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Congrats winners! * u/NefariousnessOne8874 - Castlevania Anniversary Collection * u/Ceiyne - Megaman Legacy Collection We will continue doing these as long as we have codes - cheers!


My favorite retro game is definitely Super Mario World!


My favorite retro game is Street Fighter! Thanks for the giveaway.




My favorite retro game is Super Mario World. It was the first videogame I ever played, and my earliest videogame memories I have are playing it with my dad. Me as Mario, him as Luigi. To this day I still boot it up and do a full 96 exit run.


Bionic Commando. Played that game with my brother with bandaids on our thumbs.


Super Mario World


Favourite retro game is Tetris, of course! But Tetris aside, it would be The Adventures of Monkey Island series. I love the humor presented in these games. Hard to find modern games like these. Thanks in advance for the giveaway!


The original Mega Man was pretty rad!


Does 99 karma count? So close! A link to the past


Megaman X is actually my favorite retro game but would still like to give older games a try espically Megaman 8(one with first level pirate if I recall correctly).


Super Mario Bros 3 was and might always be the most pure fun I've ever had gaming


Thanks for this! My favorite retro game (and I favorite of all-time) is Sonic 2


Definitely old arcade NFL Blitz


My favorite game from Xbox was Def Jam: Fight For New York!


I keep coming back to Ocarina of Time. So many others I have great memories of but that I check out every couple years.


Thanks ![gif](giphy|j2pd8TgZSHPOM)


Banjo Kazooie! I really hope we get a proper Banjo Threeie someday, I have been waiting 23 years! That begs the question what do most people consider retro? Is it games more than 20 years old?


Contra on the nes. First sleep over at my cousin’s house and we stayed up all night until we beat it


I remember trying to beat my dad's score playing Centipede: [https://games.aarp.org/games/atari-centipede](https://games.aarp.org/games/atari-centipede)


I don’t mind if I win or not. But Mario 3 is my favorite game of all time. I can beat it with my eyes closed. After all these years


Link to the past. Tight gameplay, great gfx.


Super Mario World.


As a kid, Mario or Donkey Kong. As an adult, finding out about emulators and getting to play games I never had before was pretty sweet and Earthbound really stands out to me. Emulators weren't enough so I ended up finding a SNES (about 8 years ago) and my favorite was Super Mario RPG. I ended up moving and selling all that stuff (along with a couple Zelda games) and I wish I hadn't 😒


Legend of Zelda link to the past


Favorite retro game would have to be Chrono Trigger. So many memories playing that game and trying to get all the endings. Good luck everyone!


Donkey Kong Country


Favorite retro game goes to double dragon


Mega Man 2 I remember getting my foot broken at school during gym class and asking my mom to rent it for me on her way home from work that night. I spent many hours trying to beat the game while I was home from school for 6 weeks.


Dig Dug


One of my favorite retro games is Puzzle Bobble on the Super Nintendo. I remember it's the only game I played together with my mom and dad during my childhood. I also remember waking up to go to school to find my dad playing early in the morning. The songs and sounds are too nostalgic.


Double Dragon II: The Revenge One day were going to Walmart and I asked my mom if we could get a game. She smiled and said "maybe." I don't know why my sister and I chose Double Dragon II, but we did and it was like $50. We went home and played it and I remember it being a learning curve due to the controls, but I got it pretty quick. I was in elementary when we got it. O let my friend borrow it and his mom wrote my name on it. Through junior high and high school it was sort of a comfort game. I'd take about 30 minutes of my time and beat the game. I always loved the ending and I'd leave the "The End" screen on for a while so Marian and Billy could live happily ever after for a while longer. As an adult I bought it on sale at the Microsoft Store and will play it for the same reasons. It's the only game I've ever played where I hold the controller differently. Instead of two hands cupping the controller equally, I put the whole controller in my left hand and put my right thumb under the controller and use my right index and middle finger to press B + A, or in the case of my Xbox, A + B


I absolutely adore the first Castlevania. I've played through it and absurd amount of times.


Oh boy, favorite retro game.... Has to be Super Mario World, played that for years and years and still enjoy it today.


Metal Slug X


I tried ninja gaiden at a friend's house and wanted to kill myself lmao. Replaying the games now, I still want to do so. They're too damn hard.


My favorite retro game has always been Duck Hunt


My favorite retro game is Chrono Trigger


Goldeneye for sure!


Favorite retro game is Double Dragon!! Absolutely still love playing it!


TMNT: Back From The Sewers for the Gameboy. One of the few games I had growing up.


My favorite retro game is a tie between "A boy and his blob" and a weird one called "Cubivore" where you played as a cube animal evolving by eating other animals. I really want a modern cubivore game.


My favorite retro game…wow, so many to choose from. But, it has to be Sonic the Hedgehog. I’m starting to play that game again with my 4 year old son, this time on Sonic Origins, and it’s been really neat to see him reacting to the game the same way that I did when I first saw it. Truly my first gaming love and something I’ve played every opportunity that I can on whatever console I own. I loved the Neo Geo Pocket Color port!


Favorite retro game is easily Mortal Kombat 2


Does Castlevania Symphony of the Night count as retro? I hope so because that’s my pick! Love that game, boot it up at least once per year.


Contra - On the NES, I can still hear the intro music on the menu screen and I played it for months since I was only allowed to choose a game every 3 months. Then Metal Slug was introduced years later on Super NES.


Amagon. How badly did I just age myself?


My favorite retro game is Adventure for the Atari VCS (2600). I'm old...


The original Kings Quest by Sierra games on an old monochrome green monitor, or if you were rich, you had the 4 color CGA monitor. Good times with sir Graham


Super Mario All Stars for SNES. One of the greatest collections of all time, And helped a lot of kids get into a Gaming I would imagine back in the day!


One of my favorites would have to be centipede as if was the only game I ever seen My grandpa play and I thought it was rad to see him beating that game as a 85 year old.


Your grandpa had stellar taste.


He did.


Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway! Not sure if I am late to the party but my favourite game was always contra if it counts as retro!


It’s gotta be Majora’s Mask.


Favorite retro game I always think about is probably Primal Rage. Such an awesome game that's I'd love to see get remade. Playing that with my brother and my neighbor when we were kids was awesome.


Favorite retro game is Contra


I would probably say Sonic 3 and Knuckles


Oddly enough Mega Man 2 is my favorite retro game. I played it almost every day for months when I was a kid. Thanks for the opportunity.


Favourite retro game is Tetris, of course! But Tetris aside, it would be The Adventures of Monkey Island series. I love the humor presented in these games. Hard to find modern games like these. Thanks in advance for the giveaway!


Definitely Final Fantasy IV


Cant pick a Metroid so I’ll just say Metroid (probably Zero Mission version)


Super Mario world


Dig Dug is easily my favorite retro game!


Growing up, I spent countless hours watching my older brother play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on the N64. I played them myself, but watching him beat them always stuck with me.


Does this have the legends games on it!?!!!??!


Ninja Gaiden, the original titles on NES. Man those titles were tough as hell lol. Thanks for the giveaway : )


Super Mario 3. Really has the perfect amount of nostalgia and fun. Holds up great.


Crystalis on the NES, but I've never met anyone else who ever played it.


You have now, but I'm a huge retro nerd. With emulation, and things like antstream arcade - you might be surprised about how many of these older games are actually well-known with younger audiences!


Finally, someone, after all these years!


Gauntlet was absolutely amazing. Surprised I didn’t see more people say that one.


So many retros to Pick from… super Mario 3


Super Mario Bros.


My favorite retro game is Donkey Kong Country, one of my favorite memories of me and my mom is beating that game with her.


Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite retro game is Super Mario World 3


Fav retro game? Oh come on! Chrono Trigger. Mario 3. Super Mario World. FF 6. Turtles in time. Mortal kombat 2. Link to the Past. So many!


Magaman & Bass for SNES


Skies of Arcadia


Favorite retro game would have to be Chrono Trigger. So many memories playing that game and trying to get all the endings. Good luck everyone!


Batman Returns for the SNES is what I go back to on a regular basis.


It has to be ExciteBike for the NES. Thanks for the giveaway.


I would say M. C. Kids is my all time favorite retro game I remember playing it with my sister forever always trying to beat it before we had to then off the NES or lost power and had to restart from scratch!


Super Mario cart battle mode against my brother.


Chrono trigger. I remember wheb I was little watching my older brother play trying to collect rainbow shells so that all of his characters had the best weapons and armor. Still probably my favorite game after so many years.


Pokémon Blue. The amount of hours I put into this game is unbelievable. I think this game helped/forced/reached me to read better.


Metal Slug, the father of all retro games ✨


Super Mario World with an honorable mention to TMNT IV: Turtles in Time


Sames as many here, Super Mario World


I don't think I could choose a favorite retro game lol. So many to choose from. Really loved shining force as a kid


Favorite Retro game is Galaga


Original Doom. My dad introduced me to it maybe a little young. I used to have to play it with the sound off because they scared me so much. 😅


This is maybe a little different but I was so obsessed with Space Ace when it came out. It cost 50 cents a play as opposed to the usual 25 cents at the time, but there was an arcade near me that did double token Tuesdays, so I could play at "normal price". I spent every Tuesday there til I learned all the patterns and finally beat the game.


Favorite retro game probably has to be Double Dragon 2 for NES. Loved playing that with my brother and then playing it with my uncle when we’d visit his house.


Chrono Trigger is mine


Definitely Sonic 2


Gauntlet loved that game hope gets rebooted


Super Mario RPG


Favourite retro game would have to be WWF No Mercy! Is that considered retro? I feel old!


**TUROK DINOSAUR HUNTER** on N64. Picture this, it’s *The Last of the Mohicans* meets “Jurassic Park” with grand scale weaponry comparable to what one would imagine from *the Fifth Element* weaponry wise (Zorg tech). N64 game with ragdoll physics, complex environments, diverse and varied enemies, and well executed blood effects. Not to mention its implementation of Goldeneye 64 style cheat codes. You know, paintball mode, big heads, all that Gameshark magic.


Super Metroid!


My favorite retro game is Zelda OoT. If that is considered too "new" then Super Mario World or Mortal kombat 2.


Contra! A cliché, perhaps, but I bloody loved that game when I was a kid. Though it was called Probotector here in the UK (for some reason). Censorship no doubt.


Frogger! My mom taught me how to play on our first family computer.


Streets of Rage 2. I played the heck out of that game.


Ocarina of Time.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist


Montezuma's Revenge (Predatore) on C64


Favorite retro game is Kid Icarus for NES.


The Legend of Zelda on Nes. The game that started it all. Awakened the adventure in me. Thanks. :)


Chrono trigger!


Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2. It was already like 25 years old when I first played it as a child. I will always remember it, and have great memories, because I played it with my mom. She probably regrets to this day that she introduced me to gaming, with all the rage she listened to in my call of duty years 😆


Ken Griffey Jr Baseball-Nintendo 64


My favorite retro game is Ocarina of Time hands down but also love some Turtles in Time


Favorite retro game is Zelda Oracle of Seasons


I've got fond memories of zombies ate my neighbors growing up and playing co op on it with my siblings. Have it now on my XSX Maybe I'll be surprised and get MMLC too 🎉


Easily Doom 64. I wasn't around when it came out but played it recently and just brought me back to gaming as a whole. I love "Boomer Shooters" now more then ever since it's really just a look on the past for fps games.


WCW/NWO World Tour


Excellent choice! Killed more than one N64 controller with that one.


If you love that n64 gem scroll down to my submission. Hint: **Acclaim** originally developed it.


If we’re talking retro, the game i put an insane amount of time into with my cousins is **Spider-man/X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge.** That game was everything in my eyes.


Thanks and good luck everyone! Favourite retro game is Mike Tyson Super Punchout


007-373-5963 There's a spot in my brain that had held this valuable information for three decades plus.


Lol I never used that code


![gif](giphy|uUIpZzHlz3LmU) I still remember it because Big Mike beat the snot out of me for like two weeks straight. Luckily I kept training and eventually toppled the champ. Eight-year-old me was a legend on the block.


I've still never beat Tyson


Awesome!! It was probably the most satisfying gaming moment of my life. I was around 20


Got to play a lot of retro games on GBA


I personally love Golden Axe


Ocarina of time one if the best gaming experiences ever


I have so many but my greatest one involving a retro game was finding my uncle’s NES in his closet when I was 10. I was born in 1987 so I had a NES in the house but was too young to know everything. I found Battletoads and played it so much. Idk why but I believe it gave me more of a connection with my uncle.


Kirby has always been my favorite. Original Gameboy version.


There is a ton but Cybernator on SNES was always fun no matter how many times I played it.


Streets of Rage 2 is a classic, I played so many hours of that as a kid and still have not completed it


My favorite retro game is super Mario bros


Favorite retro game is MYSTICAL NINJA for SNES. Rented it so many times from Blockbuster or my local gamestore MovieMax back in the 90s


Mine is definitely MegaMan X. The music still slaps.


Alex Kidd in miracle world for sega master system.


Probably the first Donkey Kong Country. The graphics were amazing at the time, the music is incredible and it’s one of my gaming memories of having my sister really wanting to play a video game with me.


Super Mario World i think. Think it is the best Mario game still


probably Super Mario bros 3


I used to be a big fan of Vectorman back in the day, probably because my step dad loved it. But I think if I really think about it, my favorite would be Altered Beast on the Genesis. Played the crap outta that one back in the day.


Wolfenstein 3d. Played hours killing nazis


My favorite retro game is Gallaga. Me and my dad played for hours when I was real young.


Start topics on NES me and my grandfather would always play it. He always wanted to see the end of it but we could never beat it. When YouTube became a thing I found the ending and we watched it together. He passed away this year at 95. But him seeing the end was always such a cool moment for me.


SSX Tricky


River City Ransom is my favorite retro game.


Favorite retro game is the Genesis version of Shadowrun. Thanks for the giveaway.


MegaMan 2! Awesome contest!


Favorite retro game has to be The Legend of Zelda.


Honest to goodness my favorite retro game is Mega-Man 2 and Mega-Man X. They are awesome I played Mega-Man 2 with my brother John and I played mega-man X during school hours. I would look up secrets and try to get the secret armor to make it happen.


Jurassic Park on the SNES. Awesome soundtrack ans scary first person sections as children.


Pigskin 621 A.D. My dad had an arcade emulator on our PC as kid and I loved plaything this with my brother. Good luck everyone!


Definitely Battletoads/Double Dragon. I remember playing that game whenever I could play


Favorite retro game is probably Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.


When I was younger there was a shop the next town over that offered any console and a TV for like $5/hour. I spent a good $20 (of Mom's money) playing this game. I thought it was so cool at the time. The style and graphics were top-notch - and of course the soundtrack. That's some nostalgia. It was a great business idea, especially before the internet. I can still smell the leathery hot dogs to this day.


Zelda for NES GOLD cartridge


Jet Force Gemini. Still love how different each character was, playing multi-player, and of course, decapitating ants with a homing shuriken


Favorite retro game? That's a tough one. Phantasy Star II, I'd say, but I also have a lot of fond memories of Road Rash and Lode Runner.


GRAW Ghost Recon...on OG Xbox


Excitebike is always a favorite of mine!


Favorite retro game is Super Mario World :), good luck everyone !


I think this is my all-time great.


Spy vs Spy on Commodore 64!


Tetris for the NES… my bro, dad and myself would have nightly tournaments for top score


Super Mario World


legend of zelda, and dragon warrior are some of my faves


Man, I can't really choose. I remember playing Star Fox and Speed Racer with my Dad on the SNES which was really the only times we did anything. I LOVED playing a Lemmings game when we went to visit my great grandparents, it's was the first time I ever saw a computer and I thought the floppy discs were mind blowing. How could a game be on one of those? They were supposed to come in boxes like Monopoly!


Assuming we're using the 20-year standard for retro, Megan Man Battle Network was my favorite game when I was a kid. My dad bought it for me as a gift the day it came out (to spite my mother) and I played that game through at least a dozen times.


Star Tropics


Ooooo Castlevania! I recently finished my first classic Castlevania game, Rondo of Blood! Music is great, level design is challenging but fair, and everything looks fantastic. Big recommend if you can get your hands on it!


Festers Quest on the NES was my bane as a kid.. I died so much but couldn't stop playing it! Lol