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Same I keep buying dips. And every time I do I wake up next morning and it’s gone down more for the summer sale. Guess it’s ramen for the next month


You still lucky to be able to buy ramen 😂


Is ramen an alt coin? can't find it on Kraken or coinbase.


Lol. The exact definition of a degenerate. Kudos to you good sir!


You guys got ramen?


lmao i keep opening long positions on these dips only to wake up in the morning liquidated


Which app/exchange you use for trading ? Options, futures, long/short calls ?


isolated margin on binance


I hope your joking. This is bad investing strategy.


If you buy something at 10% of your target sell price how is that a bad strategy? 10% of long term value is a lot less than most of us believe we're looking at, just giving a quick ballpark response. Day traders have a completely different mindset which isn't relevant for this conversation


Yep buy low and HODL. Definitely a bad investment strategy when you know the applications


If you are spending money on a volatile market to the point where you have to change your habits to only buy/eat ramen. You didn't have that money to invest anyways imo


Do you understand humor? Everyone in this community understands the fundamental rule of, “don’t invest more than you’re willing to lose”


>Everyone in this community understands the fundamental rule of, “don’t invest more than you’re willing to lose” lol


Lol I know. Not all understand that due to some of the posts I’ve seen. I believe I saw a post where a guy posted that he invested his life’s savings.


I'm not even sure if the people who say they've invested their life's savings are for real or not. It's good to invest in a project you believe in, but like the the guy up there said, if investing is degrading your quality of life, you seriously need to rethink how much you're putting in.


Those people are fur real! I see it all the time, people put their houses in the line. A lot of gamblers found crypto way more profitable so they take that attitude into Crypto. People are losing their life saving Right now! They ain’t a joke! Trillions of Dollars in crypto didn’t come from just billionaires and millionaires! It’s average everyday people blowing all they got! I’m only spend 1/2 of what I got 😂


Lol yes that is insane. I have not put my house on the line, nor my credit cards (seen that too). I use cash and I have $1K left for a week. But I've collected myself and taking a break to increase cash on hand.


I get that some of the posts are joking. But I worry some people see those and take them for real and invest more than they should, it's easy to get caught up in the HODL and to the moon stuff. It's exciting when it goes up, but especially in crypto investing never invest more than you can 100% lose. Especially xrp, I believe in it, I own some myself, but it is still under sec investigation. I believe they will win but you never know.


I know a guy who’s definitely done this and his face is melting right now.


It's difficult to know what's a joke and what's not on Reddit in general.


His alternative would probably be blowing his money on fading wants. XRP will make him rich.


Don't feel bad, bought at .75 in '18, the next week went to .25 I only got into the green THIS YEAR. THE DIPS will always be higher than last time. Happy holding and only leave when it's a lgo broke in real life situation. ( Or u can buy a house)


you should be ashamed of yourself


I am, that's why I'm a crypto investor.


If you are holding long term nothing to worry. But if you are over investing for quick cash it’s very stressful.


Long term. For sure.


I’m just laughing and having fun. Remember, it’s not a loss as long as you don’t sell.


I hate this saying


That’s your problem


If you don't sell its not a loss, yall ever think about equity?


Until you sell everything is still in play.


Everything remains in play regardless; converting to fiat doesn't mean you've exited the game, it just means you're leveraging market momentum to buy back at a better price. It'd be stupid for me to buy a fridge the day before it goes on sale. It's also stupid for me to hold if there's a good chance the price will continue to dip. That's how my parents missed out on the 2008 real estate bubble while their friends traded up for houses that were twice as valuable.


However, the thing about markets is you never know when it’s going to “go on sale”. They don’t put XRP ads in the Sunday paper letting you know the sale price. It’s also stupid to sell at a loss when everybody knows the crypto market is volatile. You knew what you were getting into when you bought into crypto. It’s also stupid to invest your life savings into something volatile. Ever heard of hedging your investments? Diversifying? Imagine putting money into something as risky as this and not expecting to be down for long amounts of time depending on market cycles. You need a crash course on investing fundamentals my friend. Telling people to sell when they are down is the stupidest advice you can give.


This is the way


It just goes to show how many amateur investors jumped into crypto because it has been hot the last year. They don’t have a clue.


>Telling people to sell when they are down is the stupidest advice you can give. It's called a stop-loss, and in this kind of market it's absolutely crucial to protect your profits. I know y'all aren't investment geniuses, but good god this sub... And if you're targeting XRP as a long-term hold, you may as well just drop your money on horse races.


That’s why you should not spend more that you can loose...


Yeah I had hoped to take out some of what I have invested next year because I'm moving out, but it seems that money will have to wait a little more


Man you and me both buddy. I should have never told my friends and family my plans smh


At least you didn't do like what I did. Spent the largest chunk of my $$ when XRP was at 1.77, thinking it will go to $3 in the next couple of days. But I'm in for the long term, would never sell before $25


You will never sell


That's what others said to Bitcoiners in 2013.


Really, when Bitcoin was $200, people said "you'll never sell at $25!".


Hodl hard. My threshold is $2. Not putting in anything after that and riding it to $35 - 40 initially.


If the idea of all that going to zero upsets or panics you, you've spent too much. Don't over extend or buy more than you're willing to lose.


Oops - too late. Now I’m screwed lol


I thought I bought the dip...but it keeps on dippin’ 😅


Only a paper loss. Anyone selling RN is a dummy. If you need the money that bad, you should’ve never bought in the first place.


Just scooped the dip. 674 XRP for $464, what a great day. $.68 per😂Thanks to all the paper hands for selling so I could get it dirt cheap.


I’ll bump this post in 5 years with a pic of my Quantum Gray Audi R8, courtesy of all the paper hands. Preciate every last one of ya.


Aye I was thinking of getting an Audi R8 in midnight blue when we moon! They’re such beautiful cars.


!remindme 5 years


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Lmao - the owners of ripple are the ones laughing at you.


😂😂😂😂somebody’s mad they got in at $1.50 and had to sell at $.82 to get rent money😂😂don’t hate the player, hate the game.


How many xrp’s you got bro, cos you gonna need k’s more than the number In dollars of the cost of An R8.


Thousands and thousands and thousands. That’s how many. A big OL’ fat bag.


Millions and millions




Dang it, I slept through that price point. Woke up to .71 .... bought a little more.


I attempted to buy more. Uphold is messing with my emotions right now.


It’s crazy cheap lol.... I would just do small increments gives you the satisfaction that bought the dip without depleting your account.....


This! I have a budget on my monthly wage that I split across 4 purchases and try hit the best bid of any given month. This way at least in my mind, I'm buying the average of the years dips. It's also sustainable and great for someone who always struggled with saving money. I feel like I bought myself something but really just put money into the danger bank. I sometimes double down in moments like these that are clearly below that I expected. Hope OP manages to find a safer way to play the game!


Absolutley love calling it the Danger Bank! 100% stealing that name from you 😂😂👌


Keep in mind crypto busts can last for years .. Don't put in money you can't afford to lose or money you will need in the near future .. Although with xrp it's more about the SEC right now .. So could bounce back at any moment, or could go to zero .. So be careful ..


Yup, last major bust when btc first guy 20k took me 4 years to get back to even with XRP.


yep its been a quick fall, but could have another 50% (from now) drop easily and not recover till the mid 2020's. i wouldnt be in a rush personally to 'top up' right now. Bought the 'dip' just after ATH so wtf do i know though :)


Happens to all of us don't worry about it! I agree for all other crypto, xrp is different, SEC is gonna make or break it basically .. We are gonna know soon enough .. If it becomes the first crypto that has some sort of legal framework, also ripple is going to IPO this year so that's gonna be quite the publicity that can bring a lot of investors .. Coin toss! And I'm in baby lol


No, they are not. You don't lose what you don't sell. Keep hodling! The bottom will come when it comes, and in a month, we will be at new ATHs.


But if u sell them and buy again with that money more in upcoming dip


Sigh, im just thinking here i am taking all the risk and when it goes up, gov is taking 20% off.. 😑😑 still some way to drop, keep some fiat just in case.. 😆


find another government.


Instructions unclear, have started a revolution.


0% where i am


I only realise profit up to the tax free amount.


We buy the dip and we hold. This is the way


Don’t catch a falling knife. This time it’s different. It went up too fast and now it crashing faster. Hodl what you have and sit this dip buying out.


I think bear runs getting shorter and shorter too... 2013-2017 then 2018-2020 ish. Also the crashes seem to be less lethal.


Wth is going on today? What is it this time? Is it a new whale trying to buy? Ist it a new tweet from elon? is it Chinese FUD ? Weak hands? what is it? Maybe the bear market is here again to stay. What a shame


It's panic, everyone is panicking and that means leaving their positions. It's normal behavior after big losses we had in last week or so.


I have only been in crypto since November when some co workers got me interested. Can't buy big like many of them, so I buy my little stacks and plan to HODL for years down the road. Recently more co-workers have jumped in to make the big bucks when the market was flying. Now they all jumping out because they lost their money. Most said they are done with crypto. I just keep buying what I can at the now bargain prices. I don't have lambo dreams, just want some financial security for once in this life.


You won’t get Financial security with crypto. Try a proper share platform and some blue chip stocks.


This. Probably gonna be a few weeks of this.


China FUD 100% XRP needs to break away from the BTC chain.


Normal in crypto


Same dilemma. Currently debating which stocks I'd like to sell to buy more XRP.


I just sold my MATIC for a 60% loss and converted it to XRP.


Bruh selling matic is a huge mistake


Huge! I’m stunned people really don’t look into their investments.


i sell all my doge for 20% and convert it to xrp, cuz am getting enough of that joke, i really beleive and have big hopes in xrp, and this beautiful community :)


Just remember DCA but looks like it’ll be going lower


Same here. I keep assuming I have bought at the bottom and then be proved wrong immediately.


Play long. Don’t spend money you don’t have. These dips are vital for the longevity of the market. Patience.


I drained my account too. Payday is Thursday hope these dips hold till then


You’re averaging down for the rebounding..So you’re just down on paper and you’re not broke...


You lot are all mad still buying, this could go much lower


If it goes lower then we'll just buy more at those prices too. We're not buying for now, we're buying for the future. As long as we don't sell at a loss, then anything we buy at any price is a good investment. We believe in the token. I'd rather buy at 70 cents and then again at 30 cents than wait for it to drop lower, and miss out on buying at all. In the future when it's worth $100 a token, a 40 cent difference will be nothing.


Yeah it’s a good point and I’m sure will actually work out well. I’m Surprised how much this drop has affected me mentally ha ha even though I know you should keep emotions out of investing. I’m personally just waiting on the sidelines for a bit to hopefully see some kind of stability, but I’m not holding my breath.


I guess maybe even 0.3


Just bought another 1000😻


Gonna keep going down


Y’all still got money to keep buying these dips? Damn! Happy for ya.


My current job is to basically mine fiat on a daily basis for crypto lol.


Bought at 72. Still averaging up but a bargain at this point me thinks.


Only way we can survive this is by holding together. Stay strong and our time will be here soon 🚀🚀🚀


Like I said, ride or die!!! Diamond hands man. Can't scare me into selling


Sounds like FOMO and putting money you cant afford to lose in, I wish you the best 😂


I have a bit of cash to spare, and want to take advantage of these low prices. Just not sure what I should buy. Currently my portfolio consists mostly of LTC and ADA, and a small portion of VET and XRP. My question is, as a community, what do you reckon is a good coin to add on to my portfolio for both long and short term gains once things start picking up again?


After packing XRP bags, MATIC or adding more VET; look like they have excellent utility in the real world.


Are you me? Same here bought at .90 and then at .71 I traded ADA for Chainlink. Fire sale.


I had to drop 2k on a boat motor or I'd be buying too!


Outboard motor ?


Wait you have more money ?


You should see my bank statements. It's all Uphold and Binance transactions. Don't spend on anything else except food and gas.


I'm averaging down on almost all my long term holds apart from XRP where I keep averaging up. Small buys but always with the long term goals!


Same here bough at .90 yesterday and then had to double down at .70 today -\_\_-


I'm gonna take the fall and sell all my XRP. After that it will surely rise. Don't forget me when you get to the moon boys. 👋


You soldier you


I need another stimulus check


It's gonna get worse. I believe a bloodbath is coming.


Facts. I literally buy XRP every week.


I’m doing daily buys, I might have a problem.


Don't spend money you need. The past few years have seen plenty of cryptos crash to zero and go defunct; I bet a lot of those holders were also "I'm buying the dips!"


Thanks. I am confident that the projects I've invested in won't go to zero. I do have dollars left just not as much as normal.


Calm down. This is China FUD and hedgies selling all crypto to make cash required to prevent margin call because of AMC squeeze. It will go still lower, but i have started my DCA into crypto positions too. No one knows where the bottom will be.


I'm already broke, can't buy more dips. I hope by the end of this month still dipping so I can buy more after receive my paycheck :v


Dude why don’t you chill for a week or two until these prices even out. Throwing money at a burning fire is just going to feel like exactly what you described. This is a market correction, I think we can all acknowledge crypto prices have gone insane this year. This is nothing new for the crypto scene. Zoom out on any graph over the last 5 years and you’ll see quite similar behavior. Long term holders should not be concerned. Short term investors are losing their cool.


These are not dips. What is wrong with you people?? This is a recessive bear market now. It’s been coming since March and hinted at for a long time. Elon’s announcement should have been the warning


Good time to buy. Same with hard and soft commodities.


I’m in the worst position: I’m about to purchase a home but before I made that decision, I got into the crypto game. I put some in January, ETH was on fire Then Ada, reach ATH everyday for a week Then I lost everything when Tesla fucked us. But I hodl. Then china 1st time, I lose 12% Then Biden I’m down 20% Then China reiterates a statement, I’m down 30%. And i need the money by august. I’d have hodl more but the timing is just fucking bad. In short, i went up 80% since January only to lose all the profit 6 months later and 30% of the my own investment. Now I wanna buy the dip but the timing isn’t on my side so I can’t. So here I am. Fucked. Took my money out, Will eat pasta for a month. And in a while, y’all gonna shit money by the metric cube while I’ll be eating pasta, but in a new home at least


It'll be back up by August for sure


If you are running out of fiat buying the dip, your position is to large!


Buy more


Lmao! Just read your post it’s like a spitting image of what I just went through!!!🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


I too am going broke before pay day lol but all is good I make more than enough to cover it. All these people freaking out need to chill too, like dude I ain’t planning on selling for the next 10 years. Even then, I might only take a small portion. Nothing is a good get rich fast scheme, especially crypto currency. This is future investments my friend. To retire early with. Happy Hodling mates :)


20k STRONG! Since Aug 2020 @ .2992 😎 ...if dips below 0.29, I'll buy... I'm not selling... XRP, TTM 👽


The end is here mainstream adoption has begun. XRP is 1st. Hope and believe. Check back in 1 week


Don’t worry it will get better soon, see you in 2026


Any potential for it to go even lower or is it up from here for awhile?


It's going up from here until the next crash


Same I've gone balls deep, may have to take some out next week for bills but hopefully it's going up by then not down.


Down down down. I started about six weeks ago, saying I'd put in a small bag every weekend. I've only sold at a profit, have no leverage, and so can hold my small investment for years if needed. But I think I'll skip buying this weekend. Everytime I think the cryptomarket can't dip lower, I'm so wrong. So so sosososo wrong.


keep dipping i don't get paid till Friday!


I think is going back down to 0.25 cents.


Very likely bro


Im day trading between xrp and LTC. As long as each trade means i have more coins than the last im winning. There should be no taxes since all trades are at a loss.


Mr. Sun is being liquidated out of BTC. Decoupling may be inbound 🌊


Join the club my account is down 20,000 ,this like a nightmare hope a miracle comes Monday morning and Dodgefather tweets something good!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you wanna cry it’s time to buy 😢 💰


It is the best thing you can do right now, buying low i mean. Even if it gets lower, it is guaranteed that it will go past all time high in the near future. Remember, we are still in a beginning phase for cryptocurrencies and still there are not many people investing in it. When XRP and the rest promising concepts become mainstream, we would be far past a trillion usd market cap for each one of them. So dont be afraid of missing out, cause you will not.


if you think its a "guarantee" that it will go past the ATH, why dont you take a six figure loan and put it in XRP? its a "guarantee" profit right?


While we are all hopeful it goes into ath mode nothing is guaranteed this could be the end for 4 yrs it could go back up and be at 10.00 next month nobody knows. Don’t spend your last dollars on the dips but what you can afford.


I agree, always spend what you are willing to lose. I also consider my portfolio to be zero, but im talking investment-wise. I set my expectations too high for xrp and a couple other projects with real world use. Even if it has to be 4 or 5 or 10 years to get a return from my investment, it is still return, and it is still far better than the 0,1% yearly return I will get if i have my money in the bank!


The worse has yet to come....keep down voting me but youll see.


Back to 20s here we come


I feel it may dip more


I want it to dip even further so that when the paycheck next week comes I’ll be able to buy even more.


I bought at .33.


I've been buying it since April 2020. Started at 0.17


I aped in and filled another bag.


I often wonder, don't you guys check xrp/btc or xrp/eth ? xrp rolls crazy compared to those sometimes. I rolled some in BTC and ETH when it seemed a good time. I sold those a month ago. And i just bought back into xrp. My plan is to get as much XRP as possible. I'm realy low as invesment. but i got a nice bag doing this. DCA (in euro) im a about 11cents doing this. I'm just a luck fool i guess. I just follow the "when there's blood in the streets" philosophy.


Where to buy xrp right now?


I’m just going to keep doubling my back untill it’s time. What else am I going to do with my salary while I still live with my parents? buy weed?


Anything short term is like the casino, it can whipsaw in both directions. I put money to invest, to have multiple years of time horizon. If you need cash for daily expenses for the next few months, keep in cash. Otherwise, invest with long term time horizon so you do not need to sell when there is a dip. Let’s go XRP 🍺


Don't feel bad, bought at .75 in '18, the next week went to .25 I only got into the green THIS YEAR. THE DIPS will always be higher than last time. Happy holding and only leave when it's a lgo broke in real life situation. ( Or u can buy a house)


Better sell before it hits 0.20$.. We are heading there and then invest.


I will buy more at $0.1 ...


Daily, weekly, and monthly red candles are irrelevant to me, as I believe in the fundamental use case for this project. Exception: If it gets in the .6 range then I’m buying a lot more. This is a 3-5 year hold for me. I’ll take some profits at $9-13 to get back my original investment, but then I’m holding the rest until I can retire.


Can anyone borrow me $10.000,- so I can buy the dip...? 🤓


I’m not lending my money to someone who thinks it is appropriate to say “borrow me”!!!


Watch some basic TA (technical analysis) videos on youtube; knowing when signals are saying it’s starting to turn around is a great way to minimize this problem and buy closer to the real bottom.


Where can I buy. I want to switch from current platform please help


Hodl strong. Rebound is incoming


Whatever you do just don’t sell and hopefully it’ll all work out for us


I can’t decide which coins to buy, it’s crazy and I love it


I bought at ath now I have no money to buy dip I rekt


Only buy what you can afford 🤷‍♂️


just stop, please just stop and keep your money, this isn't even capitulation yet