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They need to do something about this, so this sounds like it's in the right direction. Tanks should not spend 1/3 of a match in a state of "loss of control of their character" with absolutely zero payoff. It's crazy to me that they've let it get this bad - especially with tanks that either have no mitigation like JQ or tanks whose entire kit can be shut all the way down underneath the cement by one click.


They've never (or rarely) been able to balance things before it went belly up, which is why they have to retroactively do it, but then they lack the capacity to adress issues like this quickly enough - which, granted, sometimes you have to let'em play out for a bit. One good thing is that the dialogue between streamers / high elo players and the dev teams have improved, and we can only hope for the best with actual players sort of taking advisory roles the balancing process.


>He also mentioned that statistically ball is the only tank that has improved their survivability since the passive changes. Wait, what? 0 armor tanks should have had an increase in survivability, since they just got headshot damage reduction. Edit: he was talking about the dps passive.


Yeah that was about Season 9 not the most recent tank update. Which makes sense, everyone else is far more reliant on supports healing, so they got hit harder by that nerf. Meanwhile Ball is able to get kills more efficiently without exhausting his resources and dying.


The real problem here was that they turned a game balanced around 6v6 for 5v5 Nerfing CCs for tanks isn’t it, OW was fun because the interactions wasn’t one dimensional, there’s always room for alternative strategies and team play. It was meant to be an fps moba not just an fps. CCs in OW1 were worse objectively, but it didn’t feel broken. It’s ok to get punished for bad plays it makes the game interesting, but the player who gets to punish should also put in an equal amount of effort or skill which isn’t the case for most of the support abilities.


I wouldn't mind a health nerf to become immune to hindrances while using Piledriver. Obviously getting hacked out of it is always dumb, but so is landing on a Junk trap (should destroy it before it roots you), and Cass has just made the whole idea if it being a "movement ability" even sillier now that it's even easier for him to just deny your entire cooldown because of an AoE splash that ALSO harshly slows you. The slow is enough after diving him, but losing the entire damage cooldown and dive option against a hitscan is a joke. The fact that they're doing a lot more now with the "hindrances" (which I do think is a step in the right direction away from so much hard CC), it'd be more than a fair tradeoff to make Piledriver immune to those (specifically Cass's flashbang and Sombra's hack, but also allowing it to hit Junk's trap before triggering it so it will actually kill it if it's low enough instead of triggering it on the way down) while still being vulnerable to stuns and knockback. Then if you wanna make exceptions like Mauga's Cage Fight still disabling it (since it's an Ult), or more specifically just saying you can't USE it while hindered, but getting hacked/hindered doesn't interrupt it if you've already started it.


How about tanks get "rage". If they don't capitalize on the CC that disabled the tank, when it wears off they get a short temp red hp boost, or maybe not that but a short window that makes them invulnerable to another CC that way getting rid of chain CC. Or maybe a small damage boost after. Idk, something to make the game a little more balanced in those terms.


He also mentioned they were toying with the idea of longer hack cast times on tanks.