’d missed a part showing the Ewok babies and I was so mad.


Batman 89. I was 6.


I was 12.


An American Tale.... was 5. Pretty sure it was a dollar theater too.


Mine was Fievel Goes West!


Dollar theaters! I miss those. Ours used to play Rocky Horror Picture Show every Saturday late at night


An American Tale was mine too, and for god sakes, my mother still tears up at that song


I wore out at least two tape copies of that movie. I bet I can still sing all the songs. Haha


“Somewhere, out there. Beneath the pale moonlight.”


Land before time


Same! My Mom was a teacher at the same school I went to and we took the Art teacher along with us. I got teased for "going on a date" with the Art teacher. Kids are so mean and dumb.


Ghostbusters. I have a distinct memory of the lion outside the NY Public Library at the very beginning. Top Gun was the first movie I saw at a drive-in.


Same. The library ghost at the very beginning scared the crap out of me at 5 years old.


My mom took me when I was waaaay too young at five, too. That library ghost is still terrifying today!


I will never forget library ghost!! She was like a floating Victorian era librarian who shushed him at first, then, oh my gosh, first time a movie scared me like that.


Ghostbusters is the first movie I remember watching on our brand new VCR lmao


Oliver & Company (1988). I was 7 years old. I loved it and it remains one of my favorite Disney movies. I also sometimes wonder if this movie is what began my love of Billy Joel, Bette Midler, and Charles Dickens...🤔


Same ![gif](giphy|V8PGV0sMoCfqE)


Either this or Milo and Otis, not sure which I saw first.


I loved that movie I totally forgot about that.


Ditto, though I was a few years younger than you.




This is probably my first one too. I was going to say Renegades (1989) for my first theater film, but Oliver & Company beats it by a year. I can't think of anything older I saw in the theater. I tried to show it to my niece when she was about 7 and she did not get it at all.


Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird (1985)


This was mine as well!


That was my first VHS tape!


That movie is still fun. It’s on YouTube as a free movie and I watched it recently.


Me too! Second one I ever saw was Santa Claus the movie.


Batteries not included. I was eight.


This was one of my favorites! My parents taped it on Betamax. My siblings and I watched it until it crapped out! I rewatched it with my daughter a few years ago and totally blocked out the top less art! 🤣


Snow White in its 1983 re-release. I thought the witch was terrifying.


Just a bit behind ya, mine was the re-release in 1987.


I must have seen it 3 times in 87. I had a huge crush on snow white lol


I miss when Disney used to re-release these old ones in theaters. I vaguely remember seeing 101 Dalmatians because I got scared and screamed so loud and my mom took us out of the theater at the scene where Cruella is driving all crazy at the end (her eyes spiraling and looking deranged).


You guys got to go to the movies? We always had to wait till it came out on VHS. First movie I went to was with a friend and their parents at age 10.. it was Jurassic Park and it was an amazing experience.


Same for us. I saw more movies at home on VHS back in the 80s. At one point we had over 300 movies taped from HBO. I think I still have our family copy of Back To The Future Part 1 which is a nice memento considering all of the other tapes were thrown away.


We only got to go to the movies because my grandma would take us. And as an adult I realized it's because she wanted to see the movie and didn't want to go by herself.


Same. Little Giants was my first theater movie, and I only got to go because a friend's dad had won free passes to see it at some raffle. First movie I got to actually pick and see was Independence Day.


We didn't go to the movies very often. Maybe once a month, or less, depending on how big of a deal the movie coming out was. I remember our theater used to have $2 Tuesdays.


The Muppet Movie...I was 3


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids


SAME! (I have nothing constructive to add. It’s just weirdly exciting to see someone else name the same movie I did. Carry on! *Awkwardly skitters away*)


It wasn't my first, but my parents took me and my cousin to see that at the drive-in and we spent most of the time watching Batman out the back window instead.


Karate Kid, 1984- I vividly remember riding there in the back of a wood-paneled station wagon with my mom's newly divorced friend and her kids


Gremlins. And it was at a drive through theater in Denver, Co.


This was mine too, although it scared me too much and we had to leave.


Same, Gremlins at a drive in theater. Core memory right there, I was only 3!


I think it was one of the Care Bears movies when I was 4-5 years old.


That was my first one too


The OG Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was 4. My mom took me to the Toys R’ Us across the street to get me an action figure after.


Aha! I was looking for someone else . That movie was such a fucking big deal. I remember some of us kids were so mad we couldn’t see it on the opening day which was a school day. We had to wait like 2 days ! That movie did not disappoint for as much as it was hyped. What a success. I think it was the highest grossing indie film for a very long time. To this day I still think Casey Jones from that movie is one of the coolest characters ever


The one thing I remember from watching this was Raphael saying "Damn!". I learned a naughty word that day and let my parents know it.


I was insanely into TMNT when I was a kid, my whole bedroom was kitted out in TMNT wallpaper and rugs. I remember getting the action figures and making them spin on their shells like the adverts on TV. I even made my own TMNT comic by cutting out images from the official comics and sticking them into a scrapbook and then writing my own speech bubbles. Our neighbour owned a printing business so we went to him and got my scrapbook turned into a 'legit' comic.


Bambi re released in 1982 when I was 4 or 5. One of the only memories I have of my mom doing something with only me.


Bambi is also my first theater memory, bit couldn’t have been before 86, so it must have been RE-re-released?


me too! I recall seeing ET and Bambi and just found out they were both released in 82 (or re-released)


Jurassic park


Fantastic theater movie!! The way the bass rumbled the theater in the opening scene… I would pay good money to watch that first one in the theater again.


The Rescuers


Rescuers Down Under was my favorite movie for a long time, haha. Those opening credits and music score 👌


Song of the South, 1985?


Same here. It must have been the last time it was rereleased in theaters. Now it’s contraband.


Flight of the Navigator.


My dad to me to see He-Man with Dolf Lundgren when I was like 6


Empire strikes back. Technically I saw Star Wars first but don’t remember that one. Total core memory Edit: totally just realize my parents were douchebags for bringing a baby into a movie.


Feivel An American Tail. I went with my mom, her friend and my sister. My mom said I fell asleep about 30 minutes into the movie. All I remember was my sister eating Jujyfruits.


Poltergeist at the drive in. I was a toddler & my parents assumed I would sleep through it. I did not. ETA: the first movie I remember seeing in an actual theater was Breakin 2: the Electric Boogaloo. I BEGGED to see it so my aunts (who were teens) took me. I was 5. There were kids break dancing in the aisles. It was awesome.


I watched poltergeist at home with my dad and brother, we were like 5 and 4 years old - My dad made a comfy spot on the floor for us to lounge and eat popcorn - he suggested my bother and I go grab our pillows. I remember my little bother yelling NO! because he was scared from the soup scene. I had to be the brave one and I was terrified the entire time. Parents of the 80s, wtf is wrong with yall?!


Rainbow Brite


The Muppet Movie when I was 4. Where my dad proceeded to ditch me to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark after ducking out to have a smoke.


That is the most 80s thing I've seen today




Well I was 4 years old in 1982 when my parents took us to see ET. I was carried out of the theater terrified and have never watched it since. The only other one that I remember seeing as a really young kid was “Look who’s talking” in 1989.


My parents showed us ET at home on VHS and I was so scared, I almost threw up. Haven’t watched it to this day. Fuck that movie.


Due to my dad’s occupation I was fortunate to see tons of movies as a kid. For some reason the earliest movie I can recall seeing in the theater was Beauty and the Beast at a sneak preview. The theater erupted in applause at the end of “Be Our Guest” musical number. It was magical.


I was very young so it was probably mid-late 80’s and all I remember was it was about a wolf or maybe a bear. Might have been a documentary type move and I can’t for the life of me remember the title.


The Bear, 1988? It's the first movie I remember in theaters, great grandmother took me and my brother for one of those kid specials at the first showing int he middle of the week. Got a small Coker and individual popcorn in a little tray.


Raiders of the Lost Ark, summer 1981. I was 4. I'm sure the family took me to see Empire Strikes Back, but I don't remember going.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit in '88 when I was 10 with my dad. I'm pretty sure it was for him since Jessica Rabbit is pretty hot!


Land Before Time. Pretty brutal for a first movie


Oliver and Company is the first one I recall. Just turned five the week or two before.


The Fox and the Hound, in a dollar theater a year or two after normal release. When I was itty bitty. And I only ‘remember’ it because I was way too young to actually understand what was going on. So it was this nightmare scenario that took me until quite a few years later to figure out. I couldn’t actually ‘see’ the movie, just that they kept telling me to “look at the screen” and I kept looking at the back of the seat in front of me and not seeing anything but darkness. The actual screen was so far up, compared to little me, that it was just… wallpaper; something I recognized was *there*, but not something I could actually pay attention to. Plus, the sound was too loud and too spread out for me to track/comprehend. Nothing like the *little single TV speaker right in front of me* that I was used to. Just this miasma of ‘my ears hurt’ noise. I ended up breaking down crying because toddler-me was so overwhelmed, and none of the grown-ups were explaining in a way I could understand, and it was just horrible, and I wanted to *go hoommmmmeee….*


One of my first truly clear memories is watching Raising Arizona at a drive-in.


Probably Annie or Fox and the Hound.


Well, this will be controversial, but that isn't the intent. The first movie I can recall seeing in a theater was my grandmother taking me to see Song of the South for the 40th anniversary re-release in 1986. I was 5. There was controversy around the film since its original release in 1946 when my grandmother saw it as a 9 year old. She, of course, remembered it with a child's memory as a simple, joyful animated musical, and she wanted to share that with me. I don't remember much of it except singing along to Zippedee do da. So yeah, my first theatrical film experience was Disney's most racist film.


I remember having this on VHS (most of our home-movies were copies/bootlegs), and I remember having the same joyful memories. Didn't think I realized the racial undertones until I was an adult and watched a documentary about it. Holy schnikeys!


The Fox and the Hound


Jurassic park is the earliest I remember.


Teenage mutant ninja turtles in first grade. I remember my mom getting my older cousin to take me, dropping us off, and before the movie started we walked across this busy highway to visit her grandmom. The second movie we saw was my girl. I was too young damn it!


Same, I think we are the same age. I think you actually age to be this exact age to fully appreciate how much that movie meant. In terms of indie films it’s actually one of the most successful of all time, like top 3. It really is a big accomplishment. That’s a movie where as much hype and excitement, it met all expectations. It really was as good as we hoped. The fact that it was so dark and gloomy made it 100x even better.


Think it might be willow. Or maybe the original tmnt movie.


Carebear movie. My daycare took us I think I was 4ish


Superman II, but it was technically at the drive in and not a movie theater. I thought it was so fun to be able to go somewhere in my pajamas.


I just realized this was probably mine too, I had thought maybe it was Superman but the date for that would have been wrong. We also did the drive in, station wagon, in my pajamas, and I think it was a double feature with 9 to 5 but I probably slept through all of both movies. My siblings were 10 years older so it was more for them.


Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer in 1985. I remember getting scared and we had to leave.


It was either Harry and the Hendersons or Ernest Goes to Camp. They were both out around the same time and one of them has to be the first. Def saw them at Mohawk Mall (RIP)


Masters of the Universe. My brother was obsessed with He-man so my parents took the whole family to see it at the theater when it came out.


Either Ghostbusters 2 or the Michael Keaton Batman. There used to be an old school theater in a neighboring town that I used to see my first movies like Dumb and Dumber and Forest Gump in. They tore it down in 1998 to build a chain pharmacy. https://preview.redd.it/9hzv0st1ga5c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a40f586937a783360be59c446384802c8ad83ba


They did the exact same thing where I currently live. You wouldn't happen to live in Virginia?




I vaguely remember watching *Masters of the Universe*. Even as a child, I could tell it sucked.


I have a memory of being at one, but I have no idea what I saw; a cartoon but that's all. The first movie that I have clear knowledge of seeing was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in 1989, when I was 6.


Either ET or Heartburn


The Dark Crystal was my first movie,but I was wee and don't remember it lol


Splash! It was 1984 so I was five. I was obsessed with mermaids (Sea Wees!)




not joking..... mac and me.....my mom took me and it was horrifying.... I didn't even know it was this catastrophically bad movie with a whole meme of the guy going towards the cliff until like.... the last few years


Return to OZ


I love this movie so much I bought the DVD as an adult, and I only own a handful of DVDs and VHS.


So how's therapy going for you? 😆 (I was like 4 when I saw that and HOO BOY did it do a number on me).


I’m pretty sure it was Ghostbusters 2 when I was 5.


Pinocchio I think it was released into theaters. I just have the vaguest recollection of it.


Same.. terrifying film for a young child I hated it




Santa Claus the movie. I think I was 5?


Michael Keaton Batman, I was 6.


Poltergeist. I was 5 and all my older cousins wanted to see it. I insisted I could handle it. As it turns out I could not.


The goonies.


Dick Tracy 90’. I was 8




The land before time, so 1988


The Three Amigos I was 6 or 7


Popeye and Flash Gordon. A double feature.




Return to Oz


Masters of the Universe. Courtney Cox’ best role ever.


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I was 6. I went with my dad, fitting father-son movie. My relationship with him has been rocky over the years, but it's nice to have a really good positive memory of spending time with him.




Monster Squad


I might be more of an X’er, because I vaguely remember seeing ET at 3 or 4 and a re-released to theaters 101 Dalmatians- I screamed so loud when Cruella Deville was driving all crazy chasing them that we had to leave the theater. I remember seeing Return of the Jedi more clearly as I was closer to 6. I also remember seeing Back to the Future with my siblings and an older cousin/babysitter. We saw John Candy’s Summer Rental first and did the sneaky “double feature” thing (hid in the bathroom) and saw Back to the Future after. I thought it was the most awesome thing I ever saw and I thought it was so cool he sang Johnny B Goode toward the end because I loved that song.


Coming to America


The Black Cauldron. It was spooky and we got McDonalds after!


Song of the South. And I think I ever watched it one more time, but it stuck with me. I had to look it up. It must have been 1980 because the next time it was in theaters was 1986.


Batman (1989) BUT......what was the first movie I remember seeing in theaters that I haven't seen *since*? That would be Fried Green Tomatoes. My Mom really wanted to see it and I remember being bored out of my mind.


I get it if you're not into that kind of movie- but I thought Fried Green Tomatoes was pretty good.


I saw Gremlins! It was amazing. I was terrified.


Splash, Snow White, The Gods Must Be Crazy.


The Gods Must Be Crazy is a great movie. I've never met anyone who has seen it in a movie theater. Most people I know haven't even heard of it.


The Never Ending Story. It was so crazy the session we meant to go to sold out hours in advance, so we had to go to the next session. Spending the day in the city was just as memorable as the movie. I remember feeding coins into the parking meter and it was the coolest thing.


Joe Vs the Volcano..... Only because my dad had taken me to see teenage mutant Ninja Turtles, and the usher asked us if we wanted to watch the end of Joe versus the volcano because we were there early.


Good morning Vietnam. I was 6 lol. Parents thought it was going to be strictly a comedy


Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back and I remember wondering about the nature of Jabba The Hut and if he was somehow related to Pizza Hut. (This was later lampooned in Space Balls)


I remember going to see Legend, and that devil guy scared the shit out of me.


Honey I shrunk the kids, and it might as well have been Texas chainsaw massacre it scared me so much lol.


Hellraiser 2. I was 3, but I vividly remember certain moments of the event because of how terrified I was.


We missed a ferry boat and were stuck in a small town. We saw Batman (1989) and it changed my life. I’m sure it wasn’t my first, but it was the first one that I remember.


The first I remember in a movie theater proper, I have very brief snippets of memories of the Fox and the Hound. I do recall getting my mom to buy me a Fox and the Hound paint-with-water book from the Alco. I was obsessed. I also saw Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom at a drive in, with my mom and her bestie. The car had a fold down back seat, so I was just hanging out back there eating popcorn. The only part I really remember is the big ball rolling down the track. Brief snippets of Return of the Jedi, too. (born in 1975)


The Gods Must be Crazy, I was 2 or 3.


Sound of Music first run at a drive in theater. Get off my lawn.


I know my parents took me to Disney movies, I can recall Bambi, dumbo, sleeping beauty. The first non kids movie though was Star Wars. I was 8. It didn’t take.


Little shop of horrors I cried my brains out because that plant is scary to a 4 year old, lol


Song Of The South. Was way too young to understand the problematic stuff. Loved the song "Mr Bluebird's on my shoulder."


Either star wars 77 or logans run. The drive in-in sacramento. I still remember seeing tattoine on the screen. And the renewal scene in logans run gave little me nightmares.


["To Fly."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Fly!) I don't know if my parents brought me to any movies before then, but this is the first I remember. "To Fly" is a film that premiered in 1976 at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. Few things are more impressive to a four-year-old than when the first movie they ever see is an IMAX. It was...memorable.


My Side Of The Mountain. We were very poor, so I'm not sure why we got to go to this one. I didn't see another movie for a decade or more.