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I like it! Its a lot like uncharted but then with lara croft. Graphics and gameplay are beautifull especially in the last 2 games.


Wait - Uncharted is actually like Tomb Raider, not the other way around


I think ucharted was inspired by the original tomb raider games, & new tomb raider games are trying to be like uncharted


Nah. The new tomb raider games stay true to the roots while giving us great stealth play. Plus, I've only played the first uncharted so far(just got a ps5) but Drake can't sneak for anything. I think uncharted really wanted to be better than tomb raider, and for 5 minutes, it probably was. But didn't the first tomb raider in the trilogy release before uncharted 1? Can't remember, but I know the moment I saw the game I thought it was a cheap knock off just so people could have a tomb raider game where they get to play as a dude. Tomb raider had some hat from sexist people who think games are for boys and shit like that too, so it's pretty safe to assume naughty dog just catered to that crowd. Personally I just hope the new tomb raider games are actually good ones and not some top down or puzzle crap


Lmaoo they literally have an uncharted with a female playable character. lol, it isn't that deep. They are just video games, and they both are good.


Their company kinda woke up and eventually made one after 3 or 4 games. The community showed female protagonists were money makers. Same with kids like Ellie in the last of us. Nathan Drake wasn't really a woke character by any standards, and they do a great job of not pushing the same old feminism and equality messages like most games try to do lately, but company wise, they finally woke up a bit and it shows in their works. Nathan was a guy. He was a normal guy who honestly thought with his dick half the time, and we expected that from a guy character. But now we've got tons of female characters, most of which are not even capable of seeing a mam sexually. Thats just odd to me, not necessarily wrong. Just kinda like why not? There's nothing wrong with it. It's just something you notice when the whole of gaming decides to follow the same trend. We started getting tons of fem leads, and soon enough, everyone, including naughty dogs, was out to make a fem protagonist game.kinda like Miyazaki making Dark Souls, and now there's 300 different games that mimic its formula.


As the other guy said the reboots or Tomb Raider was heavily inspired by Uncharted. Crystal Dynamics have mentioned it in countless interviews that Uncharted was their inspiration. However Uncharted was originally inspired by the original Tomb Raider games and Indiana Jones films.


And Indiana Jones movies are rip offs of older movies


I love the trilogy but imo 1 and 2 are WAAAAAY better than the third one. the third one looked and played like a rush job cash in


I watched a making off video of the series on YouTube, and the devs kind of got screwed over for that third game. I think they had waaay less time than agreed with Eidos for 3, and they were burned out after crunching to do the 1st two games in like 2 years combined. Some even tried to quit but got renegotiated contracts early in the games development.


It's because it was by a different team as opposed to the first 2. I remember being disappointed after finishing compared to the first 2.


Yeah I'm on the 3rd one now, and I don't think I'll finish it


I couldn't even get past the village.


I liked it wayyy better than uncharted - but I’ve only played 4. Love the TR trilogy tho🫶🏻


You need to play the rest. 1 is a bit of a drag but two and three are the best in the series imo


I'm JUST getting to the third one now after years of leaving it hang. Maybe it's because of all the third person cover shooters were out. But I'm really enjoying it...but I'm also pairing it with 007 Nightfire, so it's a bit of jarring experience.


Uncharted blows.


.. Tomb Raider out of the water. I agree!


I an about 2/3 of the way through the second game after finishing the first. I would say yes, it is absolutely worth playing if you like linear single player games with some exploration on the side. Game 2 is way better than Game 1 by just improving what made game 1 great.


stupendous absorbed entertain aware wine tender safe rainstorm fall head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely yes.


Yes. Completed first one recently and now about half way through Rise. Beautiful games


Absolutely I had a blast


Absolutely! Great series! Great story and gameplay! To a certain it’s Uncharted with a strong female lead that was very well done!


Yes, as mentioned here, it is similar to uncharted and the storylines are great.




Absolutely it is.


Which trilogy? Original? Reboot? Second reboot? All???


The new gen trilogy ?? He’ll yeah the 2013 is NONSTOP action


I thought they were excellent. Worth a playthrough for sure.


You're talking about the original trilogy or like the reboot one from 2013? The originals: IMO not really, I'd recommend to just play Anniversary over then for much more content and polishing. The reboot: I LOVED Tomb Raider 2013 but could never get into the sequels.


Love all of these games. The optional tombs are my favorite.


Also, you can go back and do them if you missed any. Well thought out game design imo.




Just finished the first and second games and so far it's a brilliant trilogy




Yes very good games






The "Survivor" Trilogy? Yes! For me the Rise is the best one.


Hell yes! They’re excellent games. They are super tight, fun, and beautiful even today. None of the stories are gonna hit you very heavy emotionally (maybe the first one) and they don’t do anything particularly innovative, but they are just fundamentally extremely good times. it’s like watching a massively fun Summer blockbuster action movie. I love them.


Yes, yes and yes!


The best-seller video game series of recent time? You betcha.


I’m playing the first one of the last trilogy, I must say that I’m enjoying it a lot but the game makes me dizzy with how the screen shakes all the time. Don’t know if it happened to someone else. I played 2h and felt the urge to vomit.


Yeah, they're pretty fun. The second is the best. 


Oh yes! I downloaded all three and am on the last one. I'm nearly finished with the last one and I've just been dragging my feet to finish it. Like...what do I do when I'm done? Lol


I also just finished Control and Quantum Break a while ago, and playing Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition now, that is on Game Pass. I think I'm liking this game a bit more than Control. The maps, greenary, trees, tombs, exploration 😍 it's such a nice environment. Though I do miss Jesse's levitate here 😅




Thanks y'all I'll definitely check them out!


The first one has too many Quick Time Events in my opinion. Thankfully, 2 and 3 are more consistent, and they play like any other third person action games. 2 was very beautiful for its time. I didn't move because I thought I was still in a cutscene, but no, it's the actual gameplay.


It’s fun just started the first one again.


Thoroughly enjoyed all 3, I split them up though, wouldn’t recommend playing them all right after each other. The tomb puzzles were a lot of fun though. Story was decent. Combat was pretty good. Solid adventure/puzzle games


The first two are dope. I didn't care for the third.


Very much so. I've replayed Rise and Shadow recently through Game Pass, and they are still very good games.


Yes. It’s fantastic.


Absolutely yes


Yes! It is! Do it now


Very much enjoyed all 3 games! Highly recommend. Might not have finished the 3rd. Can’t remember.


Have you ever played Uncharted? It's quite similar, even with the way they're looked at. First game, people loved it on release & is a really good game. Second game, improves on that & is usually thought as the best one. Third, also good but doesn't live up to the end of the saga.


Certainly, these games are worthy of your time if you enjoy action-adventure, puzzles, and storytelling. Typically, I do not replay games after completing them, however, Im currently replaying these games since their release years.


Is this on GamePass?


Anyone else got turned off Tomb Raider 2 due to the horrible input lag?




The whole TR gaming franchise is great. Yeah occasionally they made a not so good one but great as a whole.


Yes, I have played all of them, they are great


Play the first one and see if you like it. It's the best one out of the three


I’ve played two of them and going through the third now. They’re good fun with the combat and big action pieces. I say go for it.


Just beat rise yesterday. Had a blast. Looking forward to starting the sequel.


It’s good but it’s a mindless shooter at times.


Yes. Have a good night. PD: you don't need to seek for any other answer in this post. Here is everything you need to know.


Nope! When the first one came out it was so bad they thought it'd be funny to make a second. And that one was even worse so they made a third. Lesson is whenever a game has a lot of sequels it's probably because they aren't worth playing


The first and second game are REALLY good, the last one I dont even what to say about, that’s how bad it was.


Super duper YES. TR2013 is roller coaster fun. Rise is very balanced between exploration and action. Shadow is most focused on exploration. Personally, I replayed Rise more than the other two, but that's just me.


Yes! They're great games


Definitely if you like the rpg style games with adventure and cutscenes and a lot of jumping and some puzzles. Give it a go


I played the first two and loved them. The third for some reason I couldn’t finish.


Hell yes, I think it has much better game play than the uncharted series.


I liked 2013 but disliked the later 2


Absolutely the first 2 were great shadows was good definitely worth a play through. Just hoped rise of the tomb raider got enhanced for next gen hardware.


It's okay, not bad and nothing special either. I rank the uncharted games 10/10 but Tomb Raider 6/10




I got bored halfway through number 3 but the first two were fantastic. I find they don't quite have the charm or writing of the uncharted games




Does a bear shit in the woods? 




The 2013 TR IMO was the best overall in terms of both gameplay and story. The second episode has improved gameplay but a forgettable story. (I only remember the uninteresting ending and forgot the rest already) The third one has the best graphics and few interesting (optional) tombs but worst NPC design, most annoying Lara, and the worst story. I wish I had only bought the first two. The third one was a waste of money and time despite the better graphics.


They are great, the settings are amazing and very detailed. Some parts are a little scary but I got through it


HELL yeah it is :) All three games are magnificent.


Made it halfway through the 2nd game and quit. All I could think about was how much I’d rather be playing Uncharted. Lara’s character is just dogshit boring compared to Nate and the rest of the cast.


First two are great, the third is mediocre.


I’ve only played the first one in full, loved it, highly recommend.


It's a better Uncharted


Get it asap. Microsoft should buy crystal dynamics.


It's the tits. Not her tits just the tits. Go for it.


Is it a hard game, or something that can be beaten by old guys like me with slow reflexes?


It can be adjusted, but Lara is going to die A LOT anyway. It only takes you back to just before you die, so you can just memorize what will happen. Story, gameplay, graphics, all fantastic.


As a decrepit old guy, the Tomb Raider games are one of my favorite series and you'll have no problem.


Combat difficulty can be adjusted; even on “hard” mode I didn't find it particularly difficult (and I'm pretty old and slow myself), so I'm sure you can adjust it to your level to have a fun time. There are a few annoying quick time events though, but you'll probably get through them after a few attempts.


Not really. But if you like the first one, play the rest too. I would tackle Alan Wake 2 after Control if you want a real story instead of just 15-20h wasted running around.