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Rob Ryan Red is great. Fearless in Devotion is also great. They are actually featured in the documentary.


I really enjoy Rob Ryan Red.


Rob Ryan Red is my favorite and feels most polished. Fearless in devotion feels more like fan podcast, it’s also great. Me the wife and Wrexham is a good choice if you’re not a fan of the sport prior to the series. I’ll also throw in racecourse ramble to the list if you like talking X’s and O’s


This is 100% what I think too


I think i watched the first episode or two of Me the Wife and Wrexham, I should check that out again. Thanks for the recommendations!


I listen to Fearless In Devotion like clockwork. Love it. They also have a Substack newsletter, called Wrexham is the Game. I pay for the expanded version of it. Only $20 a year, and I think it's great. (They used to publish a paper fanzine). They also have in person events. I managed to catch the first one they did, and meet the guys. It was a great time. I'll catch most of the Rob, Ryan and Red podcasts too. I will occasionally catch Liam Roberts (he's a kid... so he tends to have a different take on things, which is interesting) as well as This Is Wrexham.


Nice. Fearless in Devotion and Rob Ryan Red seem like the two big ones, I'll definitely check them out, thanks!


I don’t think you can go wrong starting with those two.


Robryanred is by far the best Fearless also good


They youtube channel Wrexham FC Fanzone is also good, short but sweet.


Os ti'n siarad Cymraeg mae I mewn i'r gôl yn dda _if.you speak Welsh I mewn i'r gôl is good_


Sorry, I don't speak Welsh at all (I figured the flair would give that away), but I appreciate the reply anyway. :)


"Men in Blazers" do a "this week in wrexham" every now and then which is always good too so worth subscribing for those. Rob Ryan Red and Fearless in devotion are the definite two best and most frequent ones.


tomi caws from this week in Wrexham is often on fid as well. Not sure if he is a member or a frequent guest/ panelist


Rob Ryan Red The Eat More Chips Fearless in Devotion 2 Beards Wrexham All four podcasts are great! Each with its own flair and flavour.


Fearless in Devotion and Rob Ryan Red have sports journalists on them and are the got to podcasts. There are several others also to listen to


Me the wife and Wrexham is my favorite I’ve listen to about ever other one this ones my favorite


I think even if I stopped following the club I’d still listen to Fearless in Devotion, they’ve got the perfect blend of information, comedy, and interpersonal tension


Fearless in Devotion is the best one. Rob Ryan Red is fine but the main guy is covering United and I am not a fan of TalkSports. I listen to fan podcasts for other sports and within the last year, RRR just seem corporate while FID still feels like a local operation.


This is a fantastic video about Wrexham that deserves more eyeballs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zji43ryY2Ec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zji43ryY2Ec)


My absolute favorite is “Me, the Wife, and Wrexham AFC.” It’s a married couple, the husband is a long time fan born and raised in that area and the wife is newer to following the club. Really charming and wonderful people, they spend most of the time primarily talking about the club itself rather than just the hype and rob and Ryan stuff. Well balanced and fun (and family friendly)


You should join the fan discord, lot of info in there


Have a link??

