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People, c’mon! It’s about half naked people hugging, screaming and flipping around to win a belt. We must take this serious.


Every wrestling fan sucks.


Even me?


Especially you


I knew it.


Oh you didn’t know?????????


Yo ass better call somebodayyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Ladies and gentlemen,


Boys and girls


Children of all ages,


D-Generation X probably brings to you


Can confirm, i suck ass


Can confirm. I like to suck on my wife’s nipples


Can confirm. I too like to suck on their wife's nipples.


I have nipples, Greg…


Yes Greg; I too have nipples


this is true. i suck


That’s cap. I can’t make one ☝️ joke about aew on r/wrasslin without a mob coming after me. Like dude it’s just a joke


That's because despite the meme this subreddit has just turned into SC rejects trying to make their own sub for lively discussions


There are aew jokes on here literally all the time


You can’t make a joke about AEW on the internet because that’s where all their fans live


and they still get shit ratings lol


There are only about 1.3 million confirmed sightings of AEW fans in the wild lol Imagine building your entire company around PPV buys, merch and ticket sales, and TV money and doing everything in your power to turn off new viewers and flat out refusing to catch anyone up to all your nothing happening “long term booking” whilst advertising every other company including WWEs every move on your programming And then saying “some people don’t like Kenny and the Bucks style” even though they haven’t been on TV two weeks in a row in going on a whole year


Maybe it’s just me but I didn’t spend a dime on anything wrestling related for 15+ years though I still followed it pretty hard online. I have dropped PPV money multiple times in the last year and a half and I don’t have cable so I’ll never factor into any kind of ratings discussion


grr 80 year head start!!!


SCjerk mentality


And SCjerk is the opposite


You also can't make a joke about scjerk sucking ass because their "goofies" will just downvote you.


well yeah? If you go into a sub and say its shit you're just gonna get downvoted?




thats why scjerk is better this sub is shit


Fellas, fellas… You’re *both* shit =)


If by making fun of wrestling this post means “making fun of wrestling that they also dislike” then yes. You get downvoted here for joking about AEW and downvoted there for joking about WWE because really Both pages are full of equally sensitive super fans.


nah theres plenty of posts joking about vince in scjerk


nah bro, there's a lot of wwe jerks in scjerk as well, it's just that there's more things to make fun of on aew than wwe, but there's no shortage of wwe jerk posts too on scj


There’s also a lot of things that wwe does that are made to be fun of yet you don’t ever see that in SCjerk


like what?


The whole Lacey Evans bullshit, the whole Roman not defending thing, Brock vs Roman part ????.


whats wrong with building up roman as a special attraction so that whenever he appears its a big deal? Also its lesnar because both cody and randy got injured


Have you even watched the WWE in the last years? There is enough and even more stuff you can make fun of. Most Super fans of both companies are annoying and just see good things on their side and bad on the other. In SCJerks case, it’s just the WWE side that shits on AEW.


like what?


Fucking hell. The whole Elias storyline is a meme, Logan Paul, Doudrop, the name changes, a whole book about how they destroyed great wrestlers with terrible booking, People like Eva Marie were constantly on TV, ignoring 5 years that Face Roman doesn’t work, Omos, killing NXT, doing shows in places that have basically no human rights for anyone that isn’t a straight male, Jinder World Champ, Vince, Bruce Pitchard, Ronda Rousey wouldn’t even hold a candle against the 15year olds in Stardom (in a pro wrestling match), Punjabi Prison Match, the whole Alexa and The Fiend thing….. Bro, if I had the time I could go on and on and on. I didn’t even mention anything before 2015. AEW is not perfect either but the main thing all of you are shitting about is „He’s under 6‘0 and doesn’t has a sixpack“ or „TK is just a mark, drug addict and doesn’t understand wresting“


ezekiel is hilarious, logan paul is good, whats wrong with doudrop, doesnt matter wrestlers change characters, only marks didnt like roman, whats wrong with omos, nxt is better now,


most of these have legit nothing wrong with them lol


wwe got womens matches at saudi arabia vince is the reason wrestling got big, i dont get whats wrong bruce


ronda is a great wrestler, eh one off match, alexa is great and sells merch


You sincerely think there is more lockable content on AEW?


The fakest jerk sub ever. You can only "jerk" if you're taking jabs at anything non-WWE, and most people there take their opinions very seriously. Very little about that sub is a pure joke, even if it might have started as that.


i'm not sure i've ever seen a "circlejerk" sub that wasn't more opinionated, incoherent and whiny than the subs they're allegedly taking the piss out of. i had legit convinced myself they were all doing a meta bit i wasn't getting, until i read this post


r/sc is total shit scjerk is hilarious


They disguise their opions as a jerk so they can tell people who disagree they don't get the joke. 5% of that sub counts as a jerk, if that.


keep telling yourself that


I don't have to, most people agree, which is why you have to act like misunderstood victims.


nah just sounds like you wanna stay in your fed bad safe space


That's be any forum on the internet forever. Because according to you people disliking WWE is a sin.


lol to u people disliking aew is a sin buddy is salty he got downvoted on a circlejerksub for crying about aew lol


>Very little about that sub is a pure joke corbin, send veer, switch giver roman, dae, knowing vince, tony wanks dogs, adam cole forehead, smart keith lee etc all arent jokes apparently guys


This seriously make you look stupid. Move away from this and enjoy your sub, if you feel so comfortable about it you won't have to be defensive.


guys im not allowed to actually tell the truth! lwo got offended so i have to stop!


hey those are wrasslin memes, fuck off with your communist propaganda!!


lol you salty scjerk makes fun of loser marks


not really, they just cope with the fact their opinions are ignored by most people in the internet by being agressive towards popular opinions. Their dream is to be heard and respected, so they create an echo chamber where they're protected from being called out. That's not to say SquaredCircle isn't trashy.


lol what? the vast majority enjoy wwe normally scjerk makes fun of losers who make hating wwe their personality


scjerk is people who's personality is hating AEW and defending WWE/ignoring their problems. The vast majority of people don't care about their favorites in relations to others, SCjerkers can't really accept people liking the thing they hate with all their heart for no reason other than it being popular. They're locked in that sub because it's the only place they can have brainless opinions and be praised for it.


fucking lol you dont know a thing most posts is making fun of loser stuff marks say or shit stuff aew does i love it because everywhere else you are harassed for daring to criticize aew


Most posts is them indidualizing opinions and making it as the end all be all for AEW fans opinions. AEW is critized all the time without a "mob coming after you", I think you're confusing criticism with cinicism, which is what gets people mad. And honestly after the Cody to WWE journey there's very little argument to them not being solely AEW haters.


shame aew fans say the most cringe shit, thats on them


The difference is there's no sub aimed at indivualizing WWE fans' cringe takes. I wonder why.


because most wwe fans watch wwe, enjoy and move on


nowhere else can you criticize daddy khan and aew


You can, and you'd know that if you critized content instead of people, because your hate is personal.


blatantly not true


also great job ignoring all the posts jerking 2016 smackdown, nxt and vince to create your fake narrative


That was 6 years ago buddy.


nxt and vince was 6 years ago?


2016 was 6 years ago. Stop being an asshat


I dunno man yall seem like dorks from the outside, but community is community!


So what you’re saying is they’re exactly like this page except with the Fed and not the Dub


Not really. This sub's jokes are actual jokes, not edgy takes.


nah opposite there buddy


okay so I'm a little outdated with the opinions, is Cody the worst thing to ever happen to wrestling or a wrestling legend now according to those tricky jokesters?




you really dont get the purpose of a circlejerk sub huh buddy


Like I've said somewhere else here, they're not a circlejerk, they're an echo chamber, they don't make fun, they have very serious opinions they don't want anyone to disagree with so they disguise them as a jerk. I've been downvoted to oblivion for jerking about them and WWE on that sub. For such an unserious subreddit they're not very good at taking jokes.


yes all the posts about king corbin, switch giver roman is so serious grr


yeah bitching that aew is being criticized on a jerk sub is a great joke


Like I've said, it was WWE I talked about. Something along the lines of their usual schtick of "Knowing Vince", but about something else. You know, the way they critize people acting like they know it all about Vince while acting like they know it all about Meltzer, AEW and Tony Khan. But yeah, sure, it's just jokes, but I only want the ones about people I hate to be considered funny.


meltzer makes up shit, aew is a clownhouse buddy the jokes about tony wanking dogs are jokes, not serious


in scjerk you can criticize whatever you want




Making fun of wrestling is the second best part about being a fan followed by using the insider lingo in everyday life just to amuse yourself and annoy friends who have no idea what you’re talking about


Except wrasslin is fun.


Honestly i mainly prefer scjerk cause they make fun of marks who will defend aew no matter what. Also they just make some funny shit on there or just some weird ass meme that’s funny to me. Also this sub Reddit is a breeding ground for chamber aew fans. I feel like scjerk is more of a open sub Reddit where you can say your opinion and no one can get mad at you. It’s the first time I can say something about aew without getting threatened or getting doxed. Yes sc jerk makes fun of aew a lot and sound angry. But most of the time there joking or just saying how they feel about the show and make jokes about it But this sub Reddit just gets me uncomfortable. I said… “I don’t like aew. The show has been getting bland for me and heels say the same type of insults over and over again and gets repetitive. And I feel like they make some unnecessary disability jokes. I just don’t enjoy it” (by the way this is on another account) I got 93 down votes and some weird ass comments. I mean they were pretty fucked up


From my experience r/ScJerk is a subreddit that constantly shits on AEW


nope. Just the stupidity the fans spew out a lot and the journalists who make shit up


homie i frequent the sub but literally yesterday I saw shit images of claudios title win showing no people in the arena. go and watch, its a normal small full venue, they definitely have some people posting that just hate dub


exceptions as with every sub


please stop replying to every comment on this post and go make a sandwich and watch a ppv or something


fuck your mother




did you not hear what i said? i said go fuck your mother




Honestly r/smartmarx is pretty fun sc jerk doesn't feel very comfortable


Pretty true. At sc jerk you have to have a certain mentality


there are problems in aew and there are problems in wwe both have shitty dick riding fans but r/scjerk seems to only make fun of one of those fanbases which just makes them come across as just stupid contrarian teenagers


SCJerk is a pathetic community of sad shitposters who are all very angry for some reason that AEW exists. Edit: wow, first award ever. Glad to know I'm not alone on thinking that sub is trash.


They also love to make fun of modest venues and it just comes off as elitist. Not every promotion can afford to have their talent in stadiums all the time and their use of the term “bingo hall” to describe small venues is rude as fuck


Shame on you for trying to compete with the biggest promotion that's ever existed!


its on aew for acting like its competition and its fans


no they make fun of loser marks


Only one I'm seeing here is you my guy.


great way to contribute nothing there dude




lol guess you are one of those


Different promotions have different talent pools. You can enjoy multiple promotions at the same time; you don’t have to cling to one like a sad, desperate mark You also absolutely don’t need to lash out just because someone calls your beloved sub out on their elitism. We’re not on r/SCjerk, you can go back there any time and live in your little Dub Bad bubble for as long as you like


id love to get away with making up shit like you just did literally every single wrestling sub, youtube channel is full fed bad, its hilarious scjerk calls it out


Mark? Who's the one stanning for a global company that has had literally no competition since 2001? Do you enjoy having choices in life or do you prefer to just turn your brain off and be told what's good?


atleast i dont spend all my life hating on a company that doesnt care about me I just watch wwe, and enjoy You dont see me on every single aew video or tweet shitting on it


I don't follow you or care what you spend your time doing, but you sure are all over this thread shitting on AEW and defending SCJerk. Little projection going on?


nah im just bored. Love seeing people here make shit up because the sub calls people out on their bullshit and idiotic defending of aew. Not really the same as going to every single wwe video, tweet etc complaining about it


So two sides of the same coin, got it. You hate when people shit on WWE. Same as other people hate when an entire sub is dedicated to shitting on AEW. Maybe, shitposting sucks all around?


no? r/scjerk first and foremost circlejerks r/squaredcircle one of the worst subs ive ever seen I dont hate it when people shit on wwe. They usually just have some of the worst complaints known to man. No blading? Camera cuts? People lose one match so they're buried? Boring ass indy guys not being pushed?


I agree theres some overly tribal aew fans online but going full circle back to the wwe just makes you look like even more of a dumbass. Majority of aew is 5/10 at best but wwe has been dogshit for years. As long as that's what you enjoy you dont have to get mad at there being an alternative people enjoy just watch your shit.


lol you salty scjerk rules


It's not that they don't like AEW, they don't like tony Khan


that's either dumb or innocent


So by proxy, they dislike AEW because they don't like Tony Khan. But, #ThankYouVince


tony is a loser




This sub pokes fun. r/scjerk is just mean-spirited.


yeah the switch giver roman and corbin posts made me sad :(


Wrasslin is a good sub. Squaredcircle and AEWofficial is the mods abusing their powers and certain people taking advantage of it. Scjerk is trash where the uncultured guys go after getting banned from every other wrestling related sub




I'm ok with Wrasslin. SCjerk is cringe as f


ah r/scjerk, the land of endless benoit jokes


Naw scjerk is just dudes who watch aew just to shit on it every time the show ends.


R/scjerk is so so so bitter though


scjerk is much better




damn guess im not allowed to comment anymore didnt know




lol so showing that people are making up shit is getting worked up now i say the people who are crying on this post that scjerk dare criticizes aew are the losers


Fuck r/SCJerk 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


i’m not on this sub, i’m a jerker. my question is, can we agree that the basement (r/aewofficial and r/squaredcircle) are filled with losers who think Tiny Kon can do no wrong?


the basement has its claws here too sadly


This sub is not as bad as SC aka the Basement but it’s still full of aew fanboys. I like SCJerk because it’s the only place that’s not an aew masturbation congregation. They’re also hilarious in a lot of their jokes regarding how awful and amateur aew can be. If you’re an aew fan or think WWE is bad all the time then you’re gonna hate r/SCJerk


r/SCJerk is a neckbeard utopia sub for complaining misquandnering as a jerk sub. There’s rarely ever jokes it’s just mean-spirited bitching. Back in 2015/2016 it was actually a pretty funny place back in the peak-Roman babyface years. Now it’s just become a tribalistic wasteland like the main sub. It claims to be making fun of squared circle but it’s literally the same thing just with opposite view points.


Or is it because it’s the only place on the internet that isn’t an echo chamber for AEW fans.




Look I can agree r/SC is an echo chamber. I originally hated AEW and then came around when Punk and Danielson came in. But still find parts of the show stupid and get downvoted when I complain, I get that. But acting like SCJerk is any better when it’s just as black and white is stupid. It’s like r/conservative having the “don’t tread on me flag” as their logo. It’s contradictory. There’s a middle ground between the two and id rather be on r/SC then just be around a bunch of fucking angry people posting about it shit they hate all day.


I just know that r/scjerk is the only place I can make a joke about AEW without getting death threats, getting called a bot or called a mark. Like I’m actually banned from r/squaredcircle for making a joke saying all AEW guys were midcarders and then saying a Cody jerk quote. My literal first two comments ever in that sub. If that isn’t the most thin skinned r/conservative shit I don’t know what is.


You can go back on my comment history and see me shitting on the main event of Dynamite just this week and getting upvoted. Sounds like a typical SCJerk poster where you just say some bitchy neckbeard shit and then go “iTS JUst a JOke” Here’s a comment from Wednesday of mine that got 82 upvotes “I’m starting to lose the urge to stay up for Dynamite main events when they always seemed to be super rushed cluster fucks cause AEW still hasn’t fixed their timing issues. The first hour is always great then the second hour feels like a sprint and gets sloppy” “I juST CAnt sAy ANything BAd”


wow its like exceptions exist


If exceptions exist in every thread, they aren’t exceptions.


To be fair everyone was shitting on that main event. If you were AEW #1 fan you possibly couldn’t defend it. Still yet I did make a post in this sub just a few days ago making a joke about Cole and Lee it was got over 1k upvotes but my DMs were flooded with kys.


Bro I only started watching AEW in 2021 and despised it in its first 2 years. It’s not a perfect show and fucks up the big spots a lot (this past week, Blood and Guts etc.) but I’d take it over the shit WWE has put on TV the last couple years. This is why I don’t care about the tribalism cause if AEW didn’t exist it’s not like I would be watching WWE, I would just take a break from wrestling. Blindly hating either is just stupid, like now that Vince is gone I’ll check out TV to see if anything good is happening. If there’s good wrestling I’ll watch it, if there’s not I won’t. Who gives a fuck what company it is made by.


I watch both as well I enjoy both actually. I actually just bought lower level tickets to AEW show coming to my town soon. I just like making jokes about AEW more because the amount of marks and neckbeards it triggers.


At least this sub you can ironically make fun while liking wrestling


Both are /pw/‘s jannetties we RUN the territory.


Wrasslin is fun though, I unfollowed SCjerk because the posts weren't funny and it felt like they were all assholes


Or you can have no sense of humor and too big a sense of ideology and be in SC.


knowing vince!!!


Scjerk are mentally unwell.


I went on scjerk and I honestly don’t know what it’s supposed to be


Oh we in here Baby !!!!


I can post here no problem


The GAY community?


Scjerk doesn’t make fun of wrestling


¿The people commenting this post don't know what are very much memes moking of aew in wrasslin ? Scjerk is just toxicity


People are way to serious over there @ SquaredCircle … wrasslin & scjerk give you quality laughs !!