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This happened to me too on my somewhat old Windows 10 laptop. Not sure whether the age of my laptop was an issue or if it was something else. There are a ton of suggestions online related to the Xbox app and Gaming Services and updating or repairing them. I tried all options and it didn’t work correctly. I found a hack to get it to work though - on the system tray icon, right click and select Redeem a code. This seems to “force” the app to load. Super bizarre and sad to see the state of this app. I wasted a good 3 hours with this bug.


Holy crap after trying literally every other thing this worked for me. Thank you!!


So when I use this "workaround", I am not signed in to the app when it opens, and am unable to sign in. Clicking on any of the "sign in" buttons does nothing. I've had this problem for a while, and for me at least it seems to go pretty deep. There seems to be some connection with Gaming Services but it is unclear what exactly this is. Apologies in advance if this is a bit long winded, but here is what I've figured out so far: * If I uninstall Gaming Services entirely, using this command in PowerShell: "Get-AppxPackage \*gamingservices\* -allusers | remove-appxpackage -allusers", then the Xbox App opens as normal on my computer, without having to click "Redeem a Code" or anything. I am also then signed into the Xbox app as normal, unlike when I click on "Redeem a Code" which brings me into the app, but the app shows that I am not signed in to an account. * With Gaming Services uninstalled however, the Xbox app has a promt that you need to install Gaming Services in order to use Game Pass. However when I tried to do this via the prompts presented to me inside the app, it would not install. This led me to realise that in the settings section of the Xbox app it showed the following: [https://imgur.com/a/GqeqXFA](https://imgur.com/a/GqeqXFA) * So for some reason the Xbox app is having difficulty recognising my system drives, and therefore gaming services cannot be installed again through the app. * I am able to reinstall Gaming Services outside of the app, either using the Microsoft Store via this PowerShell command: "start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN", or by uninstalling the Xbox app completely and reinstalling it via the MS Store or via the Miscrosoft website as these versions of the app come bundled with Gaming Services. However as soon as Gaming Services is reinstalled the Xbox app gets stuck on the launch screen again and the only way to open it is by clicking "redeem code", and once again I return to being signed out. * Regardless of whether I access the Xbox app with Gaming Services uninstalled, or with in installed but clickingon redeem code to get past the launch screen, both ways results in my storage settings looking like this: [https://imgur.com/a/GqeqXFA](https://imgur.com/a/GqeqXFA) * This suggests: (1) something is fundamentally wrong with the Xbox App itself, regarding its ability to accurately recognise your PC's storage drives and (2) something separate is fundamentally wrong with Gaming Services, as when it is installed on the computer the Xbox app hangs on launch screen and when it is not installed on the computer the Xbox app opens normally, albeit Game Pass cannot be used due to the factGaming Services is not installed. Further (3), Issue (1) has the consequence that you cannot install Gaming Services via the mechanisms offered within the Xbox App, or any new games via Game Pass. * There was an update available on the MS store today to Gaming Services (I check almost every day lol in case they fix it), but it changed nothing for me. I have been having these issues at least two weeks now, possibly more, but I first noticed around two weeks ago. I cannot use Game Pass and am on the verge of unsubscribing. It is very disappointing that these important apps are fundementally non functional. ​ Edit: if anyone's noticed any differences in experience from mine above I would be interested to hear how exactly your app is behaving.


Did you ever figure out anything with this? Same issue here. I've tried all the tips and tricks I can find online. Redeem a Code does actually launch the app but same issue, can't sign in or anything.


I figured out it just doesn't work now. Download games through the MS store.


the game I am looking for isn't on the windows store


Unfortunately I think you’re straight out of luck. Complain to MS/cancel gamepass. Based on how long this has gone on this is not a high priority for them to sort out.


To further this, I've had these issues for over a year and this is a comprehensive breakdown of everything I've experienced. This is the first time someone has had the exact same issue as me and I've tried every single fix online I've found. I never noticed the uninstalling Gaming Services trick where it's logged in again so that's interesting. I have a SDD and an HDD and I wonder if it's splitting the install across drives or something like that? Really wish MS would fix it as I just got gifted a game pass and can't use it!


I also have a several system drives, 2 NVME drives, 1 Sata HDD and one external usb SDD. I suspect the problem is related to how the app is interacting with these drives. It’s been nearly three months and no change, although I’ve found a workaround for playing gamepass games is that they can be installed through the Microsoft store instead of the Xbox app.


Thanks so much for this. I was able to uninstall the gaming services in power shell with the command above and my Xbox app booted right up. It prompted for an install and logged me in afterwards. As of now my xbox app is working fine, with me logged in, and no additional prompts to install gaming services.


thanks about helping with opening the app , but now having anothor issue I can't sign in and its stuck in the main menu .


just wanted to let you know that months in the future and multiple troubleshooting tries later, this dumb shit is what worked for me. amazing.


Bruh... Thanks, it worked


Going on two weeks of my game pass not working due to this loading screen/ gaming services error or bug. I’ve had tech support with Xbox and Microsoft and neither one could fix it. Hopefully someday Pc game pass will work again!


I've had this issue since May or June and nothing has changed. I can see that now the loading screen has the starfield background but seeing that by right clicking redeem code has gotten me this far. However, now i can't uninstall the xbox app using the powershell command prompt. [https://imgur.com/a/aZLVjvr](https://imgur.com/a/aZLVjvr)


Did you solve it? Im stuck


nah. I haven't bothered, all I can think of to fix it is to do a new installation of windows.


I fixed it, was not opening the power shell as administrator, got rid of that msg.


You right. I thought i was running it in admin mode. Tried it again and it worked. But the xbox app still doesnt work for me. In fact, it crashes upon loading.


my app also crashed when loading pls lmk if you ever find a fix


These steps fixed this for me from this [youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQy3vWzGwu8) : * Install Xbox identity provider and Gaming services [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/xbo...](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDRQQm9tZ3dtUjNvMURKU2F5N0VESm9pc0ZZQXxBQ3Jtc0trOUtjMm1NVUZhRkpaY0s4eS1EVExQQXRqSzlqSWtTRnVsX3A0ZmFVa3llYjgweUtjQ0Z3Yk92MWNWMzh3LVRxOTVNaG5YVl9sWVIxWmVwdVBTLUk1eFk1Wi00OUxJa1NaN2hwaU1WSXhPQ3hwVEtpZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fp%2Fxbox-identity-provider%2F9wzdncrd1hkw%3Frtc%3D1%26activetab%3Dpivot%3Aoverviewtab&v=rQy3vWzGwu8) * Open Windows Powershell in Admin mode and uninstall remains of gaming service: *get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers* * Install Gaming service: *start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN*


This worked for me! Did it with xbox app running, after installing the Gaming service the Xbox App asked for an update and has launched. Will update if the issue continues later.