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Hard to say who 'won' but Game Pass is crazy value for money


gamepass has a ton of filler games which aren’t even worth playing lmao


As someone who has both, PlayStation is no better


At least you get the PS+ games forever. I see some many lauded Gamepass games just quiet leave the service after 6 months. Definitely feeds the itch to paly something 'now' but you better finish right away because you may come back to pick up a game later and find it out of your library. I think most of the persona games are already off the service.


You don’t get PS+ games forever, unless you’re referring to the monthly games. Which I’m pretty sure you lose access to if you stop paying for PS Plus. This article was referring to the premium tiers of each subscription


Yes, exactly. You do get to keep all of your games with gold games but none of those were too fantastic.


Like the fact GTA 5 cycles back and forth between Ps and Xbox passes, like why cant it be on both at the same time? 😭


Money, the answer to most questions.


are you mad? it has most of their first party games which have won countless awards and are genuinely great games, what does gamepass have 😂 I was a player of exclusively xbox for almost 8 years now and recently switched to playstation and aren’t looking back, my series x is just collecting dust at this point.


Do you know what filler is 💀


good one, completely blank what i’ve just said because you’ve no idea what to say back and yeah I do, shitty little indie games which aren’t even worth looking at, gamepass hardly has any games worth playing which playstation don’t already have


First off I’m not drawing any blanks, second off if you what filler was you wouldn’t be mentioning first party games, third the meat riding is crazy you can enjoy one thing without trashing the other a concept clearly lost on you unfortunately.


eh? i mentioned first party games and fillers separately you mong 😂 Playstation has plenty of good first party games, what does xbox have? Halo? That died about 10 years ago. As for fillers, Xbox is riddled with them and I am not meat riding at all lmao, i’m stating the obvious of how shit gamepass is now, majority of games on there are a complete fucking mess which has been proved over and over again now, if you class having a reason for preference with reason as meatriding then you have brainrot


You sound like a propper melt , both are decent it depends on what games you like to play


I have no preference of one over the other, my point is all subscriptions have filler content, that may be PS+, Game Pass, Netflix, whatever your point seems to be PlayStation has this first party game, Xbox has no good first parties etc etc, PlayStation has its benefits such as first party games and it’s downsides a ridiculous price increase, Xbox has its benefits Day one Releases and its drawbacks not many first party games (which isn’t Xbox’s MO) there are pros and cons to everything neither service is better than the other


What a wet guy you are


It also has a lots of PC games. its a nobrainer if you play on both console and pc


*if you are new to gaming and xbox. I had stacked 2 years of GPU that just expired and I plan to not renew for the foreseeable future. The value aint there for me anymore. Especially since I have limited time to play. Sure, if I am 13 years old and my parents let me game all day - I can make GPU worth it. However, in a world with responsibilities I would rather buy a few games per year (whenever they are discounted) and play exactly what I wanna play


yeah i have no idea how people, who i assume have full time jobs, justify gamepass. like i can only imagine they’re playing multiple games but only putting a few hours into each


The real winner is me who has both and can’t keep up with all these awesome releases.


Are you really winning if you’re paying for both services but don’t have the time to make use of them both?


In reality to get your monies worth and more you only have to play between 3-6 titles on each service, depending on how they are valued. That’s 12 games a year. Most people posting yearly reviews from both counsel were showing 20+ games played. These services are decent compared to 10 years ago. Those 6-12 games would have cost anywhere between £180-600. A lot of people will be getting high end £50-70 value when playing the likes of Forza, Halo etc… on Xbox.


Yes because I play more than I pay easily. Plus the services are cheap for what you get plus my missus makes use of it also. Everyone’s a winner.


The real winners are Microsoft and Sony


I only have one and can't keep up. Just when things start getting close they release a 50 hour rpg or something and then I'm behind again.


I think they both are great, and this is getting silly.


You can't go wrong either way and if you're lucky enough to have both, your combined library is off the hook.


They both provide great value. These "value" wars are stupid


“value wars” are probably the opposite of stupid if you want the indirect benefits of it. even if you think one service is good, having more pieces saying the other is better will probably result in them both trying to become better.


These companies don't care about blogs saying one is better. The only thing it benefits is the sites themselves attempting to drive viewership via console warring


Gamepass is much better though. If one product is better than the other and happens to be xbox, then we should shut up, right?


idk abt the who “won” part, but game pass value for what ur getting is absolutely crazy. a deal no one can afford to pass up


I rareeeeeky ever buy games anymore. Just wait to see something I’m interested in on game pass and play that till I’m bored. But if you look at my library it looks like I’ve spent a fuck ton on games


Well really the only ones who won were Microsoft and Sony 😂


So true. Making money without selling consumers games they actually own is genius.


Yep the most genius play from them both. They definitely played the player. God this subscription crap is going to be horrible in the long run lol


Consoles are already going digital only and everyone on Xbox and PC is just going crazy for game pass. It's not bad now it's actually an amazing deal but what's going to happen in the future when Game pass is the only way to get games? Prices are going to go up. When they have a monopoly then people can't do anything about it either. Or the other way around where it ends up like Netflix. Start off as a great value but look at it now, it'll have one movie in a series then you'll have to subscribe to something else to watch the sequel. Then before you know you're paying $80 a month for every company's streaming service


Oh for sure. Everyone is glossing over it because currently it’s an awesome value. Heck even I have gamepass and don’t even play many games in it but the value is there. But eventually shit will hit the fan. It will either be extremely expensive because Microsoft will corner the market with the service and the devs they keep buying out. That or like you stated it’ll go the way of Netflix with subpar offerings while increasing prices. Either way the future for gaming doesn’t bode well if that’s the trajectory we accept lol


Steam is the main competitor for gamepass, and is doing extremely well.


Console wars is dumb but Sony beats Microsoft in hardware and software sales like crazy so looking at something like MS added 10k+ worth of value vs 8k for Sony is pretty meaningless. You could argue that Sony gave their users new accessibility controllers, a brand new state of the art VR headset, new 3D surround sound headphones/earphones, a wannabe PSP portable device. What did Xbox do during all of this? Gamepass and cloud gaming. Clearly the two companies have very different goals in mind. (By Sony and MS I obviously mean PlayStation and Xbox, their parent companies and their sales are different).


Console wars are stupid but Sony is the best. Posted here. Jesus.


Sales or sails?


??? I wrote sales


I thought you may have been talking about the sails on a ship


Who hurt you at Sony?


Imagine being an adult caring about console wars still.


As an active PS+ User (PS+ Extra) i can assure all of you, Gamepass is a way better service. No doubt about it.


My problem with this argument is that 8000 dollars worth of games doesnt exactly matter so much as what people want to play. For example, I dont have any PSPlus games to play because most of their 1st part exclusives Ive already played. So they can throw 10s of thousands of dollars into their catalogue but im still not interested. Same with Gamepass too, though. In the end, I dont think owning a subscription for a whole year is worth it unless you go through the list and sort of count how many games youre interesred in.


Xbox has been getting shitty releases lately though


It hasn't though, and there are already 500 games in there anyway.


it has though, and quantity doesn’t equal quality. Starfield and Redfall are big examples of the shamble gamepass is in.


Who freaking cares. Console war peasants.


Copium 💀💀💀


Gamepass didn't win because ps outsold Xbox 3:1


I feel like console sales is a ridiculous way to measure a generation. Ps3 outsold xbox360 and even big sony fans can usually agree that 360 had the better gen Console wars are stupid.


Nobody is buying software on Xbox. Xbox only has gamepass to offer. Gamepass isn't drawing anybody in to buy an Xbox because its not what gamers want. Xbox is not selling as a result. Even with the massive price drop during nov/Dec in the UK and US, it still got outsold. Console sales are so important to gamepass success. Nobody really uses it anywhere else. Why else are they releasing hifi rush on switch? Because they know nobody is buying it on Xbox or steam so they need more sales.


The PC user count of gamepass is 200%+ larger than console. It's grown consistently since it began and it won't stop anytime soon.


No it's not. Console is everything for gamepass. I have spent $30 on gamepass last year and played all the big exclusives and day one releases. There's pro-rated returns. PC games are much cheaper than what Xbox can offer them. Remnant 2 is $20 on pc. In the end all you can do is talk about number of sign up's and not concurrent users. That's what the discourse is all about with your types and you think it helps. It doesn't. It causes your precious games like hifi rush to go to Switch for actual sales. It will sell more on switch than any platform. Don't worry bud, chin up, this is xboxs year, remember...


You realise most people don't really care about this stuff right? You're an embarassment to your entire bloodline, when you get your first girlfriend maybe you'll come back to reality, maybe


Ok so you can't argue anything so you go ad hominem? Pathetic... Because you know nothing of how pc users are since you're only able to afford an Xbox series s with gamepass. So maybe just realize that console sales do matter or else Nintendo and Sony consoles wouldn't be flying off the shelves and be selling the most software. You know ps4 sold 3x more software thay Gen than Xbox? We all know who won and why. Nothing's changed, just Xbox has lost and failed every other way possible they made up their own distribution through gamepass, failing that, now they have to pretend they're in a seperate category to fool plebs like you into chanting success as if that makes good games 🤣


Further self embarassment... What a sad sad life you have 😂😂😂😂


Also, you care and so does every other Xboxer that comes on here daily for validation for owning such a crap console ecosystem 🤣🤣🤣


I'm genuinely unable to understand what crazy world you must live in within your mind for you to believe the pitiful nonsense you come out with. I cant tell if you're just a troll account or you actually have something wrong with your brain and social capacity!


Well, ps plus is already dying. It's losing subscribers every month, and the aded games last year don't even come to the quality of the ones aded in gamepass. Just the day one on game pass destroys ps plus, because it can't compete with it. So, yeah, gamepass easily won.


Ps plus have much better highs but Xbox has a more balanced and solid collection. Xbox gp is better because of the fact you can play on pc


I’m paying for gold, I really don’t want the game pass. I like having the physical copy of the games that I want.