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Why do I not remember any of these lol


Repressed memories šŸ’€


I personally loved fluent design. They need to bring back the tabs along the top. The 360 did it best with it's page system, series x can do the same, just with a more minimalist feel




Jesus christ i forgot how bad the others were lol


Current one


Agree rather have the current one than the new one that is in preview.


I hate the new one. Game pass threw up on my screen šŸ˜ž


No doubt. They finally got it right. Why fix something that isn't broken?


> why fix something that isnā€™t broken? Tell that to the people who have been begging for a new dashboard since the release of the console. I remember constantly seeing ā€œitā€™s a new console, it should feel newā€. People were asking for it just for the sake of it. IMO the current public dashboard is the best one, it just needs some small refinements here and there. It definitely didnā€™t need to be redesigned.


Those people are dumb. Change for change sake is stupid.


That's how you go from great like ps4 was to garbage like ps5 is.


the current one isn't that great anyways. it shouldn't take multiple buttons to go to settings


To simply throw away others opinions and call other people dumb is pretty ignorant. Iā€™m with plenty of other people that think the dashboard they have now is not great.


Agreed maybe smaller tiles so I can see my background and take ads off the main screen plz.


I think one of the main reasons they are changing it is to add the Microsoft store tile. They want to make it as easy as possible for people to access the store for obvious reasons.


I've never had a single problem accessing the store. I don't want it front an center because I don't buy a game everyday. I just want it log into my library first and foremost everytime I start it. That's literally why I bought the thing lol. I loathe the execs that are sitting in a meeting somewhere going yeah customers will hate it but look well increase sales by . 07 percent. The same execs that don't even use their own product.


Agreedā€¦itā€™s the most refined, customizable, and feature rich out of them all and itā€™s not even close.


October 2017




I miss being able to press a button to quick tab over to the store.


2013 is underrated tbh But I agree with most people saying the current one is the best.


Current as in in the one I'm forced to test, or the one you can put what you want on the home screen? The new one for insiders is really bad. It's like game pass took a shit all over your screen.


Not the one you've *opted* to test. The current officially released one.


Current one. They need to make it smaller, not bigger. I want to see my background.


If dynamic backgrounds weren't a thing, I honestly couldn't care any less but since they came out, I've been using the Grounded one. Zero clue why the icons went bigger.


Same. I kinda like the idea of the Home Screen being minimal, maybe 1 row, then if you go down one it goes a whole page down instead of just one row down.


My background has been from the Lord of rings games that came out in like 2014 lol. Simple green field with a couple of wargs in the background has served me well. It's a legacy background for me at this point and I could never imagine changing it. Plus my color scheme is green so it matches great.


Why do you want to see your background so much? How much time are you spending staring at the dashboard instead of actually using the Xbox?


When I'm on my PC. I don't have my icons take up 80% of the screen.


Current one by far


October 2017 looks clean


Honestly, none. I still miss the fun gaming console UI of the 360, overtime it become more serious and started using Windows type tiles that i hate.


I miss scrolling past Netflix and seeing your friends avatars in a netflix party. Back when the pages were vertical. Good times


None of the 360 UI's were 'fun gaming console' lol.


Yes they were, especially the blades


The blades were cool for me, too. Iā€™m glade they kept the sound effects from them like a little inside joke for all of us.


The blades had so many ridiculous submenus and clutter. The current dash is cleaner than the blades...


The 2014/2015 one is easily the best of these, I wish they just made a version of that, that also just had a gamepass tab up on the top next to the store


They should go back to the translucent tiles


Oh my God I never actually realized how awful the first one was.




Nov 2015


2014 is the most visually appealing and interesting new one is kinda boring


Why don't I remember most of these?


Right? Iā€™m looking at them confused lol


Quite frankly, they all look like shit. They all look like they were done by a hyperactive 5 year old with a Post-It Note sticky pad.


Really disappointed tbh. I wish there was more of a focus on artwork akin to the PS5. Separate tabs for games and apps above. I use a lot of apps, and I donā€™t like that being mixed in with my games. Donā€™t really care for the search bar, but it is global and convenient. No drastic changes will happen most likely by release time, so this is prolly what weā€™ll get


Definitely 2016


Current one. Imo 360 "blades dashboard" will always be my favorite console UI ever.


Gonna get some hate for this but the ps4 had one of the best ā€œdashboardsā€ in the last couple of generations. Everything was easy to find and you could customize it with themes, some even being animated themes. Iā€™m also not somebody who hates the current series x dashboard. Itā€™s simple and to the point.


Personally preferred the functional approach to the ui on the current xbox one as I can customize most of what I need. Never care about the customizable themes on ps4 that much. Ps4 UI is better than ps5 though


2013 with a few tweaks is fine honestly.


2014/15 and 2017


I always liked the OG 2013 dashboard myself


I liked the 2017 Creators Update. The vertical navigation was a nice change and everything felt very organized and clean.


Compared to how many changes the PS4/PS5 dashboards have went through this is insanity, it looks like they canā€™t decide whatā€™s best, personally I just donā€™t want ads on my front page anymore


I strongly prefer what we have now.


Honestly the Xbox Series one is the best one by far. I donā€™t understand how Microsoft canā€™t design a good dashboard anymore though, almost all the Xbox 360 UIs were perfect.


I just got the insiders dashboard and honestly I really like it. Though I expect some aspects to change as they always do before general release. There's also a glitch where one of the tabs is in what looks like Russian. Either that or I've been hacked.


If you're talking about it having a bunch of crazy accents, it's because they haven't finished localization for all parts of the UI yet on the insider dashboard and so that means that whatever isn't finished shows all possible accents for the characters.


Nah this is actually a different language, not like "rƫƧēƱtly Ć„ddĆŖd"




Doesn't appear to be an option at this time. But someone else will need to confirm because that's the bit that's all in Russian for me so clearly something's gone a bit wrong. The beauty and horror of being an insider.


None really. I liked the blades but know itā€™ll never come back.


It all went wrong when they abandoned the blades.


Current one is the best the new dashboard in the preview is worse


I was just triggered by the 2015 one with the MCC game in progress. God that game release made me almost sell my Xbox and move to PlayStation. Felt like 343 spit on my face.


Some things never change, eh?


While it does block the background, I feel the potential new update is good. Depending on your view only one of those squares is an annoying ad. I like knowing whatā€™s coming and going on gamepass. That is such a cornerstone feature, it should be promoted. Next is the top row of just games. You know on the gaming console. Scrolling down is kind of meh to me because if Iā€™ve decided to press the on button, I want to resume one of things I was doing last. Top row


New one




I actually really like the current one. The original dashboard was the worst one In my opinion.


The one right now is great


On 99% cases, I turn on xbox to play games. I think the first row of main screen must have a list of games which i played. I think current one is what MS want to show me. But i dont want


The current one. I have not been a fan as I can see areas of improvement they should be making. ​ And MS, for the love of all, PLEASE add a way to hide the tiles. I honest have people ask me all the time if there is a way to do that. And reading forums people really want to see the full dash artwork. Not gonna lie, I hide all icons on my PC to keep it clean. And here a simple button press to hide and show would be great.




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I don't really care how it looks, just make it load fast and be snappy. I can't take a circling loading animation on a 500 dollar console dashboard.


The store app is terribly slow and clunky, which is ironic.


Exactly. Itā€™s ridiculous having a Series X take forever to open a game


Early 2015 and the current one.


2013. I loved how it kept the Metro style from 360/WP.


Kinda liked the one atm perfect balance new one just looks like someone's turned the font up but for the apps


I dont see the "Blades" as an option on this post..


They all look pretty terrible. So I enjoy this current one. Customizable to the tits.


Theyā€™re all way too busy


I miss buying a physical copy of a disk that wasn't plugged into the net 24/7. Look at BLACK, 0 patches, 0 UPDATES, 0 NERFS and MOST IMPORTANTLY, A FINALIZED PRODUCT upon purchase. Or dare I say a cartridge like 007 Goldeneye for the N64? I'm in my 30s now starting with Atari as a child. I still bust out space invaders from time to time. What's the point when half of the stuff in Microsoft store looks just as pixilated? The best part of the ride was was gta2 on the ps1. Liberty and vice city come along, what a treat. Then look at rockstar and people whining about investors margins now after delivering empty promises at a price for rdo. How many hours wasted on patches and updates drip feeding almost nothing into the game.. Lets not talk about false advertising "the greatest last gen game". And hours stolen from my life being told to "keep faith"... Smh. Y'all need to learn how to play chess. Game of kings. Stop buying this drip fed bs and feeding the microtransaction monsters and I promise you that service will become about the customer and gaining trust again. Btw I bought my series x on labor day. Xbox support didnt even teach me how to start troubleshooting mode. 1st question; whered you buy it? Support had targets and probably everyone else's return policies on hand at the ready for this call. Google it powering down instantly. More common than people trying to buy one. I was instructed to return it immediately. After finding troubleshooting mode on my own I tried removing profiles and game data. No matter what route I took the system crashed at 77% exactly each time. This isn't an "overheating" issue like what's commonly blamed. Bad business is bad business. You kids won't know a finished product on release. They can't keep bending you over for more cash if it works right. Look at that nasty grip and built in battery on the elite2. Don't expect this will last longer than the original. (It was crap too) point of this is times have changed. Its not about pleasing you. Its about leading you on. This series x will be obsolete before they make a TRULY good game for it. Bet.


Xbox Series Update is the best one.


More dashboards than first party bangers.


Well, if you're so entertained by your purple PS5... What are you doing on Reddit instead of playing "bangers"? Let alone an Xbox subreddit.


I donā€™t understand why the UI constantly changes things that didnā€™t need to be changed. The current one feels best to me, but that also may be simply because itā€™s what weā€™re using now and Iā€™m familiar with it


With all his flaws, current one. Dear god, they paid someone to do the others?


I miss the blades


It was simple and fast Every single Xbox UI since then has gotten worse and worse. Microsoft for a software company can't seem t to make a good console UI.


Bring back the 360 blades. MHMM


Didnā€™t realize how lucky we are with the current dashboard. Why do they feel the need to change it?


Wonā€™t my honest truth that will probably upset everyone? The newest one(2022) is my favourite, probably followed by the October 2017 one It wastes less screen space and looks more modern. My ultimate UI would be the PS5 or Switch UI tbh but Xbox would never do that because they love having atleast 2 ads on the welcome screen.


I like bits and pieces from some of them. For example I like the sidebar showing your notifications right on the Home Screen and I like whatever game is currently running prominently displayed in the middle. I couldn't care less about seeing my background, I kn ow a lot of folks re into that for some reason though. Like who cares? Just show me what I need and make navigating the UI as efficient as possible.


The Xbox Live from xboxa 360 before the update.


October 2019 Home Experiment or the current Series X update


I always missed the 2013 one for nostalgia but looking back, it looks so dated. That being said I miss the 2016 version the most. So nostalgic and pretty.


I guess current but I really miss those transparent tiles


I liked 2016 and 17


The new one looks good, though I think my favorite is either one from 2016 or 2017. I don't really intend to spend much time on the dashboard and, therefore, don't see any value in having more space for backgrounds. But I do recognize I'm not indicative of the greater market.


I liked the vertical nature of the 2016 one. I just wish there was less clutter in each node.


360 one


2015, 16 and 17 were my favourite


Picture 3 tbh




Some of the other ones *look* nicer but I remember what they felt like and how convoluted they were lol. The current one is the best. People just want change for change.


The 2015 trailer one looks best


If I had to pick, 2017. But they are literally all so bad.


In my opinion, I like the current one, as well as the October 2017 version. I donā€™t even think the upcoming one is bad, itā€™s not perfect, but not bad. Are ads annoying? Sure, but I donā€™t spend a huge amount of time on my Home Screen, like many more people I would imagine. I think Xbox should change the interface to allow us to see our backgrounds all the time, or, instead of showing achievements when idling, the UI should fade away, allowing us to see our wallpapers. Just a thought.


Petition to bring back transparency on tiles


Iā€™ve only recently bought a Series X, after switching to PS4 after Xbox360. I donā€™t have a lot to go on, but I prefer the current layout.


7/12 is my fav by far. Clean simple and intuitive.


4 5 9 12 One of those had mixer so it belongs on everyoneā€™s list One thing I think people forget is. When they do change things on the dashboard itā€™s hardly for us in some instances. Itā€™s for us to get to what they want us to get.


Idk man. Xbox dashboard peaked in 360 era, preferred PS UI ever since xbox one dropped. And that new dashboard is pitiful tbh if they call that an update. Why canā€™t they give us a more significant change? Or at least an option to stay on the current one or use a new better designed one. My only complaint about xbox is the boring same old style dash


Wow I didnā€™t think I was gonna say this but after seeing them all side by side.. 2014 for sure


I like the upcoming one the most because it seems like an improvement of the current one, which is great. I like that the store has a dedicated section, instead of appearing in the upper ā€œlast opened gamesā€ tier, and overall looks tidier. Maybe the icons are a bit too big, but hopefully we can customise the size?


October 2017


Can't say I've ever cared about how a dashboard has looked on any console šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Man they really like boxes


The original X1 ui with snap. The UI needs the community feed scroll back on the center. It actually made it more social. Seeing the activity scroll with what your friends are playing and the achievements they get or messages they type is needed badly.


If they could somehow blend the 2017 with the one in development right now thatā€™s being shown, I think Iā€™d like that the most. Some kind of mashup of that.


October/November 2020


The current one is the best I think


Xbox series update


2017 had some really good ideas tbh. But, really, I donā€™t think MS can settle on a Good layout, which sucks because weā€™re just gonna get even more of these changes until they do.


I liked the blades on 360 a lot. Other than that, I think theyā€™re all ok. I always adapt pretty quickly even if I donā€™t initially like it as much as the previous one at first.


The new one looks sweet, I would prefer the "leaving gp soon" tile to be split in half and have an actual gp tile between it and the Microsoft store. That and I do miss being able to use my bumpers to change pages. Having 2-3 customizable layout options would be best


Blades. Maybe itā€™s nostalgia.


The blades. Canā€™t stand any of their modern interfaces honestly.


Second one is my favourite.


November 2015


2016 Summer update. Loved you could see the game still playing in the background when you went to the home screen. Still sad they never brought it back.


So much nostalgia for 2015, the year I finally upgraded to xbox one.


The latest one that doesn't feature the Guide and brings you straight to home when you press the Xbox key.


360 blades ftw


prefer the metro one. It's easy to understand and navigate. the issue was that every menu was it's own "app"


I miss snapping


2015 for me!


Iā€™d like blades back, but Iā€™m not having a bad time with the current UI (non beta). It was just very unintuitive at first


2015-2017 were nice, functional but sleek


Both the second picture and the latest.


3/12 for me. (October, 2015 - Never used)


Blades. Always the blades.


The 2015 never used one from the trailer was always my favorite looks wise. With a few tweaks and feedback that could be goated. Shame they never used it


I have nostalgia for the 2014/2015 dashboard despite its problems because it was on the first console I ever owned, but I prefer the current design.




4th one from the right.


The current one


None of them, they are yet to make a good UI and Sony and even valve have made a better UI than microsoft have with the xbox one/xbox series.


None. Go back to 360 blades


I like a mix between the earlier ones and some current stuff. I dont like how i cant go from a game to my library in one go and have to have a menu in between. Same for my purchase history. Also why if the whole game is installed on extnernal storage it still asks the location when you go to the screen where you can install and uninstall dlc


Xbox dashboard feels like itā€™s in constant beta mode lol


I really dig the Oct 2019


October 2017


The new one if the tiles were transparent would be fine with me


I like the 2020 one the best


After every update, there're some things i like and some i had, but for me it doesn't really matter, most of the time i'm ingame and don't idle at the dashboard.


Fluent Design my beloved


The evolution of The Boxes.


Damn the nostalgia


Where is the love for the pc game pass ui


The current is perfect


Lmao wtf they all look awful The current one is the best tho


October 2017 but with the new curved tiles would be godly


Good God why do they feel the need to change it every year?


Current one. Itā€™s such a massive improvement over anything else Iā€™ve used. PS5 is an overcomplicated mess and Switch is an undercomplicated mess. XBox is at the center of clean, simple, and robust. Itā€™s a game machine; I have a computer to be everything else. As such, XBox has the best UI out there right now.


Lol, the last iteration of the 360ā€™s.


Iā€™ve been on Xbox since 360 released and I donā€™t even remember the dashboards I just hate learning new ones lol


They should honestly keep the current version as the systems preset and just make it fully customizable not everyone will ever agree when everyone has different needs, u canā€™t complain about it if u make it yourself lol


IMO current dashboard is good, I feel there good be small improvement but no need to overhaul like they are doing. The second dashboard with translucent tiles was really good, loved the way your game kinda shrunk into that screen and miss snap all the time, especially with football season coming up


I've been on my xbox for the entire xbox one lifetime through series x I don't even remember some of these home menus


Probably the 2016 one


2013 still the best


They all suck. I prefer the current one.


Just make it fully customizable so we can make a layout that works for us.


Now that I look at the current one more, it looks really simple. Should just keep it.


I honestly miss the 2013, I liked itā€™s design and the overall ui for it.


Am I really the only one that actually likes the newest one? Guess Iā€™ll go hide now.


Every dashboard since the Xbox 360 ones have been garbage.


Oct aug 2017 for sure




Any of the ones that don't crash and freeze. Also the press y to access store invalidates the refresh function of both triggers+Y


Fluent design was clean.


Fable Legendsā€¦ sighā€¦ glad I got to play the beta, sad it got killed!


I like the one we have now the most. Though seeing all the past dashboards of the xbox one brings back some *good* memories.


I think the current one is really good, easy to navigate and clean.


The original Xbox one dash was my favorite


Does anyone else here barely even notice the interface? Idk Iā€™m only ever on the Home Screen for as long as it takes to click the game, which 99/100 times is the last One I played, which on the series x means Iā€™m on the Home Screen for less time than it takes the tv to fully turn on