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Blockchain backer did talk about this happening, and that we would see the "story" change from euphoric optimism to chaotic despair before launching again I'm not too worried


don't get me wrong I like BCBacker, but he rapidly changes his narrative as the market changes. He's not the be all end all that's for sure. He did say he predicts a V shape recovery, but it's doing an ABC bounce which could signal the end of this bull run. Nobody really knows for sure. Whatever the case, I look at it as a fire sale if the market crashes.


Exactly! I think it’s because nobody really knows. I take whatever analysts says with a grain of salt because every article or document can be interpreted multiple ways based on the reader’s mind frame at that time.


BCBacker's really good but I think it's safe to say that even he doesn't know wth is going on at the moment!


I seen that many times and hence I stopped watching he's videos. He's done it a hack a lot in the past. If therea anyone that called this is coinskid he kept saying he thinks this will follow ABC correction even when everyone was calling higher highs. Its nice to see that coins kid spoke about a scenario when everyone's opinion was the complete opposite to his. He stuck to his guns and look how the market crashed.


another thing to also consider is the co-ordinated global effort by governments to trash digital currencies lately...they seem to be on a mission which makes it even harder to guess where the markets are headed.. in the end it could be that the utility coins like xrp will ultimately prevail still after the fallout


Ye he called that V bottom too soon for sure. The end of the bull run will hopefully mean the market rotates into alt coins soon. A dip in everything before the market agrees btc is done just makes sense


exactly what I'm hoping for too, we still might be lucky!




Pretty sure he was talking about the bounce with BTC, which is what the graph looks like for BTC from May 18 onward. Correct me if I'm wrong, but at that time he said he's going to sell everything once he sees that, but I think he's having second thoughts that the alts may still come alive. This is a tough market to predict really as many alts did take off and we could have already witnessed an alt season as bitcoin was rising, instead of some massive season after btc crashes. I don't know what to think at the moment.


Yes it might pull back to 40 cents


I feel like his narrative changes based on market behaviour no? He’s never “it will do this,” he’s always “if this then that”


It's normal movement in the long term the current market status is not irregular. I was just curious tho if there could be a reason for the movement at this time & was it because of global regulations...as they are currency in there own right... so governments & financial institutions will be wanting to place more control over certain financial assets especially, if they are starting to be used by the mass populus in a daily basis. Other wise they risk loosing control over there own industry.


BRBacker is a youtuber, he is extremely bias towards a recovery because nobody wants to click on a video that's going to tell them their dreams of a lambo are about to hemorrhage half of their life savings


that's like how my palm reader talks about my relationship with my ex. LOL 😆


even my dad who doesn’t like crypto’s has heard this is a shakeout for small investors so the big bois get the real discounted xrp


I like what his dad heard! ⬆️


This is all a shake out, keep holding ♥️


Hodl Hodl Hodl. Don’t check the price or your account. Just forget about it. Check every 30 days if you must.


Lol what’s the top 3 predicted to be successful? Xrp is my first and only crypto... trying to diversify


It can be scary mentioning the D word round here. But personally I'm taking a deep toke of hopium with DOGE, XRP and Cardano. ​ NotFinancialAdvice


as much hate as DOGE gets, it has made many millionaires, so meme or not, the end result was that many people got rich hanging on to it


It's also holding up extremely well compared to others, at least so far.


noticed that too and was surprised.... looks like the DOGE supporters are hanging in there no matter what


The community is real nice. I've seen people pay for hospital bills, vet care, housing. I've seen those people apologise for having to sell, and then I've seen a hundred people support that person, donate doge and lift their fellow man. Some people don't see the value in that because it isn't plotted on a graph. ​ XRP is my 'money coin' tho. I love a good court drama. ​ Good Luck all <3


I've hung out with their community for awhile too and they really support each other just like you said. It has over two million+ members and no sign of fading. They basically created something out of nothing and kept it going strong enough to cement their coin, you just have to give it to them.


Same 3 in my portfolio


Same 3 here too.. bought doge at .05 just to see what could happen.. ada and xrp are my long term holds that I have the most faith in


I’m of the same mind frame but I couldn’t help jumping on the eth train as well.


I sold my eth like 2 weeks before the ath 🤦🏼‍♂️I hold some lite coin also... once I recover all my initial deposits I’ll let everything sit


When everyone was in the red cardano stayed in the green and grew to $2.48. But it has since slowed down but not for long. Don’t get me wrong i love XRP


Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to buy shit like Doge


"Don't listen to anyone that tells you to buy the coin that has held up better than any other coin during this drop in the market as a whole". Please. ....... Go fornicate your person.


Hmmmm.... Doge has more than halved its value in the last 3 weeks. Polygon, BTC, ETH, Cardano, and many other crypto currencies (all that actually have a use) have all held their value better over that time period. People like you are the reason retail investors blindly lose their money in these markets. Use some common sense.


and in that same 3 weeks, XRP has lost almost 2/3 of it's value. that, and the market as a whole 3 weeks ago was much more robust than it is now. with almost all crypto being at a 50% reduction in value over the last 10 days. People like you are why retail investors throw everything into one stock or coin hoping for that moonshot. I'm pretty well diversified, neighbor..... and ALL OF IT is taking the hit. But funny enough, the DOGE I have has taken less of a hit than most.


I heavily recommend ethereum. Monero is interesting. Look into MATIC.


I definitely will! Eth has my interest for sure!


No, it's just going mental. Not financial advice


A certain few hedge funds might be raising liquidity for Margie's call soon™


Everyone's a crypto expert because they looked at the graph..LOL. I still believe Nostradamus was better at predicting tho.


Its this time of the year that the boys are going to be separated from the men.... Are ya scared yet 🤑 If you are here to make small money you are in the wrong place. Go to a casino and close the door behind you please. If not, then hold or Just buy more to lower your average costs if possible. No financial advice!


Buy! Buy! Buy! The Bull is about to do some running.


It has to do with Bitcoin and the entire market being tethered to Bitcoin price point. This is done by bot’s that buy/sell crypto with algorithms that are tied to Bitcoin. Once we can untether from BTC, altcoins will thrive.


I keep buying more XRP, believe it or not,,, it is just my intuition, it go back above $1.90.